422 BLEAN. Kingsburyyillas, King’s.road e v PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Anderson Sidney Percy, Wood.- side bungalow Aston Miss, The Bungalow Booth Arth. Herbt. Clovelly Bouch Mrs. Court ho Brandon S. J. Royal Oak cott Eason Ernest D. Hawthorn cot Evans Geo. Brierly, Chapel la Fisher Mrs. Clifton cotts Gann Mrs. E. H. Ridgeway Goodban Harry, Woodlands, School lane Gremo Gilbt. The Bungalow Grover Edwd. G. Meadow grange Harnden Wm. Hazelmere Hart Fredk. S. Yew Tree ho Hayes Thos. Charbert Hilton Capt. Rupert G. Farewell Hogbin Wm. Thomas, Woodville Hopkins Geo. Sunnyside Hopton Sydney H. Prior lodge Hubbard Mrs. Montrose ho Hughes Mrs. 2 Sunnyside Jordan Edwd. D. Ivy cott Jull William Hy. 1 Poplar cots Kennett Gilbert H. J. St. Cosmus, Tyler’s Hill‘ road Kennett Wallace A. Greenacre Key Robert John, Hillside Lee's Rev. Geor e Robinson M.A. (vicar), The icarage Lilley Fredk. Jas. Laburnam villa Mead Francis H. E. Sunnymead, Tyler hill Neame Edwd. Tyler hill Nesbitt Mrs. Honey hill Powell Charles Grandfield, Amery court Price William, Yew Trees Rogers Edwd. Church cott Sargeaunt PercyNorman,Forest ho Scott Jn. Jas. enstroude rd Sims Arth. Fernleigh Smart Mrs. Brook cotta e Stapley Alvis '1‘. Blean ouse Taylor Wm. Orchard ho.Cha.pel la VILLAGES DIRECTORY. Registrars of Births & Deaths, Herne sub-district, E. E. House, est, Herne Bay; deput , F. H. Barf‘ wood, 5 Gordon villas, Beltiuge road, Heme Ba ; VH1 I" district, Charles J. Best, Vtyhit - Thomas Stow, 56 Northwood road, Whitstable " Registrar of Marriages, Ernest Geo 31 St. George’s'plaoe, Canterbury - - Blean Council School (mixed 6; infants), S. E. Steele, head master rge Wood, St. George's chambe VILLAGES DIRECTORY. Ratcliffe Chas. dairy farmer Ratclifie Frank, carpntr , names. 423 Wells. Frederick James, farmer, Mount Pleasa.nt.farm. - _ itstable Bu Ta lllor Wflliam, market gardener,:_ Vvgooiil Tl’1(&lE1S,:c cle agéntfi .d 4 . ‘ape! ane _ b . " 00 BM’: a 1:. are our: 5. T°'”°' "‘"“d°' ““bI°’. d°p“°’ Wallis Albert E. Vdairyman, -- P ‘ ~~ ' . Honey Hillfarm , ,_., ‘ Wallis Alfd.Ernest, market grdnr V farm - Weatherall Mrs. A.sub’-postmistrss. ‘ Tibble Thos. 0. Heath Court cott 3°S5m"HAM» 59° UPP” H="d1“~‘3- Tillier Wm. Chas. Nickledene Trotter Nathnl. Honey hill Trueman Mrs. H. J. H. Oakwe Tulloch H. F. P. Tyler Hill ho Vaughan Jas. Ashleigh Vaughan Lewis, The Firs Wallis Alfd. Ernest, Hill cot Wallis Mrs. M. Orchard bungalo Wallis Stephen, Chapel cottages!’ Wallis Walter James, Blean hill" Waters Thos. Blean bottom i BRAMLING, see Ickham. BRIDGE, so named from its situation in a valley on the Dover road at a bridge over a feeder of the Stour, is a parish and head of a union, with a station on the Canterbury and Folkestoue line of the Southern railway, and is 1% miles south from Bekesbourne station on the same system, and 3 south-east from Canterbury, in the Canter- bury division of the county, lathe of St. Augustine, hundred of Bridge and Petham, petty sessional division of St. Augustine’s, Canterbury, county court district of Canterbury, rural deanery of East Bridge and archdeaconry and diocese of Canterbury. The village is lighted with gas by the East Kent Gas Co. Ltd. The church of St. Peter is of flint, in the Norman style, with some additions of the Early English period, and has a tower with spire, containing a clock COMMERCIAL. Anderson