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(30u«ic‘z?&>(:1% 4 w T ’ "E M ‘€86’. T $Wb §lS&/ 4uU~L4l"u[: memrfg T3 oLmf=&é( M3 xxx LL { %¥~§¥MS§®~>\ N KL) ( Ls “gm /Qrlocflml/kod/» M 5 Q5,’ % % MT ‘/O0L1/{S l% B%Q4€eQf2$ avtmfi I/LA. I 3 wfiemafi ,rv\cHt / GMCL, Irv» (fiafldg / » ‘ {Q8 {fa r\b7C(§Q>CL Qfigféi ’ , }j,"~M0kfiQ__-2 3‘~QW¥Q/W\_b€n/ ' ‘ 3 ,- S3TLLD\HrT \j ..,,,9w9L;,\@///1 kg / ‘ ma '/’HI.<2. ‘FL k'U\.~(5 "]"“0r\ '5 ’|T«To;/ L<:0Lié"’1LR.Q.,, ‘iuxom %Xd£e;gén )0 [/1 Rama 1 ‘3)(>0q\/xcfifjw/<:oLLLc3u\L,rv\a+4L r\8u%"* é;wt"==bbs2 % cauveg * ~ L54/a‘: ax %\m//i Z1 K/\\, L415 n K. Q % A % (N54 30 3 %T/T<’§x—Lfc\< 42, H an §Exe£i/ ’ Chairman: Dr MM Raraty. 41 Bridge Down, Bridge, Canterbury, CT4 SBA Telephone (01227) 830508 Email: mmraratv@btinternet.com 215‘ January 2008 Dear Mrs Woodgate, Thank you for your further letter of January 5”‘, with its enclosures. The photographs are very fine, and I am most grateful for the effort you have made in having them done. They will be incorporated into our archive as part of the history of Bridge. At the end of February our History Society meeting will be a ‘Members’ Evening’ at which we shall be showing a DVD compiled by another old resident of Bridge (though he too no longer lives here), Bob Williams, who was a keen photographer, and who ran the ‘Bridge Cinema’ from a shed in his back garden in Patrixbourne Road. I will see if any of the members present remember your name from their time at school here! Thank you again for the interest you have shown in trawling through your memories. Yours sincerely, Dear Dr. Raraty, Thank you for your kind letter, dated 29"‘ September, which I received on the 4"‘ October. Further to my telephone conversation with you on that day, I now furnish you with one other memory and one that is still clear in my mind. Please find below my recollection: When I was six or seven years old, (1948/49) we as a family, were still living in Bridge; I was woken up very late in the evening and was wrapped in a blanket and taken outside to the Post Office across the road from Weston VilIa’s (where we lived), and held in my father's arms. We stood waiting but I had no idea who or what we were waiting for. Lots of other villagers had also gathered expectantly. Suddenly a noise was heard which became louder as it drew nearer. I then witnessed what I now know was a pilgrimage travelling through from the continent. It was a man carrying a large wooden cross over his shoulder with a large supporting retinue. He was representing the Lord Jesus Christ. It must have been at Easter time. It made a huge impression on me at the time; a week later I took a newspaper article, about the event, to my teacher, who was a teaching sister (Sister Ethelberta) at St.Anne’s Roman Catholic Convent School in Sturry- I was the only pupil to do so! I take the opportunity to send you further copies of the photographs I sent before. These have been computer enhanced and consequently are of a much better quality.