Copy for Mr Williamson with compliments of BBridge & Patrixbourne WI A. Anglg-Saxag Cemetery Archaeologia Cantiana Vol VI, 1856. P-529-51, illus- Nbte by "T.G.F.' announcing the discevary sf a cemetery at the and of March last “aa iround was being prepared for planting in the part af Bifrons Park, knawn aa Patrixbourne Hill“ 18 er 20 graves, list of relics removed, 3 skatches‘ 2. Arehaaelegia Cantiana Vol-X, 1875, p-298~315, illua~, plates; VoLXIII, 1880, p-552~56. The Saxsn Gamatexy at Bifrons by T. G Godfrey Fausett» About 100 graves examined. Others opened by Lard Conyngham'a gamakeaper wha kept no recnrds- List sf 91 graves and their contents. Several fine broaehea, drinking vessels, knives, spoons with crystal balls, sword hilt, etc. Sume skaletans over 6' long. Those relies are now (1969) in Maidstone Museum- B. Iron AgeSite; Arehaeelogga Oantiana Vol-LXXVIII, 1963, p-185-88, illus- Report by H. B. Watson an the Iron-age site on Brkige Hill area being davaloped as a housing estate, discovered May 1961 above 200' eontour naar summit at hill where it slopes ta N.W. Finds= Pottery, Bronze objects, Coin, Bones (animal). These are now (1969) in The Baany Institute and Museum, Canterbury- Contributed by A. Shirley