BRIDGE. R. Friend; Councillors, ‘ Messrs. George ‘Hawkins, H. G. Price, . Taylor, and C. West. , Clerkzl Mr. E. G. Wood, A.L.A.A., 21 Bur- gate street, Canterbury. Workhouse (Bridge unlon)——Master and Matron. Mr. and Mrs. Honnev; Chaplain, Rev. H. Kni ht. Med. Oflicer, A. T. Wilson, Esq. (.\l.B., B.S.). Relieving Officer, Mr. Wass. H. Bell VVil.1l1lii11tl11fi('r;i111ii1cots Wa 1st, 11 ‘Chi lmlthéhcoulages Booth, A ll. (CloVell_y_) Blean Bot.to_m , 1- lt1::llll1‘1' AJo1111111(l.i11to1111l School 111111011 \V'£iii:t1ill1 'Vl1'si11r(1l1S11-i«~1'1e1;11e'l'iB:1:1JlEil11 ln ~g::::::,1]1:i‘“;I’.I§T‘\%eS;%?1[,¥é:&0g:)n(1y 11111 .le111I1isoni‘A.”J,1 Cl‘h11rcl1Hl.<‘arn1 cots. Rool<>11. Mr-s. Nig1111n.;=11e 111111 Kelk, s. H. Chapel lane 1 Blean Common - Wood, E. R. Tile Kiln 11111 13111.1‘-‘O11. 11- 11- 110111’.\'S11C1i1‘5 111011118‘-‘ l{«~1111<-tt. (1. H. (St. Cos11111.s1) ’l‘vler- Scott. John. Denstroude road Wood F. 2 Poplar cottages C01111g1‘1P. 11- 51111111115 cottages Hill road 1 11 , Scott, J. H. Clowes House, Chapel ln VVoo1]l3l1ivo0d ¢_>0“93B°3 . .« ’ .v . . .< 1 (;_ R. W ‘p - , _ son, . . ean view , V ‘/‘x§l$f11:,we(|}]é9Xr‘e G]-3r1i3(l;¢:g‘l3‘a?rtrlii3eb " \/vV‘\:(i:s1tfze(l3.’ butcher, Glbri Fa(llsSo . acey, F. Plough Inn Smith, T. Steeds ‘cottages vstoney HcD!a1e.vi1]as ' /'VVha,1’e Thomas, 6 Filmer cottag rsh, Thos. Malthouse cottages - Spratt, Frank, Hodpers Farm - "/.Sutt0;l’ ‘MIA. Woodmaxiys Arms, POM,’ V ‘I hittajker’ M1.S_ Woodbine com,‘ "I arshla.nd', J. Broomfield ‘House Steed, Albert, Black Cottage v Bottom g file“, S_ w_ 3 Brewery 1311;, 3 Itiatthews, Jane, Gothic House Steed, Mrs. Rose cottages swan, J0hn: Bridge sweet’ KVVills C. sec. Bridge Gas Co. and 1 ‘ _ F _ T .m A” 5 Swan, Wm. confectioner, Bridge street firigadc, 2 The Terrace Norris, Fredk. o Blean View F1 0“: Fed: Pond °°t't3g°5 / ' 2 . T. B 'd 5 t /T113611, MT-9 lwycllelml , }l?lJ.1sl3-rook plfiicge B we V 0‘Siillivan, Cornelius, 4 Blean view v/I-ei)1b’“‘,}ValLEr’(.R1(’§‘?lColftzge \ Tassell, James A. VVestoii villas Wilson J, B_ E. Egq_ Bridge street ‘ ,9. ’ m’ *0 ‘"1 9° 395 - _ . > . VVhiteliead, John, lierri Lod e i«Ta.ssell Miss Goidon House , Wllson W H Umon mad 1 . L E _ C/T;,,y1o;-: Albert, Brrookside Lodge Wilson: M'rS. 'Bridge Street ‘Parks, lS<’1l?l|el‘, "Brook place / ' ‘AV;-iglit, 1’. la. (§l1Il[1ySl(l(‘l » =/ Uflefh Vvilllamy Pal’ Farm _ "VV”‘Jhl"> M1‘5- Fllmer "'°?"d' , ‘Post toivii, Canterbury. Po iilatioii Primitive Methodist chapel, chart- \- U1l<1<‘1'“’0"d, l“1‘°<”<- 3- 5 Umml 1'°"‘d ',/W)’b°1‘"> H°1'l’“”’ '1 Br.‘ '30 5000. Station on the South-' stern llitlll H.'ilcli——Sorvi'ces: Siin., 2.30. - ‘Wye’ R'°.bm‘t’. Vvesbfm Y‘_H3‘5_{ 5:’ Railivay. 