-I.-3‘»‘.,*‘=‘.......<.'~.sz...........-...«..-. / 1 I -‘. s.’ j__ L K =_ 3, 1‘ 60 BEKESBOURNE. Wright Thomas, auctioneer, house, land & estate agent, Kent House station, Barnmead road Yates Hemy Benjamin, outfitter, 41 High street 1*York Harriet (M1-s.), dress maker, 2 Whateley road IBBKESBOURNE is a parish and village, on the Little Stour, with a station on the South Eastern and Chatham railway, 3 miles east-south-east from Canter- bury and 59 from London by -road and 64} by railway, in the Eastern division of the county, lathe of St. Augustine, Bridge hundred and union, petty sessional division and county court district of Canterbury, rural deanery of East Bridge, and archdeaconry and diocese of Canterbury, and is also partly in the city and county of the city of Canterbury. This parish is a member of the Cinque port of Hastings and was formerly a borough. The church of St. Peter is in the Norman, Early English and later styles, and has a tower containing 6 balls: in the church are memorials to the families of Palmer, Hales, Fagge, Eden and Gardner and various memorial windows: the church was restored in 1882-8 at a cost of about £3,000, and has 150 sittings, about 100 being free. The register dates from the year 1558. The living is a vicarage, net income £200, with residence, in the gift of the Archbishop of Canterbury, and held since 1898 by the Rev. Albert Richard Pritchard M.A. of Lincoln College. Oxford. In this parish is the Sanatorium of the Bridge Rural District Council. The Old Palace, an rnrvarn nnsmnnrs. Baker Hy. Minter J .P. Cobham court Mulberry cottage Denison John Edmund, Sondes house h KENT. / Young &‘. Bu.'tlerr,physicians It su.rgeons,63 Caper’: Young Women’s Christian Association (Miss Lea Westhorp Rev. Richd.Alexander L.Th. COMMERCIAL. wn...‘ 52:1 hon. sec.), 13 Kelsey Park road f., 1-Young George, chimney sweeper, 102 Pariah lane ancient house, formerly a country residence of the Arch- bishops of Canterbury, is now in the occupation of Col. Evelyn Campbell Money._ George Bowdler Gipps esq. of 23 Prince Edward mansions, IPalace oonr-t, London W., , who is lord of the manor, and the»-Marquess Conynghana ., are the principal landowners. The soil in clay, graveland chalk; subsoil, chalk. The chief crops are wheat, barley,‘ 1 oats and hops. The area is 1,115 acres; assessable value, ; £1,953; the population in 1901 was 330. , , -Parish Clerk, Charles Sutton. _ - Post -Oflice, Railway station.-—Daniel Jesse Knight, sub- postmaster. Letters arrive from Canterbury, via -3.- Bridge, at 7.30 s.m. in 1.4.5 p.m.; dispatched at 7.45 V a.m. as 7.15 p.m. in 12.10 p.m.. on aundaysu al . orders are issued, but not cashed. _ The nearest money ,- order oifice is at Bri e. The 11 ofice is at the -' railway station for co ection, II at Bridge for delivery} of telegrams, 2 miles distant f .7 Wall Letter Box,_in the Village. cleared at 9.50 a.m. In 7.30 p.1IL as 12.30 p.m. on sundaya_ National School (mixed), for 70 children; average at-,, tendauce, 70; Miss Tree, mistress . Railway Station, Daniel Jesse Knight, station master C.M. medical ofiicer; I Frederick Collings, caretaker) Bushell Ann (Mrs.), beer retailer Money Col. Evelyn Campbell, The Old Baker Henry Minter, farmer &: land- Lilley Charles, Prince of Wales P.H. Palace owner, Cobham court Newport James, carter Pritchard Rev. Albert Richard M.A. Bridge Rural District Council Sana- Sheafi Geo. miller (w'md), &. corn dlr Vicarage torium Tassell Mrs. Wanstalls BELVEDEBE (or Lessness Heath) and Abbey Wood, is an ecclesiastical parish, formed in 1861 from the civil parish of Erith; it has a station on the North Kent section of the South Eastern and Chatham railway, and is 1 mile west from Erith, 4 north-west from Dartford, and 12 from Iondon, in the North Western division of the county, Lessness hundred, lathe of Sutton-at-Hone, etty sessional division, union and county court district of Dartford, rural deanery of East Dartford, archdeaconry of Maidstone and diocese of Canterbury, and jurisdiction of the Metropolitan Police. The parish extends to the banks of the Thames, and is lighted with oil lamps by the Erith Urban Council, and supplied with water from Crayford by the Kent Water Company. All Saints’ church, Erith road, is of cut flint with stone dressings, in the Early English style, and has a western tower with spire, containing a clock and one bell: there are four stained windows: the church will seat 600 persons, 280 sittings being free. The register dates from the year I861. The living is a vicarage, net. yearly value £380. with residence, in the gift of three trustees, and held since 1892 by the Rev. Frederick Nugent Eden M.A. of Pembroke College, Cambridge. St. Augustine’s iron church, erected upon the marshes, has an organ formerly in Lambeth Palace chapel: there are 300 sittings. Here is a Congregational chapel erected in 1865 with 300 sit- -tings, two Baptist chapels, one in Bexley road, built in 1863, seating 240, and another in Abbey road. erected in 1899 with 200 seats, also a Primitive Methodist chapel and one for Plymouth Brethren. The Public Hall, in Erith road, built in 1871 at a cost of £1,500, is of ash- lar and flint stone in the Early English style: the hall will seat 300 persons, and has ante and committee rooms; The Royal Alfred Aged Merchant Seamen’s Insti- tution, founded in 1865, and opened January, 1867, is pleasantly situated in 24 acres of ground, commanding a view of the river; it serves as an asylum for indigent merchant seamen, of not less than 65 years of age. and is available for 500 inmates: there are now about 100 who are fed and clothed, and also about 250 out—pensioners, each of whom receives £12 yearly: Captain John Dowdy, house governor. In Belvedere Park is a masonic lodge. The Belvedere and Abbey Wood Provident Dispensary, established in 1855, was made provident in 1888, and is supported by vnluntary contributions. The population of the ecclesiastical parish in 1891 was 4.789 and in 1901, 9,826. ABBEY WOOD lies to the west and has a station on the North Kent (South Eastern and Chatham) railway; (T. Louis Collard, clerk; Robert Leishman Moorhead EM.B., Tumber Thomas. beer retailer Sherrmrd Francis, coal merchant marshes below Plumstead and commanding a pleasant prospect: ft is under the control of the London County Council as an open place. St. Mary’a iron mission church, erected in -1888 at a- cost of £180, will hold 200 people. Post 81'. M. O. 8: T. 0., T. M. 0., Express Delivery, Parcel -Post, S. B. & Annuity 55 Insurance Ofice, Belvedere Station.—T'homas F. Deakin, postmaster. (S_ub-Omce. Letters should have S.O. Kent added). Letters are delivered on week‘ days at 7.15 &. 11.30 a.m. & 3.45, 7 8; 9.30 -(sat. only); dispatched at 8.50, 10.50 8:7 11.45 a.m. at 4.45, 7.10, 9 & 11 p.111. (except sat.) & 11 pm. on sunday Post, M. O. & T. 0., T. M. 0., Express Delivery, Parcel Post, S. B. 8: Annuity Sc Insurance Ofiice, Bexley road..- Mrs. Emily A. Trott, postmistress. Letters through Belvedere Station S.O Town Sub-Post, M. 0. 8t T. 0., S. B., Express Delivery & Annuity 86 Insurance Ofiice, Abbey Wood.-—.Mrs. Jane Elizabeth Farnhill, sub-postmistress. Letters through Belvedere Station S.0 Town Sub-Post, &. M. O. 0., S. B. & Annuity & In- surance Omce, Northumberland Heath.-—H.erbt. Shaw, sub-postmaster. Letters through Belvedere Station S.O. Nearest -telegraph ofiice at Belvedere Town Sub-Post, M. 0., S. B. £6 Annuity 85 Insurance Ofice, Upper Abbey road.—Mrs. Fanny Wood, sub- postmistress. Letters throu-gh Belvedere Station S.O PUBLIC ESTABLISHMENTS. Provident Dispensary, H. Cane M.D., A. S. G-reenwzy -M.D. 31, F. C. Rogers F.R.C.S.Edin. medical oflicers; D. S. Fripp, hon. sec Main Drainage Works, L. C. C. Southern Outfall, E. J. Beal, supt.; Robert George Warwick, marine supt. Crossness Metropolitan ‘Police Station, Woolwich road, R Division, Sub-divisional Inspector, William Sly, 7 sergeants 8: 28 constables Royal Alfred Aged Merchant Seaman’: Institution, Capt. John Dowdy, house governor; J. Bailey Walker, s_ec.; Francis C. Rogers, surgeon Public Ofllcers. Registrar of Births, Deaths It Marriages, Fred William F. Ranger, 13 Bedonwell hill Collector of Rates for Urban District Council, Fred. A. Kelsey, Montealto, Woolwich road . Turncock, Henry Fountain, Alfred road PLACES OF WORSHIP, with timesof services. —~ All Saints’ Church, Rev. Frederick Nugent Eden =M.A» vicar; 11 a.m. & 7 p.m.; daily 9.30 run. In 5.30 pin St. August-ine’s; 11 am. 55 6.3o‘p.m ~- _' near it is Bost-all Heath, a tract 155 acres in extent, - situated on the table land which bounds the Thames St. Mary‘: Mission Room, Abbey W,ood,‘6.3o"p.x'n-»-; 78 smcrrmoros. Harris Herbert George M.B. & B.S. Knight Godfrey, china 6: glass dealer, Seabree;eVCyclel,’&"H'gtor Durh., L.R.C.P.Lond., M.R.C.S. Station road Eng., physician .5; surgeon, St. Lee Henry, apartmts. 