BIFRONS PARK, BRIDGE. KENT ' ‘-"“-““" M! I- ca. l705—l0 e, A and the 1 tr, was introduced l~5_.'WbC0 his Eit- leave pre- !--lim. and Lord '3 h.nd! laced to the King, is title. or, did homage he-. ! that See. The my as Clerlt of the Idetl the ceremony. .which the King's .inenHvas~nrrangodr rd Chancellor, the tool, Secretory.‘ oilnt Melville. i ' tget were the Lord tick. his third gs-and por- gnu to arrive a few». tinned to do so till rrhly dressed in new d with gold. The ;tremely costly and Mrs. Agar Ellis with t their residence in t. honoured the Ital- nving. _ . iett and Family, have tr-street, Portntan- ""’Y- ’ -. . . , In on -Ttlgathy eve- -rge-streu, Planner- 1 at an early hour eleven, and ended .-ra lighted u . ‘The rbellow, f the re- irtiontioif the Pa- the Admiralty, on PRORDGATION OF PA RLIAMENT. It seems certain that the King will prnroguethe Parliament todnorrusv in person. Tvm Bills have been rescrvcd for that day. via: the l;'xt:ltcqucr Hills Bill, to enable the Speaker of the llmtse of Common-s to tnnltc a ups‘:-clt, and the Re-tturcd Peeragt.-s Bill. to cntslilc his Majesty as it were from his own mouth to.con!'er this act of (Brace. ~ It is said that the Earl Marshal will then tttlte the oaths from uyhiclt be is not exempted. —————--¢—-—,~—~—.» ~ On SUNDAY NEXT, a SERMON will be preached at the Cathedral, by the Rev. Dr. Mnstw, for the Bizuntr of the Cuitanv Scuoou, in this City. .__.__.“.__ Yesterday th_e East Kent Ycomanry Cavalry, com- manded hy Colonel Garrett, had a grand field day on Bnrham Downs; and svcte inspected by Major Phillips, ;-£.i'2J,5.!l!_!hmar_t.;!9;§t2!:s2rd himself in the hund- sonsest terms of commendation at the steady and solt‘llcr- like lppcntacnoli tl1eIlo1:pI,.n, __ ad with the (CC_lhiOl1 w tlclt they t-112éctcd.the déflbrcpt evolutions. A.“tcrpthei-n.1atvt~tion, the Corps marched into the park ofthe Rev. Mr. Hallett, Md formed in the Front of the mansion, where they were presented with refreshments; the officers were also invited to partake ofa dtjurnne d lafourc/tc'f!¢, on their departure the whole of the llcgitnent gave three cheers, and from thence marched into CtIl1t.Ct‘l)tll'_? and ‘dismissed. The whole of. the olficer-, with Major Phillips, "land ts number of friends sat down to ‘an elegtmt dinner at the King's Hcad, provided by .\lr.;Wiltlish.- The evening was spent with the greatest hnrmohy and conviviulity, a number of “lees, tlttetts, and songsvere sung in most excellent st) lit,- by the amittcttrs of that, Corps. ‘ On Monday night the Mcdvmy .\iuvigal.lon Bill, the Sec of Cttnterbu * Leasing Bill, and the Kent Insurance Bill, received therhoyul Assent. We have to announce it hcnefnction oftwcnty guinens, ¥cid‘to the Kent and (Innterbur Hospital, by Mrs. Henry etley, of Httmsgttte; and a liiie benelitction of twenty guineas, paid to the same-Institution by ltotvlaud Ste- Tuesday last, In Committee of .t-ten was ttpptinted to carry into execution the provisions of the Act tvlticlt bill recently received the Royal Assent, for building a new Corn nnd Hop Market, in this city, consisting of H. Coopea, esq. Mayor; Aldermen De Lnssux, Frcnd, arid Browne; and Messrs. Powell, W. Sharp, and Pratt, Com- ttton—C0uncilmen. We _ - hens-on, cuq. of Lombard-street. ' log the okra ntsbitxi At a Court of Bnrghrnoie, held nt;Guildhnll, the ‘on K pbodeiof the -Head "gave her tirst Fete . _ The whole inte- tith eat spirit. till hellehi, ind nothing mitt, eonlbctyionery, t-ths;R.‘osna_n punch 1 35¢ " ,trch,_descrilie in the 'lb‘t'tilv_u:hroneiliatc;ry Ili‘tT'3lll“tliN>uEli~Pit"t:litiit'tcttt, exceeds ftit ednesdtty evening, Gcor e Watts was committed to Bridcvvell by the Mayor of t tis city, for getting drunk, his business, and abusing his employer, Mr, Osmond Safety. He also cotnmittcd an assault upon T lay. the ‘police officerf )n Friday" last, Thomas Nicholls, rind only 19 years of age, was convicted before the Mayor in the penalty of loan, for having tvtsntonly and ntiaehievously t.ltm)ttgt:tl several trees on the- Dane John l"iv|«l, and in default of 3Y'“¢"‘. was comtstitted to the Bride-well of this city or fourteen days. On the night precccdiug, sntitt; evil D Commissa- inn-L -L._A aL_ ‘T-'.... l dtfltoncsl ht'rsom- slid tsllliilly pull up and (lL‘t&lf0V several of aL‘.I.-s-kn nail.‘-AI.-- a---- ' . .._uos. ualfl In 19.5.. OLA: .."...t.l.u.... e forward and rolled to t -measures for recovery or .!!.!1Ll.9..L5,!3Ln 21.5 l19..£.5.t>.t.:t2:2tz_.9lT.gc.tting.. .- m I a more rcmarltuble in] following estraortlinar ter of Mr. J. 1). Beta visit at Folhestone, ll conduct a young ttcqu narrow path near the t perpendicular- Sltc h or tour steps, when he she bounded to a small from this spot the rollc till she reached the F0 hundred and filly Feet vered tvith blood, but I was walkin with his d witnessed t c COmttlt:ML his daughter tlisappcare niin‘tl‘t1otiiit3ibé'—descri5é to the bottom, expectir but to his unspeakable alive by a gentleman it and h whose kind arts: of sal)ety', where medic; and nlthonult many I€V‘t lriglttful fnll. yet we 3 pernon is now perfectly of the ltind interposicio their-r ov Ovation.- lately in the neighbour Northarnptoushire, in cor taking measures to drive of the stock placed them believe that they luvs cnt elann that they were all t hundreds" of sheep, oaea, ylrd belonging to one of of Cardigan, and other I with the qommo-n right, Favmansns. Nair Ctr has expressed himself ltig cut at Favvnham. and l Name, to subscribe £55 an Engineer, and to say and cordial support. Tl libenslity of his Lordsh F.ll.'L'l'?E‘£§3l3££,l._B§.££!{!J.!J{€- 0? Fan-nltam, including vbarfs and building: ad. improvement of whit-lt W ship's tenants. It is a th which the rut U owners, and although; place for public good, 5 dertaking, that no oppo- stances, Sir E. Knatch £20. towards the expem Sips, rfc. Rulildiug George. H0 gum; Fn maid, 46 ; .Mcrcur_v. 4:./J1