Hy. farmer, Walnu Tree farm Austin Albt. farmer, Arbele farm Bones Reuben, farmer, Parsona. farm Brown Hy. J. insur. agt. Hone hill Browning Thos. Wm.Peacock P. Coultrip Hy. & Son, contrctrs «_ . Ford Percy E. dairyman Francis Jas. farmer,§illside f Gilchrist Rt. Royal 31; RH ’ Giles Frank, farmer, Well co Graham John, frmr. Luckett's Hambrook Henry T.Red Lion‘ I-Iolttum Chas. boot ma. Post ofli Hopkins Edith Jane (Miss),gI' Hubbard Edward, wood deale Jordan Frank, blacksmith , Jull Wm. Hy. bldr. 1 Poplar cot Keir Jn. farmer, Heath court . Newman John, chimney sW9°P Parker Cecil, wood dlr Pay Jn. farmer, Oakwell farm Pout C. J. 8: Sons, farmers Price Albt. farmer Price Reginald Hubert, I Butler’s court , p _. effigy of a man in robes, in low relief: the church was repaired and 6;‘ partly rebuilt about 1860, and affords 350 sittings, 80 being free. The register dates from the year 1565. The living is a vicaragc, annexed to the Vicarage of Patrixbourne, joint net yearly value £330, with IE3 acresdof géebe and8ge7sil<)lerfie, Iizn tl1: .'l‘rea.siirers Lloyds Bank Ltd. Qanterbury » A V ~’_Akhui-st Geo. 2 Park villas /gut‘ Mi55vP'l"°°33 Vlll"'»U“l°“ rd ’ Medical _ flicer‘ of Health, James John Day 0.B.E., M.R.C.S 426 BRIDGE. V VILLAGES DIRECTORY. ‘ value £700, with ‘residence and 30 acres of glebe, in the gift of the Archbishop of Canterbury, and held since 1921 b the Rev.‘ Norman Lycett Lycett, of Lichfield Theological College, on. C.F, The old Tithe Barn was converted into a. parish hall by the Rev.,F.,,J'. Hazledine (rector 1912-1920). On the villa e gree ' by public subscription, as a memorial. to t .. - ' . M.P.S. x/Hogben .w]t,_ poultry farmer, /Stglelélvgroiag Victor Geo I ‘ , Hfillggdjmgliias. contrctr. Mill ho’ «Stone Geo. dairyman,B1‘idK9 d.3»i}'}'i’i .. I‘ ‘/ Honney Perc)’ dppptgz pzgiz: 4./Sulgtlgzgl Sgane (Mrsi), Woodfiahig, it ti: ((3); Ihbliiiiiiges fbzii Bridge dis- i Arms P.H. Pett Bottom (lBll81‘$' e men connectedwith the through Lower Hardres, Can HORTON, half a mile north-east chapelrv, or hamlet, with 14 houses; Deiistead is 2 miles north, in Blean Forest, where also is Petty France; Howfield adjoins Milton; Nickle is 1 mile north-west; Mystole, a mile and a half soutli—west; Underclown, 1 mile south; Tliruxted, 1 mile south. Post, M. 0., S. B., T. & T. E.aD. Ofiice.—Frank Foreman, sub- postmaster; Letters arrive from Canterbury Post & Telephone Call Office, Shalmsford Street.—-—Charles A. Riddcll, sub~postmaster. Letters through Canterbury. Chartham is the nearest M. O. & T. oflice, three-quarters of a. mile distant - ; ' 2 . t. 2 W ston Vils \/ Siddcrs in. pliiinber,1 Vine cotts \ Wye Rt“ ‘mm "W e v Siieller Aubrey Jas. motor garage BROAD OAK, see Sturry. BROOMFIELD, see Herne. CALCOTT, see Sturry. CHARTHAM, with HORTON. I & CHARTHAM is -1 Parish zéiid villzigfi. 1168.: t.tlii§nro:.nd to Ashforl, on the river tour. W‘ l 3 S a 'l th‘-west from Ramsmm branch of the Southern 3l6‘5miiikilesSml’rom London C““t‘3'.'%’u"y'l bgroricbligmstin tlitdl Canterbuiy division of the clountyé by rai am 'r_ - ‘ h dreds of lfelboroug an L [I f St. Augustine and Scray, “ll . . tt ' lWte]setSgat)e, union offBfidge, Collntly dc::iI:‘Er;li.:)t.fric;f‘.I(pst;I (}33aiii(t1egIebl;1;]Yé ggchy sessional division. 0 -ome, 7'11” ‘ ' ’ b ‘It ound 8-_“f dmC0my~ and dmcese of CFiintelrbi““li’-oncglizbrlgbziirtlh sSide.mThb church— o » . - i - ' ‘ oc V diciilar date. Contflmmg 33° style. and has a tower of Pe!