6; Slialiiisford street, 2.50 and 6. '5 i‘ J Vfisdeni G°91‘S°~ “W10” H0” “W *"‘*"“_~ '““““"‘ “““""°"‘“’ “t” East Kent Mental Hospital—Medical Salvation Army Barracks, Sha|m5- ..‘ v"V1iit0m 0- H- 5 BWVGTY “"0 S“""""‘ S-iipt., Dr. M. A. Collins; Assist. ford street ;;{a‘ Medical Officers, Dr. Topham, Dr. 0verseers~—Messrs. Ballard, Belsey ‘HZ li‘. C. '.l‘ii.yloi' and Dr. (7. l‘>al~:oi'- lLIl(l Deal. ) ’ i ' ’ ri « ’ . lxl I')RO0lVll“.lE.Ll). (.»l_i:ipl2un,, New l~ Q1‘-‘Im>I1*—~9. council Schools—Managers, Messrs. j;;_,- . . (121-‘:3 L(Jl°1'lk (O1 ‘5|‘lm'5l1: sI2'l1'- '1‘. Belsey, P. .\l'oiiiit, Dr. H. G. ' _ W ‘ v 1 V _ ‘ I ;K/ _v. L‘Il1)l‘0<)(,' /01': an ewiu‘ . . .1 113,} , A. ) ,[ _ .k, ''_I‘ Sitiiate about two miles from Home l‘lll)l’;, [_‘l'lLlll\, l3l‘!l. _'l'ei'i'_v. Vidgeii. (jliannpion, l_lciiry, Broomfield Hines, Chas. \Va.lte1‘, 5 Blean VIEW ‘ dml»S 5-w.\,iw' 5_ norm-“,,. Service (:li‘l'l{, Mi-. (1. i\oi-i-is. Collliiis, RTILIZ 1Cl.’0“> 1°°- 0 V’ ’ ta P H0113 14%;, ‘_’"}l;1 ‘ £11 If“ I \VL\dlIL‘:S(.l<'L_Y (7 p.m.). Hyiniis, '3. too, niembers of the l’;irish Couiicil; Ed d Ch 1 Cot/ta’ as W”) ‘ ‘U01: “’ Ce 3 ': mid M. Rector,‘ Rev. Norman L. Clerk, Mr. G. Norris; Curator, Mr. Dale’ mun ’ ape g Iiigrzim. — (Huntsiiizin and Horn) _ rlfycftt, l\I.i:. ;Mbliu‘ixc_li1ivardene, Dr. A. Hubbard. - - o . -. ' ‘I P. 'fitt. ~ . - -°h’ G00’ 59"‘ 3 Belle Vue Cots‘ Jobsoii, G. l Bleaii View . Clrzpi-ll:mi\ili?).n VV. IH. Stlocllgn 11 Natmna! Deposit Frlendly Socletyff Finch Geo. Jun. Malthoiise cots. I-Mn” 1, (uhwel COHWCS A _ 185 members. Cl]£L1I‘11L"tn0f District Finch:S.1 COM“ cottages ' * > - ‘ ‘1 ‘D Wesleyan chapel-~Services: Sun- Committee, Mr. Chas. Cork; Sec., Finn __ Bmomfidd Stores Keen, William (Rowaii Cottage) , days, 10.50 and 6. .\Ir. Ernest Watson. ;i1i§innnrs_l g _ 11 ‘Miss, The Bungalow ‘ A ' h’Ar‘th~ur‘ Hubert’ C1°-v°ny..- ‘.w:1iinsee hen "lchaiiel cotta ‘ " 'Wallis,.W ter :’Inmes,..j13_1iannii ammon ‘John, Blean b ttom ‘ Goddard Wm. Joseph, rior lodge ‘ '_ " Harry, Woodlands, Anderson Hy. farmer, Walnut‘ _ ‘ School lane Harnden William, Hazelmere Hart Fredk. S. Yew Tree house hill Hilton Capt. Rupert G. Farewell Hogbin Wm. Thomas, Woodville Hopkins Geo. Sunnyside C0I1tI‘CtI‘8 Hubbard Mrs. Montrose house Hughes Mrs. 2 Sunnyside Jordan Edwd. D. Ivy cott Jull William Hy. 1 Poplar cots Kennett Gilbert H. J .' St. Cosmus, Tyler's Hill road Kennett Wallace A. Greenacre Fredk. Jas. Laburnam villa Francis II. E. Sunnymead, itt Henry, Honey hill Powell Charles Grandfield, Amery Price Isaac, Julia cottage, Blean