I“"‘Z’::t%1::; 1 1] 3 V U»: V‘/\.« The Official Index to The Times, 1906-1980, Index Entries Selected Page 1 of 2 Index Entries Selected Found: 19 entries 1908 Jan-Dec Marriages—Eaird, Mr. W. A., and Lady Hersey Conyngham 29 January 1908 (Page 12 col b) 1911 Jan-Dec Marriages celebrated—Ainsworth, Mr. Thomas, and Lady Edena Conyngham: list of presents; ceremony 10 February 1911 (Page 11 col b) 1912 Jan-Dec Marriages celebrated—Denison, Mr. Conyngham, and Miss Vera Baxendale 09 February 1912 (Page 11 col b) 19I40ct-Dec Marriages celebrated—Conyngham, Lord F., and Miss B. Tobin 03 December (Page 11 col e) ‘:““‘m"“* 1918 Apr-Jun Marriages ce1ebrated—McCalmont, Maj. Dermot H. B., and Lady Barbara Conyngham 04 June 1918 (Page 9 col b) “reset g 1922 Oct-Dec 2; ,1 A} Q 9 Marriages celebrated—Conyngham, Lord, and Mrsflv iffstanide A 10 November 1922 (Page 13 col c) /1, mg A M/Wwr .U.»~i.01,»;.c:(;z:r,1Jx>.1_.: 3.! 1913 Jan-Dec ” ’ ‘1 5 a"~«-t~ Parliament—Conyngham heirlooms: Bill (sale): in Lords: in committee 18 Jgunev_1913 (Page 5 col (1) ‘:ii“m“‘“i All ,;,(,..z,/ Parliament—Conyngham heirlooms: Idill (sale): in Lords: in committee 02 July 1913 (Page 13 cold) p Parliament—Conyngham heirlooms: third reading 04 July 1913 (Page 12_co1 a) §’”"“m Parliament—Conyngham heirlooms: in Commons; second reading 15 Julyv1913 (Page 13 col c) semi 1L1*a,Q,, fi_W,\; M. M Parliament—Conyngham heirlooms: in committee A p (03 Q 0.. 25 July 1913 (Page 4 col e) £""””*m *>»\§ j 3m.;(, if 4%, ‘MM? E’ 1929 Jan-Mar "1 Pendulum observations—Sir G. Lenox-Conyngham (lecture) 15 January 1929 (Page8 col e) m“®“"* http://history.chadwyck.co.u1- lbw/‘zm.taw~ Ha,W~m« gal/\, ' &,'+‘° a7LuXk(,mm/./ 5, §.LJ*+J*%.:t~ :::£‘:::::: W gww, may % k Twgk 5;}, L¢,4)c.MMwwU»z¢¢w£¢¢%«é+ok. MW«~ ‘~*“LW°“**°“““ “*i“""°., ’ 214/§c-1~»z~’JP'-ea Article 79 fay ;aM,-MfwzU "MC WI‘ £a».,c~¢( e, 7/wwgm’ £a¢L-»eo,,L,_M,_C r\’\%/("\b‘/\}‘c..a~\/;+ gg 9&7 ,L'k,"‘,g¢;,m,Q/L . /(/:7 vv“\' [*0 5’ L I y ' , T4, '1 /’ "Iv emf /42~(,.,‘V\,\j~_4,,_ »”\~ 5.W, (V, /4,.b_,i J51,» ZWUL jwzv _,a,x“(7? QR: /J“*j»«/J‘ (D I a¢l"L{/ MP WM '~ M» A '{'\4/ MM aw any /7~e “F .. f/2/,,.7,&:,,)f%,4A/L12 M M ,mWxz,ue, OMX wtf/v av/F , .% /7/glib /,’U,,L W) ‘DWI Wig}; /'9Z(_ l’\,., 2/7MfTcL HA1,/,( - 4, Max M; an w~%“§’J& vtUUL Mtffigx "(xx T-W L§’wl§$_$ ( Jmbiassa Hill in. an undsataudad suit by“ .1§J.fi, at the church. :3: Emma 34:». . Mam-, flame:-seh. After the mat-riaga has fivefi I haasra clone yin: beyond the fast I; lave: ycmr wife. I implara wan who» have 5.1%: htto://infotrac.london.claleclrou0.com/itw/infomark/955/799/34965384w2/nurl=.. Page 2 of 3 q LL THE DIVORCE C0%URT. PEER As Q O0-RESEON mum. BEGREE GRANTE1) TO AN Ami? owmomn. * {Bafm En. Efismm Hmz.) v. G’fl”$§.‘M%‘CE: .a.:»:n xauwraxz, II‘. W» (KAEQUESS a‘.3(}.1*€5‘5€."HG:E”;§.?&£-) A fiéczae am of diworca ma yren:auzzm(1‘hy- Bmjctr Sbuflley Z€'evi1Ia of 5, P*ani'rD’n.- strwés, Hayzmfiet, Lnndgazx, Mrs. Anfiainatte Wizziflwl Busimnce iwhase maiden ’Ifhem.pseun') an -the gmuné «of her aefluitery’ with Fraderivrzlr. Button, sixth Marquess V, ‘A V W % at £115? petxtiomr, taken on maxi by air. W. 0:. The jpatitianar 33.503; that he an Angxmfi 22, with his wife at Fmmnt Bfosxse, Wins, and there i wan ane amid, a girl ho‘:-n in Octoban. 1917. There were‘ clifierencea until his wife ma? the co-responéienfz at Bmtton an herretmm from Llfaiesbine with the sham. Arm that reim- twns batsman them changed.“ 011 4; I921: ‘fifhflu he was in he meceiveé a Ietv _ ins. wIIe,~ &a‘Erevfi 31313" 2%, in which aha *‘ 3353.: 8£'.u&ie.--—-1% hurtfi me frightttzily to bats $12 as} am gaiag _ I leave another man #33. 1‘. ‘vs gang. gsnsmy with him. I 113 ‘ that: ‘mu will le » Anme. with Peter. _ ‘ set me £1-sea as soon 3.3 -gmihle.--1€Jm::m“.‘*’ an tha same daggr he rweivefl 3. Miter mm. the c=ar::m§3nndm§—-*vvx:i£;1;en from Hyda 1.33.322. Hycrtel, Iacsaéten--»-m which he gain?! :----~-- — “ Them is an possiblfa meassxm far the greats kt loved. my to mlea-are bar as man as you gflfifiihly can. I want; we maka Nanny :1: wife with the possibla delay. The M1‘ gmca you can be obtained at the ahave adxiress. . . . I hope yma will instruct your finiicitlara ‘ ‘ to at —onne.—€3or.*2*:szoajA3t.” That: was the: first intimstiazua V. t a. » at ; hia wifrfs miati-ans with La ml ; the two ietetars aame 51.5 as. . .1\‘.r'ext day he wzaiae to & impio ta give up the c:0«-refiporrtdent smfl tn: ‘Finn {Tn-Hr: Iarhan Ivan amaze. H-7-u.ni«J& I-.»... I“... ..~‘I..x‘__1L M E . 22/O3/O3 Article 222 The Times, Apr 27, 1922; pg. 5; Issue 43016; col B Summary of Cases. Category: Law Full Text: Copyright 1922, The Times W Report, Apnl 26. SUMMARY 03‘ Mr. isfustima Br - -‘ 3* gave Ridgmen: it in an whisk a‘ meivipaznfi unfler 2 cf the ' Act, 1835.. The piamfilfi sand .a.__bmhnnke:—*, fax £53 af maniay by xsheqiag .farj:aet3 I951: ; the =c£af$adaat wgatebs cimmefl fin: szzgczunta by tn. the plmatfl, She £3133; he « had received the in payment. ’ {ti beta mzmhers bf ehaques he did‘. A nut at -mica when 3 men as Bet he same of ; 9 cheques with the amaunt. ‘flue; defendant euntemiied that he was &~ 3. titled tap the benefit :2: Size manta on the 5 gramtri that ha had sntuaiiy the "flimsy which he saxefiitecf to the Eis 1 gut accept that and he judgmenfi 592* the pizfizzfifiv {Malena 1?; the flimma South 1912'. «Insane ER mafia 3. »deemé ai nassfitufian cf conjugai ; righfe mi ifihe pefiifiaa ef Mrs, Beat:-iaze i Biearfie, 3 {If the late Lard Esmé Divezge‘ (1%-tees wens ' jy:.asa.1n~a ‘mzigaat aamcitaibady: _ ' Ian Whitaker 2:143 :24? 11618;" = Article 236 The Times, Nov 10, 1922; pg. 13; Issue 43185; col C K; _ S flbamzauxu 31:23. 2 ‘~ «- ._ flumzamm. Winmnmn. Scmusaset, am: 25; géerhlana, piazza in {anti-{an an ‘Weflnw 9 Page 1 of 1 Page 1 of 4 hftzp://infotrac.iondon.galegroup.com/itw/infomark/76/987/33982769w2/purl=r... O2/O3/03 Taken from The Sydney Mail, Wednesday 20 January, 1915 Of Interest to Women p 32 News has just arrived of two war weddings in London, the bride in each instance being an Australian. Lord Frederick CONYNGHAM, of the 2nd Dragoons, who has gone to the front, was, prior to his departure, wedded to Miss Bessie TOBIN, younger daughter of Mrs. Willie TOBIN, of Victoria. 7 Article 1003 Page 1 of 1 ’ The Times, Jun 04, 1918; pg. 9; Issue 41807; col B Marriages Category: Marriages Full Text: Copyright 1918, The Times ‘ = ,1 5 mam : $4315., mm, qecaxnai :1 (sf ma firs: an V‘£‘iflwz_ -at £13, '1 mi mm: ésfi Afioiy * W ‘ mm .. 1 1. 1- ' -1 ma ’ Aagamzau-’ Mum Mefiaxnazm mu At St.‘ Emicws: flhmrah. ‘ye-flaxéay, ’ " ’ Ifimaepaf Mafia: Smut fiugh mngfiam 32.6, Iznfiy son or Gaeznssmi Sir: ugh 3&1: ’ -is? Run. I.sa&;§_-‘®!g¢;fJ.a.ims::111t:,a 11:1: Mawnt J.Fa§ia!;, Gama‘ , and 3 Barbara Hreian . ,_ yaxsngast. af tha flan Fry, mm: at that ‘parish, nfini and: the married: mm fizfiy chairs}; aiifha hzriéa. 7! 1: mm 3. fiarminr white with. mg mm slwrrea, ma wen away 35:» than Mzrxqnem canyngham, .&.D:-£32,. "Bantu Irish Hum Ska mien? 1. of meal myrtle with aranga _ ma :1 smug of pearls. the 3,-iii; at . $135? bzzzfiegmnm, mi in xiiamcmfi the giii; ; at flan E-:i&ag:ru¢m’s *fatZ!1er.. -fie: min. was by Qlimt truly mm «:9: $1: (1‘.‘V.-13%.,» at flies, pmzz. ‘l.‘ha_ ‘amt man was was. Ia F1 Perms, 1% 1 awak- _ riaga. Ehm was a_ gathering at 118.1% cmmany. ammzjstimiwmkalflsxfiismflwtieafltmrtfia 231% M I ¢’c1mu’k the xrnning auapla kaiff: fiat ’ K’Gl:.$¥3.i¥‘r Julia, whats {the y n wilfi be smut. http://80—web7.infotrac.gaIegroup.com.chain.kent.ac.uk/itw/infomark/483/228/... 24/11/03 F" The Times, Monday, Nov 11, 1918; pg. Mark 3; Issue 41944; col E Lord Conyngham. Category: Obituaries V _ L033?’ , €ias_‘tmin -{ha E . am: {.‘an- ‘ my wha abrmte as yaargngn manmsflgrflq the j ' A flénriakrmh 55: aifiwdawcamy ‘tn Eéeuéennn — Eflétfll fits flan. Sit Jam aiaxwall, Genarai tamer Cammmding in fihzmt. ’ fiufiihma Bammmuég fiieati. «Di pneumeaaia. £uI1mw*§.-mg an jSa»i5u1!&.i.y zaanming at» new ‘foam. 3%: Iahn fiaxweil.’-as is: was as was {if trha iauzth; ;mu~=quma and wasia. his; 36¢;-3., I-32¢. »*r:_-wsmves 3 hautmmb in t;-‘Q3 Smith ‘£1-.is‘h flux.