Elegance restored This former country Vicarage nas been carefully restored to elegance under the direction of the enthusiastic new owners and Clague partner Simon Beck. The foundation of this listed building is 17th Century but the superstructure was very substantially altered in Victorian times. Close liaison was required with Canterbtuy City Council in order to achieve the client's ambitious brief. The stable, veranda canopy and entrance conservatory were faithfully reconstructed to the original detail. New additions included an indoor swimming pool, an orangery and a utility room. Much has also been created '.'.".'.'aa isllluzat vflfifim; out of the formerly rather plain garden. The keynote of the work has been careful attention to detail and the use of high quality materials. There is no doubt that the house is now one of the most desirable in the area - however there is very little chance of the current owners wanting to move! Front elevation - nearing completion of repairs. South sid evtion showig the very bwe 135 gable after repair. " 1*‘comp’1ete the iwork in éarly i199e3. ' Insid the exter;ioriil(v‘§'Vhi£:h 1635 and the gabie wafis) storey timber LLfi*an1§ed ibuildixag j!olde1jthaln ghee brickwork, M every poqr cgondition. “in iutil ed A fully engineered iscaffolclltwés l7éq11if€,d'tO,Stabi11{SC enclose the building andtsuppofliia tempoltary roofawhile A L the structure of the ’bui1ding>wasnexpeosediitfor rep nneriiate floors and roof; support theiwaV11s?untiliVlsm: is decided. V