Price William, Yew Trees Rogers Edward, Heath Court cots Rye Mrs. A. Westview Sargeaunt PercyNorman,Forest ho Sims Arth. Fernleigh Wallis Albert Smart Mrs. Brook cotta e Stapley Alvis T. Blean ouse Taylor Wm. Orchard lio.Chapel la . Thompson Rd. S. Meadow grange Trotter Nathaniel B. Capel cot- Wood Thomas, cycle agent tage, Honey hill Woollett Walt. Hare & Hounds Trueman Mrs. H. J. H. Oakwell P.H Tullock H . F. P. Tyler Hill ho Young Edward, as. Ashleigh Vaughan Lewis, The Firs , vIL’LAo_i«_: ninacroizr; u‘rt ho; ._ ,Royal Oak cott Tree farm Butler's court hapel lane stroude farm BOSSINGHAM, see Upper Hardres. BRAMLING, see Ickham. COMMERCIAL. Ford Percy E. dairyman Francis Jas. farmer, Hillside farm Gilchrist Rt. Royal Oak P.I-I Giles Frank, farmer, Well court Graham John, frmr. Luckett’s fm Hambrook Henry T.Red Lion in: Holttum Chas. boot ma.Post ofiice Key Robert John, Hillside Hopkins Edith Jane (Miss), rocer Lees Rev. Geor e Robinson M.A. H11 bard Edward: W00d (1 icm-age Jordan Frank, blacksmith Keir Jn. farmer, Hothe court Newman John, chimn Parker Cecil, wood dl Pay 'Jn. farmer, Oakwell farm Pout C. J. & Sons, farmers Price Albert, farmer Price Reginald Hubert, farmer, Ratcliffe Charles, farmer Ratcliffe Frank, carpntlv Ta Ior William, market Honey Hill farm Wallis Alfd.Ernest, market grdnr Wells Frederick James, farmer, Mount Pleasant farm » aWa1lis' Alfred Ernest',,'Hilll obit‘; ' Wallis 'Arth_. Orchard Nightingalg. hall ‘ %'l_§l'ierB': ;I'nli08‘..- Blean’ bottom Bro_wn Hy. J. insur. agt. Honey Browning Thos. Wm. beer retlr Coultrip Hy. & Son, carting 88. 81‘ ey sweeper rdener, a yman,_ . 7£o’urt*;"district— of ,0ante.rbu!W .. .. . .. . ’ a.nd‘ar eaconry and diocese of Canterbury. T110 . 3- fh" as by‘ a local limited. company. The church 01.; , f fl'ktg in the Norman style with some additions of 1.-11°" v o1i"hme,riod and ‘has a tower ’with spire, containing a clock ' ‘1 ? thpe windows are stained : within a ‘recess is a recumbent- “e' . ' robes in low relief 2 the church was repaired and 0f. ‘* Ffanblns 1350' and affords 350 sittings, 80 being free. The chm t ii‘ 0:1 the ’ear 1565. The living is a Vicarage, annexed r'('1ati-3: enbf Patrlxbourne, joint net yearly value £330, with , 0 mil date and residence in the gift of the Marquess C07-IYBS‘ 4:‘ °'°"' ° .1 - 1397 b the Rev. Hubert Knight M.A. of chimn til aim’ and he bsldlcg who liesides at Patrixbourne. In 1920 8- CI035 egeictecduldyrpuililic subscription in the north—east of the church ard re . - r h f 11 th Great ar, W” memory ofvslfa 1m:.Ii1 iéiintliii %a1lIlllI:hlIl).v1%94,e isnbf cgrrugated iron 