Michael J. Watcham Organ Enthusiast Amateur Organist Organ Photographer MICHAEL J. WATCHAM M?8ANGLESEYAVENUE LOOSE,MAmSTONE KENT ME15 98H (3, k & Wh. & Telephone MAlDSTONE 01522 743727 “Organ hiv‘§;'°“" Mrs A Williamson, ‘ Wednesday 20th January 1999 " Beechmount " Conyhgham, BRIDGE Near Canterbury, Kent, C T 4 5 J X Dear Mrs Williamson, I thought that Id write and got your name & Address from a September 1998 Parish Officers Book that I sent for which gives names & Addresses of Church secretaries etc for East Kent Churches. However I thought that as Pt Marys church Patrixbourne has a 1 Manual organ by G M Eoldich circa 1879 I thought the church and your organist might like a Free couple of Photos in B & W 5 X 7 and 6% X 8% that I printed. There is a Mrs Marie Higginbottom of Coal .Aston Derbyshire who for nearly 15 years has been researching into G M Holdich the late Organ Builder & Organist and from Some of his descendants she Managed to borrow an old Photo of G M Holdich which she got a few Lazer prints done and she sent me one which Ive Photographed so I have it on negative which Ive got the prints done from since I have a Darkroom outfit in the loft at home. Holdich & His organ firm built loads of Organs all over England some of which are no longer. There isnt many in East Kent only Hothfield St Margare and Dover Unitarian Church and St Mary Fordwich which is now Redundant and Christ Church Broadstairs which I think the church is now Redundant as its not listed in the Parish Officers book. However the photos Im sending one would look nice in a frame hung on the organ case so that any Organists or Organ Enthusiasts like me will know who not only built the organ but what the organ builder looked like. I doubt very much if the church and your organist might like a Photo of The grave of Holdich which is in Ladywell Cemetery at Lewisham, London S E 15 but if you do and others need some I will print some. However hope your church and your Organist like the Photos and if anyone feels they want to send me something just send me 5 or 6 2nd Class stamps which will be enough. P S A couple more spare photos are available if Your Sincere y /Wbégggg Q) Required, Mic cham GEORGE FIAYDWELL HOLDIQH Organ Builder & Organist Born 14th August 4846 Died 30th July 1896 _ _ At his home in Forest @111 London S E 25 and Burled in Ladywell Cemetery at Lewisham, London S E 43 Photograph taken from the Original Courteyy of Mrs - Margaret Holdich, Mrs Marie Higginbottom(Nee Holaich) of Coal Aston, Derbyshire of The Holdich Family History Seciety. @F4375 5% Michael J. Watcham “”?s“fi\'fiE'fE§€+“XOEfiUéM 0'9?-"E"*h~~*'ia.st LOOSE MNDSTONE Amateur Organist KEN-"— ME15 SSH Organ Photographer Telephone MAIDSTONE 01622 743727 ‘B"’°" 8‘ White 8‘ C°'°‘"’ __ Organ Archivist