-sea in September, mm, ante}. was 13. the fipeei-mi at Dmmem. Than iumszal. wfii has .sis.h£g 1;, Sigma Eaiseatvh. L316 mmmlwd mafia‘ is memagfleed by . - . Freéexiek Efirbau flflu $319 wag {mm in $99. and mmifl in 1914: HI mama» ax Eata Wimm A. Enhm. " fiinmuxnfi Article 104 L V Page 1 of2 The Times, Nov 15, 1918; pg. 9; Issue 41948; Co! B Court Circular Category: Court and Social FullLText: Copyright 1918, The Times \%)' :9AI.Am,‘.%tm—. 1:. ?h§fiisktBs:m;. eagamz Si‘: 1P!;umar had em. fihgng-at vi fmivaei by hfagfesw. and ‘r by 8?: E Erma; . 1 finmariswbm in ‘Wfifing :99 k Serving mamas cateaarax, w 1 . ‘Q *5“ mngmgmm Eummgfifi I - I ‘ I http://infotrac.|ondon.galegroup.com/itw/infomark/76/987/33982769w2/puri=r... 02/03/03 Contact us?» I Help‘? E A to Z index} l Site search?’ Tuesfiay 16 November" fl’: ilaeraal alrtzihlves You are here: Home > Search our collections > Documentsonline > Image details ” Qes:a e:zts0nlin4e wémé 1? 5193*” saws-gkoae year i1i§fo:fyr.., nghwfigfig %'mE"$ Image details Description Medal card of Conyngham, Victor George Henry Francis Corps Regiment No Rank South Irish Lieutenant Horse Date 1914-1920 categories: Catalogue WO 372/4 25.. -13% Family reference History Dept Records created or inherited by the War Office, , Armed Forces, Judge Advocate General, and , 3‘ other related bodies Records Series War Office: Service Medal and Award Rolls lndex, First World War Whatls “aw? } Piece Campbell H - Cooke W E About} Image 1 medal card of many for this collection Research tools} contains Scanning on demand? Number of image files: 1 Format . N b . Image and Part Size ofum er Price Reference version Number(KB) Pages (£) 948705/ PDF 1.2 1 ' 273 1 3.50 38820 Total Price 3.50 (£) 1 3 Terms of Use I Copyright | Privacy I Top of page A 4 The National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, TW9 4DU email: enczuirl/@nationalarchives.dov.uk tel: +44 (0) 20 8876 3444 1 11594 .', 1»wu‘zehazz, .Nov‘ember 7, 1917_. I ' ' . ‘Letters Patent have passed the'Great Sealof , the :United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland ‘conferring the -dignities of- Viscount, Earl and Marquess of the said United ‘Kingdom upon Adniiral the Right Honourable Sir Louis Alexander Mountbatten, G-.C.B-., G.C.V.Q., , K.G.M.G. (formerly, Prince Louis of Batten- berg), and the heirs male of his body’ lawfully begotten, by the names, styles and-titles of Viscount Alderney in the county of South- ampton, Earl of Medina and Marquess ‘of Milford Haven. 4 . 9 Wlziteimll, November 7, 1917. ‘ Letters Patent have passed the Great Seal of the United Kingdom of. Great -Britain and Ireland conferring the dignitiés of Viscount, Earl and Marquessof the said United Kingdom upon Oaptain Sir Alexander Alloert'Mount- batten, G-.C.,V.O. (formerly Prince Alexander of Battenberg), and the heirs male of ‘his body lawfully begotten, by his‘ names, styles and" titles of Viscount Launceston in the county of Cornwall, Earl of Berkharnpsted and Marquess _ - of Oarisbrook-e. ' ;-: - _ Whitehall, 'Na.,-ember 7, 1917.‘ , _- Letters Patent have passed the‘Great Seal of the United Kingdom ‘of Great Britain and- Ireland conferring-_-the dignities of Viscount and Earl- of the said United Kingdom upon Brigadier-General Sir Alexander. Augustus Frederick William Alfred-George Cambridge, G.C‘.B., G.C.V.O.,- C.M.G,, D.S_.Q. (formerly Prince Alexander of 'l‘eok),"and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten. by hisnames, styles and titles of Viscount Trematon _in the »county of Qambridge, and Earlof Athlone. ’ or _ ‘ r _ Whitehall, November 8, _19l7. .The KING has been pleased, by Warrant - under His Maj'esty’s Royal Sign Manual, bear- ing data the 6th instant, to appoint th_o_Reve- rend John Bcasmore Culley to the‘L1vmg of Moxley, in the County of Stalford and Diocese of Lichficld, void by_ the resignation of the , Reverend Frank Tyrer; the last Incumbent. ’ V Whitehall, ,Nooem6er 8, 1917. . The KING has been pleased, in pursuance_ I of the provisions of the Second Schedule to the Military -Service Act,’ 1916 _(5 & 6 G:eo.,V, cap. 104), to appoint ‘Mr. George William Chnter, of 20, Addison Road, Reading, to be a. Member of the Appeal Tribunal for Berk- shire,‘ "including, the Reading. H ' Dawniny Street,- " ‘ 7th No5vs1n5er,'l917 . ‘ Tjhe KING has been pleased to appoint Sir Walter Edward ,Davidson,' K.C.M.G. (Cvovernor' of Ne,wfoundlaud).. to be. Govern it of the State of-New South Wales and its Depen «dencies, in the Commonwealth of Australia. L, run LONl)ON:t}A.|ZET'1.‘_E,' 9 NOVEMBER,’ 1917. Corps ' County .Borough of ' :%e:;i7» ‘Board of Prado, _ . ‘ - W/zitehall Gardens, - . i ‘ ‘ Stir November,-,191T. The KING has been graciously pleased ‘to confer the Decoration of the Albert Medal upon Actlng Quartermaster-Serjeant James William Brpuin, Royal Army '-Medical Corps, nserjeant William Seymour, Northumberland Fusiliers, and Privates Arthur IDuE Hadden Allan and , ' James Cuthbertson, of the Royal Army Medical is an acoountof the services in The followin -respect of whic the Decoration has been con- - ferred :— _ (_)n the morning of the 5th February, 1917,’ a , serious explosion, followed by a fire,_occur'red on the French trcopship “ St. Laurent " at Malta. . After some time‘it was observed that three were diercest, were ciit off from the rest. ;N'oneIo,f the boats" near would .approa‘ch the ship owing to the, heat and danger .»of-a. further explosion, until Acting Quartermaster-Sorjeant , - Brown persuaded a Maltese Policeman to "row hlin out 3 but when within thirty yards of, the ship the Policeman refused to go further. Brown returned, and was then joined by Sey- mour,‘ Allan ‘and ' Cuthbertson. They rowed ' directly to the, forepart of..tl1e ship, the sides of which were-by this time red hot,‘ while the plates were falling into thé sea. ' _ _ - ' _VVhen they were‘ within a few! yards. of the ship two of the three men in the forepartv jumped into thesea and were rescued,‘ .the p ’ third, who had climbed up the mast, was sayed , later:-when the mast fell. ' _ ‘NAVAL SALVAGE MONE_Y., - , Department, of the i ' Accountant-General oj'th'e Nazvgy, Admiralty, S. W ., - ,5 ‘ I . 8th. N,o11amb.er, 19l7._ Notfce is-hereby given to: all persons in: terested therein, that preparations are now , being made for the intended Distribution of x the. following Salvage Awards:—- ' ,Sa.1va'ge of s.v.. “ Samuel‘ S.. Thorp,” by ' H.M.S. ‘”Zinnia.'”..on ,7th and St]: Qctober,, 1916. '- ' ' Sal-'v'age of s.s. ‘: Ewell.” by HEM. Trawliar ' _ “_Report-o” on 21st February, 1917.. ‘ ‘ Salvage of cargo of s.v. “ Terpsichore ” by ELM. - Ships “ Sunflower, , " Pioneer II:,” ‘ “Dais VI.f’ and “Stormccck” ‘on 15th and 1 th May, 1916. - ' Agents or other Persons having -any just and legal demand, unliquidated, ‘against the Award are required to transmit the particulars of any such demand-.. to the Registrar of, the Admiralty Division of- H.M. High Court of » Justice, in order that the same may- be examined, taxed, and-allowed by?that Officer, and paid under the sanction of the Judge of the said court. ' " ' . Due Notice will be given, by future a'd- 'ver.t«ieement in the’ London Gazette, of the ‘date proposed, for the commencement of Dis tribution. ' Aczmrirany, 3m Norlievnlm-,,_1917. ‘ * 1a,1\r.I{.1z. ' ' ‘V ‘ To be te'mpy.‘Sub-Lieut.——- . V - Charles B.'Pl.impt'on. - get Nov. 19-17 '- 1.v' ‘ i i ., I men in the forepa.rt'of the ship, where the flames _ , . ~ h I -. .W.,3 12662 SUPPLEMENTTO ‘rm: Lon‘fi6fcAzErrE, 4 DECEMBER, 1917. Ely. Trans. 0,fficcrs.—(Graded for purposes of pay as Stalf Lts., 2nd Cl.)—~Temp. Lt. R. I. M. Graham-Toler, Gen. List._ 18th Oct. 1917. ' Lt. M. Brachi, M.C., R.E., T.F. 12th Nov. 1917. The undermentioned temp. appt. is made:—~ lA'.D.C'.—Lt. V. G. H. ‘F1, The Marq. ._ Conyngham, Ir. Horse. 7th Nov. 1917. 'B.oYAI. FLYING Conrs. J!-il. Wing.—The undermentioned appts. are. made:— Sgoln. 0omdr.—T-emp. Capt. R. E. Saul, Gen. List, from a Flight O‘omdr., and to be temp. Maj. whilst so empld. 21st Nov. 1917. «Flight C'amd1's.——FroIn Flying Oflicers, End to be temp. Capts. whilst so empld :-— 2nd Lt. (temp. Lt.) B. B. Toms, R. War. 11., Spec. Res. 1st Nov. 1917. Lt. R. E. Angus, Yeo., T.F. 18th Nov. ‘.1917. Temp. Lt. W. R. G. Pearson, Gen. List. 19th Nov. 1917. Flying Ofiice-rs.