19il";l'18(;0dT};,‘:1d signal 150 pelrisohs The principal landowners are the ': I W . ' , . " f h , d Earl Sondes. ‘marquiilfi C°fi‘a’i'1:g}ia§L’bsv.v,ii0 c1lla.lllC{).rd '.l?hetclfieln(:I‘1:;s zilriia Wheat, barley; :]"htl;s:nd1%(fps. ¥h’e area, i; 1,171 acres; rateable value, £3,565; the igipulation in I921 was 599- ; 1; NI 0 T & T E D Ofiice —Richard Castle, sub-postmaster. O5 , A . -, - - ' ‘ ' etters through Canterbury . P1 1 & H "Bi-iolge Volunteer Fire Brigade; engme housfi’ Ougl arrow ~P.H.; consists of a._ Merryweather motolroengme & about 1:200 feet of hose; Charles Wills, lieut. & sec. & men 6,4‘ to the Parish Council, H. E. Cromwell Wood, St. Ge°1'g°’9 hambers, 31 St. George’s place, Canterbury BRIDGE RURAL DISTRICT COUNCIL. ‘The parishes in the District are the same as form the Union. thursday at 11 o’clock. rman, Spencer William Mount J.P. Patrixbourne \( / Officials. lerk, Lionel James Williams, Bridge Medical Oflicer of Health, James John Day O.B.E., M.R.C.S., _L.R.C.P., D.P.H. 52 Whitstable road, Canterbury g _Building Surveyor, Herbert K. Blundell B.Sc., F.F.A.S. Ivy house, ' ' Bridge ; Highway Surveyor, B. G. Clnittcnden, Bridge (ulficc) H anlitary Inspector, Herbert K. l-‘ilundell l3.Sc., F.l*‘.A.S. Ivy house. “Bridge uncil meets at the ‘Guardians’ Board room, Bridge, every '0hil‘d_ g arisliesfviz ' .Bis opsbourne, Bri g a'm,~ Kingston, Littlebourne, , _Patrixbourne, Petham, St. N anington Without, Upper & Lower Her ’Wickhambreaux & Womenswold. The area of the ‘acres; the population in 1911 was 11,194 & in 1921 ' _.Chairman of the Board of Guardians, Spencer William Clerk to the Guardians, Lionel James Williams, Brid /Treasurer, R. H. Newman, Lloyds Bank Ltd. (Ca - branch), Canterbury , Collector to the Guardians & Relieving Oilicer, William Hutchings VVass, Bridge r, William Hutchin Vaccination Office Medical Officers & Public Vaccinator Lower Har , Nicholas Hospital marsh, ' Th Mount J._P gfl gs Wass. Bridge district s, No. 1 district, Arthur Thomas Wilson M.B., B.Ch. Bridge street, Bridge; Henry Octavius Preston L.R.C.P.Edin., M.R.C.S.Eng. Lower Bridge (public vaccinate street, Canterbury istrict, Hugh George Rashleigh L.R.C.P. tham; No. 5 district Henry Octavius M.R.C.S.Eng. Lower Bridge street, Canter- benezer Beattie Mercer M.B., Ch.B. Little- David Ivor Rees B.M., B.Ch. Elham r); No. 2 d Lond., M.R.C.S.Eng. Char Preston L.R.C.P.Edin., bury; No. 4 district, E ourne; No. 5 district, The Poor Law Institutio n is a structure of red brick, built in 1835, - p to hold 200 inmates; Percy William Honney, master; Rev. Hubert knight M.A. chaplain; Arthur Thomas Wilson