AUSTRALIAN HIGH COMMISSION - LONDON AUSTEALIA L, AUSTRALIA HOUSE STRAND WCZB 4LA 01-836 2435 TELEX 27565 ,/\\ Please quote in repIy Bmmh Reference Library 0mRm: SWEBJB 27th February, 1976 Mr.J.W£fliwwmg Beechmount Bridge, Er. Canterbury, KENT Dear Mr. Williamson, With reference to your telephone call, I am /i enclosing a photocopy of an illustration of Sir George Gipps ‘ taken from the following publication:— COX, Kenneth: Angus McMillan: pathfinder. Olinda, Victoria, Clinda Public Relations Pty. Ltd., 1973. The original source of this illustration was the La Trobe Library. I suggest that you write to them direct “i” 'O‘""”O“for~§ermission to ieprcafiéé the illustration,” Thé”adares§“1s given below:— The Librarian, La Trobe University, Bundoora, Victoria, V’\ Australia 3083. Yours sincerely, /WM,/, 8. Walden (Mrs.), Reference Librarian, Australian Reference Library ::/M 4; .4 Dr Clmrirs Prrry, fim /ln_q/imn /H9110]; 0/ Mr-Hmmwr 0 Sir George Ci/)f7s Governor of New South I/Va[L'5 18,78 to I8’/6 '/