x 1 Pennington Street, London E1 9XN Telephone: 0171 -782 5000 Fax: 0171-782 5142 From Simon Jenkins 9”‘ April 1998 Mr J Williamson Beechmount Bridge Canterbury Kent CT4 SJX Dear Mr Williamson Thank you for your note. I do not recall referring to a Visit to Patrixbourne church. [Do you perhaps rfiean Patrington, in Yorkshire, for which I have a high regard?-J As for Patrixbourne, near you at Canterbury, I have been there and recall some superb Norman carving round the doors, and the most delightful Flemish stained glass. At present that is the limit of my memory. With best wishes. Y ' cerely F “(A /0.l»<\ Simon Jenkins Registered Oflice: Times Newspapers Limited, P.O. Box 495, Virginia Street, London E1 9XY Registered No. 894646 England ® 5'' 3 ti?