NATIONAL MONUMENTS RECORD CENTRE, GREAT WESTERN VILLAGE, KEMBLE DRIVE, SWINDON SN2 2GZ %‘fF‘%§'» EIIIE ENGLISH HERITAGE N A T I O N A L M O N U M E N T S R E C 0 R D Dr M Raraty Your Ref: 41 Bridge Down Our Ref: B/3673/99/00 Bridge Date: 21 June 1999 Canterbury Kent CT4 SBA Dear Dr Raraty WINDIVIILL, BRIDGE, KENT. Thank you for your visit of 18 June 1999. My apologies once again for not being able to find the HES Simmons photographs of the windmill in Bridge. After you left the NMR on Friday I continued my search for the said photographs, and fortunately found them rnis-filed in the filing cabinet. Please therefore find enclosed complimentary laser copies of the four images. I thought that the laser copies would also be of interest to you and your colleagues with regards to placing further orders of Bridge photographs. As you can see, where more than one photograph is mounted on a card, any combination of the images can be copied onto one sheet, (A4 or A3 size are the same price, please see the enclosed price list). I have also enlarged two of the images up to A4 size so that you may see the different variations possible. I hope that you and your colleagues all enjoyed your visit to the NMR. Please do not hesitate to contact me if I can be of any further help. Yours sincerely Susan Evans NMR Enquiries and Research Services (Buildings) Direct Dial: 01793 414782 Direct Fax: 01793 420728 E-mail: Please note that NMR _Information is supplied subject to the conditions specified overleaf The National Monuments Record is the public archive of English Heritage Telephone 01 7 93 414 700 Facsimile 01 793 414707 Wbrld Wide Web http://www.english— National Monuments Record enquiries: Telephone 01 7 93 414600 Facsimile 01793 414606 E—mail 1NvEs'roR1N PEOPLE "r\l' National Monuments Record/Manpower Services Commission Q RCHHU3) 1983 mzmns om»: mxm Smock mill in working order — copy of earlier photograph (Amos ' 90) (Jan. 1933) Mill in working oréer (1936) will with sails removed May 1932 Mill with sails removed June 1933 .?HOI‘(IlRAPHB? ‘ ’ H.E.S.Simmons H H II Windmill - Bridge - Kent PROVDMNCE COPYRIGHT NMR SITE NO. b/u_'co1: trn PHOTO. NO. * 1 131 * * 288-606 * 289-1436 2475 NHR NO. AA78/1566 .AA81/1502 AA81/1503 to M sc~4~ ta. ‘WK.