COUNTRY L1FE—SEPTEMBE.R 3, 1981 REVIVING A REPUTATION IOHN CLOSTERMAN The ultimate degradation of the "Lelyesque" was Colin Baker's sunmary of the work | of john Clostcrman. This summer the National Portrait Gallery is helping to salvage he artist’s reputation 111 an a the Gallerv, one from the the contents of St Giies’s horuse, Wirnborne, the ancestral seat of the Earls of Shaftesburyan excellent ex- Malcolm Rogers, and p:ovicles lucid intro uction. rtraitists in England whose HE ultimate degracla~ ‘ n (until October 4] to his painting. lt on two works by n recently acquired recent sale ofa large art seat or the Earls of The Csallery has m, intiznate and y designed: there are 20 objects on display, oil paintings and witn prints to ictures lost or The catalogue n writtez". bi.-' the of the exhibition, john C-lOSE€I'IT_EI1 is one Several late-17th-ceiitury itations have beer. eclipsed Lely and Kneller. For years he was cozifiised his brother, john Baptist, an artist, about W on1 little is known, they are recorded as at St Gilesls House me tune, presuroablt EXHIBITION AT THE N.P.G. By GILES WATERFIELD the sa . ' ‘__ ' 7' colltllloration Like :11a_i"-i‘ 1—CR1i\lLli\‘C GIBBONS AND HIS WPIITE El_1lZABE'['H: A 1691 l\1EZZQTIl\lT BY JOHN Sl\rHT].'i being bor ___ a painter. After early ttairifig from 'r.i rnoved to Paris in '16T9. -.1-':ere he nu. _ ‘.0 _--;-. 2—HEi\RY PL_RCEI.L A cleaving‘ frrarn life, which was previousl}' attributeci (Left) 3——-—SIR Cl‘lRISTOPH_ER WHEN. This portrait was presented to the Royal .. . 2..-a--11- ‘PEI! . sterinan carne :1'C""‘ at the National Portrait Gallon , London, until Ur tober 4 snabruck 111 north Gernzanv :21 ':.e ~'~on It was common practice in the 17th and who for some tune worked in partnership with s :';.:'"e=' idth centuries for the routine parts of portraits john Riley, a gifted painter who dorninated Imtlon artists of the period, .-\_F'I'ER JOHN CLOSTERMAN. From the eith.i.bitioi1 John C1ostel"_mar1_: Master of the 17111515311 Btu-oque , _ ,1 rited in :0 he executed by studio assistants, and many portraiture in England during the 16805. [ht studio of Francois de Trey. He cazne :-2 aspiziza artists began their career as “drapery exhibition includes one work from this period" Ill . “-5 i"'=.1'" 1.. " ,. , ', ' " , DI 1111681 ;.a.n:e's Tiis ast'1=casex~1thClosternian a portrait from the royal collection Katherine Elliot, who acted a: nurse to the future James ll in 1635 and much later as Woinan of tl1= Bedchamber to both his wives An old inventory of the content of Kensington Palace lists thi picture as by “Riley the head Closterman the drapery”, suggest ing that, -in this case, th contribution of the junior artis was acknowledged. Dr Roger dates the painting between 1.68 and ‘I683. The result of tl". partnership seems a little clull1s;. the pale face looking as though had been cut out and stuck to tl dark back round. By the mid—1680s, Closte: man was working indepel1clent' and beconiing established. Mar of his early clients were d1'.'3'\‘\ from the -.-ofessions and the art and in-cludjed a number ofnotal: :ne:1. The portrait ot' Grinlit C-i':':ons and his wife Elizabeth- the car‘-"er was a friend C‘.os:e:::-.27.. '-rh-ose go;-Jait oft P:-3";-5 Dzize of Somerset Perwcrtii hangs i:-1 a Gibbons frar —is 1ll1fOI‘tL1l1?1T.f.‘lY now knot only through Smith's rnezzotint 1691- (Pig 1). According to Vert this was the “first piece [ Closterrnan] that ained nit credit". Thou h the setting