8 Gordon sq John’s, Station road Harris Jas. Smith L.E.C.P. 8; L._\l.I., Lloyds Bank M.R.C.S.Eng. surgeon & medical officer 8: public vaccinator, Minster district 31. medical oflicer to the workhouse, Isle oi Thanet union Harvey Jn. boot maker, Albion rd HI-VWBPG JOHN. Sea View hotel Hilliar Edwd. Hy. Bungalow hotel Hinkley Edwd. Jn. grocer,_provision dealer, The Square KENT. Harris Wm. Thomas, builder, Alpha. rd Knott Hy. coach builder, The Square Sayer Wm.gre_engroce_r,,;x, Fpsgflv -‘ : Lees George. floriisgl Epple nursery Shoobridge open tues. «hp hi. I! a.m. to 2.30 Smi.th£dw§n,£'_u1n¢r‘;St:j" _, ’_i .m. The Square; draw on Lan- Sally on office, Lombard street EC Maxted Charles, family butcher; pur- Sl43V_9,11l _LD-G! (M3-), veyor of highest class meat only, ' Aberdeen house, Station road Maxted Edward, farmer, Little Brook 590116 »Ge01:ge._ End farm; res. Hoo, M.i.uster,Thanet . ‘ » A .- - Montano Annie (Mrs.), apartments, .4, Stone 0rlsnqlo_E;.iaxI§e_r‘ end, "'11 In Cons‘ s « r. = Sherwo-:1’ pm‘? ~ it (sub-branch), 'rh9_‘cha1et‘," ‘- " Solly sifted. boot .=makgr,. giant Mas-gate "road; . “' Stewart David, spy-huh 7 Station read . ~. Hoar George, apartments, 9 St. Prospect place 'l‘apseli,.-He,nry,'_ ' I :7- James’ terrace Osmotherly Benjamin, apartments, Tilley;.Wsn,~ , ‘Q, Holness Jas. carpenter, 1 Gordon sq Mayfield, Minnie road '. V05\1.I.1t98!_‘- BBt,tfl1it3nig{;fi§%'hB.3,3’fi3;. Hooker Gilbert, chimney sweeper, Parker Thomas, watch ma. Stationrd . .158!) K9813; Station road Pemble James, butcher,'The Square‘ G. L. ,Matfi:qI_s) . __,_,’ -,_, _) , Hopkins Samuel E, draper, Station rd Pemblecharles, cattle dealsr,~East End Wl'lC¢li._'Q 7, V n Euckstep John, apartments, 6 Percy 581111. Margabe mad . s - ment a.genf§.&.4:nalj.l'rpq;y.» . - villas, Station road Hudson John Prior, pork butcher, 15 Mill row Perrins Fredk.S. dairyman,The Square , _; . shopkeeper & Pettman Fredk. greengrcr. Station rd Weaver Gnco.{MtI,),,;IpQgtxpeuts],36' Pettman Geo. By. 31,, 7,.» ' .; " Hunter cecii, steward to p_ 3, G, Pointer Thos. postmaster, The uate White David. sparlznts, Powell-Cotton esq.Quex frm.Quex pk P011’: Robert, greengrocer. P9-rk 8110 Whitehead A. & A. International Tea. Co.’s Stores Lim. Powell-Cotton Gerald M. farmer, -Que! chants, Church ‘street buildr. Station rd -Prospect place . 4 awn sues), ladies’ 85 boys’ school, Filllu-ig'gs,~ZBecons- The Square Park farm ' ' ., field road . ~ =:.- _,,- 3;, ._ Johncock Joseph Augustus, fancy re- Reed Percy. New inn & fly proprietor, Willghii-e Leone (Mra.),,gp_agtrngnt_,s, pository, Station road The Square _ _ Brunswick house,.Park lIu}:e~ : Keen Mary A. (Miss), apartments, 26 Reed _Th0D-W5 Benlamln» °8!'P°!1l’r°1'y Wilson Thomas Barty, tor _, Minnie road Station road _ Wing Albert, builder. bx. ridge King Charles Edward, Queen‘s Bead Reed Thoma! Beflifimln. limo SP1???‘ Station mm » .:'—.-«_.; . P.H. The Square _ments, Ir Prospect place Worthington Harry Edward M,B_.Q.S.,. Knell Edward, Powell Arms P.H. The R0W18J1d Harry, apartmts. Gordon sq L.B.O.P.Lond. physician ‘E _surg'eon,,_ S uare Kne Fredk. livery stables, Statn. rd BIBLING is a parish and village, at the foot of the chalk hills, 2 miles north-east from Malling station on the Swanley Junction and Maidstone section of the South Eastern and Chatham railway, 2 south-west from Snod- land station on the North Kent line, 8 south-west from Rochester and 7 north-west from Maidstone, in the Mid division of the county, Aylesford lathe, Larkfield hun- dred, Malling petty sessional division and union, Maid- stone county court district, rural deanery of North Malling, and archdeaconry of Maidstone. Bi:-ling is watered by a small stream rising near Birling Place, and flows into the Medway. The church of All Saints is a building of Elfieutish rag, principally Perpendicular in style, and has a tower containing a clock and 8 bells, and several stained windows, as well as memorials of the Nevill family: the church affords upwards of 400 sittings. The register dates from the year 1558. The living is a vicarage, net yearly value £153, including residence and 16 acres of glebe, in the gift of the Marquess of Abergavenny K.G. and held since r896 by the Rev. Theodore Augustus Eden Williamson M.A. of 00 us Christi college, Cambridge. Christ Church, a. chayie of case. at Lower Birling, erected in 1893, is in the erly English style. The site and burial ground were given. by the Rev. Canon Coulson M.A. of Guildford. Bgrlmg Manor, the residence of the Hon. Balph Pelham Nevill D.L., J .1’. (lord of the manor and principal landowner), is an extensive mansion, in a modern Gothic style, with St. Mai-_v’s Convalescent ome (Mrs. M _ Roberts, matron), The Beach even Wyles Bobt. aparts. 1 ‘St.~James’ ter. argate road is also a. landowner. The soil is various, sand, gravel; subsoil, stone and gravel. 'l‘he~u1‘ea-is~1~.gi7~. acres of land, a large proportion‘ of which ‘.is*devoted to the cultivation of hops, and 3 of water; assessable value, £2,760; the population in 1901' was 894 in the ‘civil and» r,8g7 in the ecclesiastical parish. » _ - Layland is three-quarters of a miie north-east. '_' Hnmhill is also in the parish, 1 mile east from the parish church. ~- Parish Verger, George Kilner. Post-. Teleg'raph‘8t‘Express Deliv"e'ry Julia Peters, sub-postmistressu Letters man West. Malling S.O. arrive at .40 a.m. & 2.15 ‘p.m.; dis- patched at 11.10 a.m. §5.3o’p.m.';.sundays',"arrir.e’ at 8.15 a.m.; dispatched at 9.§o\ a'.m~.f"Pos€§l orders are issued here, but not paid.’ The n'es'.rést.‘money order oifice is at West Malling, 3 miles ‘distant i Wall Letter Box, Ham hili, cleared at 9.13 u.I:n". & 6.55,‘. p.m.; sundays, g.r5 s.m ' . q : . Letters for Ham bill, should be addressed Snodlanr} Schools. 5 National (mixed), enlarged in 1882, fcr,_xoq'childien’§ average attendance, 59; Miss Adéraide-Garlod, mistress. National. Hamhill, built in I87z,fo1,'19or‘e>hi1,d.ren;V'.'av‘e‘ra_g9. _ attendance. 52; Miss Belcher, mistress «- Carriers.—Alfred Allehin,_t-o "Maidstous, on f:s;o2i;,r‘h’in-:1“ .5! ,4. grounds of about 70 acres. The Marquess of Abergavenny rmvsrn mzsmszrrs. (Names marked thus “ Postal address, Snodland S.O.). Christie Robert B. B. Birling house *Homewood Mrs. The Groves Millgate Miss, Birling lodge Nevill Hon. Ralph Pelham D.L., J.P. Birling manor .\’evill Ralph Wm. Plantagenet J.P. Birling manor Rust Miss ' Smith Rev. A. Grafitey (curate) Williamson Rev. Theodore Augustus Eden MA. Vicarage commncun. ' Allchin Alfred, carrier Bishop George, builder Bishop Thomas, builder , *Boakes Edward, grocer, Ham_Hill Chatfield Frederick, hlacksmith,wheel- wright, carpenter & undertaker Denxnsn Miriam Ellen Alvina (Mrs.), shopkeeper 7 English Thomas, farrner,Paddlesworth Gregsoxrii Louisa (Mrs), farmer. Bir- ' le 0 . Hayes William, Bull P.H. & farmer *Hicks George, shopkeeper, Ham Hill ‘Hope George, butcher, Ham Hill *Kne1l Robert, tanner, Groves farm 8: Ham Hill farm *Langridge James, basket maker, Ham Hill ' & sat.; Mrs. Emily Ongley, ’to,Stroo'd, Rochester ‘E5 Chstham, on thurs. as sat g ‘ ’ V ‘ ‘ *Langridge nobemubuaderille g...;;,‘ *Langridge Robert,‘ ‘jun; Freemasons’ Arms P.H.-‘Earn 'Eill_ ~ ' '- - Lee John. farm bailifi to _.-‘Oliver, Bird, Sandhole; ..-'2.’ . I. May Henry, baillffitdcll . -Philip Champion, -Aust~in’I‘.'fIr!,n‘ ' " Morgan Arthur, farm bsififl o"Hon., 3- P- NeVi11._“ ‘. ”“"i. Ongley Emily flirt). clrrlefr,-Sandhole: Peters S. IB,ro§."'g‘l"o¢érI","i’(_1§§"ofl§ce_ > Bust William,’ fan to Hot; 12. P. 1vevm__ ‘ -2 * Tester Fras. farn1e‘r_;Waln ,*Wood Ann (Xrs.),' _ pkpr.-' ‘A , ,_‘_ Woods H:3,‘1'vs9y‘,’f:_:._r‘r1‘ie1-’,' ..i. IBISEOPSBOURNE is a parish on a feeder of the Stour. on the entrance of the Barham Downs, and about half a mile from the Dover road, with a station on the Elham Valley line of the South Eastern and Chatham railway, and 2} miles south from Bekeshourne station on the Chatham and Dover section of that railway, and 4 miles southeast from Canterbury, in the £|stcx:.&9'1- sion of the county, lathe of St-. Aignstisié, hundred, petty sessional at union, Canterbury county court of East Bridge, and archdeaconry and ofslhntgrd bury. The church of St. Mary is’ of’fiids.