BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL Chairman: Ann. V Edmonds Clerk: Christobel N Seath Please reply to: The Clerk, Bridgeford House, Brewery Lane, Bridge, Canterbury, Kent, CT4 5LF Telephone 01227 831085 email; 22”“ January 2008 Mr M M Raraty 41 Bridge Down Bridge Canterbury Kent CT4 5BA Dear Mr Raraty Highiim Park Pl8nning Inquiry Ref CA/ Qé/Q1431/BEK Planning lnsp Rei A/07/2055819 l understand John Hill recently asked whether you would willing to address the above Planning inquiry in support of Bridge Parish Councilis objections to the proposed housing development at Higham Park. Dr Wendy Le-Las, the Planning Consultant who will he leading the parish councils case, has suggested that it would be useful if a knowledgeable Bridge resident could outline the historical importance of the site to the village and the loss to the area’s heritage that would result from the housing development, which will adversely affect the historic setting of Higham Park, a Grade ll* listed building. The inquiry is due to be heard on 19*“ February at the Guildhall, Westgate, Canterbury starting at 10.00am. Dr Le~Las thinks that it likely that the hearing will run into a second day. The enquiry is open to the public and the parish council hopes that as many residents of Bridge as possible will attend to support its objections. There will be an opportunity for Bridge residents to speak at the end of the inquiry and this would be your opportunity to speak about the historical significance of l-ligham Park. The procedure would be for you to write down your points, noting at the beginning the name of the lnquiry, your name, your interest in the application and the reasons why you are qualified to speak on the matter. You would then put your case. You should make three copies of your speech and hand them to the Planning inspector when you have finished speaking. The parish council hopes you will be willing to speak at the enquiry and believes that your expert opinion would significantly strengthen the parish and city councils case against this ill-conoeived application. lfyou require any rnore information or would like to discuss this further, please do not hesitate to get in touch with me. With kind regards Christobel N Seath (Parish Clerk)