—~Temp. 2nd Lt. L. O. F. . -Clutterbuck, Gen. List, from a Flying Ofiicer (Observer). 12th Sept. 1917, with seniority from 3181: Dec. 1916. (Substi- tuted for the notification in the Gazette of 29th. Oct. 1917.) ‘Capt. A. R. -C. Morton, Canadian Exped. Force. 2nd Oct. 1917. (Substituted for the notification in the Gazette of 26th Oct. .1917.) Temp. 2nd Lt. (on prob.) E. Everatt, Gen. List, and to be confirmed in his rank. .Zl1th July 1917. 13th July 1917. Temp. Hon. 2nd Lt. H. S. Malik, Gen. List. Temp. 2nd Lts. (on prob.), Gen. List, and :to be confirmed in their rank :—- W. G. Gunning. J. F. Bremner. Lt. J. C. Coiling, Canadian Exped. Force. 29th Oct. 1917. - Temp. Lt. T. Durrant, Gen. List, from a. IF'lying Oificer (Observer). 31st Oct. 1917, with seniority from 8th Mar. 1917. Lt. L. B. Aylen-, Spec. Res., from an Equipment Ofiicer, 3rd 01. 6th Nov. 1917 . Temp. 2nd Lt. (on prob.) A. Colquhoun, Gen. List, and to be confirmed in his rank. 10th Nov. 1917. 11th Nov. 1917. ' Lt. B. A. Cooke, Canadian Exped. Force. Lt. L. J. Sweeney, Canadian Exped. ‘Force. , wand Lt. E. J. Dease, Rif. Brig., and to be '15 '. ‘ Temp. 2nd Lt. E. P. Critchley, Gen. List. Temp: '2nd Lts. (on prob.), Gen. List, and ‘to be confirmed in their rank :-—- G. W. Bellin. J. 0. Butler. C. R. Whitelock. Maj. G. ' P. Howe, Canadian Exped. Force. a ?)g;»,ll.i'“i\“) ' '1‘ mp. 2nd Lts. (on prob.), Gen. List, and to be confirmed in their rank:-—~ . G. D. Batcup. J. W. S. Mellish. S. R. L. Poole. 12th Nov. 1917. A. B. Taylor. H.-R. Uttley. A. W. Franklyn. W. H. Kilbourne. 13th Nov. 1917. A. 0. M60. de Fleury. Temp. 2nd Lt. A. Baillie, Gen. List, from .3. Flying Oflicer (Observer), with seniority from 6th Oct. 1916: Temp. 2nd Lts. ‘(on prob.), Gen. List, and to be confirmed in their rank :— A. P. Rapson. 14th Nov. 1917. 15th Nov. 1917. J. H. Dewhurst. R. McLaughlin. - ‘ Depot 0omdr.—Temp. Maj. W. H. Lang, Gen. List, from a. Park Comdr., and to be temp. Lt.-Col. whilst so empld. 31st Aug. 1917. Gen. Ls'st.——Frederick Charles Winby, late temp. Lt., A.P. Dept, to be temp. Lt. 15th Nov. 1917. . The undermentioned to be temp. 2nd Lts. :— ' ' Harry Yarwood Lewis. 13th Oct. 1917 . Cadet (Flight Serjt.) Edward -Preston Critchley, from R.F.C. 21st Nov. 1917. The,undernientioned to be temp. 2nd Lts. (on prob.) :—~ Leslie Vibart M-acKenzie:‘ '28th Sept. 1917. Lancelot Walsh, late Serjt., S. Afr. Forces. 12th Oct. 1917. Henry John Macrcady. 10th Nov. 1917. Serjt. John Thomae'Lawlor, from Cann- dian Arms Inspn. Dep6t. 16th Nov. 1917. 2nd Cl. Air Mechanic Keith Fraser, from R.F.C. 18th Nov. 1917. ' Herbert Henry Miller. 20th Nov. 1917. CAVALBY. Lra.--Capt. R. B. Wood to be actg. Maj. whilst empld. as Maj. on Hd.Qrs., Anzac Corps Gav. Regt. 22nd Apr. 1917. Res. Regt. of Household C'¢w.—Temp. Lt.,H. S. Browne resigns his oommn. , and is granted the hon. rank of Lt. 5th Dec. 1917 . Remt. .S'ero.——Temp. Capt. A. H. Hornby to be a. Supt., from a. Remt. Oflicer. 3rd Nov. 1917. (Substituted for the notification in the Gazette of 15th Nov. 1917.) Roux. REGIMENT or ARTILLERY. E.H. J: R.F.A.—2nd Lt. A. W. Emberson to be Lt., with precedence next above G. A. Hart. 12th Feb. 1917. The undermentioned Wt. and N.C.0s. to be 2nd Lts. :— _ _ 3rd Oct. 1917. Batt. Serjt.-Maj. George Ayres. Batt. Qr.-Mr.-Serjt. ‘Mathew Meaburn. u lu Qgéyfisfiitésfi >0 '5 ‘I ‘T ‘ ‘V ‘ ‘:7 ‘ an. izistamzal mag; claw" £3, . Page created 1 June 2003. Corrected and updated 25.09.2004 H.R.H. Pflnoe lexander Marquess of Carisbrooke 1886-1960 wits §*»r%§§§§e§“§§ §es‘*a§?§'=se “§°§§;§ss 1% 5§E5§1¢2;\3§" §«%§%%ts§“§‘ W eésseraw ’§'s§§§§%e§*?§ figfigwggggggg zuéajéfil 2;; 7‘U// name-' Alexander Albert birth-' 1886.11.23 at Windsor Castle, Berkshire, England father-' Prince Henry of Battenberg mother: Princess Beatrice of Sa:>: rcmivefi 3 cc»;1n:sg~sé—man 1% the Gzmaciizr Gazarfis and —E’+*'—“«I"~’€d an the War at am.-:8 with hie _ .:egi1jmItt and aftengrarég §5=fl :33: 31.351 His ' A Strviitrrss were mcizfiassafl 3;: é;spa.tc§e2:._ Aim‘ the war 1;: tea}; up a. bugiggsg ; ca‘-year‘ far 3 time: -wmzkiag as a 212:5; in $112 csvf Lazargi firethers. £139 5i¥13'$5§umii10" 11¢ mmeé aha beards crf wvtrai Large fizms. Lzmdmbgareugiu '§vas___ ;:ififm=t}n1'.:¢é in Mazr, 13.”? Hi: was mil Ciiieiifiifle 'H¥is1...B'i§fifl€$$ ?rmc>a fiaiaxaadier 4E!§;B&ti:_:r§fiErg;= he had ban Eranteé {he :i23e‘“‘a£”"“v”H5g§§gm" by rwni wm-"mint in T§1~rm-n}-mar i§z§£’{ En 12441.11: The Most. I-Ema. Sir A.1exandcr Alb»:-rt A Maanfrhstten. __G.g::.B.. {.“;x.C.V,fl+, fiz-st Rciyal warmat in Dacmimj. 1§S;é.w in glkié intcrvai §‘fiD~?e me mmagc. at King V Gamma V‘; rarquteat he fiiscrsxmitmed by E’.ra3;a1: ‘warrant the star}: as Highrmgs ” and aszsumsad the gamma 0% §’§G£:1i'{iEb§3.fi¢':”I§. n Then on July 3?. $13’. ht: wan; =s:;"m1.::-é ’¥iaz*qucss sci Carishrmkei Earl ei Emit» {fie Chem? Rayazi 321% was atiendfifi ‘:33! {ha Ejfig and. Queen, Quevza‘ gklcxanrim. ‘and {he Qthtr members cf the gayai Fzamziy. A in aha War cf I93?-45' C&£‘§§b1“B-BIKE Served in “tbs: £.A.F,V.R.» 3:121; in 1953‘ 1:933 awminteneé an hmmmry Gmram Cfiaptain. In E‘§i4?9 ‘fie hvaeame %1D.*1fl.C»‘£‘§’t’.'Y Ccslgmei avg the is: {C} Eatta1§m1,.The Landzm Rzfla: Brigade » {The Rifle Erigagdcl, ‘ » A HE was. a smear steward cf the. Natxanai Grey-‘muné Raging fifg-iii}? vrefiidagm emf {ha Qrihgry Fzevmtiéfl ’£.:eagu::$ 333$ §.m:d.zm Dresident z:-f the {H11 E:I2ffiff€§L313§3Ea‘§E:5. A He, was crmmé K.C,V.Q. in I§i—(}_. {i.C.V,CI; it: 191%,, and {Tr.C.B. in 1‘E¥_Z?. He Qrders, the Fmnch Cram ée _£'.'§1ue.:‘i‘§: wifi: paims, 321:3 the Order 5f the 35513:. H15 wife flied in 195%.. 'Ihcy_‘hafi ant daughter. Lafdiy iris Vigmria Eeatnca G$Z7l§:.€z’.;, wfim married ~ in 2§s£I H..G"M3iie3r, Er-:shGu‘a;rds. "E1:-2 marnage was éisseived 33 E46 and: aim r»:smt:a& me: sfimamc aft Mau.at.’:nat:t€n an : AIrii&_sv%1¢tj::gagern;e:nt te_i..s_zd;i Irma Egaism, V the «ml? daaghzzr csi vie: sammd Earl 12:? 2 £949. hammtgafi am ‘Vi-swan: Launcesmn. Tveju ; days later the marriage was eeiehrami ti! ‘aim hm Be-133312, Russian, ané Sp3.n.i§E¥’ thePeerage.com A genealogical survey of the peerage of Britain as well as the royal families 0* Person Page 10068 New Entries - FA, . Jisc Births Deaths & Marriages Noi\«l Kingsley — London Free Census Rec Discover your family history online Births Alexander Technique, Central London Author Free search. Go bac _deaths & marriages from 1837 m'Perfect Poise Perfect Life‘ _census records www.findmypast.cem www.alexander—technique.com www.GenesReunite( w Victoria Augusta Pauline Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, Pri Albanyl (F) . b. 25 February 1883, d. 3 January 1981, #100671 ,Eedig_ree Father Leoeoid George Duncan Albert Saxe-Coburg and Goths Albany? b. 7 April 1853, d. 28 March 1884 Mother Helene Frederike Auguste Prinzessir: zu Waicieck und Pi February 1861, d. 1 September 1922 Last Edited 13 Jul 2005 Constldtglll/Iaity;/Vio‘.t8>iVia Augusta Pauline Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, Prince bmdamn 25 February 1883 in Windsor Castle, Windsor, Berkshire, Eriqlanl daughter of Leopold Georee Duncan Aibert Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, 15 and Helene Frederike Auguste Prinzessin zu Waicleck und Pvrmontz Sl Gen. Sir Alexander Augustus Frederick William Alfred George Cambridge Atghfliggnge, son of Franz Paul Kari Ludwig Alexander Herzoq van Teak and J5 Wilhelmina Elizabeth Hanover, Princess of Cambridge, on 10 February 1 Georgeis Chapel, Windsor Castle, Windser, Berkshire, England.” She die 1981 at age 97 in Kensinciton Palace, Kensinqton, London, England.-1 Alice Mary Victoria Augusta Pauline Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, Princess the title of HRH Princess A/ice of Albany.3 She gained the title of Princess United Kingdom.4 From 10 February 1904, her married name became vo invested as a Lady, Royal Order of Victoria and Albert (V.A.).2 From 14 Jl married name became Cambridge. As a result of her marriage, Alice Mar‘ Augusta Pauline Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, Princess of Albany was styled a Athlone on 16 July 1917.5 She graduated from London University, Londol a honorary Doctor of Literature (D.Litt.).2 She gained the rank of Honora service of the 12th Pretoria Regiment, South African Infantry? She was i Dame Commander, Order of the British Empire (D.B.E.) in 1937.2 She we Dame Grand Cross, Order of the British Empire (G.B.E.).5 She was invest Grand Cross, Royal Victorian Order (G.C.V.O.).