- iuthe -Esrk '."A.IWl'x ilx En ', andglator styles, and has atower containing 5 ‘n :‘thcre’ issome stained glass and a memorial to Biehardrfloloker .h£.A. -(commonly known as “ the learned and judicious, Hooker ”), author of the celebrated “ Eccle- siaalncd=.Polic_t,” and some time fellow of Corpus Christi oel1eg'e,n0xiord;..he_ was rector of Bishopsbourne from 1595 till his death, Nov. 2nd, 1600: in 1390 a memorial window: toellofiea-.—was erected: the church was repaired and re-seated’-.in 1872, at-a cost of £1,600: there are 2r5.,Iitting.s.;: The register of baptisms and marriages dates from 1558; burials irom.157r. The living is a rectory, yearly value £350, with residence, in the gift of the Archbishop of Canterbury, and held since 1901 by the Rev. Blissard M.A. of Emanuel College, Cambridge; it was formerly ‘united to Barham, but was separated from it in 1846 by Order in Council. Bourne Park is the seat of Matthew _Bell esq. M.A., D.L., J.P. ant} lord of the manor._ Charlton Park, the seat of Mrs. Tattersall; is half a. mile south-east. M. Bell esq. the Marquess Conyngham and the trustees of the late Rev. ‘ Pnrvafrs nssmssis: Holtum_Mrs. _Pheasant's hall Tattersall l;Ir's.'Oharlton' park BLACKHEATE is a suburban district of London, included-‘vunder the “Local” Government Act, 1888,” within ltheoounby of London, created by that Act and within the‘-' Municipal borough under the BLACKELNSTONE is every small parish. 3 miles north fro,un1\le:w:Romney terminal station of a short line from Lydd and-on a branch.o£ the South Eastern and Chatham railway, and 7 south-west from Hy-the, con~ . sisting otone farm and a few cottages, in the Southern division of the county, Worth hundred, lathe of Shepway, g union and liberty of Romney Marsh, petty sessional divi- sion of Romney Marsh, New Romney county court dis- may again the 11'-ural deanery of South Lympne and , ar'chdea‘conry,.and''diocase of Canterbury. The church; has lon.g*'beenfin~rui'n's and scarcely ‘any traces of it are 4‘ now‘ left.‘ '1‘ho~li‘ving is a. rectory,‘ annexed with the! mus and Damian-in-the-Blean) is a i1l,a'wild country, enveloped by large tractzrof rough land. is 3 miles north-west from’ djfrom Canterbury to Y_Vb._it- ‘doof the" parish, has a, but contains a/large, and , *3‘ in the Eastern division ‘of_ lathe of St. Augustine, hundred of"Wh'it- b petty ‘sesfsional division and '_cpunty_ &‘d_,’1'1;_"_ e 1-ufral d_eanery and archdeacoury ' lb ‘ tlfipnfchurch. ‘The the county, Itable,_,Gan . .... . hfiyaiinsss-?-"Th .. - . yéss :1,-with halt¢an'-acre ol glehe; in-the'=gif1. College, Cambridge. _ 7 d ‘_'a ,Baptist chapel at Tyler’ :1 one ‘of _ ‘1841,‘_‘by Richard’ Qharfes Y the repair of his tomb’, the pally‘ in calico and’ flannel. James Fleet escif " and Mrs. as Chair ‘#19 light loam; ,mbs_oi1. clay-. The chief crops ( leg, Q hops."'l‘he area is 2.334, acres; pulation in 1901 wgs_61}1.. Forest, 4, niiles-“north-. The '-woods __ various .-_five'u,1ile'I in difierent .diI_e.¢-, ;.b .iee_d.e1_-s of _t.he,Sto_ur..\"1’u<=1I and there are._occasi,onal‘ clearimzs-, ‘ St._Step£en’s parish, 18 -2. miles .. .05-‘:1es Iio1;t‘ua!-L .. ‘ V E_o1ttu1n,- ’sub-poltrnaster. -Letters , . -0aeterbnry.br mailsart at 5-15.8--u.L 8% zD._1,I.L&,d,ehY£lfed_ by cycle messenger at 6 a.m. KENT. COMMERCIAL. Bell Matthew "M.A., D.L., 'J.P. Ash William Thomas, frmr. ’Bour1_ie"p,a’z-k _ ’ ' Maxted Henry, blacksmith, assistant] Blis's_ard'Rév2'Wm;M.,AL(rector),‘Bctry overseer 85 rate collector Gibbs ‘ ' Miller William, Cold Harbour farm Pettit John Wood, irmr. Charlton frm Sharpe Fredk. carpenter do undertakr _ ‘ £2 10:. ‘yearly,_léft‘ ’ at ‘of Bleah, £or"brea‘d';“anci ‘ .. .ital‘i;s.»1orsi. of the manor . :--col: ‘arle's"H‘amilt‘oz_x,‘1‘1_-tie1,ii'an .7 Baker are the largest landowners‘. “ 79 W. Tattersall (d. 1902) are the principal landowners. 'In' Gorsley Wood, on the property of the Marquess C0nyng- ham are three tumuli, opened in Feb. 1882, ynd found to contain stone chests holding human remains. The -soil is loamy; subsoil, chalk. The chief crops are wheat, oats, barley and hops. The area is 2,018 acres of land and 5 of water; assessable value, £1,768; the population in 1901 was 279. . Parish Clerk, William Russell. Post Ofice.—James Lucas, sub-postmaster. Letters arrive from Canterbury at 5.35 a.m. 8: 1.20 p.m.; dispatched at 7.50 & 10.5 p.m.; on sundays at 1.50 p.m. Postal orders are issued here, but not paid. The nearest money order office is at Bridge. There is a telegraph omce at Bishopsbourne station National School (mixed). erected in 1861, for 100 children; average attendance, 32; Miss Helen Phylis Bardo, mistress Railway Station (S. E. R.), George Stepney, station mstr Smith Henry Edward, boot maker Tanner Richard, hop grower & land steward to Matthew Bell esq. Len- hall farm Turner George, Lion’: Head P.H Ward William, farmer, Woodgate frm BLEAN. Court lo i “London Government Act, 1899,” and is not, therefore, comprised within the Kent Directory, but will be found in “Kelly’s London Suburban Directory.” sinecure rectories of Eastbridge Chapel and Orgarswioh to that-_oi Dymchurch, yearly value £23. Lord Bra,- bourne is lord of the manor. The trustees of the late Archibald Stokes esq. are the principal landowners. The land is principally in pasture. The area is 297 acres, 12 of which are glebe, and 3 of water; rateable value, £270; the population in 1901 was 8. Letters are received through Folkestone, arrive at 7.30 a.m. Dymcliurch is the nearest post, money order do telegraph office, about 2 miles distant Cagrifers to Ashfox-d.—Carey & Sons, pass through, tueg, 1'). Link James, farmer but not paid. The nearest money-order ofice is at St. - Dunstan’s street & telegraph ofice is at Canterbury head olfice, 2 miles distant Post Ofiioe, Tyler Hill.—Z\irs. Clara Lowe, postmistress. Letters from Oanterbury arrive at 8 a.m. 85 8.5 p.m.; box cleared at 7.30 a.m. as 8 p.rn.; sundays at 8 a.m. Canterbury is the nearest money order a-. telegraph oflice, 3 miles distant Nat.iona.l_Schoo1, erected in 1864, enlarged in 1872 do again in 1884. for 140 children; average attendance,’ '24: Miss Hamming, rnistress’ ’ ' _BLE.-LN BUB.A.Ii,DIS’l‘BI(7l‘ GOUNCJL. Meets on alternate tuesdays at the Workhouse, Heme, 1 » at 2 .m. ‘ ‘ ‘Chairman, A. Collardyifiecnlvlbr ' _ -‘Clerk, Jas.:E: Burch (solicitor), 39 Castle st. Canterbury :’I‘raasurer, John McMast-er, Bank.‘ Canterbury V -= Medical. Oficer. of Health, M. K. Robinson M.D. -Sea view, Priory hill, Dover ‘Sanitnry Inspector, W. D. St Canterbury - - - -- BLEAN UNION. . ~3Board day, tuesday fortnightly, at 11.30 a.m. ‘ "The Union comprises the following parishes:—.Arch- 'bishop’s Palace, Blean, Chislet, Christchurch, Her-ne, ‘Herne Bay, Hoath, Reculver, St. Dunstan’Within, ‘St. "Dunstan Without, St. Gregory, St. Stephen or Heck; ington, Staplegate, Sturry, Swaleclifie, Westb'ere,VWhit~ stable Urban &: VVhitstable-cum-Seasalter. Tho_.p0'pu-. ilation of the union in 1901 was 24.548 ; acreage. 28.335 9 j rateable value, in 1901, £154,539 Chairman of the Board of‘ Guardians, G. Farley, Berna atham, Eddington, near Ba Clerlg to the Guardians 8: Assessment Committee, James. . E. Burch, 30 Castle street, Canterbury ‘ Treasurer, John Mchiaster, Bank, Canterbury llelieving Oficers, No. 1 dish'ict,_'I’hos-. Edward Dilnot. Borne, near -Canterbury; No. 2 district, Frederick ~ ’ ' Hardiman, 65 Burgate street, Canterbury Vaccination Ofioers, 'Herne sub-district; Thol; Edward’ Dilnot, Horne, near Canterbury; ‘SW37 sub-distnct, Frederick Hardirnan, 65 Burgate street, Canterbury: i¥,~7.1o p.'1n.; dispatched at 11 a.m. 8: 9.35 p.m.; on Whitst-able sub-district, Edwin Johnson, Whitstable sundays, 5.50 pm. Postal orders are issued here, 88 BRENCEILEY. KENT. Hodges Frederick, blacksmith 87 iron-‘Noakes Henry, farmer 8: hop grower, Ca.mb., M.B.C.S.Eng., L‘.B.C."P';: monger Burr‘s Hill farm Loud. physician in surgeon, _The Hodges William, saddler, parish clerkillonkes William, Henry & Chan. Church house V 57 assistant overseer 1 corn merchants, meal manufactrs. Smith Samuel, farmer & hop grower, Holiday Home (Ragged School L'nion,f agricultural merchants 85 quassia Tong 6: Curtis farms secretary, John Kirk) ' Hume Gerrard Harry .