19s4suvey(pr;) Very few changes have been made since the pre-war 1938 survey except that the whole series of storage sheds have appeared to the souflw east representing a serious incursion in relation the setting of the listed building. The outbuilding or garages shown to the rear of the stables and no-name bungalow have been removed. The final plan(D\¢|i has been drawn to show the changes brought about by the Zbrowski additions. the hatched area and dotted extension show the layout of the pre-1910-12 building. All the present west front rooms and portico can be seen as additions together with the north—east comer room(probably originally built as a form of conservatory). This does not confirm that the room was added as part of the Zbrowski addifions though it was clearly present at the time ofthe sale in 1928..To the south east it can be seen that an earlier extension was demolished and the present extension added further to the north. The north east wall of the earlier extension may have been incorporatai in the new extension to form the present south west front. Widwin the main house the sunken area in front of the original house can clearly be identified and this is in fact still retained in me current basement. Finally a glazed annexe has been added to the front of the coach house,but this has subsequently been removed. w.p.j.s. January 2007