° She has an extensive bit in the Dictionary of National Biography.7 Family Mai.—Gen. Sir Aiexander Augustus Frederick Wiiiiam Aifre Cambridge, 1st Earl of Athione b. 14 April 1874, cl. 16 J. Children 1. May Heien Emma Cambridge, Princess of Tecl<+ b. 30 May 19945 2. Rupert Alexander George Augustus Cambridge, Vis b. 24 Apr 1907, cl. 15 Apr 19288 3. Maurice Francis George Prinz von Teck b. 29 May 16 19105 citations 1. [Q] Marlene A. Eilers, Queen Victoria's Descendants (Baltimc Genealogical Publishing Co., 1987), page 215. Hereinafter cit Victoria ’s Descendants. 2. [S6] G.E. Cokayne; with Vicary Gibbs, H.A. Doubleday, Geoff Duncan Warrand and Lord Howard de Walden, editors, The Cl England, Scotland, Ireland, Great Britain and the United King or Dormant, new ed., 13 volumes in 14 (1910-1959; reprint i Gloucester, U.K.: Alan Sutton Publishing, 2000), volume XIII, Hereinafter cited as The Complete Peerage. 3. [S11] Alison Weir, Britain '5 Royal Family: A Complete Geneal. The Bodley Head, 1999), page 298. Hereinafter cited as Brita 4. [512] C. Arnold McNaughton, The Book of Kings: A Royal Ger volumes (London, U.K.: Garnstone Press, 1973), volume 1, p cited as The Book of Kings. 5. [S33] Marlene A. Eilers, Queen Victoria's Descendants, page 2. 6. [§;;] L. G. Pine, The New Extinct Peerage 1884-1971: Conta Abeyant, Dormant and Suspended Peerages With Genea/ogie; U.K.: Heraldry Today, 1972), page 17. Hereinafter cited as Tl Peerage. 7. [S18] Matthew H.C.G., editor, Dictionary of National Biograpl (Oxford, U.K.: Oxford University Press, 1995), reference "A|ic 1883-1981". Hereinafter cited as Dictionary of National Biogr. 8. [Si] Cokayne, and others, The Complete Peerage, volume XI Henry Maurice Prinz von Battenbergl (M) b. 5 October 1858, d. 20 July 1896, #100672 Pedigree Father Alexander Ludwig Georg Friedrich Emil Prinz von Hessen b. 15 July 1823, d. 15 December 1888 Mother Julie Therese Gratin von I-iaukez b. 12 November 1825, ( 1895 Last Edited 18 Sep 2006 Henry Maurice Prinz von Battenberg was born on 5 October 1858.3 l Alexander Ludwig Georg Friedrich Emii Prinz von Hessen und bei Rhein Therese Gratin von I-zauke? He married Beatrice Marv Victoria Feodore E and Gotha, Princess of the United Kingdom, daughter of @573: Prinz,_,y_g Coburg und Gotha and Victoria IAEexandrina Hanover, Queen of the E; on 23 July 1885 in Whippinoham Church, Wtiippinoham, Isle of Wight, Elf on 20 July 1896 at age 37 in Sierra Leone from typhoid fever, while at se Expedition.5 He was buried in August 1896. Henry Maurice Prinz von Battenberg gained the title of Prinz von Batti Maurice Prinz von Battenberg also went by the nick—name of Liko. He wa: Privy Counsellor (P.C.).2 He was invested as a Knight, Order of the Garte the office of Captain—General and Governor of the Isle of Wight.2 Family Beatrice Marv Victoria Feodore Saxe—Coburq and Seth; ooooo b. 14 April 1857, d. 26 October 1944 Children 1. 5;E.:E_..!iELa;lTl@€i‘ Albert Meantieatsesi, 1st Marquess at 23 Nov 1886, d. 23 Feb 19602 2. Victeria Eu énie iuiia Ena Prinzessin Von Rattenioer 1887, cl. 15 Apr 19692 3. iyiaier Sir Leopaid Arthur Louis iviaurithatten Lord 3 21 May 1889, d. 23 Apr 19222 4. Maurice Victer Donaid Prinz var: Battenherai b. 3 O( Oct 19142 Citations 1. [$11] Alison Weir, Britain '5 Royal Family: A Complete Geneal. The Bodley Head, 1999), page 314. Hereinafter cited as Brita 2. [§__2;] L. G. Pine, The New Extinct Peerage 1884-1971: Conta Abeyant, Dormant and Suspended Peerages With Genea/ogie; U.K.: Heraldry Today, 1972), page 52. Hereinafter cited as Ti Peerage. 3. [.31Q§] Brain Tompsett, Royal Genealogical Data, online .— —- -in...--.m_ .—- - ’L(- \-» M. «We. M m I K {woman ‘UNQPEBSM E :BE’.¥iTRN$» ‘‘ ' .&=::<:4a2'gding 7&0 gwsaut at least .1135’ .=mmx}ae:3afthahzwPs:rliagn~mtwii1b¢'ratm-and gbo-éaqr afithwasamnbsat, 1 biiniafiaer mt} Mr; W.l$our. & ‘ & Sella iist cs: yxofiahb nnummed ‘ m ' mgsshéfisk. 4 I¢{}:v§‘ilL3;I~J. ‘ $3‘! 01?‘ Lflfinfifi (Sh EA. J’. Iflulimix’ {$9. $1.} : ‘Si: 3%‘. 38.135101‘? ('50. '{Ll. A V mm‘ Pa Si: E. came: Siam 335?.” M W‘ 1"a§LI}I}1I*Z‘i§’I*£}". 8%‘5fi*3.£'.§}:*aa-:'i::IE£1fia.“££.).. _ ’ an msmatrtamatizw. °Hm2 sq: Samamz ma. 23.3. .. ’ wmmsmmsmn. ' - :£s:a.In:z'.--‘Vii’. L. B m 66%: I32}. mas»-wwm (Izaak: SBRQUGHS. ‘ nmwamx. -sa 3. Walfinn am :43.‘ = -«3 vflfifiii. . cminzsezmn. 11.3. A n{:I3'3.‘{}I~T £3!» _ *£?6lI%‘E?‘.l§41ga{Uu.I;§; vameuntmm. A £3. .3. am: {£39. H3. , A E$.E1‘§RG”S. ~ 2:. 103921 (U43. ELI. Rflfiiififii‘. " law {£16. wt. .£a::::.n-Ea::r.--J". Wmmiy £_;Lnhs}* !.Ii?’§£P€3DL. mm J‘. 8. Q-$3. 13.). Seaman»-J“£‘+ IE. 0'Cnnn:>r {§iu.?.}. I. R. {Exam (Lab; —. , ’ A-ND cams. *‘€3‘.b]3!3§§¥k A. Qmfih {Lab}. ' .EAJ‘.‘:;IY‘£'31R'D. 1l§s—1m:.—"*?Reu {Lam}. Samuel Rnheartfis ((313. E1}. vine M. mm:u!:ex"an3 3'. 13.3, 4. L7 ib'?«M2v».»Q»-2." M~»$:tw£ W ugm»-'_‘.$’>,;fi§a5,;=w1z7-3-¢>9«;‘tglIII x1Uu‘u"NUUH0-i8u‘d!u4%4Dl'«'P'! a€§_E€*5’1iaEHa*f5‘Y7#¥$¢&‘*'.?}*“*5*"5‘ :1’. Electim Ifiema. ‘Erna. E. ¢:1I.<1'.!n., énsemdnfln ‘»£§:wgf§n¢m;wmuy..mwmw&mmmm me. . ’ ‘ aroma “ M m Maw 83: .re;:1‘;§“2:§:&‘§§:"£&em u 9?: ‘gluing: cmmon mentezmxmxmm W‘sn&w&:1-h- ,A“KI;m£ha§1!$b3Qv!l’£.r3s:¢kA1'£tifi efmfigfiio .s“*“n§ as-3» ‘°§‘m“ mm . ‘um-ls -- yen , E Sir ;[_:1rnawt-"‘$"Id."K,.£:.. flax: n Biuvqidm gt Wgsb ax , ‘fie ix’-.s_cmp;m wmgw mim- nmza. I£i:1wx39!.5<1hgwfiE2!uu:n&WfiflLinI&ac€m;- fiitmtxanzgr an Jhtmxiay. mi: “‘iuhisa!‘.lnm . .2-I . . an. mbcfa? ‘ ‘TV’ «at: :5 xmwma was next ‘flixznsdaan mm: 14151120‘ mmaemmfi 3:nvgzs'”ni:&‘ av £134.-at madam ha Inna 3150- been invited ¥aaIpmEa5;EAa&s,§xzi¢en:a:r,sndBri:$aL - :35-‘“w',,%~ §;:°mt %-.?::.z.“‘% “W was , a - ., _ ~ , - by ilfshmagmv in « 1J1"§"|.7R‘.£'£fl» H __ flu ' «my ran§fins3;!su«nai=ve:é3.’4s£tetV§ia11';1.;1:x« ma Mtmday. Dwambar 3%.- Inusn m»2:1£e.sEo,"‘ Kw xmr this Enemy at: Esfizzavas.“ izmsezi M {aw 13_2il.&t_h i’n.z"£"-3*.- at iu 'th::eE “the is; the mman 0! 1:31. Nan up Hat pzsrfirs ugsainsgt tam ‘ ma % “_hwung2s -'—‘ l3eaz~% will adamas at fly" 1-.ip$:an’ t-13:5 {M 3; . fmmms. that ‘“"‘fir1:Iz:ni;rM ‘woflm nit!» as ériving inm the Army” whmam . invest? . . » ,. Th 3efi3h“.Kafi:etmII.§1:a::§iJunnt§i!¢~£{i1\esn»£ Ilirit-1-gxz. in an nmneaz ta we ¢*5%$bW: “Fifi: mam £an’iruta tiss Ignh-oai V has basansc ‘ hanlyfzxmthnfaruunslxknur ._ .__ @1331? M: 3s1>ex~.~.:um;. ._ ' , £33". quad ertppr aififg. ma ..smn.1 Mme. ." V Thékqfitbxgillfiaggm “V ' a:eId§e:*n-:us.ignsei1 _.. '< .‘* mag’ = V. " ' r,mss.tginen zeiavzrw E113 supposifizm film’; thxey were mm», for «:1; than disghiurgell in tin: Zl‘l'ds ‘ A , _ Tflaes hzsirmi11u$t.§n.§0ca1hmnchn§ ¢319.}'m£‘a9::a_l 51 Bin . suadmra gm am fish-u’ ‘?9""3 ffiifilm .. £4 ihefiv . mpg: ¢i,aj = $3. tiny mgmbergyéf than Fetiataflan. _ in Sambz-iwikfm i-hm 63110 an the aibseret wists’ 1585.. T11: cm 1’_F'az&:es;ei:w ziueaééi at :3 fieiocicia B «- ifi n‘E1903§; £319 prmtazm atciivazaactl the saw; am»: «:1 .. , 2;.-no wem l1am£;¢t5. to {£333 Pgcstmzwmr t mus ¢-‘i§‘ez2;iug hitianoy " . . xg an Th:::x's6.:h:-* . .men_4:em:x A hit Evfiiiy 1315-133$" 3 ins Sma1iwae€i..ii1§§;.:i.hms2:! ranfliflmin $3.. 6 1 3 ; eg rou}J.com.chain.kent.ac.uk/itw/infomark/608/383/37441359w7/purl: egroup.com .chain.kent.aC-Uk/itW/infomi 57* Article 8 - Page 1 of 2 The Times, Apr 22, 1919; pg. 16; Issue 42080; col F The Estate Market. Lord Fin|ay's Nairn Property. Category: Property 9 Full Text: Copyright 1919, The Times {mm Loan ~1:*1:1~m.a;‘2f%S NAQIRN J . ., PROPERTY. . , ...T1wKnim_GaKmu3:h:ma-.. ~ ya. . varma ¢1’m~s»e- . V fag safe. is mat a. mm, min». V di%§1§§dacsm&&veymnt§nm’whi¢h1vema&onehy Itakiaa , fihflfiifi fififimt-8, tint» fits hmma'émver;:r- W933‘ ‘ . ‘ W0 homo aamziaoim 1 .m?.n::a:3= 2 Gm% Sgmga V ~ ' figynexthyme.‘ w‘ ‘-&a§se:i:1an£¥.Ena,31zxm*az:z_i Hr:17¥»fi!i&31»13aal£i.is.ahou!;=tadis§csad£.£»§a3.:echno::I:. -sgeeaa: &a.smu. .. . as James Lam, mm 981%: near V ‘Em hfium wfi&:foaaas“i;haEerm£$af.‘_ ..;"hadah:amaan sing? an my sham of Wmhflu Hififinafi the .€.