\I.R.C.V.S. Horsmonden manufactrs. Telegrams “Quassia” Suashall Alexander, carpenter Taylor J smes, market gardener veterinary surgeon. Mount pleasant]Parkes William Dunster, smith & Thompsett Joseph Thomas, farmer In Humphrey Wm. shopkeeper, Castle wheelwright Kemp John, Bose &: Crown P.H ‘ Levett George, farmer 8: hop grower, Parsonage farm Philpott William Luck Jn.Martyr, frmr.ThePop1ars fml hop grower, Gatehouse farm Phi_1pott John Gor grower, Petterid hop grower, Egypt farm don, farmer so hop Thomson William, insurance agent ge place Tompsett Stephen, fruit grower Byerley. farmer & Volunteer Battalion (2nd) (Wea1d of Kent), The Bufis ‘(East Kent Begi- Luck Sarah A. A. (Miss), parish nursefPlayioot James, farmer, Rowley plain ment (E Co. Capt. W. Merchant; Manwaring Percy, farmer. hop grower ulz Cold! Harbour farm & nurseryman, The Warren, MarlfPope William, beer retailer Place farm 5P1-ickett Andrew, butcher Sergeant Edwin Ongley, drill instr) Vousden Thos. farmer, Dunks farm Warrener Mary (Miss), shopkeeper May Alfred, frmr.Pearson’s Green frmiRofe William, Castle inn 6:. carrier Wells Hannah (Mrs.), staiioner Neale James, beer retailer, clock Sci]?-US$911 Edwin. painter Wells William, grocer, Pearsons green watch maker ;Seward David, carrier 8: furniture re- Wimshurst Thomas, farmer, hop in Newman George, farmer, Little Cold; mover, Walnut tree 1 harbour (Simpson Henry B.A., MB. 82 B.C. Woodgate Stephen, shpkpr. Peteridge BRENZETT is a parish and village, on the road from New Romney to Tenterden, 2§ miles south—east from Appledore Junction station on the Ashford and Hastings section, and three quarters of 21 mile from Brookland station on the Appledore, Lydd. Dungeness and New Rom- ney branch of the South Eastern and Chatham railway, and 5% west from New Romney, in the Southern division of the county, lower half of the hundred of Aloesbridge, and partly in Romney Marsh liberty, lathe of Shepway, petty sessional division 01} Ashford, Romney Marsh union, county court district of New Romney, and in the rural deanery of South Lympne and archdeaconry of Canterbury. The church of St. Eanswith is of stone, in t-he Early English style, and has a belfry with spire, containing 3 bells: there are several memorial windows and two marble monuments with efiigies: the church was thoroughly restored in 1902, at a cost of £260. and afiords 180 sittings. The register dates from the year 1538. The living is a vicai-age, net yearly value _{,'_:o. with residence, in the gift of F. D. Brockman esq. J.P. of Beachborough, Hythe. and held since 1897 by the Rev. fruit grower, ’l'ibb’s court farm James Wilkinson M.A. of Durham University, who is also chaplain to Romney Marsh union. Sir Edward Archi- bald Hamilton hart. of Iping House, Midhurst, Sussex, is lord of the manor. The principal landowners are Sir Henry Nevill Dering hart. K.C.M.G., C.B. of Surrenden- Dering, Ashford. Jesse Piper esq. and Thomas Bayden esq. of Brookland. The soil is at-ifi loam; subsoil, clay. The chief crops are wheat, oats and peas. The area is 1,807 acres of land and 12 of water; -rateable value, £2,112; the population in 1901 was 303. County Police Constable, Albert Best Post 8: M. O. 0., S. B. at Annuity 55 Insurance Ofice.— Mrs. Ellen Grist, suh—postmi.stress. Letters through New Romney S.O. arrive at 7.45 a.m. ; dispatched at 12.45 pm. & 7.5 p.m.; sundays, 10.10 a.m. Brook- land station is -the nearest telegraph oflice, 1 mile distant National School (mixed), erected in 1851, for zoo chil- dren; average attendance, 150; Alfred Jas. Coy, mat: Carrier to Rye, passing through Ac returning same days, Carey &7 Sons, wed. 8: sat.; to Ashford, -tues. 8: fri (Marked thus 1' should be addressed Bedwell Richard, wheelwright Nash Thomas,miller (wind) 8: corn dlr Brookland, New Romney S.O.) Capeling George 'tRichards Mrs. Dean court Wilkinson Rev. James _\I.A. (vicar &: mrme” & Son, grocers, Paine Harry. farmer, Blue House farm drapers, corn salesmen, graziers 8; Pentecost George, farm hailifi to A. Finns‘; Co Chaplain of ROmne_,.Ma,5h “.U,.kh0.~,y Collicl-1 John, farmer, Greatfield farm Belph Philip, shepherd to A. Hick- Dean court Giles John, blacksmith . man esq . . Gosbee Albert, shepherd to A. H1ck- 1-Rye Charles, farm bailiff to Mrs. H. connzncun. man es M. Richards Ames Basil 8: Son, builders. painters, Grist Chas. James, butcher 8: farmer Smith Edward, grazier, Bean villa paperhangers 8; undertakers Mowl William, Fleur-de-Lis P.H Wheeler Amos Arthur, farmer Baker Samuel, shopkeeper BRIDGE is a parish, and head of a. union, giving its name to a rural deanery; it derives its name from its situation in a valley on the Roman and modern road to Dover, at a bridge over a feeder of the Stour. with -.1 station on the Canterbury and Folkestone line of the South Eastern and Chatham railway, and is 11; miles south from Bekesbourne station on the same system, and 2% souIh—east from Canterbury, hi the Eastern divi- sion of the county. lathe of St. Augustine, hundred of Bridge and Petham. petty sessional division of St. Augustine's. Canterbury, Canterbury county court, rural deanery of East Bridge, archdeaconry and diocese of Canterbury. The village is lighted with gas by :1 local limited company. The church of St. Peter is of flint, in the Norman style, with some additions of the Early English period, and has a tower, with spire, containing a. clock and .4, bells: the windows are stained: within a. recess is a recumbent effigy of a man in robes. in low relief: the church was repaired and partly rebuilt about 1860. and affords 350 sittings, 80 being free. The regis- ter dates from the year 1565. The living is a vicarage, annexed to the vicarage of Patrixbourne, joint net yearly value £320. with 33 acres of glebe and residence, in the -gift of the Marquess Conyngham, and held since 1898 by the Rev. Herbert Knight M.A. of Christ’s College, Cambridge, who resides at Patrixbourne. The Wes- leyan chapel, built in 1894, is of corrugated iron and wood, and seats 150 persons. The principal landowners are the Marquess Conyngham, who is lord of the manor, Earl Sondes and Matthew Bell esq. D.L., J.P. of Bourne Place. The soil is chalky; subsoil, chalk. The chief crops are wheat, barley, oats and hops. The area is 1,168 acres; assessable value, £3,107; the population in 1901 was 775, including 8 oificials and 89 inmates in the workhouse. Sexton, Sidney Gilbert. .\lurrell Alfred, grazier, White house Post, M. 0. 8: T. 0., T. M. 0., Express Delivery. 'Parcel Post, S. B. 6: Annuity 5: Insurance Ofiice.—J. C. Wil- son, sub-postmaster. Letters from Canterbury arrive by mail cart at 5.30 a.m. & 12.45 p.m.; dispatched a: 10.30 a.m. & 8 p.m.;. sundays at 2.5 vp.m Wall Letter Box cleared at 10.30 a.m. St 8 p.m.; sun- days, 2 p.m Bridge Volunteer Fire Brigade; engine house, Red Lion P.H.; consists of a Mei-ryweather manual engine so about 720 feet of hose; Marquess of Conyngham, hon. captain; Charles Wills, lieutenant 5: sec.; number of men, 12 National School (_ mixed), for the joint parishes of Pat:-ix- bourne 8: Bridge, for 123 boys 4: girls do 50 infants: average attendance, 95 boys & girls 80 48 infants; John George Andrews, master; Miss Fanny Wye, infants’ mistress Carriers to Canterbury pass through daily Railway Station (S. E. B.), John Poate, station master BRIDGE RURAL DISTRICT Meets at the Guardians’ Board room, Bridge, every alternate thursday at 11 o’c,,l-ock. Chairman, J . D. Maxted. Littlebourn Clerk, Thomas Louis Collard, Bridge Treasurer. John McMaster, Bank, Canterbury Medical Ofiicer of Health, M. K. Robinson M.D. Priory hill, Dover Sanitary Inspector, Charles James Wanley Croft, Bridge District Surveyor, Septimus Sladden, Littlebourne BRIDGE UNION. - Board day, alternate thursdays at the Board room at the Workhonse, Bridge, 1: a.m. The Union comprises the following -parishes. Vii-7:- Adisham, Barham, Bekesbourne, Bishopsbourne, Bridge, omnoroim] Ghartham, Fordwich, Harbledowu (including The Mint), Holy Cross Westgate Without. Ickham, King- stone, Littlebourne, Lower Hardi-es, Milton, Nacking- ton, Patrixbourne, Petham, St. Nicholas Hospital, Stodmarsh, Thannington Within & Without, Upper Hardres, Waltham, Wickhambreux St Womenswould. The population of the union in root was 12,384; area, 41,250 acres; assessable value in 19oI, 67,770 Chairman of the Board of Guardians, . D. Maxted, Littlebourn Clerk to the Guardians dz Assessment Committee, Thomas Louis Collard, Bridge, Canterbury Treuurer, John MoMaster, Bank, Canterbury Collector to the Guardians, Relieving Ofiicer 8: Inquiry Oflieer for the Union, Thomas Wood Palmer, Bridge Vaccination Ofiicers, Barham district, Thomas Wood Palmer, Bridge; Chartham district, Charles James Wanley Croit, Bridge The Assessment Committee meets monthly on saturdays at 1 Parade, Canterbury Medical Oflicers «'2 Public Vaccinators, No. I district, Robert Leishman Moorhead M.B., C.M. Bridge; No. 2 district, David Arnold Chanin-g Pearce M.D. Shalins ford street, Chartham; No. 3 district. Henry Octavius Preston L.R.C.P.Edin. Lower Bridge street, Canter- PRIVATE RESIDENTS. KENT. BROADSTAIRS. i bury; No. 4 district, Edward Griffith Freeman Morris L.R.C.P.Edin. Littlebourne; No. 5 district. Richard Ambrose Coles M.B., C.M. The Grove, =Barham Superintendent Registrar, Henry Fielding, :5 Burg-ate street, Canterbury; deputy, Edward H. Sladden, St. Radigund’s cottage, Canterbury Registrars of Births 3: Deaths, Barham sub-district. Thomas Wood Palmer, Bridge; deputy, Thomas I Chapman, Bridge; Chartham sub-district, Charles ! James Wanley Croft, bridge; deputy Alexander G. 5 Putwain, 6 North lane, Westgate Without, Canterbury {Registrar of Marriages, Thomas Chapman, Bridge; ' deputy, William Thomas Read, 35 Havelock street, . Canterbury ‘Workhouse, a building of red brick, built in 1835. to I hold 350 inmates; Walter Marshall, master; Rev. ' Matthew Flynn Evans, vicar of Thanington, chaplain; Robert Leishman Moorhe_:id M.B., C.M.niedical cilice.