‘P°“_ - - Kl tamed glass” 6 bells 2 the chancel win(lowbs‘retain ifiufigdoggligrgriggnasis Robert de] 3.111 tl“"‘° M" llumerous bmsseiiiupgil tablet was Put up hearing the‘: Sepwmlsfl t1i:i<(36iriehno1fg%heapaIifisSlSi who fell in the Great Wari5%g14'¥:;‘ names 0 _ _ . from the year , there are 300 sittings. The 1‘eg15/99" dates ‘ (1 net, yearl living’ is a rectory» Wlth the °h“P911‘Y 0f Horton annew ’ Chartham Mental Hospital, Michael Abdy Collins O.B.E., M.R.C.S. Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond., B.S.. M.D.Lond. medical supt.; J. Arthur Topham B.A.Camb., M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond., D.P.M. senior assistant medical ofl-icer; F. C. M. Taylor M.R..C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P. Lend. Alexander Knight McCowan M.B., Ch.B. & John Dalziel W. Pearce M.B., Ch.B., D.P.i\l. assistants; Rev. VVillia.m Thomas Clements l\’[.A. chaplain; John G. Pembrook, Canterbury, clerk to the committee of visitors; Percy Herbert Arthur, clerk &. steward; Miss Roderi Baker, matron; VVilliain F. Wildasli, head male nurse Public Elementary School (mixed); Capt. William Henry Metcalfe ' M.C. master Public Elementary School, Chartham Hatch; Mrs. Helena Wallace, mistress - The schools are controlled by the local managers; clerk to managers, R. H. Stevens, Canterbury VILLAGES DIRECTORY. cninmniia. 42) '. n is 3 cross, erected’ ' parish who fell in the Great War, 1914—18, and unveiled on October‘ . . nrd I ‘ end, 1920,’ by Admiral Sir F. C. Dov_eton Sturdee bart.'G.C.B,, L,J0t}':,::',’nU]!§l.o(Mig5), costumier, 3 terbury) &S [mars Lyn. K..C.l_‘/I_.G., C.V.Q. (d.— 1925). There is 9. Wesleyan chapel, two Albert tel, . L/Taylor HyI:I_ hog, 003 ~ Primitive Methodist chapels and 3. Salvation_ Army ball. A cemetery ' -Jones Albert Edwd. brick maker, ton 110. I lgf Smer Bridge farm of 2 acres was.laid out in 1899 and a Burial Board of 11 members Rosedale villa i~Terry Wa t. Ialr t bin S collector formed. There is a paper factory. On Chartham Downs were formerly Knight Jas. fruitr. High st Y_Wass Wm. (Sic grélieving & ii considerable number of barrows, now ploughed up, in which at Lines Cecil Geo.f'ishmngr.Bridge st to the gum‘ ians,& istmr of various times have been found human remains. pottery and trinkets, Maslin Bros. riding school vaccination office? gagd 6 dis_ mostly 'of the Anglc»Saxon period, and on the Swarling Downs are ..Ne]S0n '1‘i,0S.1aund,.y’ 5 Albert ter birtlis &.de_athsU0Ij fldl-I three lines of eiitrenchments. The Cliartliam Mental Hospital was , Pettyfer Percy Win. station mastr trict, F£J.lI‘V1€V¥), C align Frazier & erected in 1875 on Chartham Downs at a cost of £250,000, and covers ‘I/Philpott Fredk. Wm. b1dr.1Port— /West Charles, 11%; ,BF5madway with its grounds an area of 204 acres; the building‘; have been. "‘ land tel, coal merchant, e « extended and will now hold 538 men and 569 women_. _ystole Park Price Henry George; grocer, '_1‘e.1, 20 _ t is: is the residence of Virgil Pomfret esg). The Ecclesiastical Commis- Bridge Street Williams Lionel Jas.Bs}1(p . ]I3'eg d _’ sioners are lorr_ls_of the manor. Virgil omfret esq. the trustees of the Prickett Geo. beer retlr.Dering rd trar & clerk to the 11_d£{e R033“ late Henry William Arnold esq. D. _B_arnes esq. and Percy Mount H Quested Herbt. I-I9. Police sergt. of Guardians to En go 11 p. esq. are the largest landowners. 