}m iaml 421% Iived “ umignaegg, M?%M3_ A ’ vmymy is 285 E ‘saaiiabary. saw,“ ={:m..£aHy a.'1;x:m~i:e::» at n llnfii alm-3.:--~ . - .. : .— _- .9 w . aasri «Ea Wm“ ttfedefitfiw 1 m‘?‘** gma 13:13?‘ ’“:,;“:y.*‘§m‘“?~a% $133521’ “'‘§ 3%“? jififfimsfi &§1§_ the whaie ska .42! {.1349 game for _ ‘gr — gag we:-= »5a§%s.= 1551; imam? tin term of “Tom : 2.. *3 Gzmxnta" Wang «;¢£:;y.3i§’ finfi .$*fi1i is to he use an my 2:‘ , 1 9 9 to ’rr’“‘o”5‘E* _ .. “fire en am team‘ firm? %.a.t;%E.a“““§:*;*§:* mm 3* " 9 ‘ .3n1awn.aaE?£lHaus2e,“ -* .. 1- .. I I ’ mm ;3egWem3a5&nv§$_A~:Q_§3 R V _ . . . V . ; Aivea:x:&eaa££»?aagaenen:£_, lnofthaatmm £35, at am: 1.$ fiaflmg’ W °‘m *?W A. gm 5&9. the lease of mm.-gm .3mfly*fi%_m% ._ a may 1 __ .9 3 5 now mfélfl by Méfir afwmfr md 36,33 nmlmmkhas 3%’ m”§.’fi: :1 _ . .. ~_ " aveg ,. :I:7‘u:gaanm.4a£mi1nmy Emmi; mfg; .3 upng Bio fly anti Giaidy, the ;§5r;§§eg§m3,E§$8“R3‘ fimmgwfig atats pt-fiat “m tmwax Qmpmveé 1?¢§wm&‘BmmamBewhgs. 291:-the dataaf mm 3335 “WV 9”“ 95 in ‘$31? "f1’.:her mmgm mg fin 53.5, am yfiampfm « hmm avsaxlnatg Eyée am: hams 1 m,ai§£?:§¢;Sat§§1lmmimk§tfh§§ . » 1:? a.r£s'- Lmrmr 1 moéernised. ' nfiM§§$ pu§r1isha&“iizt.Tkx:V °E'I'x‘1:rJz.=.;r-f¥o—nia.?:st. of mum Aaeééigti sgiuzfitteg ,-in Lonfipn anvthra" * ri&a;e£1;.»r;‘asre‘11si(‘{eg‘1\;fi¢1se’:;.1=mV£‘I£31'_I3ses ma; :.=ux-3%’ 1- 1 Q1, $3,; I ma Mgeyee §§‘t‘saenatt5s.°“‘9’:2n°?”‘é -9 : 3 “W9: '95 39633“-fltifi with sandstone um: 1 Same of the V mpg:-{gig 153,3 91¢ , stanamnthaazzmmiisntahiniaahe-n-aastair* - sea for aptflrial ‘paerimiei such aa: " wage’ as is ».. by ‘ ‘ tum fair thaw whéIa_ bit gamma. Fxttthasr seieg-.1;a§,;g ~£o.1mw;mn*a §§‘;*g‘u€‘:‘£“铧%‘?*‘“*‘ ""*“1““““’**’*" “Mm: 5» NEE! "*"ld? ’*V’|¥"""—l7'I'd l3=PT‘lULHlha!LlJ‘I‘lJ‘l #94? was arr -wr va- http://infotrac.london.galegroop.com/itw/infomark/814/945/29103609w7/purI=... 19/O2/O3 ;co|C wum .ut.-r.m.m::,. n=na..umvxu., J1I:f'.ts.§...b_ 36, 3.3135. Issue 42084 imes ;p9- 4; < night at flaws masks amount: in just "aw ‘W *5‘ “Ea”-V ‘-v-V *-*v-- '----um-x'~:r‘-¢rsIsa:z-suzwp-nu-.9 Ki pawn .. any gm; mg; "gm. any new tn» the dusumssian ME lites} f ling this mxinfh. iatningint-ta Mswlmtnernly lmmms h,Wg¢gg,[3 in med“ to mm,‘-me “yam fir“ _, E as ’ 9 ' ' ' : Property : Copyright 1919, The T M awaiting hmmi-gs. Ear ~nc,id;ad Maia: Viazljzirzx-.1." A}sl:a"r's at ‘ . appaaaancef ai fixiéniiééé. that 1121:: bean meglemd. The Estate Market. Lord Salisbury's New Town House., Mgssm Jonaaé ficitfihawa been ‘ .2 ¢ . ‘ e. ‘ * mm mswmgfi MAItKE'1,‘.h§ . am mm. W en .,‘hu§.ii?t§a::-‘ ’ " . . Imlan mansions. as war _ ; . 1 V - ‘number of pleasantly ximnt'g;jt‘;a:gl¢;§£ymw WWW Ham l T V - . w .e _ . V ~ 4 ' * p}1hlishedin§‘heZ”une,of'1‘tm5da. ' mgyrjgxfi sum 9}; 33133 11; megs will in }xnbliah£?t1"1‘-n shes: 932-’ mum mama. 1m&d9a$isbnx>y.whtHr cl»; ..-..1 &m:1..Paz.rk {Edge 2 Ln ablaugxilvg: silt: saaxaiikmx iivelk ‘ “by Fringe F«erdImn£L 'I}1”.lLe tit firuttswéezégz. to mam: I£{e;11:r{‘,z::g;;mg,- . ham iii 1‘?t3?. fa afilwrgzz gilt We Wfiih an E011. {dim naéim 1 me. mt ?n%%+_tra11au¢‘!{£§z.Bgr:{;omxas§sm: a mum. eaginemmei ergwmimiced m‘l=:1’ho::s:: zrsmemea by ézmme £1’. 14:“ the Earlm Eiimxzsis came in-§.ii2.§ ; 3. cmmi grgslfi ffi'iLII§CEn£l-»n1uu1j§tg§u Liw&rz‘{\_,§_‘£_)‘a‘_d\»x’,,.y‘-\ 12'” *J‘'‘‘"‘ r ' » \ THE LONDON GAZETTE, 24 JUNE, 1919. ha,»-1ng regard only to the cla1ms of \vh.1ch she shall’. then have had notme, and she W111 not be 1113:1919 T033- the assets of the sald deceased, or any part thereof, so d1str1buted, to any person or persons of whose cla1ms she shall not then have had not1ce ——Dated th1s- Zflth day of June, 1919 LAMBERT and SMITH, 83, Mosley-street, 107 Manchester, Sol1c1tors for the send Executrlx The, '1\rLost Eonouralole VIlC1’.[lOlR_ GEORGE HENRY ERAINTCJIS1 MEAIRIQUIS COlNYllVvGlH1AM, Deceased Bumuant gm lllne (Statute 2210161 and. Zord Vwtoms, chapter 35, -1mhLtu.le(l: “An Act to iurth-er amend the Law of Pnopenty and Ito reluerve Tr-ust-ees " V 0’.['z1lC-E 1s hereh grven, that all -uredutors and L »oxtl1er vpersons avmg any Icllebhs, clams or de- mands agaanst tlhe estate of the Most. I-Inonourahle Vaotpr George Henry F-ra.n.c1s Malrqum Oonymgham, deceased, late of Slane Dasltle, Co Mcaxthv, and Bzfvrons, Gantanhury, Kenlt (rwho d1ed on the nlnuutih day of Norvemlb ex‘, 1918 and whose w1ll, W1-th a. cod-Jcul thereto, was lpmoved 1n the iPrmo1pa.l R.eg1stry of the Probate D1v1s1on of Hus Majest-y’s Hugh Count of J'ushICe OHWD-119 txvenrtysevemt-h day of May, 1919, [by the Most onou1- able Frances El1zabertll1 Saralh Marohnoness Conynguhlam and .Henher1t, Arflhur 'S«carwen Bulunit, the executors therem. named), -are hereby requ.1red> to send particu- lars, 111 wmtmg, of IUheLr debts, clnlrns or dwemandxs 450 us, the unudersng11ed, as Sohoitors to the smd» executors, on or lbefore the 301111 day of September, 1919 a.fte._r whroh date the sand exeoultors w1l.l proceed to d1smr1— hate the assets of the sand Idleoeased amongst the p91- sons emtztled tfhereto, ha:vmg regard owl-y to the debts, olanms and '|1.Efr1’l!aI]1dS -of xwluch they shall then have had notdce; »:Ln»d that they (Will. not he lralble for the assets, or any part Itlhereovf, so «dustrxllmwted, to any rperscn. or persons of wlhose diebt, cla.1n1 or demand they slhall not have had: nzonfnoe —lDta.todv #1115 19th day of June, lS1AlLTWE\L1' 1 and 00 ,’.1, S1tone—.b1ml-d.1n«gs, L111- »ooln’s Inn, London, WIC 2, Sol1c1tors for the 112 sa.1cl .E:ceo11.tors ‘ ’ .,_ ‘ 1.«_\«~¢ ELIZABETH NESV, De-sensed P-ursuant to rtlhe »SltaIt.ulte 22nd and 231d Vtotorra, chuapter 35, 1nt1ltuled‘ .“ An Act to ufunther amend the- Law of B1-o[pIenty and to re-,l1eve: Tnus-tees ” NO'mCE as hereby gwen, xtlhalt. all cred-xtors and other persons hamng any debts, cla.u11s or de- mands agaxnst the .estate of iEl1z:a1bea’tJh. New, late of 87, Kensungton Gmdenssquare, 1n the county of London, Wldlow .(1Wlho udnedv on the 5th Idsay of February, 1919, £mJcl' Mlhnse w1ll was [proved an the Pmnorpal fB.eg1stry of the .Pro|l):.ute D1v1s1on of H15 Majesty's H1gl1 Court of Justaco, on ltlhe lflrhh day of June, 1919, by the Pulbl-1c T-ruswtee, the executor thereln named), are hereby requured to send _~p1art1culars, 1n rwr1.t1ng, of then‘ debts, cuhanms or demands to us, the undersagned, as l3ol1cvutn11s1 to the sa1-d- execultor, on or lbefbre the 191th day of July, 1919, Ia.-fiber wlhuch. date the sacd executor :w1Ll (proceed to dmtmlbute the assets of the- sa.1d. deceased amongst the ersons entrtlocl tllere-to, harvmg reiard -only‘ to the its, olmms and demands of wlndhr 3 shall then. have had nolf-Lce, and that he wulul not be halbnl-e for the assets, or any part thereof, so cl1str1lbnJ‘l-ed, to any person or persons of whose debt, alarm or clzemand he shall not then have had 110/mce - Daateld .th1s 193111 day of June, 19l19 1R/IOIOKE uand- lSOlN|S, 45, 'L1nooln’s Inrn-fields, VV IC 2, S.ol1o1|tors for the ”3 said Executor .Re ANN HE‘WlL.ETI‘ TEMIPLE, Deceased Pursuant to the Law» oisgéroperty An1endme11t Act. ‘NW0’-ITDCIE rs herefb-y .g1ven, that all credat-ors and aolflher [persons hawng any clanns or demands wgaxnot the csrbalte of Ann Hewlett Temple, late of Leysvmod, Groomlbmdlge, Sussex, and of 29, Quee.n.’s Gaataeagardens, Dondon, Wndorw .('w1ho d-led on .the 22m] day of Mamdlm, 1919, and whose w1ll, w1th a oodnoal thereto, was .proved 1n the Prlnoupol Regmstry of the Probate D1v1sv1on- of His MaJes:ty’s Hugh Court of Justlce, on -the 13th day of June, 1919, by the Pmbhc 'l‘.rustee, the sole ex-e-owbor flhereln nramm-1.), are hereby reqlunred to send .pa.nt1oulars, 1n WDllJLDlg’ o.f -t,-hem c1a,1m5 or demands to us, the n1ntl'e1's1g:ned, as »So.{1c1,t,m-5 for flhe sald executor, on or before the 1st day of August. 1919, ‘after ne1 Silulohn ; " (“P031 relinquishing ifis ap * as Am$ §atI1aGavarner-Genera! an %M nw a’ 111 Baiuashistan). and Mr. Goad» BI1Dl1gh_Mem13er: ; ft}: 130 . of §ta.téfw‘Indga) fad Ea hgnnur of hmg mmd by The King PM Pgmglwwxafiégzg °* lhneesxs V » 1 9. vm T135 Henry uttaanclad . Etaitwri Rfiglnaid fieymma-, at:-ivw. at the P from NB-weasvbla. T i Excefimcy Kiwfis Mien had the honom: afbeingracaived by The Quaan ---4-. =' The and Queen haw: to he grmt-ran of mminée, :en. aid: of the Czechoélovak Fund for Babies, toheholtlonhnel attaheP::inaeof’i\’aIea Theatre. , of the: Fine Art Society. 