-, : Mrs. Ellen Marshall, matron School Attendance Committee. Board -room, Bridge, monthly on thursday at 12 o'clock. ;C1erk, Thomas Louis Collard, Bridge , Attendance Oflicer, C. J. Wanley Croft, Bridge ‘;Meets at the , Beck Col. Charles Edward, Hillside ho 4-Boyce Alfred Foster’ Castle Mrs. Bridge 1muse/ Chapman Thomas, Ivy house / {Collard Thomas Louis, Riverside house Cordeaux Miss»/ ~“'Ci-oft Charles James Wanley Eyers Mrs q’Ha.rt Mrs Harvey Henry Haynes Mrs. Rose bnnk'~/ Hirst Capt. Henry, Bourne lodge\/ -- Hoge Mrs _.lones Charles Edward J Karney Miss imbert Mrs V iles Joseph ({ oorhead Robert L'eishma L .B.,C.M Mount Herbert H. Little ridge place Palmer Thomas Wood Perry William, Lynton house-/ Pilcher Richard‘,/Bourne Parkhéottege Sankey Misses Tassell Miss ’ Taylor George Robert Williams Miss Wills Richard, The Terrace/ Wflson Mrs. Bridge place Winter Mrs. Bridge hill‘/ Wyborn Mrs / Wye Robert colnnzncun. Anderson Frederick, Red Lion inn 3: jobmaster ' d Frank, er Belsey Herbert John, builder V 4 Bradley Robert, boot maker Brice William. Plough & Harrow P.H Bridge Gas, Coke 83 Coal Co. Limited (Charles Wills, sec) Bridgland Albert, builderfundertaker 6: carpenter, Portland terrace rown William Henry, saddlerv Chapman Thosregistrar of marriages it deputy registrar of births & deaths for Barham sub-district, Bridge union Clark W. L. watchmaker Collard Thomas Louis (Collard Bros). auctioneer & Valuer, clerk to the Bridge board of guardians & assess- ment &t school attendance commit- tees of Bridge union 8: to Bridge Rural District Council Cowell George, shopkeeper/ Cljbit Charles James Wanley. sanitary ‘inspector to Bridge Rural District Council, registrar of births 8: deaths for Chartham sub-district, Bridge union 6: school attendance oflicer Crouch Edwin, plumber IDurrant Richard Henry. drape-r Edwards Francis, butcher Fairbrass George, shopkeeper Fairbrass Joshua Thomas. dairy Fenn John, decorator Fenn John, jun. cycle maker File Stph. farmer, Little Pett-"/farm Friend Richd. coal mer. 8: fly‘f)ropr Gilbert Thomas Richard, blacksmith Gold.sa.ck Fanny (M.rs.), cowkeeper yimber, glazier & ' house -1 ‘Helm an William, farmer — ../‘ ‘-West Charles, butcher — Kennett Jas. Newport, jobbing gardnr Luff George, laundry’ filanwaring Wflliam, miller (wind &:\ steam) Moorhead Robert Leishman ‘ALB. 8: C.M.Edin. surgeon; medical oflicer 37 public vaccinator ‘So. 1 district. Bridge union 8: medical ofiicer of Bekesbourne Sanitorium Moss Alfred, grocer Palmer Thos. Wood. collector to the guardians, relieving & vaccination officer 8: registrar of births & deaths iorBarham sub-district.Bridge union Perry Annie (Miss), draper Perry Wm. grocer 3.7 provision dealer Plommer Ernest Malcolm, farmer, Pett farm / Pri_ckett George, beer retailer - Setterfield William, wattle maker Shail George, White Hyase P.H/' Stevens Henry, tailor Stone George, dairyman Stupples Thomas, Woodman's Arms, Pett bottom / Tutt Mary (Mrs.), dress in ' r Vidg-en George, brick maker »/ 'Williams Elizabeth (Miss), girls‘ schl Wills Charles, baker Wilson John Codnor, chemist &. drug- gist, Post ofiice v" Wye Robert, assistant overseer ior Patrixbourn 85 Bridge 8: Bekesbourne 5: clerk of parish councils of Bekes- bourne 56 Bridge BBOAIDSTAIBS with ST. PETEBRS. Howard Chas Wm. veterinary surgn/ BBOADSTAIRS, anciently called “Bradstow,” is a pleasant little town and watering place, with a station on ‘the South Eastern and Chatham railway, 2§ miles north from Ramsgate, 72 from London and 3} south-west from Mai-gate, situated on a. small bay on the eastern coast of ‘the Isle of Tranet, and within the civil parish of St. Peter, in the rural deanerv of Westbere, and archdea— conty and diocese of Canterbury; it was from 1879 under a Local Board, but is now governed, under the “Local Government Act, 189.1.” (56 and 57 Vict. c. 73). by a vis- trict Council of twelve members. In pursuance of an Order of the County Council, made in x894» the name of the Urban District was altered to Broadstairs and St. Petefis, and in 1895 was divided into two wards, Broad- ’stairs and St. Peter’s. The modern extension of the town of Broads-tairs has a fine promenade on the summit of How cliffs, but in the older part the streets are narrow a.nd_ tortuous. Both Broadstairs and St. ‘Peter’s are lighted with gas and by electricity by a company, and -supplied with water from works erected in 1659 and extended in I876, the property of the Urban. District ‘Council; the water is obtained from wells. The ecclesias- iiical parish was formed out of St. Peter’s on Sept. 27, 185:). The church of the Holy Trinity. erected in 1840 as a chapel of ease to St. Peter’s, is of flint with stone Ileingo in ‘thelarly Enfilxish style, and has a tower con- taining a clock and one 11: there are 750 sittings, 318 being free. The register of baptisms dates from the year 1850. The living was declared a. rectory Dec. 6, 1867, net yearly value £190, With residence, built in 1870. in the gift of the vicar of St. L'Peter’s, and held since 1896 by the Rev. Francis Thomas Shapley Mills _\{.A. of Jesus College, Cambridge. The Catholic church, St. Peter's Park road, is dedicated to Our Lady Star of the Sea. There is a Baptist chapel in High street-, founded in 1790, with 250 sittings, and one in‘Queen’s road, built in 1897, having -seats for 170; a Congregational chapel. erected in 1876, with 3oo sittings; a. Wesleyan chapel and a preaching room belonging to the Brethren. _ ’lhe Maisonette is the residence of Sir Richard Henry Wyatt D.L., JJP. Bleak House, standing in a prominent position on the clifi”, is stated to be associated with the novel. “Bleak House,” of the late Charles Dickens. 'lhere is a bathing establishment and libraries, as well as marine villas and many lodging houses. The Grand Hotel con- tains every convenience: the Albion is also a good hotel and there are several inns. York gate, an ancient arch of flint-work, once forming part» of the defences of the place, was built by George Cullmer about 1540, and re- paired in 1795 by Sir John Henniker bart. the portcullis and gates have disappeared; near it are the remains of a chapel dedicated to Our Lady of Bradstow and once containing an image held in great veneration by mariners, who were wont to salute it in passing by ninncI0,nY.] Campbell Emma (Mrs.), stationer, Post office Curd Harry, beer retailer, Mile oak Danu Samuel, farmer at hop sampler, Ledgers farm Else Thomas, com 81: seed factor, lit clerk toSchool Board,Commercial rd Francis Leonard, Bell P.H. Beltring Freeland Charles, commercial travel- ler, The Lodge, Station road Gray John Thomas, grocer &c. see Harrison 85 Gray Green Fdk. jun. crpntr.Maidstone rd Guest Marshall, carpenter, Station rd Halberson George John, grocer cb draperr, Maidstone road Harrison in Gray, grocers, drapers 8: outfitters, 8: agents to W. 8:. A. Gilbey Limited, wine &: spirit mer- chants, Station road Hawes William James, miller & corn dealer, Maidstone road Hunt John, farmer, Maidstone road Hunt Thomas, farmer, Maidstone road Jenner George, farmer &: hop grower, Mascalls, Pound farm Joy William Edwin, insurance agent, Mount Pleasant road Judd Alid. Emest,beer retlr.E1m tree Lake Sydney, Queen’s Head P.H Lamb John Fuller, insurance agent, Commercial road Lediord Edwd. stationer 8: tobacconst Love W. P. wheelwright, smith 8: agricultural implement maker & agent for all kinds of machinery, Commercial road 8: Ledgers works Luck Amos, farmer &: hop grower, Sweetlands farm Luck Amos, jun.irmr.Woodlands inn KENT. Maynard Wm.fruiterer,Comme:'cial rd‘ Miles Albert, farm bailiff to Major E. Horrocks Newnham James, shopkeeper 3 Orchard Edward, baker, Station road! Overy Henry James, farmer, hop grower 3: brick maker, hand-made stocks, red facng bricks, Mascalls Court farm Oxley Bichd. butcher, Maidstone rd Oyler Wifliam. iarmer & hop grower, Putlands 81 Stace farms Paddock Wood Drug stores (Farmer 85 Co.). chemists 8: drug-, gists, Commercial road ' Parochial Hall (Rev. A. H. Shaw M.A. acting trustee) Pearson Bros. grocers & drzipers,Maid- stone road Peters Frank, insrnc.agt.Z\l’aidstone rd; Playfoot Gustavus Ingram, saddlezgl Commercial road Prall John Albert, nurseryman &: fruit tree grower; res. Matfield nurseries Russell Kate(Mrs.),drpr.)Iaidstone rd Scott David Hart L.B.C.P.