How much money should we give? Obviously it is not just a case of everyone giving the same amount extra every week — that would be unfair as some of us already give more than we can afford, while others could manage more. The scriptures teach the principle of proportionate giving — giving a percentage of our income to the church. The General Synod of the Church of England suggests a figure of 5% of our net income — that is our income after tax, but before any other expenses. |t’s more than money! We may have different amounts of money, we have different abilities and talents, but we each have I68 hours in a week. No matter what we do, we cannot create more time, or experience less of it. We do, however, have different options available to us, and make different choices as to what we do with our time. Our talents and gifts, like all of our posessions and wealth, are generous gifts from a generous God. These gifts which we have been given are offered back to God as we use them within the Church. This is true of musical, teaching, financial, and academic talents, but it is also true of the spiritual gifts we have received. What gifts do we have and how can we use them for God? What we give is a matter between ourselves and God. What He expects of us is that we should each shoulder our responsibility as a member of the family of our churches’ to the best of our ability. The next step Thank you for all you do for our churches in Bridge and Patrixbourne. Using the form provided please: J Think about what you give to the church now. Can you increase the percentage of your income which you give to God? join the planned giving scheme with weekly envelopes or a standing order. Optimise giving using Gift Aid if you paytax. Give proportionately - a percentage of our income given to fund ministry. Consider giving your time and skills to the work of our churches. KKK X Please make your response using the form provided by l6August 20 I 5. This ministry not only supplies the needs of the saints but overflows with many thanksgivings to God 2 Cor 9: l 2 Patrixbourne, St Mary with T Bridge, St Peter Stewardship Sunday . 20|5 Our church We believe that our churches St Mary’s, Patrixbourne and St Peter's, Bridge are special. We have beautiful, historic buildings which have been at the heart of our communities for centuries. We believe we a a caring community. We look out for one another and our buildings. Our work with young people including local schools is important. Thank you Many of you give very generously of your time, and skills and abilities, as well as your financial gifts. Thank you. Without your contribution our church would not be here today. But we need to do more! We want to nurture people, and do more for the young. We would like to deepen our relationship with our school. We want parents to keep coming to church after their children have been baptised. We would like to communicate better in all sorts of ways and improve and increase the visibility of our church community. However, it will cost £l,079 per week to run our church over the next year, and we will need to find an extra £250 each week simply to break even. This cost is just for the every day ministry and mission of our churches. There is no provision for the cost of major repairs to the fabric of our buildings. Our church finances Our current weekly expenditure is Ministry expenses £ l 00 (Benefice contribution) Church and Services £l88 Fabric Fund £0 Parish Share £698 Giving outside the parish £8 Sundries £85 Total £|,O79 Our weekly income is Committed regular giving £396 Gift Aid £|O8 Cash collections £73 Fundraising income £ l 79 Other income z_£_7_3_ Total 829 What is the Parish Share? The parish share is a financial contribution made by every parish to support the ministry and mission of our churches and church schools. Without it our churches and Diocese would be unable to function. You will find a leaflet in your stewardship pack which explains in detail how it is spent. Planned giving Planned giving means that you decide to give a set amount to the church each week, month or year. Most people set up a standing order, which is easy and convenient, or you can use a weekly envelope. By joining the planned giving scheme, if you are not already part of it, you will make a big difference to our church’s finances. Your contribution will be working for our church and community whether you are there on Sunday or not, it will be easier to Gift Aid the donation, and the treasurer will have a better idea of how much income the church will have. What do we need to do? To bridge our income gap and for our ministry to flourish we need to increase our giving by a total of £250 per week. This following table gives an example of how we can achieve this: £2.45 £71.05 £3.|0 £74.40 £4.65 £60.45 But just as you excel in everything ...see that you also excel in this grace of giving 2 Cor 8:7 w Bridge, St Peter r.........—.-.-.....4~ u.-no-... .. .......—...... 3 l 3 l 5 Stewardship Sunday “ You are warmly invited to a presentation which will be of great interest to everyone who is part of our parish family. It will take place during the Services on I 28 June at 9.30am at Patrixbourne, 5 July at 6.00pm at Bridge, or 12 July at 11.00am at Bridge Please come to worship, to listen together and to discuss matters of vital and practical importance to all who have the future life of our churches at heart.