338 IILEAN. Vll.L1\(i ES l)1l{l“.C'l‘Ol{Y—1002-1903. VILLAGICS n1111ae'rr111s'_19o2—190:1. 1111111012. 339 . 1’.'11"l{er Jzunes & John, f:11'1ne1‘s & ‘ W:1lli.< & 1-‘ichl. l1:1l1111t'_\'. l:1t.hc of N1. .-\11_:11st,i11c, 111111111111 of ]’»1'i111‘_v 111111 (ll()(‘(‘Ht‘ of (.l;111t(:1'l1111'_\'. 'l.‘l1;- \‘il1:1},: " 1154111011 \1'it.h gas by :1 lm-.711 liniituxl 1-,(1111p:111y. 'J.'11u \2l1llI‘t'll 111' St. ,1’ .e1' 2111 1.-(lilive of llint. 111 the Nu1'111'111 stylt-,. \\‘i1,11 sonic :l1l1lili1111s of the '15‘ 1-Iiiglisli ]11~1'i(11l. 111111 :%:::::::‘ :.1:1.3.":::;.111111:?‘:..::vf;*;.‘:1:.?'::f:;121;;.:*:.1“::;.;:. ‘::;“:1:t:1::.::: 3.1:; 1 1»... nl 11111 xnillli £11811’. 1'1111t:1i11ing 4 111-113 lllltl :1 .i'~'>‘N:11.11v \'z1l11--.£if/.770: 1‘:lt1':1l111- \'11l111-.£78.lliEJ are i11te1‘1111.\e1l: 111 the 3111110 1112111, \\‘itl1in :1 1'01-_cs_.\'. is 1'c(:u111l1ent. etligy 1 Guu_1.dmnS_ 111 :1 111-111 111 ruhes. 111 l11\\' relief. the llj_'\l1‘u (ll\'ltl(‘(l 111 L\\'11 p:11"1s 115' 21 j. ’\(“‘_]l, W TV.‘ H, ]_ 1191111211 11101’: there 1111-. 3350 .vitt.i11gs, 80 being free. 'J,'l1e 1'cg1.stur dutes ,} ‘ ‘ ‘ml’ ' 1' l'””~ " ‘ 1* “"11 11111111 the _\'1-:11‘ 15135. 'l,‘hu living is :1 \'i1::11'11g1:. 111111exv1l tn the \'i1::11'a1ge of l.’.1t1'i.\lm111'11, juin‘. :1\‘t-1':1gu \'z1l11e 1111111 tithe 1'e11t»1-l1z11'g<-. £325, with 35 z1<'1‘cs of glelm 111111 1'1*.~:i(le111'c. in the gift :11 the .\l:11‘q11vs.< (.‘m1)‘11gl121111, 11111.1 helcl since 1891’: by 1111-'l{(*\'. ll11be1't, l\'.11igl1t .\l..-\. of Cliristfs Col- lege. ():1111l11'i1l;_'1'. who 1'1-1't, ;_'1'11'/.i1~1'1\ 1l:1i1‘y111:111 1 111111 L'1'11\\'1-1'< 1 111 1\l11'1"\'\1.-.-1111.11" 111.11111.1l 1-11411111 .\- ,' 1) 1,. l (,1 ],,,_\ .. \Lm!m\. ¢l’1:1t<-11111 .lz1111e.~. l£l1'IHt.'!'. ;\111c1_\' cit -\\':11'1lp11 ll1'1l1t»1't_ (hill &1:. 111z111ulz1c. '1 <11’ (?(1:1.\‘l1.g11:1I11. l1v»11_ 1-;11»1;1m; V1.11}.-, \\‘1]1, m.1‘m.. (.;,l,1.,mi. mnim. ‘Smith (401111... \\'(1<11l ( z1ler 11111-1‘ 11; :1x..lC._ V 1,1.“ <:11111\' W. 111 111113 1111.<11‘1-.<.< BRIDGE is :1 ]1:'1‘i~h '1111l 111-2111 111' '1 1111i1111 1-'i\'i'1'r i1< 11111111‘ in '1 1'11r~11 L §{'‘'“l,i]l.w” 1“ l'l“"l”l'lll'.l‘i l'”""' l1”'””.'