& L.R.C.S.? Edin. physician 8: surgeon, Aycliflfli, Maidstone road I Samway Henry, farmer 8: hop 8:- fruit‘ grower, Stone Castle farm . Seaborne Coal & Coke Co. (George, Waghorn, jun. man.), Railway stain‘ Simpson Henry B.A.. M.B. &. B.C. Cantab, M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P. Lond. physician & surgeon Skelton Bros. hoop mias._\Iaidstone rdl Skinner Francis,farmer cl: hop grower, .Beltri.ng farm Snow HenryW.boot ma.Commercial rd Springett James, boot «S: shoe maker, 459 Thirkell Abraha.m,frmr. & hop & fruit grower, Park farm Thirkell Abraham Edward Monckton, farmer & hop &f1'uit grwr.Knells im Thirkell Alfred, farmer, hop 8: fruit grower, Cats Place farm Thomson James, head gardener to Major E. Horrocks Uings Thomas, farmer. Warrington im Waghorn CllflS.l)Ee!‘ ret-lr.Maidstone rd Waghorn George, sen. fruiterer Waghorn George, jun. coal & coke merchant, hay, straw dz corn merchant, 3; agent for Seaborne 8: Co. Maidstone road Waghorn John, greengrocer, carrier, furniture remover, carman,&c.Com- mercial road WaghornSydny.carrier,Commercial rd Wakeford Eva (Mrs), day school Wall Annie (.\Irs.), aprtmnts.Statn.rd Webley Jsph.blacl;smith.Maidstone rd Weeks William, carrier, Maidstone rd Weller Charles, grocer, baker & in- surance agent, Post oflice Wells Frederick William, photogra- pher, Commercial road White E. A. Limited, farmers, hop &: fruit growers; manufacturers of the Patent H Spimo " Hop & Fruit Tree Wash ; “Abol" Patent Plant Insecticide; " Abel" Patent Nozzles, Sy- ringes &c. Beltring. Telegrams, “ Hops ” ‘ Willmann Ernest Theodore, florist, Commercial road Wood George. cycle manufacturer, Maidstone road Woods A1id.H_v. baker,‘Commercial rd EAST PECKHAM. ifrom London, in the I _ Medway passes through the parish, and has a wharf at Vchiefly in the Perpendicular style, and has a. tower con- Luxiord Charles Arthur, baker, Maid- Commercial road stone road Luxford James, farmer,Maidstone rd Marchant Thomas, farmer & hop grower, Mile oak Masters Bd. boot repr. Commercial rd Masters George, boot repairer MaybourneAlfd.dairymn.Maidstone rd PATRIXBOUBN (or Patricksbourn) is a parish and village, pleasantly situated in a. healthy country, the Lesser Stour running through the village, which is three- quarters of a mile from the road from Canterbury to Ashford, half a mile south from the Bekesbourne station on the Faversham and Dover section of the South Eastern and Chatham railway, and 3 miles south-east from Can- terbury; it is in the Eastern division of the county, partly in the city and county of the city of Canterbury, lathe of St. Augustine, Bridge and Pethsm hundred, Bridge union, and in the petty sessional division of Horne, Canterbury county court district, rural deanery of East Bridge and archdea of Canterbury. The church of St. Mary, a fine structure of the Norman period is of flint with stone dressings, and has a tower with spire containing a. clock and 3 balls: there are nine stained windows and monu- ments to the Oonyngham family: there are 18o sittings, 30 being free. ‘The register of baptisms and burials dates from the year 1556; m ' es from 1560. The living is Gay William, Higham Rhoden farm Peckham Herbert Richard, Benville Penn Frank, Bifrons V’ Batclifie John, Patrixbourn lodge EAST PECKEAH is a large straggling village and parish, 2; miles north from Paddock Wood station on the main line of the South Eastern and Chatham railway, 1 north-west from Yalding station on the Strood and Pad- dock Wood section of the same railway, 6 north-east from Tonbridge, 8 west--south-west from Maidstone, and 33 South Western division of the -county, lathe of Aylesford, Twyford and Littlefield hun- dred, Malling petty sessional division and union, Maid- stone county court district, rural deanery of North Mal- ling, and archdeaconry of Maidstone. The navigable hindges. The church of St. Michael is of stone, mining 6 bells: the chancel was restored in 1855, and fine remainder in 1863: there are three memorials to the Cook family,_and some remains of ancient stained glass: the church has 5300 sittings. The register dates from commncisn. Knight B.ev.Hubt.M.A.(vica.r),Vicarag Baker Ernest William, farmer & hop grower, Hode farm Blunt Herbert, Biirons cottage, land agent to Marquess of Conyngham Wraight Jn. plumber, Commercial rd Stewart Brothers, 8: Spencer, oil cakelWra ght Thos. farmer, Durranfis farm merchants, Station ' Storr & Co, general merchants Ta_vlorJames,hair drcsser..\Iaidstone rd Taylor Thomas, farmer & hop grower, .V\ Z‘lgllIl:‘l_V'.11l2l.Il11l“3 merchant.Southern counties representative for Messrs. Lywood & Sons. farmer 8: fruit grower, Paddock Wood farm _ iYOung Geo.shoe maker. Commercial rd x 4 x u a. vicarage, with that of Bridge annexed. joint» net yearly value £320, With 33 acres of glebe and residence. in the gift of the Marquess Conyngham. and held since 1898 by the Rev. Hubert Knight .\LA. of Christ‘s College. Cam- bridge. Bifrons, the property of the Marquess Con_vng- ham, who is lord of the manor, lay impropriator and chief landowner, but now occupied by Frank Penn esq. is a handsome mansion of stone. standing in a finely-timbcred park of 230 acres. The soil is loam; subsoil, chalk and gravel. The chief crops are hops and wheat. The area. is 1,638 acres; assessable value, £1,887; the population in 1901 was 188. Parish Clerk, John Sladden. Wall Letter Box cleared at 9.50 a.m. 8: 7 p.m. ; sundays, 12.30 p.m. Letters through Canterbury arrive at 7 a.m. & 2.15 pm. Bridge is the nearest money order 8: telegraph office, ii miles distant The children of this parish attend school at Bridge Hewett Frederick, bailifi to Herbert Richard Peckham esq Hopkins John, farm bailifi to William Gay esq the year 1558. The living is a vicarage, net yearly value £478, with residence and 9 acres of glebe, in the gift of the Dean and Chapter of Canterbury, and held since 1900 by the Rev. Philip Wood Loosemore M.A. of Bishop’s College, Lennoxville, Canada. Holy Tri_i_'iity is an eccle- siastical parish, formed July 28th, 1843; the Church» erected in 184,2, is of stone in the Perpendicular style. and has a. turret containing a clock and 2 bells. The church was restored in 1892 at a cost of about £800. and in 1900 a choir Vestry was added. The register dates from the year 1843. The living is a Vicarage, grossjearly value £290, with residence. in the gift of the vicar of East Peckham, and held since 1898 by the Rev. Henry James Watters MA. of Trinity College, Dublin. and A.K.C.L. There are Wesleyan and Baptist chapels. The extensive mills of Messrs. William Arnold & _Sons, and a large tannery belonging to Messrs. John Dixon, Sons and Taylor, are situated here. Benjamin Scott Foster 331 __.., . .4 _ I «..‘..:a4».»_....:.«:.-.».;:-s..;_ " _‘ " H‘ <_ .pv1' (‘Fuss .\'<-zlsnllvr farm. Su-;.g.q]|m- pfngs 5% \'if‘W. I&ll‘5l."=lll(‘l' cross; lslznul \\‘.'lll ; llnrslnll hill Sea View hnuse. Sen wull l\‘on.l'm'l-ll, ll Ulzlro rn:ul Sf-la. 68 lli-gvnl Sll'('(‘l. Hulm-y cottage, Hriinshill rum! Sitlnoy villn. (.lrmnw(-,lI rmu] Sil\'er(l:I.le, Cromwell rorul Hinglvlmi. (7‘lzm- ruzul Silwvtls lann, (Yhurr-h str(-.1-l Smith View lmusv, Huulh View rnml S]l(v!(‘(l\\'(‘ll, Argyle rum] l\‘|Ir‘ivIgli(*|vl. (llillllllllll hill n\'|n'IngIi:~lrl lmuse. (':u1l«-rluur_y mud SI. All):ms_ l{:u~lmnr plzu-c St. Alhins. 17 ('rmnwell rnml St. Annes house. St. Annos roml St. llrunn. 'I'nnlu-rlnn rmul St. l)unst:I.ns, ll:u'|mnr plume Sf. lfilnm, (.‘-rniI1\vvll maul St. (lenrge. V\'esl; cliff St. lleliers, (lhurvh Hlreet ruml St. l(il«l:I.'.s‘, lh-gent slrvet SI. l\l:I.l'g:I.1‘elr~', 25 \Vost (llill mm]; 12 (In rllnn t(‘l‘l‘iI(',x3 St. M iclmnls lmnse. Clnn‘cl1 Sln-ct 1'0:ul St l\lll(ll\‘,(lS, ll (lznrllun l(‘I'l':t()(*, Sl_. Reina). ll:n'hmn' plum-. St. Ilunnns, l}rn_vslo|n- rnml St‘. Vincent. Rvgvlpt strm-I; Stanley villa. 