What is planned? We need to build a new internal entrance to the church which will enclose new toilet facilities. We also need to have running water in the church and a sink for the use of those arranging flowers in the church. Why is this needed? The alterations will allow the church to be used by many more people. The toilet facilities will be suitable for use by visitors to church, but will also benefit the whole congregation. We wish to make our church as usable and accessible as possible, to all in our community, including those with disabilities. Improving the amenities at the church will enable increased use of the church by the whole village community for concerts, school services, and other events. A water supply in the church will allow for the preparation of light refreshments after services, or at other functions. The new porch will provide a better view of the stained glass in the West Window, and will help to keep the church warm. What are we going to do? This is an architect’s* sketch of the planned works as viewed from inside the church. The scheme has taken a long time to come to fruition as we have sought advice from many different authorities to ensure that we have a workable addition to the building, which is totally in keeping with the present church. Further details of the proposed work can be seen on display in the church, or come to the Parish Gift Day on Saturday 31st March when there will be someone on hand to explain the scheme. * Church Architect Andrew Wittich of Clagues How can you help? The estimated cost of this project is £65,000. This is a considerable sum as this is work to a listed building, and will be carried out by specialist builders, under the guidance of our architects. We have been promised £27,000 from various funding bodies but we still need a further £33,000 to carry out the work. We are sending this leaflet to the people who live in Bridge to ask for donations so we can complete this project. Please send your donations towards this project to : Mr John Hill, Fund Co-ordinator _g_[ Mr Laurence Dunderdale, Churchwarden c/o 37 High Street, Bridge _Q_r you can bring your donation to the Parish Gift Day on Saturday 31st March. Please give generously By filling in the form overleaf you can increase the value of your gift, by allowing us to reclaim tax via the Gift Aid Scheme. Thank you from Patrixbourne with Bridge PCC Re-ordering of St Peter’s Bridge Your donation Name:.......i........... Address:.............................. Postcode:................................ Amount donated: GIFT AID Statement I would like the Parish of Patrixbourne with Bridge to receive income tax on this giftlall donations I have made to this parish since April 2000 and any I might make from now on. I confirm that the incomel capital gains tax I pay will be equal to the tax reclaimed on these donations. Date..... Please make cheques payable to Patrixbourne with Bridge PCC Thank you Many thanks are expressed to the I following who have already pledged ,: funds to this project Bretts All Churches Fund KCC Small Community Funds Bridge Parish Council Virador Please let us add your name to this list I! Additional funding has been raised by a concert in the church Watch out for other fund raising events. I PLEASE SUPPORT THIS PROJECT There has been a Church in Bridge since the 13th Century The present Church needs alterations to the interior to bring the building into the 21st Century We need your help to do this! Day on Saturday 31st March 10am- 3pm at the Church and see the plans