44444 4 4 4 44 RCH1\/[E (NMR) 31 March, 1998 Mr Mervyn Gulvin Mervyn Gulvin 92 High Street Bridge Canterbury, Kent, CT4 SLB Dear Mr Gulvin, Your Reference: MIG/dm/MJGgen Our Reference: B 18/ 98/99 Thank you for your enquiry. NATIONAL MONUMENTS R E C O R D Due to the number of requests currently awaiting attention, I regret that it will be approximately 20 - 30 working days before your enquiry is dealt with. Please accept my apologies for any inconvenience this delay might cause. If your enquiry requires more urgent attention we now offer a three working day Priority service (charged at £25.00 per site). If this service is appropriate please confirm in writing. Please do not hesitate to contact me on 01793 414628 if you need any further information. Yours sincerely W Alyson Rogers Public Services The Royal Commission on the Historical Monuments offingland gathers injbrmation on England’: heritage and provides it through the National Monuments Record Headquarters: National Monuments Record Centre. Great Western Village. Kemble Drive, Swindon SN2 ZGZ Telephone 01793 414700;fax 01793 414707; C-mailinf0@rcl1n1e.goV.ul<; World Fl/ids l’Vc[v: http://\vww.rchmc.goxxuk National Monuments Record enquiries: tcluplmrze 01793 4146U();fax 01793 414606; e-mail1ntb@rChn1e.go\1uk M O N A R C H NBR INDEX LISTING - Sorted by County, Parish or NPA, Locality, Street 19/O5/98 County: KENT Parish: BRIDGE NPL: 88509 RIVER HOUSE ( 546222 ) , HIGH STREET , 1780 - 1780 HOUSE 2475 WINDMILL BRIDGE ( 497937 ) , , WINDMILL PHOTOGRAPH - PRINT (EXTERIOR) - NBR 6318 BRIDGE STATION z 501223 ) , , RAILWAY STATION PHOTOGRAPH - PRINT (EXTERIOR) — NBR 39394 BRIDGE FARM ( 520348 ) , , 1400 - 1499 HOUSE ; 1600 - 1666 HOUSE ; 1771 - 1835 HOUSE REPORT - INTERIM, RESEARCH, SPECIALIST, ETC - NBR PLAN - ARCHITECTURAL - NBR DRAWING - ELEVATION - NBR DRAWING - ARCHITECTURAL DETAIL - NBR 39394 BRIDGE FARM ( 520349 ) , , 1400 - 1499 BARN REPORT - INTERIM, RESEARCH, SPECIALIST, ETC - NBR PLAN - ARCHITECTURAL - NBR DRAWING - ELEVATION - NBR DRAWING - ARCHITECTURAL DETAIL - NBR 39394 BRIDGE FARM ( 520350 ) . . 1400 - 1499 COW HOUSE REPORT - INTERIM, RESEARCH, SPECIALIST, ETC - NBR PLAN - ARCHITECTURAL - NBR DRAWING ~ ELEVATION - NBR DRAWING - ARCHITECTURAL DETAIL - NBR ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: end of report ::::::::::::::::::::=::::::::::: Page 1 MJG/dm/M.JGgen 24th April 1998 Katy Whitaker National Monuments Record Centre Great Western Village Kemble Drive Swindon SN2 2GZ Dear Ms Whitaker, Bridge History Society Parish of Bridge, Canterbury City Council Kent I have received, thank you, your letter and enclosures of 22 April 98. I am somewhat confused as the enclosures relate entirely to aerial photographs and I was given to understand that you also held building photographs. I refer to my original letter dated 26th March 1998 which asks for this information (copy attached) I would be grateful for a search and list in this catagory if that is possible. Yours sincerely Mervyn Gulvin MJG/dm/lVlJGgen 26th March 1998 National Monuments Record Centre Great Western Village Kemble Drive Swindon SN2 2GZ Dear Sir Bridge History Society Parish of Bridge, Canterbury City Council Kent I have received, thank you, your leaflets about the National Monument Record Centre and following the advice therein write to ask for details of a preliminary search and costings. The Society is recently formed and wishes to gather material about the village properties in order to form a basis for the society's future work. I would therefore firstly wish to know what records you hold related to the village in the buildings section; secondly what air photographs are held — dates, etc; thirdly what other information may be held. . I do propose to visit the Centre at the end of April which would allow a selection (if required) to be made and I would like to firm up the date nearer the time. The Society does not have extensive resources but obviously you may have details on more than three buildings. I would be grateful for your advice on the likely costs of obtaining copies of the various pieces of information. Finally I enclose a photocopy of the abstract of the local O.S. sheet showing the village. I have also marked three further substantial listed properties which the Society would also in due course like to investigate and again I would be grateful if you could advise what data is available. Yours sincerely Mervyn Gulvin 7» / oflwmm .2535 . mc>> m / \.\. co EEoo\.. > \mmu...:.r£?\\ . DLm.Im_« ..\..\ __ ..mL.,.oJ_ .\.\.\\....\\ . , Q§\ ., a\-.I¢\\. co~,mEmmom/ . .4 / ._ , . ,. ... x. p «J ...v.. H hm» . .. . .. _. .... \\.. ¢....2wom..3_§...... \ . . M . . ‘ . . . . .. . gfiw. I ‘A: w.‘ ._ .\ I . ., _ mm. _\\ .‘!\\>! J, ... .H.....V%m.V \ . . .1 . mc._tm.O IIJIJ M x 23,: %.E_a_mm Kn. _m.\_ ,. :mmEEm_§£>> m. . .., :..__,/.m;. . V . W, zwn