A Terrier was a legal document of the Church which detailed the income of the priest when he was inducted into a living. This Terrier, for the Parish of Bekesbourne near Canterbury, was made out in 1695 for the Reverend Nicholas Batteley (Vicar of Saint Peter’s Church from 1687 -1708). He had influential relatives at Canterbury Cathedral, so this Terrier may have seen an increase in income for him in cash and tithes — the old tenth part offering from all parishioners of the produce of their lands. English has not greatly altered since this document was written, but note that the letter y was an abbreviation for th, so ye is the, yt is that, and yes means these. A dash over a letter indicated another abbreviation, so cofizonly would read commonly today. A true and perfect Terrier of all the Glebes, Lands, Gardens, Orchards, Houses, Pensions, Augmentations, Portions of Tithes 82. other Profits belonging to the Vic- arage of Beaksborn in the County of Kent, taken by us the Vicar, Churchwardens, Sidesmen, and other Inhabitants of the parish of Beaksborn as followeth. 1. There is a Vicarage house with a, Brewhouse, Stable & Granary. 2. There is a Garden, Orchard & Yard containing about an acre & halfe more or lesse abutting on ye South to ye King’s high way leading from Adisham to Canterbury, on ye East to ye River Stour, on ye North & West to the Lands belonging to Sr Thomas Hales, called Bourn Lees. 3. A Churchyard containing three yards, more or lesse, abutting on ye Lands of ye Parsonage, South, & upon ye lands of Sr Thomas Hales, North, East & West. 4. There is a certain Pension of Com delivered from the Parsonage to ye Vicarage in manner following, yt is to say, Two Seams of Wheat & Nine Seams of Barly, clean dressed & fit for ye Market are and have been time out of mind delivered into the Vicarage house yearly & every year at the charge of the Parsonage upon the eleventh day of November, commonly called Martlemasse-day. And ye like Two Seams of Wheat more, & Nine Seams of Barly more are & have been time out of mind delivered in like manner clean dressed and fit for ye market yearly and every year upon ye second day of February, commonly called Candlemasse-day. Being in all a yearly Pension of four Seams of Wheat, & Eighteen Seams of Barly. 5. There’ is allso an Augmentation payd to ye Vicar yearly & every year from the Parsonage of Ten Pounds in good and lawfull mony of England, ye said Ten Pounds is to be payd at four times of year by even & equal portions, yt is to say, the suine of fifty shillings at ye Feast of St John ye Baptist, the sume of fifty shillings at the Feast of St Michael ye Archangel, the sums of fifty shillings at ye feast of ye Nativity of our Blessed Lord, commonly called Christmasse-day; & ye like sume fifty shillings at ye feast of ye Annuntiation of ye Blessed Virgin, commonly called Lady-day: wch said sums are payd unto him ye Vicar clear from all charges & ded- uctions whatsoever. Being in all a yearly Augmentation of Ten pounds in mony. 6. The Vicar allso doth receive as hath from time out of mind received all & every manner of Easter offerings, surplice fees, commonly called requisites, allso all manner of Tithes comonly called small tithes, yt is to say of all woods, underwoods, lopping of wood (excepting only tith of wood converted to timber), of all pasture, hay, wood, grasse, wool, lambs, milk, calves, pigs, colts, hony, wax, of all sorts of fruits, herbs, flax, hemp, hops, mils, pigeons, eggs,.& all grain whatsoever sown in gardens & orchards, & of all other sorts of small tithes, whatsoever arising & growing upon all lands whatsoever, within ye precincts of ye parish of Beaksborn, & certain other lands lying in Adisham wch pay tithes to ye Church of Beaksborn, yes gd lands are three parcols of land corfionly known by ye name of little Ilden containing eight acres more or lesse. Allso one other peice of land cont. about ten acres more or lesse abutting South & West to ye Lands of Thomas Turner of Ilden Esqr. & North & East to Lands of ye Mannor of Knolden. 3 This is a true counterpart of ye Terrier and it was made & presented at ye Metropolitical visitation of Thomas Ld. Archbishop of Canterbury. A.D. 1695 . .__..____..__.- :_._¢_; _._ n’ -‘-TI-" ._ . '5” ,1, ‘ ’.c’§,u ‘ . , /. ‘P’ V C \ ~ F“»-4;'f‘("““"f"}"’3 //a«i’?4-"1¥””*'-’r«- /111;" )!Z£~’£’Z£(fZt}l2.$" f]?,r/ ~ —~- ' ' ‘ M a ‘ “ T ‘ ’ ""”4/«// .; 15.: 5‘: digs»? ‘ *5.» , Z12:‘.V£".t1'i"a.s¢=e 0 7 " J5 .. ' . . r 5% ’ ‘V ‘-_ Z!,t""r3&.It/z: r'([£3;} .,sf'7;}/4‘J;v2an.,6:;’,.¢:z,[2d,2(£":,/:§7C;?"‘:_£ afl*’(U2Z,/N,” 34 5. 5.. .%[f.I.:-..,»c»1% 0/./on/:‘l; % V ” ‘” “”"/""f" ‘’*/*.;.n'.« q/' .8x41J&:x:1g’:?§§ € 3 °"”.x..« ' »’aI’ ‘.i° ‘ t . 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