'lhe soil is light loam; subsoil, chalk. . 2 Albert [er Disbnct; Council, Bridge B Ch ~ The chief crops are wheat, barley, oats and hops. The area is 4,552 Reading Room (JIL Browne wg1. /Wilson Artli. lhos8.L .vac: acres ot land and 17 of water; the population in 1921 was 2,959. son’ mngl.) ' medical1' >. CT‘ BEKESl3OUP.NE, - . ; B E830 «ENE 1.3 LT CI" Bl‘”"P“ ” ’ ' .. ., .. ' :,- . i..i).S., I1.C‘.S. h’I0l‘$1:tl::ées1_‘t. J. bailiff, Hode Form S(..ilil$',m'\V.\/‘iliml;srlgwmgu‘ OM\{1eigh ' H t. l: 2 Mlmns’ 1\}t\}0ma§l)W'ePilocia?io1l}:arnI|13ell<0es!i S0utelrmA. M. The Siinatorium Munllfhrne nliill ' g ’ ~ Stacey: Edward: The Sheet’ St.i'iiigei' 1*‘. Mill Cottage Bi«ii{i«isiibU‘iiNic. Post Town, Canterbury, distant three Cleaver, Moses, The Street miles. The population is about 525. Collard, Fredk. John, Mill cot , . . _ h'll , i , .; ,. B,-.l xsbourno hill church of St. P9ter~——Sei'vicos: Sun. C’°°mb5v Wllllavnli The Stleet Newport, James, Bekesbouffle 1 gut 011 ""93 ‘“‘ . ch t d , Mr . E. Tl Street Holy Communion at 8 a.m.; lst. goomh’ EEdTh.° Strait 1 I N°Wg’:,l:;’rJi)3l;I1:e;Ik;01€E:leI}?i‘li an an Swan 5 Xe Sun. in month at 11 (choral) ;Matins mm ’ Wm’ ‘SC 00 ‘me ' Lagos *1 _ h St. t, Tassell, Mrs. A. Wzanistalls 11: (6,‘.li1iédrieIr{i’s Sei‘v1i\ce&a.tu3_; xllilven-’ Dungey, Charles, The street, . §(§’1§’11.,‘i’rl7,1li.i1(iihrIiiw:yecoti§;es rgfliyblor’ (éllfiartzt0I{)I,I,1,E:1dEO(::::ta:§,::ages song . . ymns, . i . iczu', , ; _1 80» - / ‘ ‘ ‘ Rev. E Lnrnplugh. Elliot, Capt. L. The Old Palace * P(iLterS()n, F. The Street Tiley, C. G_. School lane clerk to Parish council-—M . H. l - . " P tterson, Fredk- 01- H011)’ Tree °°ts , -. Y, T. . (i U; T, Bell Wilson (Soiiiliville) Eihreiiim-i, .“”“"g’”M”‘ J‘ U’“°°"‘ 1'3“ P221. W. The Street W“"';‘f W‘ “H iwd 'f.~(;.,-n‘.'c.,'fi(:. es A Box Albert Bekesbourne hill st 1», Walk-IS. Wm- 0- 1" 9 55 Nmd‘ -G‘”lte"bm'y' ‘ Fzn'hi‘a<:e, Ghorge, Ozikleigli lime P°l'l'9i T1109’ Wm‘ The we ‘ Wilson, Walter. Bekesliourne hill Parish COun0il——(,‘h:iii'm.'in, Mr J. T. l ‘ F-1 ‘_ _ _ ' I . ' - W I, \V_ J. Hill Vimv <-¢)llzigo..s' B,-].(,_het,t‘_ nouns A . _ I _. ’m°”’ A H “'0 R05“-Y , Reynolds, “Ernest, Bekei-ibourne lull 0ot_ ’ ' I‘ (‘la-V30“; Ch"5- . - R0 are Miss Bekeslioiiine hill . _ ,Diingey,. J. J. Newport/’ /ind W. H, (Qxiifif. '[~-_lv(l)<'ll{l(".I1%l] éitlnet Ro§]la«I;d~ J‘0'S!eph H Oakleigh Cottage Young’ l\,l.S_ M_ A R.,u]w;iy (‘i)ltil{.{(‘-h Ad;,m,._ , xl mi-, rs. ' e L roe, I 1 I - . . .. . Goldfinch F. C. The Street . N I l 8 h l~—l\ .' .. 3. v ’i °° ‘" l :~::2::.‘:;’.;.°*i::.i‘°¥.i..‘E.:.::.:::‘“.5ii i Bm 'I‘IN(‘F Post Otflco (undor Canterbury)-— Gray, Reginald,‘ St. Quentin = " ‘ I J’ . SlllJ-l)0Sl.lIl«'lSl(‘.1‘, I‘. . C‘ :l , G " , H W. H d F . l.. ' , .- 5_3() 0 bob 50 Railway Station. Despi1tchosl:mtl.(4l5 nggs emy 0 e arm m E Nflmefl “"11 bf’ fmmd m~ Rewlver fi,ea§'Ein\bNeI(‘§0l:,:id_week S5-e1?Viceer7.30 rum. and 6.45 p.m. Noiwest Moneyl H"”: W‘ B°l“’$b‘“"'“? hm R'°“'d (Heme Bay) , dyf TI ' Womenvs Mgéting Order 0fl"ioe, Bridge. Postal Orrlers H3'mm°“d: W' J- Rmlway Cottages . Beltingo Post 0ffl09——l\lI‘S. Smith P«m- , “"5-: _ d ’ and s1;,,,,I,S M “,0 Sum-‘,n OH,-(,(,_ If-IIq.liilowW_fii:edemi§l:,t_Bekesb(§)ume liil. nomngo Baptist chape|_SeWiceS: 2.50. Holy;lICommi:§ioni11st1S‘uiE}:;‘y i -s, 1 mm, a ion roa ' _ in in ie mon . .ev . - Home’ James’ The street Sundays’. 