148.. Haw "'11-stasaet, the exlfibition of tire: ' af “Elva Fairies” by Iain. Rento. andv -' hy Algernon. Taimage. Tim Prima Minmaar emfinuea to make satis- iasstory progrm. ; Dukes of Wasbnzinstar lair; Imnclon mm- day for the Continent. Earl efi Plymomsh has been élaated 9; xmmk2fitMExmufi% fi‘meLom Kitchener Nationai Memorial Fund. The Earl of fl&&’§§§ £9 «£8, 11111;-.. -.....,......_._.L ‘“' '« v - P 2 f3 Amde 18 The Times, Wednesday, May 26, 1920; pg. 15; 15532” 0 42420; col F IARRANGEMENTS ma *1*o-.1)AY.1 Thu Que-en’: Birbhflnr. Pxeitm Aiifirn rzwhsws -3! ma N.E.P.{$.&‘.’... 8:. Jump!‘ ' mm :\tn3*a:‘~:af Lamina Mama 1:; zmxehwn ta ma. i:umw1:m:ni - - the ?:€L.~;.I*.f2%_.U.. Mmntml flame, 1.3%» at ‘French Amhuasaépr xmsidea :1. animal dime: 0!.‘ * — of Cmxmunze. idannauxht Banana. 13.313. mad‘ mmm Sir Rob:-rt Hams at Glssgzm-. Iieaéi zeaebam‘ association: Annual ca1:£f¢:rema,YmJ;; Ram! Aeronaatieai i-lot.-it-Ly: iiir Iziiahmd an “sq; faint: at zmmmsxme in an work of we VA.d~:ar.asm-3' cmnutm tam: .A.c:€rnnm;i<:5." Royal" fiocieiy 6% mix. 3. 31:. Baimrta at Luau Grant: Gmfitl 19'f:.;t:£mn-I ffimimmfin mad Lthmr ?a1-ftzr: Annual guagmngq .P3JilT1ste£££: Ounmss watinued. Newcaatl¢—arn—'.E;rna. Gaomltatiwe Unlna Gfinamzn mxxtimléfi. mum. lgtfiilebnw. *"fI’ha!.L¢imra was hfuatimzaoztaut gk I 3:111:12 Jmtrmmzimi mmcmson, Sim mica. 5. ‘ Hmthiy Insets 1"-£a<:i¢%Eruf1aomdon : Amxalmeetmx. Havana. V 3:115:31 ’ mi Foes! ‘unitxurmi V : ~ Essa: ‘flail. in 3:. and ?. Amman Alma‘ mam“: J Tmm Boom Exhibition 0! Enxminu. menu-mus a£..:a3m¢s*a (mum: Thxfnfmfitryoffac yerzggazzgmg, "’ ; Swen: Gerda: urn-.11.: Madam Haifa-M. 3.15. Aiimflzu Msaref-'5 mains! 9! an M -, 313 A hasiadors ; § ' . ' ‘. ' fimgm muhigu _ Elana}. Jones Beothama mm}, The mckbm Bali; Qaatnfis 3833. E--8. Wm f/" w ‘ W45 M“ 5* ‘&'”"'29“~*’~<é1 ’“‘”””‘“.i ‘L335; 31-; .1.-mm Whit. - - Wm (WM Fww» 3 M Brguk-§t1‘ee£n,£ fpr h&g£i;v:e‘smR&;} & T A E. V K 79 , My §L¢w:, Bmnckmay, 3:1}-._ Bnnakman. Lita #5 “"7 ""‘ _ , M4223 9 andlir ‘rs. Brmcknx N T » “’W~’5"~"*¢- j~IuMa~ , I ~‘M*(fi‘Q XT@3 any . “. !W([4’‘’WLw,,,.,AWA» 4/\~ T S Binrtxhinnesa Lad ‘ ‘ . . J 4 % % w~«wa~ >'W~*"*“““ =bounca£he;wn. 3gz;ack, cm Dublin’ h£?ath&;‘». afi : .;?”i§..‘. 12%: fig”: httt)://infotrac:lnndnnnalnnrn: m r-nm/ir\A:/infnmaru/0::/700/140:1:-2;:/1....-3 In: ..4.. -n ma /no f3 Article 22 Page 2 ° The Times, Friday, Jun 25, 1920; pg. 5; Issue 42446; col A Law Report, June SUEEIM.»-&1£Y 01" CASES. Mr. «Mstice Eve £ii:~:n1i5~:sed the aeiinn vflii-sh was bmug}1t by a. xx-ritar at ci1wm.g1a3»;:rapl1 piazmz‘ fin: ml i:::J;mctio:.: to 1-astrain :1 iirzn u£‘:i£z,:ri 4- users am 1:fialis:hin at film cal} ‘ ‘ ve ‘Sa:q1:el."»’ The pIfii11*£ii¥§3§;L'£?IItia!2§ mad wrote :1 film nailed “ Tim Pxmtea sf Gunxmeriref’ in which aim uf the ehazmrters was a. tiemmzt spy‘, and she alleged tizzast. tile: tiefendatnt csmpany had been amiity ai plagiarism. {Abrxzhazris 1-‘. "1'I1ae Clxarl-as '£‘2"rE:».:m Company.) l 3.11-. Justice Astburyj entmzci judgnmm far the m.vm.:»r:: Hi the £.;2r:mviIIe Iflutul, Ranzsgaiae, anfi firw Exnyim Hotel, Buxtun, an tlieir ipetitinn (if ri:.:E..t fur a fair rent. far the ‘£158 and aectrpatiotx oi‘ the pfifenlises by the nailitary autlmrities, The putitiun had stmd aver pending éeiiverv cf the judgsxnenb cefi tiara. H0113: of Lqrds in 1511-3 he Kayv est;-r‘s Royal. Hate} appeal (36 The flaws Law He- 1§§rta,}8D0). ‘(figiers ané Ptmd, Limsiteii, V. The mg... J:xcL,«nr.1s:n*1: for T5150 cia:11a,rgaa was given by ‘sift. Ju.,'iti£."t:: lrficfiardia in an anti-"rm by 3 sniicitar agaiinst 51223.11:-fig of thei c%shanauriing g :2 {:1 us. [ am '9'. 2‘ a$i-£11133 rovincia an Uniof1qBank as England.) Mr. Justice Astbury gave fiuflgrnent an a su::1m.£:n:s which xx-as taken am: by the I.\Ia.rq‘ue:=:=; ¢‘.3x:;.:yngham to tintertnine wlxetlzer, on tha true :;~:sns$rma-tian iii the xvii} and cociieil of his ismther, the Eaten marque.-m, 11:: tvas entitled dam- izug Iifie to the 1-surplus rents and prisfitg of the figs: clectleeé fltat ta 1 map - epa1n* , so {mg as e rm sun, the defenciant, his nephexv, was entsifled; ti} tksefl as__ g (in -re 1%‘Ia'1'»= quass 17.. (3 4 - ham.} Qnsmg The jury who heard exansolidatsrci suits befare fire I’re:sidcnt nrf the Probate; Bivarea, and xkdmiraity Divisinn failed ‘tr; agree. In true af the suita the wife petitiuned far restitutinn nf aunjngai rights and in the other the husband, an. Axnay zzfiicm-, cross-petitianeé far dissolntian nf tha nmrriage. (Allen v. Allen---Allen V. .:1laT1en and Melviile.) Full Text: Copyright 1920, The Times .._.__.—...\:.-..A.-.——.... .- ._._ .-_ .-_ Article 3 i Page 1 of 2 The Times, Jun 25; 1920; pg. 5; Issue 42446; ‘coil ch Chancery Division. The Conyngham Estates., In Re Marquess Conyngham-, Conyngham v. Conyngham. Category: Law Full Text: Copyright 1920, The Times BIVISIBE. ‘mm uamymemm E$'§'A’I‘E$. :2: RE EKAERHEES» mm'm;H.m V... ccavxzaaaam {Et:j‘m= 31:12:. '. .:- ~ “ As:m:m*.r.} *£‘im late tinnyngharm 33: his wfiit. i H; 13154 331%! nmyflintsing his m£:£.§m:- anti Mr. ; Barbe:-t+e Bitznt - mam it: Kiwi; ta: assuage: the wages, ‘#1 Ea-yea the exmimg mm-tn The than. a a'B sag 3;-m:1__ , U - ah ‘T V _ V ,, ,_ the not; in his ¥:mt1h»e1~,‘s in mm i ‘ i ’ ' V‘ V‘ “ "fiam ‘{m"§ i 012». 3&3). ramuiradarm J-ufzn Frmmh. -the msi':at;:;;;'g ’ JV .. ’ Eifiegi ta isszw in; 3%. Jammy that if: was mbmitteek . i .— ._rémamd§ . '___f‘:m.._ own ng-km.’ ixaix:-3:’ 13- ~ ” _ v — _ ’ ;; A i Evy as egrzimzi m has we}, aim Emrémimr 13, mm, 5}‘ 2;? §;h;:’,P:“5”“m§§‘?i‘?* Wm ‘M “'1 mimwsq the imteagaax tam:-aked «£1 gtivmi to his -13% . . M ‘I3mflfi6£t3mKenizesta;tes._i fimthw W334 me: ha subsiifitzteii thaw giit “ ‘:35 “liiimfita Juan Fr.-aneia “ff. ‘*3 T119 diieiii an 8, his ks. the «resin lfiifinfinfl = was mm is tam ‘_"”3‘i"1*§*-3‘€1,h%§e_. i 3 had ‘been aaawlezaised, mg: jglamtafif, wha Baa na to determine . ._ flag: 2-.»sc=.»_~«.-mass _ _ V j iothe rents mgigs.-gggga gngfi‘;m mm; an isms -cnnstruxztzizn mi tiaa viii gm; gm 3}&!.B&1HIB_£k.bK¢1'l1‘t.é ea: an-i2i.E as min was 3% 13,? as heimfivlaw. was éniitietl éuming ‘Hie, 5.; Iagg ,5; ' ' ' * - ‘ i "rm mm was ham to fiuéthe surpi-as mmgg mg §mfltsa£fikeEea$est.afiesafher§2§mpaymen§;¢:tg,g' A _ sea __ ~ mm. . M * .. 3: 25.8., fair. 155:3. A_K.£}., mg : » V’ " ‘ " x {er the 11,11», ._ .. nlian a- i:.B3r3:naf£3rthainim:?%—-:¥'e£«and» - '- -. . Kat: .37 Ainsnmrth; 2:. L4 7 ’ "' » d€*T*5?.¥=fif91E6%%'-it~ V. I ~ . , 1 fiightan Fofiack, and 3,;,,_ if m’§&:;mfnrK‘tg; 3 agate at . 1%‘ executazs Gffi-11$ ' ‘T «¥’@?**¢~ W . * & than rents. and ama.~d~iu- iii ha: mid as eiimiz no -xi.‘ at the 3’ i_. an » wit eqmtahie «stem tar Eire, iaineg mu ma mu 1*“ 5.9“ 931 = - he hym 12:; him the dezeaaang, . imékfié 32? mflimh the quasizinm was whether the fimswmhe wan antii:-lei to fizz» aux.-pltia » .fiasmmrhna3, am} : Kan. Deanmnd Pmeem {She ’:fs1:‘r§fiWi:ug are nmeng ism: 'pg.mm1ts: refireiveé :-=—==« ~ A - and ‘ er £3/fil§,¥Ii2see'%e»r§$,’tsazm* " > ‘ W’ *7 "Wag n.;.r..arm,-mm L_.l.Jn u.L_-dmvgsnn ad.ut,aL‘£I—: an «taint wdalin an - .. . ‘CB E.’ 1 Sea." V mfimwnm ma em. ym':Iri:z>&n ; mm, Janet: ebmxmxi _ 3154. 9% ufimr. Grasses: Sswm em Lam: _ Féaafifi. A The mamags will mica ylarsa at 11.33 in-day, ‘ at St, _ I¥§a,ry"$, 8.s.u;Eagsn»strwt, arzf the 5 Ham C-éem‘-.ge Saviia, sen af the fang Earl of ' 1 *¢._a¢_a»...a:n *}:§e:x:beret.zgh, and Eriatggyg 3* kg} ’ éwghter ai tfia Eater Eari 33$ Eamtgsis :£ . 3' Eerfiee Earps, effiest ma. at —£3eral.d_, Henry I Ghaxiee E92, ’ 3 _‘I‘sm E;a:=.:«n. 3?. §.&.E§.. §m Bean ‘E Bnfiams ?£fi‘.’2§‘A1!i"1‘. M The [marriage awed ‘fiatwaan $55.5 Thomas flujxhmng, B.S..C3.,_ agfi, 1&5 E1322. Pennmfi —'Em:e 3% Sta. Pawguifa .tEbfi§E3: cm. flfizxtsim ay, Gntszészarv 1%, at 2 cs‘eIa»a&E:. A5r W-. F. G; 3235311., Rx-'F., wan Mm ‘3i‘h$= 2'»: . at Limxmnant W. F; G. Smifihwick. I).S;.%'3’u Raw‘, am. 35:55 Emiiy R. Pears wfli ma Elisa qtiigtiy at ftéha garish church. Eamblaéeng asflaywa-Thnmeag 9:33 2.35: §.:n., aatzzrfiagr, S.=E1:§&m- has 35» gal} friends mil} he weicema at tag chaiéch, mrmLaxm 1% B. Errr, £56.