5 3”? Bridge & District History Society Nailford House, Union Road, Bridge, Canterbury CT4 51./F Tel/Fax 01227 83l04l+ Affiliated to Kent History Federation John Williamson 'Beechmount' Conyingham Lane BRIDGE 9 April 1997 Dear John, In response to my recent letter asking you to be our guest speaker in May next year, you telephoned to say that I had got the day wrong — saying it should be Monday, and not Tuesday as stated. The proverbial penny has just dropped that you may be thinking that the meeting is next month, instead of next year. We have to think so far ahead! Hence this letter to you to avoid any confusion. Perhaps you will kindly Contact me again to confirm you would be willing to speak on Tuesday 12 May 1998. Yours sincerely, , Bill Dawson Secretary - ,. _ "j:‘~;» S)?’ ‘ “ , :ie.‘»..}“,v Mg“ Bridge & District History Society Nailford House, Brewery Lane, Bridge, Kent CTl+ 5LF Tel/Fax 01227 831 044 Affiliated to Kent History Federation Mr John Williamson ’Beechmount' , Conyingham Lane BRIDGE CT4 53X 1+ September I 997 Dear John As a speaker in the coming season I have pleasure in sending you a copy of the programme. We look forward to seeing you on Tuesday I2 May 1998. I will be in touch nearer the time. Meanwhile enclosed is a guide to the location of the Bridge Village Hall venueflk Yours sincerely Bill Dawson Secretary vk/.e)rPwi’gvwcau{;(»fLLafIf'b’l<}«d»//’4‘4~ .b1v(‘,o(e¢Sc da-rt .’ ix ym mama fizc/@’l«(.lJ»L, «yum w«+a,,e* zfIvr~7 nab!»-wfiL¢zzo»{>c». : IQ/A