11 aunt; am; 6.3O’PSel(1)mlloa’§ filleerllt-, gminister. 5 H0%bel], J. Bekesbourne hill School, 3.; Mon ay, oung P Adams, William Henry, The‘ Street I Ho man, G. H. Bekesbouirne street '4 - i(‘1I(Ill0y,A1}1:lSS hL. l(F£:lI'VieW) golmani Wm. Hoiwletts Farm 1 » . en, 'lSS, ».‘c 00 ouse ‘ tome, lajor GOl'( on C. Sondes Hsv T B _Amos, Miss. Holly Tree Cottage Hood, Mrs. E.‘ Bekesbourne hill ‘ ' Ansley, Mrs. The Street Hooker, Wm. Riverside cottages , . . t V b A 5 Charles A. jun’ Park lime . APPS, W. R. The Street Hordern, Miss, Cobliam Court Four miles south-east from Center My pp , G tk, R V Canon W_ H. Austen, Edward, Holly Tree cottages Horton, Freclk. Bekesbouriie hill -Post town, Canterbury, A3hl’°"' wa 1”’ 8 ' I\llSl.l!l,.J. (filizilk Pig cottages ‘ Hoult, G. (Fettercaime) ' cfiudh of st'“"m.’y»___Se,.ViceS. S_un_ T. The Rectory Huckstep, H. J. ChalkvP‘iti' cottages ' ‘ " ’ ' ‘ y _ . _, . _ - Assheton Nicholas R. (Whitebeams). -- Baker, E. Rectory Farm and Cha.lk- , , s8» ; Matmsi 11; Children s SeW*°°i ’ j ‘ pit Farm ~ Jzii'vi‘s, Herbert, The Street 5 E song ’ 630 Rector Rev Austen’ A‘ Crow Camp ’ so ven 2 .. r. ' . ' .. Benefield, G. Hode Farm cottages Jarvis, Mrs. The Street ’ ‘ .' .‘C‘"’°“ Ashton-Gwatkin. Bradford, Ma] W, H, Bursted Manor Beveridge, Mrs. School lane ' 4 . I I ' i ‘ i I . _ ‘ ';,ley Wood p y _ alum" ‘0f"_5n5l,,.‘¢.wsohgo| (mixed). Biown, H ooise / Birchett. —— The Street‘ Kemp, s. viohaih Pit clacmge = I h—~Hea’dm'1S“‘°SSv'- -;M‘$” :0 91°" his B"“°"’ R°b“" B°“"’° Eark 'Bircliett, John,Thos. Station road Kingsford, G. WL Hode Farm cottages I " ” I'll)-_-‘ Castle M353, School House ‘ Bright, Thomas, The Street ” V ‘ ' y ‘ I _ ' ., ’ ’ ;Buck1ey. Mrs. D. ‘Oakleigh hill Laming, Walter, Chalk R: v » ‘ A ' L'a.inplugh, Rev. Fletcher .Carey, F. J.. School lane ‘ ago . I A i Carpenter, James E. beer retailei-,The Luckhurst; Percy, _ de Cha1'.ne)'()y, G. B. The Pad ock ._ ‘~ Street . ' ‘ . 1 ’ ' . I‘ . . .. . ' ~ ' Denley’ B_ Bimgtedlcottage . '- Catter, Edwin, Bekeeboume hill " »M§zrsh,'Thos. Hode F.‘ cat,‘ as 3 .‘ . . v .. ’ ~ ’ ' ‘ Clark, Charrles, Oaklei h:lane ‘ Mmésh,“‘Win_ S, Belée ' , Dockere.y,JRH'C$l'% Harbocigfiaga ' ' , . ourne .—Clayson, Ma,rk,‘Bekes‘ time hill " l‘/l.8l_tS'(l__&l}i‘°f1’l\'_li1's, ’1‘he‘"s Q91, Piallijeil I ' ‘ _ ' _v Charlton, T‘. W. Charlton Park cots. Cook, W. G. Bureted cottages .,D('i.VlS, Chiirleslfl. Crows Cam Cotti ‘A528 , Bisnorsnor _ N1 Mr. H. E. C. VVood,'.5l St. Georges place, Canterbury. Assessor and collector of Taxes- Mr. E. Johnstone, 49 Burgate st. Canterbury. Reglstrar of Births and lJeaths—— Mr. C. J. Best, 4 Tower parade, Whitstable. Marriages (Blean Minter, Alfred, Crows Camp Union)——Mr. E. G. Wood, A.L.A.A. Moxhy, Stephen H. S. Juniper Rough St. Georges chamlbers,.3l St. Georges ‘ . 3, plz1ce,‘Czml-erliury . Nl°l‘°]5: Ge°1‘E°: 5 B°“"‘.° °°W"E°5 ‘ Blenn Union Workhouse (see Herne) 96,056,, W_ E_ Lions Héad fm, church of S8. cosmos and Damien Lag; t Edward, Crows, Comp. I;'e’dl%'~*,—s. St-reet Farm Cottage Linkins. William, The.Street Long, Edward H. Court Lodge Farm Lucas, Ernest, Pheasaiits Hall l\lursl1, Freclk. 