/” ‘_ "/\counclllor Mrs. Madge Whittaker ’"\‘rotessor Andrew Rutherford -.sIr John Ward‘, G.C.M.G. @3132 fiprun fintietp President Lt.-col. R. G. Byron, D.S.O. Byron House, 6, Gertrude Street, London, SW10 OJN Vice—Presidents 1. elem I (W352 5112 The Lord Abinger Mr. John Addey The Earl of Bessborough Professor Sir John Butterfleld, O.B.E. The Lord Byron Lord David Cecil, c.H. Professor Filippo Doninl Mr. John Lehmann, C.B.E. The Countess of Longford, C.B.E. Lady Mander Professor Leslle A. Marchand Professor Mario Montuori Mrs. Dor_i__s Langley Moore, O._§._E.__ Tlr. John Murray,"T.§E""W The Viscount Norwich Mr. Peter Quennell, C.B.E. Mr. Michael Rees The Hon. Sir Steven Hunclman /\J-Q Ct»./ii. .34 £,,W\3/1" ((£\¢\_4,.__{ Lm, V1, Jg’~—1:.r~u'v\.¢,.’ ins,/”‘ (/r-‘C L/L,.4,.¢‘ ;\«€_2,e... SL4. _. 233/1./\i\J./sf /4‘!/L95/’ L4’/Lo :~bL/£>’=~'~V~.2e»-—’!h 1%] £4 C_e~u,./r-L. r,7g_ Kw‘/«L-€~ S“ A /Wm 1).»; J/\/\_.{‘V"—‘3-1 Cr» q;L.a.J 57“ Z37/\,e.5‘l~. OM/J £1 7 Z2/c. cfi/L 3 “£7 The Dean of Westminster The Rev. Canon D. Wllliams Joint Chairmen Mr. Ian Scott-Kllverl, O.B.E. Mr. William St. Clair Hon. Treasurers Mr. C. Abrahamscuriel Mr. Nicholas 5. Klrkbride tsM,\ /j 7 Hon. Director ‘~'" ‘€43?-J ' . Mrs‘. Elma Dangerfield, O.B.E. 7' _,v ‘fit ‘T Members of Executive Committee Mr. J. Drummond Bone Mr. Alex Brldge Mlss Lucy I. Edwards, M.B.E. Mr. Guy Evans Protessor Malcolm Kelsall Mr. George Plytas "imzi ./0,. 5% _,. 1 J-‘(g‘\,.,~ L’\z~(’7 T, <1~ J34,/,r "ha/' emu xxx/x //Lu.~~:eLg (J .,,. fig; We c§::..J:?°* /. ‘\e~r,~«’ [/5 3 A V camp’ b am 2/1/(/uk (/4 M, L». \,J "~£L»—() - ‘ 7 07. . _ . ‘ K \ gm“. Siu. c.p.......— J”/E,/\ OUL/A . C/{tr Sr/vlZc~,.1a ~ F‘ 5 éxcs‘?-«~/Le] c;...(, cu e_I-+f«—»Q Cr‘ L—,__ e_,..