—'l‘ d”ll." » ~ 1‘ » -""1"" ‘ ' ' ' ~ : '1'Sl11ti1111(\‘ 1’ kt’) lnl111]"t~ -t-1‘ .. . 1111:1111-1‘_\'; 11 (11-1'1\'1‘.< 1is11:111111 1111111 11>‘ .~‘1t1111t1(111 111:1 \';1lle\' 1111 111” R11111:111 1. U “ I-\ ‘ “ ‘ ' ‘ ' "“ ‘i 5 *‘ 1”“ m*‘>‘1"1 111111 11111111-111 ruzul tn .|)(1\'e1', .'1t. :1 11l‘lLl11C r>\'(-r :1 lt‘0(lCI‘ of the 81.0111‘. 111141 3 , ~. . , . , ,1 , _ has :1 st.:1tin11 1111 the (I;111t(:1'1.1111'y 111111 ]€ull:1:stu11o line of the South 1H‘l])l']" 1‘ll“\J‘ ])l'\lR1('-1‘ <—'0L‘A\(r”“ “.':‘ 1. ‘:.;.‘;as _ —«_A ~t--1.-«:7?-_;,2v ..-. .\l111~ts 11L the C_z‘11:11'1l1:1n.< 511:11'11".-111. (I:111t1-1’l»111'v . M.1v1‘)i§cs the fulltuwing_p:11'isl1os, viz. :—.-\(li.~:l1:1111. I’»:11'l1:1111. .l§elit.:11. (‘111. V1‘. .1. l’:11'l{1'1', Ilnpelnourxi, ]lil1‘lIlt'4‘1u\\‘11. (211111-1'11111'_\' ll:11d1‘1:s 1.11111-1'. C1-pl1:1.< 1\l:1xt«-.1. Xortli C0111‘! f:11"m. LUWU1‘ }l:11'‘l'n1 |..H.('.[’.|'itliii.. li..\l.. ,\l.ll.(‘.i\'.l'I|iv_-3 (‘i'.r\'Iiml !mn.\«-, lmxwi‘ l'»ri«l:»- >Iri---I. (l.‘|llli'l‘lHlI‘_\'2 ,\'u_/lul .~lii< l. l".«l\\:|_ll|'I1li!h l"i‘:- -mun .\l':l‘l'|.\‘ .\l.ll.l ‘.i\'. liii-,v'..li.l§.( '. l_’. l".-lin. |.Illli-lmurii--; .\':i. .3 4ll>il’l(,'l. lil('ll£|l(l .\. K'uli->‘ .\l.l‘... (‘..\l. l§.irl1.iIn Sll[)(‘,!‘ll1iL‘l]IlCI}t Regislinii‘. lly. Fix-ililiiiq. 15 l’»111",':11‘v st. (':mLerl)ury; il.-pn‘._\'. lC«lw:ii*il ll. -\'|.1r, ’.ri.l_ge; iluplity, 'l‘huin.-is (,‘h.ipni:in. lhiilgc; l‘linrtlnu11 sub- «li..~l;:il-- ‘.\'1hni1l. (‘Jilin-'|'llllI_\', nu 111« x-ilI_\' & :~.I1'.1ril:~_\', 1?. in 1: .Il l’4"ll‘|llL Ill’ l.~I'lli lilll-‘. ‘.\'v.~ii_r.il.- ‘.\'i1hnnl. i‘.lll11I'lr|l|‘}' l'ir'g‘lSll'Ill' oi’ _\lill'l".1l‘_"i'.\. W Hi II!l llw il. C5 ll‘1\'--l4.4 !\ <11 ii-1, iii|lllw|‘lIl|l"‘.‘1 nlL‘!)lll_\', 'l'lioin:1.< (‘li:ipin:1n. lriilge \\':ii'l;lioiis<-,, :1 |niililin_-_; of red l)l'lL'l{. built in 1.865. in hold 350 l1lll\1Ll(‘S', \\';Lller .\l:1r.(-,i‘t l.ei~'hin:in \l:mrln:.nl _\l.li., K'..\l.l".ili1i. iricrlicirl ollircr; .\lrs. l‘lll\'Il .\l;irsh;ill, lI1iLL1‘UI1 HLTll0()l. ,\T’l‘lC\‘ l).»\.\'(Jl'I ('_‘().\l\ll',["1'l‘ll'l. _\I m(\ ::l ill" l’m;ml |'il(1lll. l’.'