4 Park lane Milwarcl, L. smith, The Gables Fm'quhin'son, Mrs. F. Golf Cottage Fermor, Henry, Cliztrlton Farm Ford, Wllllllll'l, Ivy Cottage ‘Francis, S. Bnrsted Cottage Francis, Mrs. 1 Bourne cottages Friend, John, Woodgate Farm Gambell, Mrs. The Street Gibbs, Mrs. Melboilrne House Gilbert, James, The Street \/Grnlnnn, C. M. (Oswalds) I-lummond, G. E. Lenn Hall Harlowe. Mrs. Clnn-ch Cottage *1 - 4 _ V ‘ . 13]»! kt J‘ St t- C gt, . ”‘:“§()l‘\«'l(.‘(’SZ Sun. 10.30 and 6.30. Hdtchm’ Gemge E‘ Sunnyslde ‘P,,.lé£:idge’a§i:S:j0h:’uglourge ai§:,,.kv/’ (lhurch Hymns. Vicar, Rev. (J. Hu.ycrzii't, I-lerman The Forge cots ‘Hayward, B. G. Church Cottage , Heady, Mrs. Charlton Park cottages ..l:Iodder, Bert Stanley, coziehm.'-Ln’s cot Holmrm, W. J. Post Office cottages Holmuns, Arthur T. Park Farm Cot. Honey, Frederick, The Gables ‘ Hopkins, Thomas, 5 Bourno cottages . Huggctt, Alliert, carpenter, The Firs R_obinson Lees; Parish Clerk, H1‘. H. Taylor. Wesleyan chapel-~-—Se.rvicos: 2350 and 6.50. Blean council school (mixed) for parish of Hurliledown and Hacking» lnn. Ilczulniuster, Mr. S. E. Steele. Post Office (under canterbury)— Sub-postmislress, Miss N. Holttnm. Lellers (lelivered at 7.30 mm. and Scott, L. E. The Street. - Smith, Albert V. Oswald Lodge Spanton, H. B. Lexhall Fairm Spznzll, Mrs. The Street . Stedmnn, Frank, Station House ‘ Stevens, J. W. Sunnyside ' Stringer, Frederick, 5 Bonnie cots. Stroud, H. E. The Old Station House Swnin, George, Charlton Lodge Cot. Sun. Jarvis, John. Crows Camp _ Tattersall, Major J. C. de V. Charlton . Kennett, C. 1 Park lane Place - _ ‘ l 5 13.111. I)es1iatol1es: 10.50 a.m; ‘and vKimber, Geo. W. l"nrk Farm Cottage Troughton, L. Court Lodge 7-30 1)-UL 1\9iU'95t MOHGY & J-610' Tu;-ner,rW, T, Oh,-u-1f,on Bark Lpdgg graph Ofiice, Canlerliury. Knight, J. 2 Park lane V .Wagl1orn, s. T. Bridge Hilliyliodge , ',Ln.rrett, A. T. 2 Bourne cottages BLEAN RURAL nxsrmcr COUNCIL. Pal'i8he8——-Bleain, Cl‘lisle‘t, Hacking- . ‘(ton 9r St. Stephens, Heme, Heath, ‘ -Reculver, St. . Dunstan» Without, ' .1‘ Sturny, Swalecliffe, Westhere, Whit- , .BIlsHoPsi5,o%nE,' : Three m(i$liesbéasIli‘ oiifierrfioéigfiygl 31? Cl!Pll¢’i HCOVYYIFYCIC-‘MINI. I proa.oh'_ y’ ecnver , or .v A *1 . ~ the Downs through tl1e_:Glen. The _,J‘.’h“5 “i, C’ Th B cliurch is St..”vi\‘lary. ~B.ec_n1ver. ' ' ‘stable-cu‘m-Beasslter. _ , y ‘GouI'I‘ci|‘-——Messrs‘ S. Swinford, Herne; ’ F. .Spa;nto and "I3. ~Breind'on, Mrs.‘.Royal Oak Cot-tage“_ » ‘Brown: H- J-.‘Jesso.~.Mine, Honey hill, 5'29 clerk»--»W. T. limoks. Esq. soli¢'itor, 4 Tower par. Wliitstublc (Tole. 97) 04.0. of llealth~-V-Du-, A. ‘M. Watts. Broadstairs. " - lead. Officer, Isolatlon Hospital—- Dr. J. R. Hamerton, Rahere House, Western esplanade, Herne Bay. Treasurer-»—R. ll. Nowinnn. Esq., Lloyde Bank, Canterbury. Insp. of Nuisances»——?\l1-. R. Miles, ’ Eddington. surveyor of Highways, etc.—-—.\h~. F. A. Ward (C.‘E.) Herne. Isolation H05pltal—-—.\l:1lron. .\li.s's N. Storey, (Tele. Herne Bay 88) Allen, Frank R. Damien Cottage Anderson, Albert E. Grove Cottage, School lane An(lcrson, Alfred, (lliupel lune Anderson, Alfred E. Y-cw Tree Farm Anderson, F. Tyler hill Anderson, F. G. School lane Anderson, Fred. B. Saflrcy Ville, School lane - Anderson, H. Walnut Tree Farm Antlerson, Leonard, School lane /\ll(l(‘l‘Ht)ll’ Miss, Pear Tree Cottage Anderson, Mrs. N. J. Tyler hill Ashton, Miss, The Bungalow, Blean. Bottom Austen, A. Arbele Faun Bailey, G. E. Red Gables llailey, W. Thotched Cottage Bean. E. C. Clowes House Bentley, E. G. Parsonage Farm, Den- stroude ‘Berrling, F. Jessamine Cottage Bones, 1’. R. Parsonage Farm, Den-' ‘ stroudov , » _ : Booth. A F-l.