From Mrs. D. Langley Moore, 0.B.E. 5 P ' Founder gsaqwggr rmce Albert Road Museum of Costume L0l’ld0l’l. NW1 7SR (Assembly Rooms, Bath) 01-485 1037 . 26th June 1981 Jogn Mithcheson, Esq Beechmounty Qonyngham Lane Bridge, N? Canterbury. Dear Sir, Your letter to the Byron Society has for some reason been farwarded to ma to answer, although the simplest method of reply would have been to suggest your getting aw biography: Afla, Cougtesswef Lavelace, Bxrgn's 7”“ §T5_§.iti§;a£§:§;a2EEEé.r"".”"TJ'o'"hn Mu mags) It is available at any public library er can be requested fer yau frsm the Central Libraries organization. Byron’s &aughter’s name was as above, ggg Lady Anne fi'iilbam