M.B., B.Ch. medical officer; Mrs. Honney, matron ‘ Bamer. REGISTRATION DISTRICT. Superintendent Registrar, Lionel James Herbert K. Blundell B.Sc., F.F.A.S. Ivy Registrar of Births & Deaths, Bridge district, William Hutdhings ass, Bridge; deputy, Percy William Honney Registrar of Marriages, Percy William Honney, Bridge; J. Martin, Chartham « Public Elementary School Bridge & Patrixbourne, Pope, master; Miss M. B The school is under the co Carriers to Canterhur ’l‘here is a frequent _ from Canterbury to Railway Station ( X 1 A Williams, Bridge} epnty, house, Bridge deputy, W. (mixed & infants ), for the joint parishes of for 110 boys & girls & 86 infants; Edgar ell, infants’ mistress ntrol of the Kent Education Committee y pass through daily service of motor 0 Dover & Folkeston Southern R.), PRIVATE RESIDENTS. /Akhurst George, Park villas /Anderson George Knox D.L., J.P. mnibuses, which run through e Percy William Pettyfer, station master 1 Blundell Herbt. K., B.Sc., F.F.A.S. Ivy ho Z Carpenter Artli. Hy. 5 Belle Vue :, Brid e Hill house 331‘ \/ ;;, Apps 11. Win. 1 Filmer cotts Carpenter John Albeffu 3 POW‘ 3’ ,/Bell Miss M. W. 5 Portland ter land terrace / , Stod: dre_s, Waltham, pital & Counties .‘ ‘Genre I , lel, A:-th V 3'3, "'hei i ' at V -. wweston villas /' B 'd e street grmess :lill§.,Union rclv ._ s. A. Woodbine coo/ “Lionel Jas. Llandogow '1." " treat‘ ’ I», 1 ridge street ‘ ' ych elm \/ , Gordon houses’ The Terrace / Thomas M.B. t.~r’s”te' lien,Red Lion P.H’ rdrssr. Farringdon E)'f,Fe :'VGilbert Sidney, blacksmith ./Tones Albert Edwd. brick maker, "lbw L dia' )1‘ &7§ai-rdw P’-H‘/"“‘ ..i Coke & Coal J n it - u.1:‘Jas.baker,B!'ldg° 3l"‘/ Bkhud . sub—poi-xtmaster, ¢]jHy.beot"dl'r.Bridg9_5t , V ,1’-aw Fredk. Whlte ‘ rim.-‘Grocer, Btidge st E1iiii'ik"].lhomas,cycle dealer, ggstreet Jwgr 3 ‘Bertrtam ’?’,‘§§:;‘éi,°:s_' shopkpr.Bridge st/ ,1:;1’_'Johri_, plumber,]_:]i‘A}l]betrt tar Gilbert MISS: nurse! lg 5/ ;Hawkii/if: Qedfie’ d1‘3Pe"r River‘ Hggllsan (Ei-Beaederick J0l-my Saddler’ Bridge street Willie, butcher; rHo bén Walter, poultry farmer flfl ands Chas. contrctr. Mill ho’. Holness Fredk. Rt. farmer, Great P tt / _ , oxfney Percy William, d0P“l' registrar‘ of births &_ deaths registrar_ of maI_'1‘1‘15°5d Bridge district, Union me for t Rosedale villar hoe] Muslin Bros. in mg 80 Nelson Thos.laundry, 5 Albert tit; Pettyfer Percy Wm. station mas 1‘ Price Henry George: r grocer’ B ‘d treet , I’ricrl:el{;;te Glee. beer retlr.l?er1D8 rd .I’Quested Herbt. Hy. police s61'gl’- r 2 Albert ter Reading Room ()J0l1I1 Wilson manfwel‘ . ’ Rlcl’1a.l‘(lB,Ph1ll1;, grocer,BricIlIg(¢)3t