\(Clovelly) Bleen Bottom oacock Tyler hi)’. ~Drapper, H. S. Tyler . Harrison, W. Chapel 536 Cook, Albert, Butlers Coui’t Coultrip, H. Smith's cottages Cowell, Albert, Clifton cottages Cronin, W. S. School lane Dicker, A Oakwell Farm cottages . Douglas, F. The Bungaliiw, Chapel ln hi 1 Evans, G.‘ (Brierley) Tile Kiln lane Evans, Riclmril, (Iliiswick C-oltngc Eyers, A. C. 4 Heath Court cottages» Fisher, F. W. Clifton Cottage Ford, Percy, Myrtle House, School ln Francis, James, Hillside Farm Gunn, Mrs. E. (Ridgeway) Gilbert, Fredk. 1 Poplar cottages Gilchrist, A. K. Blean Gilclirist, Robt. The Royal Oak Giles, F. M. Well Court Giles, P. J. Well Court Cottage Goodban, H. (Woodlands) School lane Goodban, J. 1 Glover’s Cottage Goodwin, E. Tiln Kiln cottages Goodwin, Norman, School lane _ Goodwin, William, Tile Kiln hill Graham, James J. Lucketts Farm Griggs, G. E. Tyler hill 1 Growns, Ernest, 2 Gloverscottagas - Hambrook, H. T. The Red Lion Harris, Mrs. 4 Heath Court cottages lane Hart, S. D. Mill Cotta e Hart-, Mrs. Yew Tree ousev Hayes, C. Chapel lane ' Hilton, Rviepert, 6 Heath cottages Hogbin, illism T. Woodville ’ Io tum, Miss N. Post Office ‘Hopkins, G. R. Sunnyside House . . Key, R. J. "Hillside, Blean Kingham, Stanley, 5 Tile Kiln cots. ‘ Kirby, ,M'~iie.r...l\'lo11l{ey Court Knight, A. Peacock cots. School lane Lees, Rev. G. R. The Vicarage Lilley, F. J. Laburnham Villa Logan, Thos. Mount Pleasant, Blean Common Marsh, Alfred, T ler hill Mead, F. H. E Moat, S. J. Chapel lane Mockett, Mrs. A. M. Clowes House Moody, W. J. (Ridgewny) unny Mead, Tyler hl , Mount, G. T. Parsonage Farm, Den- V stroude Neame, Edward, Tyler hill NGSl)ll-, Mrs. Honey hill Newman, John, 3 Glovers Cottage Packham, W. T. Colthup’s Bungalow, V Tyler hill Parker,James, Hall House, Blean Btm V Parker, Mrs. Yew Tree Pay, John, jun. Oekwell Form Pout, Arthur, T ler_hill Pout, H. Tyler hil Powell, 0. G. Amery Court Price, Albert, farmer, Victoria Dairy. . lean Common Price, I. J ulio Cottage Price, Nelson, Victoria villas Price, N.‘G. The Common _ Price, Reginald, Victor-ia.‘villa.s Price, William, Yew ‘Trees * Priest, G, W‘. West View ‘ Prior, G, A. School lane , , R.a.tc1if£e,_ O.'_~St-relees Farm, _ , Raynes, Mrs-.r1_.l)-loath. cottages: . «Reynolds, Mr .Plo”n1mers".Fa,:-.m Rogers, Alfred, Church’ on a‘ A“~J,on,n (Li ’ Stockbri_dge,_A. s. Cakwell ram Cot. Tziylor, ‘H. G. Boxtree Villa Tayllor, Wm. Orchard House, Chapel ane ’l‘u.ylor, W. (Jesse-Mine) Honey hill Tibhle, T. C. 5 Heath Court cottages Trivett, F. (The Bungalow) . Trotter, N. B. Honey hill Trucmen, Mrs. (Oakwell) Vaugham, L. The Firs ~ Voller, A. S. Gamekeepers Bungalow, Clowes Wood Wnllis, Alfred, Blean Bottom Wallis, A. E. Hillside Blean Wallis, A. H. Honey Hill Farm ‘Wallis, S. T. Chapel lane BRIDGE. About 3 miles from Canterbury on the I main road to Dover. Post town, Ca.nterb,ury. Station about helf-a- mile distant on the Elhsm Valley line. .—,The church is St. Peter. The living is a Vicarage annexed to that of*Patrixbourne, and is held by the B'_.ev.;L‘ E. Knight (M.A._)‘ ‘The fiopulvatiq-n~is nearly 900; he _vil_ agehrs, rghted by‘g‘as.' 7 x v . ' ;13 _ MILTON (NEX'1‘ CANTERBURY.) ‘ Poet t v, C t -1, » ‘ s.....l1‘i3.§l." ,..a.l§hZ§ ?Ey’En?;i$.§f HZSF P“1'§-'°'}l.'