}, flffi E133 iacmm-Egan. ma ._ 53%: is snzzcsuflgeé Celflml . . _ M12 and 7§*Ix*.lkzea: Etta at Sztzziizh Stifiée Emma, new Bath, and Kama Bakes“, eiflarr siwghber 23$ 1&3. anti Eng, 3 finfiy J7*$e:’-.:>m,"E:—Ez,3aL*;»&., Es, Buciiagham Grass, fi$$'i'<1‘:. 3-rI%v$ of 33,. Eanavatuérzrrficza, E91-Eanaé Park, 735. Qwuwrxamfiamavm ‘W. '3Lu_:Gn;m::a2, £uE._(1.. . AXE arm 1%. Ema. fizzxzzgfgesz 5 zmfightae, {£113 lam» Bryan, 3 igh, at fimf-wasé gwergga ' .- _ anti E1’: Efgjraa . Emifgfig. ui Liamlrinaéad Wang, ma iliiautanan >{,?cr1£meZ. ,.. » Ewfiwgnr, 33310”, late. fififflaa Eigh- at Waibaa-«ma-Thzm.es. 34:93 3‘. war; I’, fi«3.£:*,, Arm emnmm-. - Tha . . ’& Béizfl mi 5 ' Ekaak Pmefiy, 3::..§.§., and hiissaaiinary fif3::§esI:sas.:.:- mks pisses ‘agar Bambsjn in Emembaaxs. bfigafifi. A. &— H. Bawuf M » hggwean jg-gig; Ardexg 3&2 312:5. ' uietfiy at Elnmm Ch’ g.‘}zm&m§'«, X4. @4593 G, G. B5:E’!i"1‘§‘Q-3.9‘, 6.3.3., am; ‘-12:. " EB3.B’3,'!1§ 53 amamcmueel ; _ ‘between Eia3fa:‘::.- ‘ea; Garfian Sinai; 3.8.3., 0.3.2., fawn! 31 £5 i S.’ .e§:3.P_1r._.. eiigzit §ihfifi§ g!Efi€ E1332: miflriirsg as? 399:. A-ha&i3c7>nvmaé,. laonsiaa, E. 8. BE. A2: engagemmzt is mncrnmaci Szmgzween E“ £3. 18,-!» of Parkhrmka. , Bm, lat» K..{‘}.i}. Gurkha mm, of 1kEa§«ar- era}. }:§m.:'k¥ea-. Rmhfnré; G2-anger; Efnmnsey. mai Eiszrtrgarfi Ber Butts, flag-xglzéker 93 the Eate- fiszrszamr H1. G.~S Wn ma Wgémzr. The mafgixgfi mm , , he3we¢n_ Cfagxtain E} G. A §2z:§Jrmfln.¥ax¥-'§7.:§.h 'mmn:m.“.. m.»..’& '%‘J§f.~....». vs. 4 »._ 41 ,.. £1; E. Piivt, 1eI.=Cf.. R.E§ £33}, Gifiy sea of T eagzgemeafi 1’: .3-’nn€§‘z2z:L‘.T&3 izefiw-eefu Ray ffiachei}; : lamxierag eiém sun at and Mrs. W. 3.. Mazfiregar, ; 1:: been take glass very . —, fiiauaafimhfim, 113:» V main F. 11.. Be _E:;€;t§,,?1‘€.Au, ma Mm. Famtez, St. . : Gaezmzey. < L _ Ficmdfléy. .1... .4-va-w...r-v---‘ phi] HE vu-"$4 WW" , __ fizfids, .é.- Green :11: ; ‘fi'I!1.i:<:x51 vzfiptgn c1l§’J{§1.1,:5¥ii‘:::‘;’=§;t.iI v. -§é”wnm1 f‘ ma :3 c,§fi .113 and 1-1: :. Toumkins v. um: ; *J:ha.mng xv. ::u;.m= am $111,; The Ian: 1:. Jams cm... 45.. 4 1113': VI.‘ mam,‘ J." Emsmbm JwJa:c‘!..--At mp: ‘xlqig. :Razi¢‘8.—iie§hlie.‘3{..n1. . 13.1.. % - 4;a- ’ - ‘ Gmf -126;}; Iinflm 12., tlwngi. I311. ?(}ayc:;ur 1 “ ‘ M “W1 ‘ - - V: v and am, *.K:::z1~Ju.x1es.«~Hniii's mrsau ‘ «— Wm ngstgzznamufxm. mm ; I n ' V5 ' ‘ " 2 .3‘ J; 'AI{~an-nllcattaumst En.-slag -HgzJnn list for m1stpofig:’z§::;t13(:ggggg B‘Il'III‘-1*‘ iflhhfl nhfinil‘ iltudu gt 1.3.. ...:u.:..._ .. "1r.7' Dix}: 2‘ . m:.ma‘s Catmr {Em-. .i‘.).»—:‘i.t $0.3) _.1':s_r I’ It L’s5'r3W!t1‘. J.}.——.-M; 1::::.a::a:-..=s.:!§-.1. Smumna.w:s.—-1%a. 3.. av; Ganionw 3*. . " ‘ . Acts ifivczred n canham: in : Ex. }1§§:z$é§ff T851’? Tfllifi’ . . .‘-O - Sm-mh§2l‘n:L¥ 1 an . ggnxt 3gmi!.:h,£1033 : v Le.-m,_1=:a~m Aifibana £112: zé Yeéhxm umd E34 2'. o’eIoc:i:I C1311; Ifisffl.--3ta13:Li'.i:S - I. M . v. Exr.ur.=1,< M {.1121 : Lj.wm.nce. T _. _ (1.4. 3’-miter amt simu V», BE? 13111 I; it1:%i:‘%” &.A r. cgs, ?.“'§~.nh arm: iliixthigsrr. 3|" wi Fa J-1 akin}: 3:. match at }3is~o'me Causes.- ar. \¥iiiia.:n::."\V... Fax 3113 Bfighcpz . _‘ $1‘) 532% $3; -mm '5-75’?-i’$l'X3l§fl¥ {‘1£?33 ‘£11 E. . Tri I. ‘.4? Burg Blacker "€,.. Bitch: m*.;*,a-;2%,*3% v._ Hana;-av‘ my Ra lgfntsan it-13%}: M M. A3... ~ 1'S'snwhtnn (1531! '1' Z5Ififa»tshey§«: am: 31 Banetz $1321: 3» - 1r.3)e:1c(1u zmsn : T&inpI_t2: E G.1i'. 53;?-13.: Ban! A "ii". ammu- Bimk: Publifihimz .&d5d.'LBat!:s; £361! mus. <2.-we.-1.9: -5 E2331“ ’“:i.“’-Lu’: ‘ssrmi _ .. P. is , ‘ 8- team. L133-.;, " “m?-z ‘:51 re” Le“: ‘W’ . £30. A V :31. witnauéal‘ ‘ ‘Itd. neon: me. “Emm ' -5- ‘“am*“§gE3’§§‘J i?e§;.”:Eé;§”éo.”“fa. nz Article 48 I_J_.|__ _ I l:._£_1_.__ _ |-.-_1_._ __I-_,,-H— Law Report, Feb. SUMMARY 0:1 seams. ‘The flaurt at Appeal--the Maswr of the Racrils and Lax.-d‘s Jnstieas, Warrington and Scrutt-an- dismissed an 3913631 imm a. decsiaiun of EEr.1Jt.1$- Page 2 of 3 The Times, Wednesday, Feb 16, 1921; pg. 4; Issue 42646; col F ‘.".= sp0n£Ief:'n35'é3 he sp-;mflenb’§"re1 Tim 3 the Eight; was autsifle, and 13511 $81‘: » G?-£3!‘ “ The ‘game in ‘-‘ad. the res. ’ r awe} On Segtnmhex the nhflfiren fl Asthnry an fine 1_canst)a':1n£:inn of the wili ai fiica 1‘-Em .1 ; _ _ Justiga arrzdge began the ‘G5 3 flivgrgg gfiit . Mr. H. M. Wakley, an arclutefzt, an the g1.-nun - af his wifa’s ailegexi adultery with is Mr. J. Caaunsel in apening the aasee -said that the ct:-resperndenit had b::en1he-ad of his house at and that ha was .intemed., in 1913, ‘but; on had abtained a. aammis-. aims: in the British Army. (Wakky V. Wakiey and Rem} HIGH comer (SF JUSTICE. PROBATE. DIVERSE. arm ADEHRALTYA DIVISION". A BETEBTNE AS C0»-RES3P'9NDEN’I". Fltififffi v. PBIEE ARE HUNTER {B93332 IN‘1‘ERVE2§'I‘bEG3. A (B.cfm1:« Mn. Juana fionnmtm.) In‘£:h'Is suit Mr. Percy Reginald *Price, a. matuvmr ownnr, at Iiiuchieye. prayed for ={__*.!m ciissoitaiiaen af his .marriagc with ‘Violet Giaéys I-‘rice, wimse maiden nzzma Bimre, on the at” her adultery with 311-. Harry By her answer the respondent denied this S-he nlieged tint the =pa£itianer Imti guilty at craxeifiy and neglect» and that he Imd cmuxnitied atinltery with the intervener, Cun- stanee Eiunriae, and aha prayed tar 1. dimelutim at mmwiagte. : The petitianer clenied these alleggatiana, and the intervenes? denied the zxdul . The co-rm9o- ndeniz. aim denied guinltsery with :vnh , Ta-tiny nmthar the rcspandmfi 3.120!‘ the “*:%W;-.1.f”%e1“**““-:*ePn%.?~ me .1 ~11‘ ' ‘ ‘WW’ 3 3“: R, an Mr. Noel Middleton spiaeared for the g fitzianez-: Mn. Tlxem Dr . '1'.-FEeG.,aud Mr. W. (3. illis for the mapond-em'.;1 Mr. -sitar hhngmn fur the ea-rwespondetztg ah: fifiwat-rl Gasman, ., and Mr. Gates-Pgenzdy fur the Intervenar. At the sitting of the Cmirt. fill’. Dzmmr said t-hat the res : 1': ' ~ flrelsaents. He was tofd. that aha was ill. Hew new ta his cmmmammafinm 311:. .Htrs.m~W:r.:.u.3L; said that tlim ca» "panama was as xiateczcfi-ve in this London Hm 1’n:'ct:._ and he Iisrsati at hixaawaa-all Hiil. '1-‘I:'«e 331': "inner and $31 mega‘ dent were p ;'[-’‘.h- _-. " 1915. :1: the Rgszkter nmm- mam.-m+.'3;3‘ §e.’.l“.?.”f-";_..33 . ',‘.—p-[v-qf\p\ Iv-unis;-u---no-\: -\I Thmre warm wmflti swear 1 fluamaaei :--~‘ tea file 3511 the 4 Damn: begeve gizat 1:1 nquxry ma 3113.36, am} it Febraxary 12 1: 8m Ezafmts wigii netitianefis si Btmrke gave 1 th? '1 8'0 13 T 14!} . I askegi Mrs. B1: mspunrient a: snip gee, 1331:; an . xmagzn ariginafiy be}: was made 132.]: aa wmmissioi she: there unable in be i: gt: séerinus atria: 9. suggest» «:31 firmed her.‘ This Fetxtfcu was caiieci. 333. Juana Edward Carsa Sm Enrwnia: that law can 1 founzfatian ag whnj far over 2 netitianei-‘s i’: this nathzng abnn Hal: at at’ he Sir Eitiwar in-oxidant: ch: {:3 .sistcew in 191.: "_ was 8 The reapawiaem seisicrm seen 1 Beut_‘k:3’5 mam painful to thi: such as pasi-tin: ?£&.§srv2nt~. 1 flurs tau.-. 15-. Article 49 The Times, Wednesday, Feb 16, 1921; pg. 5; Issue e 2 of 3 » 42646; col C Q0:§STRlifG'3.‘ION join‘ A. Wnine . . comer ‘ex: 6 6 kn: 1m " zaacmcznmss mzmmanamucamzzmé mas; _-V. cawmengm 6 . ‘ % flue of the ‘Romans and lama Jnwncw Wnnnremx ¢:I*tI3_8C'l3‘lIJ:'.lflK.} .;- .£nintenestingquesi.fiane£!nw'ontheoo‘n:fra:eifion Bfyth5aa.ppeaE:£run1‘auiaauis;tiaone . Astbnry, reported in The Times of elame 25, 1920 (3% The Time: ER. 801, and [192133 E ('11:. £93). - _ . The Eats Loni bynifis wiil. dated April 11, 1915, lsppahfing 11% motéxer and Mr. _Eer1Jerf: Arthur Scswen Biunfi devises! Ibis est&fsain.Kentont:rv:stto:nana.gnthemmtes, to raise moneys gay cit the {Phe'i:e,s*ba.1boa:tJ1engq.1re tof«han3;e;:a§1dtrmtsof!1is.Irish¢,§fiufies. ._e » -aett1esdha\sIr:shestates.forIi‘aaanthe:p1a3ntifl,the gesenfrflarqnam. wlhnwas bk heather, with 1-e:_na_-finder A-1:hbrather‘3issueinAmi1ma.!e,wifl1xse:namderto John; Jfinswuaflz, the tfitnfis nephew, .£anr1i£e,wii:hrerna.ins1e:-to11i3"issne.inta.i1:naJe,with temuinflar ta “-my isw::.r£g6h1':.hefi-3.” A r By a eoziicfi to will, dated N'£FVEIl%hB1“18, 191$, the tea-tataxf wmkefi all benefits given: forhis hwhher '3333.i1EI¢’ mm, am: he substfitntterl at an annuity.