."I-I-.1‘--. ll\I|I|IlIl_\'Irllil!uI'~~l1l}'J|l'iil‘llI«'I1)\’\lA in: mi" i'i-- 1(1i.l4!| lll:i|". pl:Li:i,~ 1’aLl1n<-1"l'l1oni;Is \Vuml Perry \Villiun1 Pilcher l{'n,-lnird. llonrne Purl; ('()t~" 1’rmlv_\' .\. l’:lik \'lllxL' Hiiilu-I.‘ .\llxs Sin lh llwnr_\' l‘l1l\\'illli i\'lIn'l\lniI|_\;'«- .\li'Isrl. l l)l7lll.'lIl(l‘l\‘l' .\'11inim-i‘.~' .\lrs. l’zirk \'lll:L~ ',l,‘:1.-.:. llrizlue plin-iw" \\'lll[I‘,l' Llnl. Nlll'l, llI‘iil;;i: llill~ \VinI,i-r Mrs. ’»ii«l:.'<: hill- \\'_\‘i- l’.-:l).-ii. \\'i-~l-m \’ill.'I,~ I‘(>.\l.\l|'IlH‘I \L *ANDERSON FREDERICK,‘ lull Linn inn. 6%, l'(ll‘I'l:l‘_[\.‘ [)I‘<>pl'l\'iUl‘; good l'lilllllll‘I'(2l£1l lnnise; ln-zul l[11:11'i,<‘l‘S for (:\‘<:li.x-is - Bciliii-zlii-lil ls'r:inl(, Q'l'll<‘('1‘ v l§vl.<:'_y' lli‘l'l}l‘I‘i‘, .li>lin, linililur ‘Bl'.'lill\'_\' i(:lH‘l'l, lmni lll:llit'l' 'Bri<::- \\'in. PlHllj_{ll & ll;lI'1'()\\’ l’.l[ ‘Biidqlziml .\llwrt. ('(1l‘]W]lli2l‘ lli-iilgc (‘1:i.<. (Hike &. (foul (Io. 1Alll!. ((‘llill'l\_‘S \Vill:~:. sou) -Brnirn \‘.".!li:iin H. >':l(lllli‘l‘ ‘Ul\.'l[)lIlllI1 Thoinais, rlvputy 1‘c§_;isl,1‘:I,i' of l)ll'LllS J‘; ',1l'£ll‘ of 1n:u= i'i:i«.,'v.~'_ l3ri-l_r<- nninn Cl.|l'l{ \\'illi:ini l.:-~~liu. \\'.‘li\‘ll l|l21l\l'l' (,‘ull:1r:l lli''.s‘ .\lfi'nil, :i'in'i:i' Ct linker 'l’:ilin<\r 'l‘lni:i12l:; “limil, I'L‘j.;i“I‘:11‘ of lnrtlis & \'l.\'ll1[1 (lll|lI‘l' l°l’loinnn,-r lfrin-.\|, Xl.l'::i'iii\. 1 “l’-uilw rl|>l|lI. >lI!llIbI! i:i::.~I. :' ' l'i'ii:l.'i'Ll, lir-i>i':::1. lwi-L‘ ‘I'i'*il.'l' ‘ »‘iL-i,Li\i‘liL>lal \\'ill.;iin, \\‘.xlIli~ IllI1l\l'.‘ |‘°.\'li21il(ic-ii'_L,fi‘., \\'l:il.Cllu1‘~e l’.ll>” -i\’te\‘ei1s lleniy. tailor * »\"rni1eH«rni'_:e llunry, \llll!‘_Vlll(lIl gu\‘1upple-s 'l_lllUI}!1|.\“ l)lEL‘l' l’\'l:lll\‘L‘ i Vinlgen Uni.-ni‘_-_ge, l)l'll,'l{ l1l:ll{Ul' io\\‘L:.~'1', Ulizlrles, lJu'i(:l1:'1‘ -\\'lll;.llll,s .\li.~' l:nl.ir$ .\'\'l\<7()l «\\'i|l»' (.‘li:1:l. .. ..l{\‘l' -\\'ili'al. on. the river Stour, iillllil .‘L fr-rtile \‘LllU .in»l [)i'.>Llll'k':', \VlLl1 it -File Stephen, farmer, Lit. Pett farm ~(’}illmi't 'l‘|mim1s l.{icli:i1'.l, l)l:1Cl{Sm1tl1" ' t’/G/(,.\.i~<" 1 300 iiiiiimi-:. \'l1.l.A(il{.< l>ll{l£("1‘ull\'—»ism!