?' about two, miles from G:'Lnter’bury‘ ' uv]W'uy. ’ on the Chart-helm and Ashford 1-oa£_i;“" POSt Il"fi‘¢_iWW‘IDno)l .Offic0—.-Wlncheu; ‘church. Of‘ st. Nicholas (with '“"°°”rC“"‘°’b“’Y-‘ Thamngton)——Serv1'ces at 6.30 cluringl ' " ‘ gay to September only. Vicapli . , .« ‘ I ev. Gordon Wxlson. l Tolputt, Mrs. J'\lil't()I1'Cll'€1p’él vi}... L 1,. NA0K11NG'roN. _ P tT ‘ .x ,. - " os own, Canterbury. ‘ fF«31.1,,dge’ J” W. parsonage Cottage . ldrldge. W. J. Church .Cottage“‘ Holy Commumon, 1st and 5rd 8- F’ x " .- Znd, 4th and 5th, 10.30; Evensong’.; FW": (1- W-' P‘“.'5°"3$° F‘”.'m.' 6.30, 1st Sunday (see Lr. Harrlres): I ‘Shel’; Henty’ Garden Cottage _.__"r Wu" Letter Box___H H f C H __,‘G1'cenyvoo(l, Capt. H. S, Cou;»tLo1a tion: , {£15 ;nf_C;‘lI ('I.ele. ‘Cuvnterbuz-y" 380) - _ge . ’I‘lur(len, Mrs. Winters House ‘Maddy, C. Heppington , _'M°°"°: R'1°h3»1'd: Church cottages," Often, E. Scxtries Farm .. .01‘-meld. Amy, Grassland, , j Peters; William,‘ Workholulse ”com* .. Bilyllllilnl, J(hn, S I" tt. 7. .Brisloy_. J. S:'e.\'trie?s’ \Il'1s]tlrn1 0 “De '(70lla1'd, Major B. Merton lane Coltlmm, (fl. Parsonage Cottage C:°“'h3Im; 3-‘ Parsonage cottages £001‘: A» 0- '1 Heppmgton , Slmckl .t , C - I 5 Sl1°1'51";'."m\2V. '1(tl.yl’S(To2]-El;x3d3;l¢;.(I)C5tg;{ .3 r _ y ;: Tayloxf. J. H; builder, ‘Str5ee_t_”~En‘ ‘ Wurford, .A.. E. 11... r,;a,~,,‘,. , PA'I‘I{IXBOURNE‘.‘; A Post towjn, Canterbury. , l " V I‘ ' ‘V ’ ton of the parish 1s,18_ ,- 5.‘. 1 . ,_ 9°93“, d6eting———Cl1airum'n, Major lljlason, Geo.‘ A."“Shepl1e‘rcls Close‘ eats: maul, sic, Renville cottages T ’ Gillloelrt, ,Jo'hn, ,Shepherds’Cl0se cots. Goldjip, “A; W. The Bungalow Gray, ‘Albert, Iiigbam ‘Farm cottages (}].*_g;en,,; Wm.--Waterfall cottages Hxg+wara',‘ John, Bifrons Lodge (i‘Ipr.) Hi; l;;a.rc_l,vJ.‘Sh'epherde Close cots. Knléhtg. -F. B. Upper Lod e Gate‘ Knight, Rev. Hubert (M.A.§ Vxoarage, Lain_ng,7,'John, The Street - Ma , , The Garage, Bifrone ' Ma.nsell,_ W. Higham Lodge . 1 Marsh, -John, Renvtille -cottages: l\[c‘K¢n7‘.ie, A._'l1ead gardener, Bifrons Miller, William; Renvllle Farm Money, Mrs.’.‘B._ M. The Field" . ._ Moiint, H. H.‘ Pat:-ixvbourne Lodge‘ , Mo'u£'t,_ 1Spe'nc‘er ‘W; Esq. J ;Hode ,. ; arm _ j - Parkes, Thomas J. Murnm-ery, William, The Street Pa et, Edward’ H. Bifrons stables Pagmer, H. A. She herds Close cots. Fond cotta es Philpott, H. The Bungalow, Poland. John. Keepers Cottage Pope, Edgar, School House Ronald, Mrs. E. M.- Bifxons Cottage Russ, Henry, Blfl1‘0n‘§ Lodge (Lower) Ryan, Martin Wm. Bifrone stables .. enville Rye, Wm. T. Renville -Farm cots. .. ‘ Sheather, H. bailiff, Milestone Farnzr Sin-den, Alfred, Cold Harbour cuts. '1 Sladden, F. Waterfall cottages Smith, Richard J, l5’utrixbon1-ne st. Sutton, W. H. Pond cottages Talbot, C01. The Hon. l\jI_iIo George (C.B.) Bifrons v*”" Taylor, Arthur J. Patrixbourne st.‘ ' Tunbridge, Mrs. M. A; Waterfall Cot. .PE1fHAM- lab Council:-'-Chal‘1'man_,V V Capta ‘Adonis, Major Gordo11,Gar1inge . Cour . Aldridge, ~—-, Broadway Green Balldock; C.-~ ‘Plat-hzun street Baker‘, John, Garlinge Green ‘ Barnes, Frank, Little Jersey Bean, H. Ea.s_t7 Wootton Bea.tie,~ Wm. ~(Cebb Villa) Gal-ling llzvleez-E '1‘. ~Ai...:L1'ttle. Swarling B1a.’sbh,ec_k, E. Broadway green Brice, 'Ha1-ry, ;_Tarry ‘Hall cottages». ’ h,‘,Fr_'a.nk,‘-Kenfield Hall 11, '1‘. E. 6 Swar1lng"cott.ages_ ,W T . ’4.Debden "villas ’ 3-M “S ‘uh’ Woottoxx er " Pe