www,colebroolDL'I‘I)’ whose agents they are give notice that (if the particulars are set out as a general outline only for the guidance of intending purchasers or lcssecs and do not constitute pan of an offer or contraCt;- (ii) all descriptions, cliniensioiis, reference to condition anti necessary permission for use and occupation and other details are given without responsibilitv and anv imending purchascis or tenants should not rely On them as statements or representations of fact but must satisfy themselves by inspection or otherwise as to the C(;rr€(_‘tnC5S of each of thcm;- tiiii no person in the employment til Messrs Colebrook Sturrock x Co has any autliurity to make or give any representation or \\'LIrI'ZII1l)’ whatever in relation to this property. B E D R O O M F O U R 10ft Sins x 7ft 4ins max (3.25m x 2.23m) Built in wardrobes comprising of two single wardrobes and top cupboards over, single panel radiator, aluminium framed sealed unit double glazed window to rear. OUTSIDE F R O N T G A R D E N Retaining brick walled boundary to front and side, area of lawn with established flower borders, path to front and side door, drive with parking for several cars to: — G A R A G E ~ Up & over door, power and light. R E A R G A R D E N Laid to lawn with paved patio areas, raised flower beds, timber pergola, brick and block built work shop with stable door, timber garden shed, octagonal green house, d further area of garden stocked with shrubs and plants, brick built barbecue, walled rear boundary. S E R V I C E S All mains services are understood to be connected to the property. LOCAL AUTHORITY Canterbury City Council, Military Road, Canterbury, Kent, CT1 1YW. Tel: 01227 862000 COUNCIL TAX BAND E VIEWING ARRANGEMENTS Strictly by appoiritment with the Agents, Colebrook Sturrock and Co. 01227 831999 A G E N T S N O T E The property is “bought as seen” and the Agents are unable to comment on the state and condition of any fixtures, fittings and appliances etc.