-liioo. BRIDGE is :i parisli, iiiiil liead of H. i1iiioii,gi\'iiig: its ll:lll|(‘ to ;i 1-um] iieaiu-,i'_\' ; it ilerives its name from its situation in a \'alle_\' on the Roiiian and inodorii 1‘lHl(l Lo Dover, at a. bi'id;;e over a 11-eiler of the Stoiir, and has ii station on the (}iiiitei'bi1i'_\' and Folliestoiii-. line ol the South l‘ilLSlul‘I1 i‘ailwzi._\' and is 1; miles south froin “(’,l{('.\‘liU1l1'llc station on the U:i.iitei‘liiii'_y and .I)o\‘ei‘ si-,i:I.ioii of the Lullkllbll, C-lizitliziiii and l.)o\‘e1' rziil. \\';i_\' and Z5 S0l1l.li—t:ilSl froin U:nitei‘Lii1i*_\', in the ]‘iuS1CI'll division of the i-.oiini._\-, lathe of M. Aiigiistiiie. lniiiilreil of ,l’>1‘iinl;i£ll'l$ll('..\ of l’;ii1-ixlmiirn .\ ]§1‘i(lgQ‘ fin- 240 ul.iilili‘i~ii: 2l\'('l'&l;_f(5 2|ll“ll(liLlll'(‘. 170; llolii-rl \\'_\'e. liiust-i.-i‘: .\‘li's. Susan .l:.nimeline \\'ye. iiiistmess; .\liss I":inn_\' \'\'_\'e, inl‘:iii1s' inislress Cai‘rieI's to (3:_iiitei‘lJ1ii'_\' ])(l.\‘,\‘ llll‘UllL!ll (lilll_\' Riiil\\'zi)‘N1:iii:lIil{_ (‘.‘inii-rlii1i'_\' _ Miirlieal ()lli<‘ei‘ of .lliE1lll,ll. :\1. l§.Al‘ii<)l)ll1Si)Il .\l.J), 1’i'i(ii'_y hill, 1)()ver lnspeittor ol l\1iisiiiii'es, Charles il1llllL’S \\'il.lllL'._\'. (Trol't, J\'ingsLon(: 7 ii District Siii‘\w_\'o1', Septiiiiiis Slzidden, The Ci-iii-_\' Bridge, ll. 1‘). (Jli:i}>in:i1i, ’:i‘i(l;_{e_ (7;iii1ei'l,iiii'y Chartham, A. ].i‘o1'i:iii:in, (lhartliain ; ;\liss Runilolpli. Cliiirtliiiin ordwieh, Rev. R. l‘llli(:l1(!UGl{, ].i'oril\\'i<',li ilrbledown &. St.Nieliolas I-lospi1.zil..I.(l‘lionilinson, Tonford,Canterbury ardres Lower, (J. Maixted, Lowei‘ ll.;u~r:1ss on It gre_\f slab of :1. kni_i_;l1L, cross-loggerl and clad in mail. with a surr-,o.'iI, and slrrcld 1,’l)ll.)l:lZl)l1L‘,(l with the arms of Sept V1|llS and at Lon1l):u‘dir-, inscription, now irnperfect, to Sir Robert (iv .\‘optvans, l.50E>; this brass 13 renmrkable as being one of the mirliest known cxalnples and has been errgr:r.vml in l3outcll’s “_\lonr1rnental lh':rsses:” 2. a. very small brass of u. priest. roprcseritirn; ltobr-rt lrondon, a forrner rector, U116. also vn~ grvrvod in the. same work: 33. a brass of Robert Nlrellirrlrl, n lornrer 1‘<‘«I'lvor‘_ in surplice and at-lmII<‘,r‘, 1508; 4. :1 brass of l-lohcr‘t' .\rrhnr. :1