8 Essex street Slanville. 4 ;\lhnl road Strsltlllnmm 24 Nelson 1'o:1(l Stnx'lnIr_v rum]; 28 W:-.I'l-lI\\'«I()(l mud Vim-. 1-nl-lalzv, NHI‘lUll\’ sin-r-ll Vyner ml.t:I;:o. 25 West olill \\':Ill:usu~_v \'lll.'|r. n\'_\'tl<-nlnun strod- Walmll; '|‘ree villa. (Jlnm-.h street I \\':u':1t;IlI. (lrmnwvll ruml I \Vnlerlnn house, 36 High street \\':I\'('l¢‘ll-. l5 \\'vsl. vlill \V;n'ertx'e(-., ('/nnlt-,rlnIry rnml \\’:n'<-rlI'u-¢- llUl|$‘f‘. 20 Allu-rt slwvf \\’:1y])r»st 1-omige. U.'l.l|l(‘.l‘l)lll‘_Y roatl \\'r*:n'si«l«-. N1-lsnn rnml Well lmuso. 7:8 llcuellt. slrovt ‘.\‘e.I'lmI'_\'. 'l'|w vill:n;:r- nos ,.|,..u|. Hm-e lIIll0.‘\' lrnln (‘mill-I‘lnII‘_\', anal has :I. slnlinn nn the lmlnlun. “hut- hum "ml Iluvr-r lluil\\‘:Iy Inain line. It -N S“m|[‘ hug ‘.1.-nnesqi|pl_\' sllunlt-«l. uml the Iwighlmllrlmml is (lt‘.\'(Il(‘(l IN the (mltivnlimi of hops uml lo II[,:|‘l<'|lll"l'l‘« g(,ner:nlly. ’I'lio |mplIl.'Ilil>II is .ulmnt 530. '[‘'h,. |i\-mg is u. Vll‘:Il':I;_{(‘ III thu- gin "f H“. /\.-ululuislmp of (‘m|leI'lvIIr_y. (llll|l‘l‘ll of Ht. l'e|I-r——NnmlzI_\'s. lloly ('«.'Inmunimn. 8; Mulins. ll; l‘»"“"“""l~'- 6.30, ll\'Inn.<. .-\. nml l\l‘ Virur. lh-\'. All».-|~|. I’:-in-li:u-«I. (‘hurm-lnvsmh-IIN. Ull- l\lm:a-_v .unl '\lr. ll. ..l\|. ll:‘Ilu'l‘.’ . _]{(3]\'(g.lIUlIl'll\', l’:Lnsl| t'0ll|ll‘ll—‘-(,:lI.lI.l- mam, llev. A. ll. l'ril<:luml; (,mlm.-Il- Anlzuns, Juhn. The Street Axlmns, \\'illizun llenry, 'lhe Street Anms, John. I31-l;e.I|1'|ie lull [cm-.1, l'}«l\\':m‘., lln~l:vsl)nurno hill [r,,,~_ Allx-,1~t,_ Ilekeslmurne hill (}:n'(l«-nvr, VV. (lilvlrs (I‘x0l'S “ll w""lt0l1 l“:Irn1 liI‘l;1;_{.\', llcnry, llmle l4‘:mn cottages llmm-.. Williznn, The Street _ llupper, il.eun:u'ml, 1lek(:slmu‘rno lull lihlenclen. (leu1'ge W. '1 lie Nvfeell .l:u'vis, R.irl|:ml, 'l.'he St-reel; Johnson, '.l‘lmnms \V. The Street Jones. liiclizml, The Street .l()l‘ll:|I|, \Villi:nn, The $l.r(:et Kenny, Riulnurrl, Ullulkpit llurin |\',,;g|,g,‘ ||(-my, |’;u-sun.-ngu lfnnn eels. Law, '.7lizu'les, ll:-lll4'l»'»“ Mmms‘ (;,.,,,-gm nude l4‘:mn cottages Munns, '1‘lmn1as, Hode l*‘zu'n1 cottages _._._.___.’ _ ,ua-5a;;e(«"~'_‘."f:'f,.- ;:.;<—..-_~_;«....... ..4_. E54; .2’. F l l l l- E »««.—ai;.—;..-...,; . Bekesbourne — Beltinge—Bishopsbourne. i\lllIlI|S. 'l‘linm:is. jun. B(!l((‘Sl)(illl‘l1(‘, hill Nvwiiiiz. \Villi.i.iii, llowlciu/H Fiiiiii Cot. Sutton, John, Bel{(:Sl)0lll‘ll() hill Siittim, VV. ll. (lllillklllt cottages Bisl1opsbourne— BishoP5t°n9_- ‘VIII llli..l.‘{lIll( l-- ‘. ’' Sliei'r:i.ril. F. ciizil iiien-,liii.iit, The Station Wolili, A. W. llode |"iii'iii ('llll«'li)!_L'-S‘. “mt l'\,l"l“|'“.w |§Qii_ jejgq, ; (lilplillll, llullnwes. ‘! Sniiill, George. The Stri-ct \Vi|snii. \\':i|I(-r. ll:-li.~i(-lies mid llzmilwny Mvii, iaitiizilv upon 11 .i.iul 6. l |;:,(.).\.l|.l.l.l|i, A, ggiiiiii-luv:-p.-i~. lnrsl<~_v wuml - l“:iI!uiii~iie frnin 1595 to 1600, the dale of his (lfllltll. ll"l|9 living is ii. R/e<:tui'y iii the gift «if the A|‘l'lIlIiSllU|V of Ul|IIl(‘l‘l)lll‘y, ii.nd zit ]ii‘<-swiit. hvld by tlw Rev. Wiii. llli.s's:ml (M.A.). li0llI'Ile Park is the seat of Mnttlimv Boll. Eszq. (.I.l’.), liiril of the niaiinr. (illiiirltnii Piirk is the seat of the lliirliiim “0\\'I1S, (‘.0llIlllEl.lllllIlg splen- did views in every (llnlltlilflll. iiiiii-.-Imln (‘i)lll‘SP. The siilisivil is chalk, \\'lll(‘.ll eiisiires ii. dry cuiirse zit flll times of the year, mid the turf is of the finest desiwiivtiiiii. 'J'liu iiioiilhly iiie-d:il. is (‘.0ll)- poleil for on the lust 'l'|iiii'si|:iy iii osicli iiiuiitli. lV(‘S'ill0S \\'lll(‘ll iiit-etiiiizs are held iii the spi'iiig, SllllllI)0l' ii.iid zi.ii|iiiiiii.wlieii iiiiiiiy vii.lii:i.lile prizes iire nll'oi'o(l for iaiiiiipialitiiiii.‘ '|'lio iieiirost smliiiii is Ilisliiv ishniiriie, on the l'llli:i.iii Valley lll'1Il|l'l]I of the ls'.l‘}.lt., ltllll iilmiit h:i.lf-a- llllll! frniii t|ii' liiiiks. 'l'hi- ilisliiiiva from (‘-ziiilerliiiry is Ilime-2i.ii«l»:i~|i:i|f miles. 'l'liei‘n is It siniill cliili-lioiise fur the use nl iiiniiil>ni'.<. ltiso.‘ :,<’~{.»=:(-E;£oa1:-c"- J (}H_.];.||_ .lH\'O‘]l|!, ',l'hi- Sll'l‘l)‘l’i "e,,,]Y_ 'l'liniiiiis. (lll$lrI’ll0ll l zirk (‘Di-S. ”_.,‘”'. ]4‘|-mg;-is. (l0llI'll()(lfll‘ l‘l=I1'|I1 lloldlirnnli, John. gulf links l{(‘0|¥(‘.l‘. llu.r|i.'iiIi .l)mviis Hulltiiiii, t\lr-:, l‘llI'¢IFlllllSl|1|ll ' k I|‘"nlxl-qh‘-"N \\'.||p.,ni. l§iiiii~iii- l ill Liiikin. \Vi||i=-I-I~ """“'“ ""."."’ q - i l;lll'5lS. -lniiios. |)()Sl-’lIl:lSli(‘I'. lhn ilimn lVlll.T\'lPAl. llo.iii'_\'. siiiitli .'i.iid zissisl. over Scar, ’|‘lii-. ('o.d:i.rs 'l.‘:ilIi-mill. (mu. J. U. do V. Fh=u'1*"n l'.'irk 'I‘;LHi'l‘S:lll. ROV. llllzlrllilll l’:n'li ’l'iirn(-r. llmi'ge. liinnsx llenil .liiii Udcii. Jiiiiies. 'l'll‘0 Sli1‘*‘-9*" Vniil, ('lini‘l4‘-’~‘, '”"‘ 'ql""“" , \\';..-ll, \\'illi:iin. \Vmi«lg:il«- l':irin Wvlls, II:irI‘,V (I'.U.) Tlw -*"Wb .iI.‘~‘.|l()l‘."'l‘0NlC. . 'l'lii'(-- ll]lll‘S (‘5l.‘~‘l M‘ ll1‘|‘lll‘ li"."- “l“ ‘.\[‘\‘|Iq‘|\'(i viii“ of sari mi-I the Isl!‘ of . ._ _... .q..-—-—_; -y-_ «...;.=-a aka‘. mam. .: .: lliiti-zililv viihiv. £2020. tit-ii in 1901 was 279. Ullll]‘(‘ll of St. l\l5ll'_)'—R'.‘I‘l()I‘, Rev. ']'liiiii<-I. iix (ll.\'ll llll‘ lliiy llllll \\ilIllSi2llll\‘. |l;u-lmur. 'l‘hi- (Ellll'l'('l| is St. Mary, y'_(-puli-»i~, Rev. A. V\'llllll‘y. I I .l ll(‘ )0 )iIlii- . .. V ~ : ' I I pi'ii:n-lind l)_V i1'l'|Il\ll llimil 0! ll) “ '.‘ of tho llniviis l‘lII'(IllL:l| llll‘ llli-ii. l“I'mI| me (mlgigii-.1-il Station is ulilziiiicil an (iinpt-. Juhii (locil do Veol T:i.tlc1'sizill. The Biixliaiii Dawns Golf Links occupy p ~:.z- _:“;xn:-woi¢.J:._._s..£........»---. V. i..—.. ' i J ‘ 330 (‘iw-livi‘. l?i<'li.'1r(l. <*u.'islgIi:irtl lli-:ip<-i'. Williiiiii, (3()2lSlv[_'|l:IH.l l\llIll1‘l\lI}Il. I\li.ss A. llisliiipslniiv llniisv l\|r(/'.Ii'l_v. L\liuliu<-l, l‘O£L\'lglIi|I'(l lliii-. li‘iII'n'. lllslili \Sll‘Ill‘ liiitln‘ L» L Bishopstone —B1ean. 'l”.i_vlnr, llv-ln~i'l. t'n:islgii:ii':l \\':i|lr'i'. l"iml<-i'i<'|<. r-i::isl;_rii:ii':l \\'li:ili-_\'. HM‘. :\. l.\l..-\.) lili'|lllI‘lll ]}i.i«:AN, Hr Rt, Uosiiiiis lHl(l St. llllllllilll-lllvlllt‘ Blniiii. Pust 'l'ni\'ii. (l1llIl(‘l'l)|ll‘y, frniii \\lIlI‘lI it is zilmiil. llll'(‘0 iiiilr-s ilislziiit. ziiiil \\'lll('ll isi Hie iic>iii'9sl. 'l'(>l¢~.grzipli niiil Muiiey lll'll(,‘l‘ (Hlive Illlll llrilll\\'HV Sin tinii. 'l'lie siliiiilinii of llio piirisli is in It sniiiewlial. wilt! coiiiiliy, Slll'l'0'll|l(l0.tl \‘l‘llll \\'(N)(l(\ll S(‘(‘llel‘y, hop and fruit pluiilziliaiis; ll|0 iiiaiii 1‘0lltl fi-niii (‘mi l('l'lHll_\’ in \\'liit-slnilula puss;-.s flirniigli llI0 iiiirisli. 'l'lie popiil:i.linii is almiil (ill, :llHll‘llIlll4!'l (7\'l‘l‘ zin £lil‘I".'I, of shini- 2230 :ir-res. ’.l'|m living is ii. Vl('1lI‘4'lg0 iii llll‘ gill. nf Hie l\‘l«‘lSl(‘.l' nf l".:isl,lyi~i«l_i,re llnspilnl. l'v‘lIll(‘l’l)IIl‘.§', llie weseiit, nm-ii- pl(‘I‘ lieiiig Hie Rev. ll. W. ’l'+-iiiiple (l\l.A ). llli‘-iin llllllm \Voi'l.'ll'lKll0l l|<'I‘Iie.' livviiiili-s ilisliiiil. lllHll‘l' \\lll!’ll ]>:ii'isli lllt‘ rillii-,i~i'.\‘. (‘ll‘,, will In‘ luiiiiil l’:iiisli (‘i>iiii<-il———Mi-ssi's. /\lliI~i'l l,l'll'l‘ .l:iiin's l’:irlu-i‘ ((7li:iiriii:iii). NI:-plivii 'l'. }\lIlli‘l'.\'l)ll (Vimnl‘li:iii‘iii:inl. .l.'llIlvs' llul» <-liIl'«-. Jnliii IC. \\’:illi.l‘l{lIf)ll.<(‘--Iqcf‘ ll(‘.l'll(‘. Pivst. Ullice l|llI(l(‘l' (liiiilni-lnii'y)—-—Sii|r pt-sliii:isl.vr, l\'ll‘. (1. llnlt1iiiii, lN|0l- Al)llf‘l‘SnlI. Allwi-l. W. llloiiii (‘mnmoii Aiulorsmi. A|‘fi‘oil W. fI'llll0l'9I‘ llllll wnnil i.leri.li-r Aiiiloi-snii, ll4=iir_v. \Vziliiiif. Fiiriii AlIllfll‘Sl)l), Jziiiies. generzil slinp /\ii4li~i-snii, S. 'l‘. 'l'liniii:is. lziriiii-i-. llloziii Bottmii iii:il‘.SlHI_l('l|l"4l. ll :i.iii., E!.."'v(P |i.Ill. ;Hiiii¢l:i_\'s, 5.50 |).lII. Nviiiest; ‘\l4iiii-_v Ni. '|'ol<*gi':ipli Ullire, (':iiitoi'lniii'_y. l§|.lC/\N llllll/\ I. l)l.\"l‘l{l( 3‘l‘ (!(lllNl BIL, l':ii'isli1*.s‘~—l!'o:iii, (‘liiwli-H, ll:i:-liiii;;- li::I 01' Ni. Nit-iilicsiis. ll:-riio. lltmlll. Ile- ('|ll\'l‘l‘. Hi. l)iiiisl.'iii's \\'illinIil, .\‘lIii‘i'_\', .\‘\i':ilt><'lill'0, \\l(‘Klll(‘l'(‘, \Vllll\‘l€lltll‘('|||||« l\l(‘7lS;lll‘(‘l'. (T'li:iii'ni:iii——-.'\|liiigl4>ii ('n|l:ii-rl. Esq, l.l.l‘.), lN'.lll\'4'l‘. II1‘:Il‘ ll('l‘llI- ll.-iy. Vii-i-('li:iii'iii:iii -ll‘.\\l.\\’lIiri(l.l‘llllllI‘CHlIl'l.r Bmlivell. Williriiii lC«_lwzii'(l. l)eiisl'.i'niid ._ TH .,._ ..,_ « * ,E..~.—x ,.,:_.*. -. 4;‘.-' ‘.- ~ Blean-~Bridge. H A 337 l’.i‘in-I‘. llll'llZI|'ll. 'l"IlI* l\'ilii liill ’ |;,.(,“v.,'mg_ (ti-,oi-go. l:iriii<-i'. l»l<-:'In lli'uii'iiiiiL'. «l. “"‘"l 'll"‘ lll"‘”' l """"”" ”l.‘_.“”j..,_g. .\lis.< i‘. ll.) ll:-in-A)‘ ‘ll'lll ‘ " - i. I‘-i'u>\iiiiii;_r. llIIIIlI!I‘x. lillldll l-Iv “I” (-,l\.”,, _h.,,‘»,.‘ |'.|:~:in ( uiuiiinn ('li:n.|vli.-ll. .\ll’ri-ul. 1'lmii-s \\'mIll9|L{|‘, ‘ I|(vlll|\'_ \\ illiuiii. lll" l\".""l l “ ‘ , |'m’5|m|. Aumnv L,,..:|; .'~‘lIlI||I..””l!ll|-‘V lilll llnlnr-s24. .’\|IIl'|"'-““- l.“l'-"- " ,- I ",,m.”,,_ (‘|.;.,<. lNi(IllII:|l{‘l‘l' -'I.ll'l p.iiisi ('l(‘l'l{. llli-:iIi l'0sl. lllllll‘0 ’ i I |[,,'.|(in_<. 'Iliuiii:is :iii<| (ii. 1".IIlI(‘l& .iiii g(‘ll(‘I':|l il<~:ilur.*<. lll"/"ll l"""'"““ lliililuiiwl. .l0lIIl. “'!'“‘l 'l““l""- lllm" llllllllllllll _ ’ _ ” F I .|nii(-.<. 'l‘. liiriii l>.'IIlllvl- llllrkllc Iv lllm "m.(|:m_ ‘-,|",_\._ ,\.l ,-.....1’|.' |.l_i.;iii bl) . «yin '|,.]|_ :i.~|.;.p.|_ 'l'iIv l\IllI lllll .lii|l. \\i|li:iin. l_\'l<'I‘ lull, Kl|'l>_\‘, '|'|inin. , , llunx-_\‘ lllll l.i-I}-\'i'v. \\"i-||i:ini. l:II‘|||1‘|‘ "Wl l"’l’ W“ l.’ llnzilli (‘oiii~I- l":ii‘iii ‘ l:“\\'l.\'. l'ill'/:llH‘ll|. ll"“".‘. llllll llll1‘\' J luiilill ll(h'll‘ll 1 our!’ l:Ii‘m I . . . Inn: lfaliiiiiml l'»lI'«'H' l""'”""" l\l£|I'i‘ll.‘|lll‘~_ \\lllll:lll|. lllhill-‘ll (‘I>|||'l' "“lS‘ l\l:H:~‘lI. l\ll.l‘l‘i.n....u, \\'illi:-in .I. 'I‘_vh-r Inll l’i‘i<~9, Alliorl-, (l£Ill’_VllHl!l. llleziii (‘miiiimn '-'4-cs, Is:i.'i<'. 'lIII. lilthlll (l0|II||W|l lI'l-line, \\‘i|li:iiii'l sen. l9|o.:iii (_7niiiiiinii |’ri<-i-. \\'illi:ini. jun. Ills-:iii liulloin I'|'ir-,. VVMI. \i'lw('liii‘l;,rlil-. llnno_\' lllll 'l’i'iiviii:iii. l.i('lIlv. Hnl. (fliiis. llzuiiiltnn, (l'C.l).) H:ilIii'_\'. 'l'lIl-N‘ Vlll-".‘—i“ I|ln\'\' -1 lllmwiiiil \'l|II&IllUlI :iI-niil. lliiw-. 0 . <- -- ' . . ~ ‘ , . . _ ; n rnml iiiilos frniii (l-1IIll(‘,ll)|lI‘\ mi ll|(‘ iii ll“ V V _‘Hm "H .mm"” I-(,;”|.,—-ltl mu’. 'l'liv-i'<- is :i. sliiliuii nliuiI|- ll-‘ill«'l-mil?‘ -iisluiil. an ill!‘ l‘lll|:IIll V£|ll(‘,_\' line fi-niii (l:Illl(‘|'lilll‘\' lo l"ollu-stniic. 'l‘li<-. (‘liiirvli .,[ Si. l'é!ci‘ is zi liiiiidsoiiie liiiilding \ J Apps, (?I::u'I4~s AIfr«~,'||si.\'t.< prim'i- 1».--I|_\' nI' nnu long .IIm-Inr of I\'inLr‘x' 'I':I,\':-s~.-\Ir_ II. \\"_\«-. I'IrrI< In IIn- II1I:IruIi:llI:a'- -MI‘. 'I'. ll. ('n|I:mI, IIri«I;,'c. II:ui|n:I_v Hluiiun (I'IIh.'mI VnI|v_V Iinr-) '—-Ml’. II:II'4I‘\'. I’:-.I; l1IIII|‘IIHlII‘|l(‘. J. II. I\I:l,\'Ir'II; 1\IiIl<-n :|n‘}" \/((I;|lbI|'II. |\II'S. I"_V I""I'S" I " U, _/ \! 'I:lI'|M‘llIl‘I‘, I‘I.\(‘h. N fI4nh\"|I\““.W‘ V,(.J_“..,”. ¢;...,.~,_5.-_ gun. «Ivu.I<-I. ‘It I A-l,4»II (3 .l. W. s:mII:u'y |n.o.1'l. 1(‘\n.uo/ \/I“III‘. NIt'|»h(-n. I.II.lIu-. I'«-H‘. I‘;u'lII _; ].‘i|.. ,\‘_ |,iH|4- I<'.:u[«nI Iurnl / . I Vyl‘,m_‘|‘ \Vm_ lvnrk ,.,,“:,L,‘._5-_ llnllznl Cm: “I"I':IIn-is. lI«-|n‘.\'. ""31"" ""II"I-5"" — l*‘r:InrIs, I\1rs. 'I'Il0 |qI‘l"“‘vI' and ‘,]¢‘,-'....,.|, It. PHIII llH‘l'I‘IlIlIlIr and II_\' Pl'“I‘~ Ih-unk.~:iI< l'I‘“"‘ / .1 I InIII.\':N'I{. I":nnI_\ . 'I‘In- I):IIl',"‘ II"I‘III" “I- Stmot,I B1'i(I§r0. I\ln.Imr and R-onmi-‘N. WW R°P"~‘"‘» 9"“ J. FENN, Jnr-, Iligrh Uyclo 2/|..;,.-.-_ .IuI|n. VI ~‘Iln|m:In. \\'iI||:cnI. I4IIIIIn|II|r:-_\'. _ A I-*.‘I:nI‘\‘i.~'. \\'i|Ii:unI. I’rIInmsa- :lII“.V ‘.,II(IIIlISI)l|. I”. I’>I"‘II-I" '\'I""III’ I 33” /\II I I 'IIvr'1III|4‘. I 'I'hI- II'I'l'I':ll'IE" St-flun villus / I\I|'.\‘. 'I'hu NIH-.t*I5 I _, g‘ .1, ‘|. U inn rn:n II‘”III‘II\lIIr:I‘I“I III‘lIlI|IllIIl‘\'. ;\IIn-rI II‘l'T5N“‘/ 'l'.I,,,'..- I\In.-.<. llrmx IIuu.-n hum / 4 ', .'. .- \'_ I\I.IlI\\L.lI:':(IlILl£}l.7. 2””: “ml at U:Inl.--I-Inn}; .»I\I.'u‘.\'ImII, J. :nuI I\Il‘$v "'\yI“' “I” ''“'I''‘‘''- I"""II.~"‘ II"""' ,w| <1. L ~«.\I«-|)nn;_r::I|. :~~~ Il:ll,l'lII‘l‘55“"'- In":/‘ "‘ ”I‘\I‘'''''I"‘ '“ “III” I ‘III; mI.I'|w? II‘: r0§/ vI\I(*(IIIlll‘SI‘-. W. J. 8 \\n.Im’Innl<3 - u 1, - 1/v\'m_‘_fl_Y _|_ (~_ |.‘Tli_ Il.u2«- mln < jM',1.._.-_ ,Iu,\~4-plu. mun‘ mm M / I.\Imu-Inc:uI. I"“’I'I" II‘ IINIII I|“.II]'~T-‘xi’ FINIII ~’I\Im<.<. /\Ih'o-. I6. [,[:ll'tlt'll(‘l‘. llillsizlu (7ull:lg(‘.‘/ Vllnsso-ll. -lolm. |*'linl (-nll:Igvsv' “ llya, \Vi|li:nn. Primrose .'Illey/ llye. Mrs. 'l'lm Street '~1\':nulH. »~— Mlll(ll4‘ I’:-ll v-nl|:1g1~s‘“' " ..\':ml<<-_\'. 'l'lIu- l\lissu.c. llninn rmul JNt‘l.l4*l'll4‘lIl. \\'illimn. 'l'lm l\'l.roet -'.'r=llor|i«-lzl. Mrs. llninn m.'ul Hlmil. 11¢-nngn. Wluiln llur.~‘n lnn~/ ".\‘m:nll. Mrw. 'l‘lm Sl.roet ~*SmIl'.un. l‘l«lw:Ir«l. ‘P. l"ilnn~r (‘lIlrl~<'l[_{¢")‘/ 4.\‘l:n<-nA\-, I‘o~ll l“:n‘In <'nll;u;gws “i Slm'rirl;y~. 2\ll'r1-(‘l in Hue (',onlre. 'l'lIm‘e is 1I(‘r‘l)lIllllntlnlvltnl for 4/10 nm.le.=I and 465 fmnnlesx. 'l'lIree l)lm'l{§ were mlllcrl in line A'l‘\‘.V“l‘. (iliillllzllll. luv. Nvvillv A. llull lli-I\-l- i (Tl:-rl: tn the \'i.\'ilur.~'. M13 ”- l“"‘l_'l""‘-3' (11.-rk and Nlowurtl. Mr, ll, Nlnlt-y. /\.I|_ \l|.‘l!~' lfnfiiln-I-I‘. l\lI'. 'l'. llu\\’l:uIll: l\l=|'|"-"«‘l"l""." :nn«l No-nnmn. ll 2l‘i\'('lI\'0W..' {'"‘l '\‘."""“"‘~ (y,.-ll); lzupliun-'. 'Z..’;l):' "l|'l‘l"_""-" ‘\"'r"‘ \'iI'4- (4II'(‘:lSl0n.'|l]. .7»; |l;ul_\":\_lnlm.<, ll.‘/|.‘1. pm-wpl. \\'mlm-<:ln_\'.< :1nI'I‘lN. . l'lu:u'l|mIn I’-urinl lln:II‘Il—-~ll<|'|||"||lll“lv numnlu-r.\' of llw l’:nri~'ln ('nnn<-il: lilf‘|‘l<. >\|,~A (:_ N¢.yri_q; l‘ur:Ilm', \\". llnlnlvy. ;\],,1‘.¢,,.;.| |).~pusil l"ri:-nIIr.\'l '~NI|ln—|mlI-S ' I -:u~viu«_r. lll‘.ll‘IllIl|lll|L'. I'll‘. l"('::,l.;l;l:.,-,-I, (;.-,...,,.-1;-ml. :..n«l llzurlmv. l0 . | . y l - l’ . ,.,..[ |;..n. |:IIIlI'l‘lIll|_\. ('|nllI.II|n. lrlllll n Young, \VillinIn, liriuk Kiln PA’l‘RIXBOURl\‘E-. Post. Town, C(l.lll(‘l‘l)ll!'y. This is a small parish and village on the Little Stour, enjoying a pleasant and healthy situation about three miles southeast from Canterbury, and half~n-mile south from llekesbourne station. is a Vicarage united with that of liridge, the present holder being the Rev. H. The living l{l|lglll} (M./\.). pari.~4l1 is 188. (lhuirnum The population of the of Parish l\levting—H. Blunt. Esq. National Sehools—The scllools for both Bridge and Patrixliourne are in this parish. Church of St. Mnry——Sundnys, 11 1nd - ...>«— ._‘,_j«‘ ____‘,_.,.,. . ....i - . 1‘ 3 t. S‘undny ill t'.niIinIiIi|«;n'i“;i:“d. mm Sm‘- ||‘~"‘ng_ A. and M. _ . 5 I Blunt. (‘,|.urvli\\at-la-n~\lI. l . ‘ D _ ‘ 'l‘:|x(‘s—-1\lI‘. \-‘ '.V"- ‘ l!ri«.lg6.'. ». _ ,. . ' - ttap;c'S ""'".=‘; “'2."'2:.‘.t:..t.":;‘,,:.;;. li\l“l:l(::w:.‘I'Ii(\‘itlIhv L llmle lt‘:Il‘ll| . 2|‘ . I »' .' ' M . ms lillunt. l|m~boI'l-. *‘FTM’ mdiiilzu emq (‘nm'nulnInI. li'l"““‘ "‘ ‘Q’ , . ‘tn , ...-.< .\‘lu~pln-r:l.\' (‘low ml-- 'J’m'"-c‘g‘ :|';|.lr|~iVl)l:tIl‘l:0 street (Mn-r {un'ln.nr.n- ’.ilruns l.nl|Wl"_V Qlnimll‘ ll“ ( Ii‘ (Sold ll'u'lmnr ('(vtt:mt‘-< 1 ars I. |' “~ ‘ - ST. S'ri«:1*1n«‘.N’S, PM‘, .|-n“."‘(?nnlorlnir);. lies about a mile ti‘lbIrl ) T " j(,'.n'.n;_g the parish uvf St. I um I. village is small, anlidst -‘*.“l""“ (g,,||,..y(._ llah-s _ 1880 by 1""*"“.“' 'l“"""‘t , .: I‘ 1 ll ll(hQ“\‘\i-i's‘lgt'l(lIlhl'(‘l(l in 1890. t’.“”'] J 1]..‘ parish is about pnlflifin of H". I-pgiilonits aplm (l.'1nt«-rlnir_V. ll:I(‘l(llIi!,liUll “pm; (‘hnon ‘ ll. ll:-I'=~'l".\'~ "‘-*"|- . A n (*,_ '|‘|.mnpsmI. _l‘n-“‘l-- ‘-M‘ ].j,,.(‘.. 14‘, (t, \VllIll'mall. Isl- S('l‘l'l(‘l'_V. Fat lwrs. 67:0. Malta and i\li_-s. Malta. Y’ ' ________A__ 9 Patrixbo1irne— St. SteB1_1e”,S,.9:_ St, Stt-plieiis ‘.-mlerlungv. «'14- The but pleasantly .‘&ll.lltIil(‘.‘(l St. x\lnr_v_s l’l:u-0, was l(Il|l](l(‘(l III for |_.,- .,f Fri-,mvln faimluss. r|‘|m popula- nr under (‘nnn('il S('l“_"‘l'”M"""E' ”i(.},,.,,S ((‘.|.:urInan). W. . A. I’. l’oa«'m‘l<- l‘l5*"|-\ \Vardo, _ H ~- .—l\'l . Snh‘m| Mus.” and l\lIsln<_fi r Hackington. 359 . d ”vm._§.‘.(.!~5i—.\lr. Ilerbmt. Blunt an W,“ [L l\night. I»m.l,,] ..1‘|||:u' In,“ (mi.-o ; lottersx through ‘ N:-i'u.i‘o§t Monov Illltl T*‘l°fl"'l‘l' |h"nl;,v,e. Letter Box‘: "0 l"°“l ‘-anterbury. (mice at . H: ...‘ Rmwille 1-otlagf‘-S Minili lullilili‘ (‘old lla.rlmnI‘ ('"ll“lZ"” Mms L "‘l i-:9 Slivhliortlis til“-*9 Wis- iivmi‘ I "i'iil'.é'imi'a¢i sin-|v‘"*"““"""“° cam :13’. -- ' ’ (-oltngefi .\l\nm-r_\'. V " I‘alnn-r. UH" nm..ns1'ark “v-'-*0 i ’ g..|_ Hi(glll:llII II)-:n‘»l§ ': ll --son, l7r4-rl|<. HIS.‘ "I r ,' ll'«lwl:li:I.1|l. llo-rlwrlv lli;".fl"ml' Ronvlne l'- . Frank, l".>"I- "-Tm l'i':lIltll.. -lohn ll0nI‘.Vv "Wham Garden (1 tmge l,M:"“i]i_ "nh“‘ K;-epc-_,rs (7nttagle ‘ 8 " t4~.litl'e John, l’n.t.ri.\'bourne :0l Sc’. “" ‘ 1 . . p.m~ixlm\i1‘1ie I‘"=\‘l Sla.4ld<~n, tmnlpzi. -_' ti 9| llon lohn l‘ntn\bourne fltree ‘nu . ~ - ‘ ‘ * ' um, vottngefi Stevellfi. -l°l'“v Rom‘. |v rk Gate Slmn-.llKet(.t:i‘i of 1 nee Mr. .1. s. lngl0t""' ' “ 3" « wall 1v.‘74~—..~—-T ‘cu. *i~"'- ‘ ' ’ r ' _-..'<.-. . v t Mk \V_ Banks; Unpt., (‘.i..n—i'-osin1c'!”' Aiiliit iii ._'.._....a...§.- r;.J;..,.. .; I .,., ,. ;.,e.o...’vr-.-9.-'-¢—.=-: up-,..«.