- flue“ testatar diet} on Nmrmnher 8, 1913. a. summons was ’ Ben nut 33: the piaintifl, 1_avh¢hasno__¢}:fl&ren.tadetermina we theronflhe *tz'maooasta-uci:ionaf£hewi11an:Icndicflhe,.aaheir- atalaw. was entitied life, no lung as an @011 ivasberntao-himytoiihesxxrplusriantas @ fihsa! ‘lahafierxis estates ail:er”‘bha ymenizgur mamm- hrgincesyafi annuitim ¢_ . i‘t arc ecfntenfied um 12% inheresi: estate wm,a.ece1e— rates}. t?:w.t.Laa cxwner at nzzxatdifas estate. he was enfifiled t-aftha surplus rents and . 175 until his "awn. hecqmaiabsofnte, or ‘ a.*aern*w-as bum tn the piainfafl. V 6 Mr. Justice Astbury, 16310’, the x1a£fiainn'h. me. 7- mo 11;: ft 3 ‘E _ ¢fil1~ -_ = V , -- ' menf; fa) t @1312. , . §§°§$:§§* ¢ 3 :11‘ 1 I or “-811 lI1'..F'. far nppeilmafi; Mr. ‘K.C., hit-. mm. and Mr..;By:ene.£ar John. Francis Ahmwndzh; Lutmaore, ’.K.G.. and Mr. Digtli1.tnn. Failack (er the Féserved jsndgment. _ ~ — The Has-am of the Rams t-he jurlazmerxis of Gamtx would he».de1hmzed.- by Lani Juslziee Warzzmgten. ' ' - ' ‘ 4: I If\|Z'L'I'7(\(\l")1lr\t'|""Sr\A..."\ I.-_..J -\~In*~'-"* hH'n-//infnh-ar Inhrlnn nalnnrnlxn r-nn-x/.1-...I.... ........... . Article 52 Page 1 of 2 JISC Consultation on Licencing 13;? -—-— Article 52 of485 —— The Times, Saturday, May 07, 1921; pg. 7; Issue Mark 42714; col E Divorce For Lady Conyngham. Decree In Irish Court. Category: News - Drmee “E012 LABY . BEGREE IN IRISH COURT.‘ In Dubfin 'gesterc‘ia.3', heiem ‘ ‘Exit. J ilstice B]_fl-§3*1i.”ii1e Marcliisness Conynghmn sought :1 » my at them fmm the Es£a;rquess it tine: gmuu.-:13 of m'is¢o-ndue1:.._ 131:0 _ gg :m_ the statement. pi pi1:intifr’a ffiltnfifil this Jmrtiefi were u1ame& m Lmxdxzn in Nmetnber, 1% la‘, Lac}? Comzuxglanm being an ziustmxiimx ‘by 1;i1;1.;l1., They Hygfl in P other places anti! 1917,. gm-d was then in the Amy‘ in V . . . 11 to Sap-tlnm. and from time gate yvhe miused to see her. She wznste SW1 teiegrryphrgd resgnw-ting him ta game hack, and 11: Bfzzrcli, 1918. he wrote -that, it ‘was impassible to live witix her again. and that : izze was new .1i~:iu;:.: xviflx somemie ease. ‘ 311? J‘v‘«“¢3$- H-~C}'-. 10! the respondent. said tlintjae }::1d been zustmciexl mt. fie aopgwee the ; a:};)lte:tt.1o.n, but he éesit-er‘! to pnimz; out that there was no charge 01 cruelty or ta-errotism. 3-WV}? ‘ G0I1.3r’7=1£’31i1m and other svimiessea I ‘having been exaxazineat Bit. Justice Dotlé 1 grautcd a decree (I rm.-use at there, " E Full Text: Copyright 1921, The Times Article CSl20262823 View other articles linked to these subjects: h'L'tDZ//infotrac.london.GalearmJn_r‘nm/ii'\AI/infnmarlz/ORR/700/’2A.QRl:’2S2A.w‘)/mn»=|— -mm-2/n-2 Article 60 The Times, Wednesday, Jun 22, 1921; pg. 4; Issuepage 2 of 3 42753; col C 1 Law _ Report; Jo 21. I S¥JMM.ABY- OF CASES. 1 The Lordtghiai sTI_Is3:iee_£,‘tvitE§. ’ “:1 began. “ mohearm-' go was on ya iiciitjtur for zeizsm.-so. of ngaaney whisk ha says was obtained front by the iron»-_ duient. of two ciizeetorzsv of 3 company which ‘u now in lilffliflfifiifln. The alleges that the defendants feiseifz‘ represented the company owned raéium mines in Faqtugnl. (Thomas. ‘if. ;B!f0fl1&28 §EI:g1z1ee1-3, iiiéeminsterl and others.) ‘ . Mr. Justice Evie a. summons- »_ which‘ wage was out by the Grand Opera. Limited, agaitast the Govent Garden Estate Company asking whether ; the subsisting lass: of the cams Theetm permitted the Ilse: of the theatre for bofing e__3:§t;a:tainm'ents and ei:aema;to~ 1 graph exh1'hz.tmr§s. H15 thought that the ‘qneeiaona gropomldod in ‘summonsweretoovaguatoenahlethe’ Gourt to say whether the jgmpaaeed mat of csmti-taxtea breachof‘ gicavenantaém the Duke of Bedfm-d’_5 - _ e. The Home ofLardsreadasemnnfi5me 3 Bil 1' by ‘the Mamhxoneza , rummage. ~ »d rzzemerz at then: _in the Irish ' Courts. ....;......s.. 1 2 l 1 i i Full Text: Copyright 1921, The Times Article CS6757l926 Viewlother articles linked to these subjects: View Linked Documents . View articles startinq in same paqe . Articles in same cateqorv Print, e-mail, and other retrieval options |v\'l'i'n-//in-FA!-V-an lnnz-Inn n-‘In;-n...-\..... A‘... l:L....l:....r.'_.-A_ _l_lf\l—F' I-1-an '\Ar\I'I-'*\fi an! .._.__.___ Articie 1 Page 1 of 3 The Times, Jun 22, 1921; pg. 4; Issue 42753; col C House Of Lords. A Peer's Divorce., Conyngham Divorce Bill. Category: Poiitics and Parliament Full Text: Copyright 1921, The Times nu-um; 2 : 1- . E3533 0%‘ Lame. g, m x's.F¥}E1’{’$ .B§.‘i9“¥3r2E{3f1§. : - mvanem am ; “fig 3* gfim Ii, W3 WWW; : < Man «Wm»: ;» Lam: Zmnagoamgv V .t%;1t§.,. 11 fiausim and -&’a;s.sm.;,} ‘ " ' ' W .. ..&e mm was smea by new bgfifixgaafifié :1 8;; ffanyngkam, oi‘ Pram, _ _ ,, , Z1.amnnv..bW...‘ has diwaima her 3 ya-etifiunea aiaaaizmxi an axfler tar ‘-ri@%a«.whichwa§n6i%«0 hamatxifiteizmhle hertamnrrysgmm‘-=. ' «W7-fin 'i*n3:£a¥flNh1’.$??‘*”#?W=‘°‘*85 The Emma out; man bias: ‘w.z:m= mtha Irish mamzkieéganlfieveznh-&r23,i191a£¢ «E fiha suifé Ems wasfize deaf iha ;&:5ee3Ir.. W. A.i£‘n%iir: .. 351 W88 ‘°5E°'3» m=“*5*’5‘**"’*‘.*.-.“‘5° 1511* '_ ’?a7J:.«!ses, mg mmibimd was ifimfza shave it &§a;Efi ' g.§331agm§¢fig§g3n.gI~.&_E§~ s 1rmu;-'ing>e.‘3’3§.m ‘mmmegg: 1 .. ‘ M beam}. when $22.9 éénmtsgan Qsf the 5ett w$Smh$ _ R3,, this Hon. _ Esuaselkaygs ’ inwppo:-a at iztxssaill. 3&3‘. 3!. I35 3525.. Wu 0, Willis pxutentédfiherapanglant. f Eheguégflwunsfiwnammmwanfihnz 1 were mnvamafigfihh than sud. coumal; = inightmfiiahepahthimzeranflhewqméexamine an — aims: ma ma utiishga amt withm €321: Ran. _ In r-3913* 1:9-qnastimz be: ‘any Lam: B , A ‘Lad. _ 3r£$o- e . ‘ -‘ taazshu~mV.mmeav»——‘< ' V‘ . an Kuvemhar 33, 13:4, ska and Ganynghsm I_i-weal in Fania aizmvhere. film - . gantiixnefilifi as wife ‘ heiuag bath Sczyflanfl. git an svama mfmmntfian wiiiezh came ta them was * 13.19» carzxsguudmce, mi ixxmply to as fewer asiczag him ta) izonm bani; to lawn, her hmband mm $251213 its was mpomble my bin: tsa live Wiiifi £191‘ “$3511. and Lhe “ Saar all _¢n& luck xx: ésgfisa £ubu:e.” She then o}:.12s_n‘n:c ' an firvzisr int rmfiiisnfigyn at -mxxjugai r1@gt:s in the _ ..L.uaw art.-ms: rmaa nun: uwsydiauo ' %a: fimzndg «e1:JE‘gjha$ 33%!‘ hxaband was sputum» and sham ~uhtsa.in:ad. an 1 tiecreezafimlriskzdamtm. , _ _ , M2; Jamex mung afi izhaa Eficrtei, stiriifiapii an Jazzziimury B, £91-E5, ‘ . . ' fifijafifkfi at §:.:a::am~ ' aest‘§h2.9:as srmrixa wasszxaaiztihse lggfiywfia . fivm awzklwee. fie ' fihu»; withfézesimniafiy on Jmmry‘25. fine ‘ “bath they as an..- 1.)‘ .1 . mfifiifa. A‘%.1:-hifi .. ' * Bifiwgarmdasamnfi time» ‘basstansi ~ Saélicitaorsfgméaatxams.‘ Stnrgwa and ‘ Ea. ; $1}. 2:: .»: Whmafgsna. http://80-web5.infotrac.ga|egroup.com.chain.kent.ac. uk/itw/infomark/352/38/4. .. 13/1 1/03 Discover interesting facts about your family: First Name: Last Name: Archer Clement Home~Purves, Parker, Caroline 1oh._r1.__!3_a_rJ,e,t Marisa 1 (-1867) (-1890) ‘Q Home-Campbell, Archer Frances Char|e.S._Hyde Mabel (1850-1887_)_ (1855-1917) Home—Purves— Hume-Campbell, John 8th Baronet (Sir ) (1879-1960) Home-Purves-Hume- Fan“ ““"$ Campbell, John sthifiaronet (Sir) o Home—Purves— . Hume-Cam _beH, 0 Born: 9 Aug 1879 - 0 Marriage: Ram, Emily Jane 1 Oct 1901 o L-lJn,e-Pu,rves- o Died: 25 Feb 1960, France at age 80 fl§.1eja_rm_ra 1% General Notes: Obituary: The Times, London, Monday, Feb 29, 1960; pg. 14; Issue 54707; col D John married Emily Jane Ram on 1 Oct 1901. The marriage ended in divorce in 1919. (Emily Jane Ram was born in 1880 and died on 11 Feb 1929.) The Times, Apr 08, 1922; pg. 15; Issue 43001; col A Court Circular Category: Court and Social _ Full Text: Copyright 1922, The Times I-E-Ii ';,11!£JIs#i3f.t:r5L5 to the gun ~ liom~Ea2,. 03.2..’ Th?‘ Kiflg has aefxfi Icr§§_f.Ion to the Ham ‘I-3-_ Eminghnm Wigiuh she Duke hfijs finnua§ 51:13- :33 for Lima Boys afigl Si§*&n;ia3u Kent, of of '1 ark lza Fmsfidenh _ , , A York. who is; the ,gu::e~si: of 3{*§:3r Bone}: n; Wooiathqrpe, was l:m‘2s1:i':ig ; ‘W the Balv-my I1-mizztis fz-am Folk-ingham resberday. T33 Ptinem Raga}. and Prinexass omy of moxwy :B'59H‘5P31"G& hava Bout {fauna Hal Fouixd B é '3" *3“? Bfilgmw Eoapital for Cthildrm. 5’ _ Basmmba‘ af Brmazzsawraa baa birth to :1 .3017; M; Httixara-st. mm-Sea 15:‘; =2§§i”§:n§;af§“§§§§§L‘3’§5«. ii‘-° ‘~*""p‘“"-'*,“-“‘.1 W‘ 13*’ mfiki E gxuglivnt program, .0},-IU1‘1R;'u z,=5‘_c.u.»-.a.-..“..: 3-ma-_~.-, LU nu :':':""nu_ Ululzgh he was atfli rzanfi and to his mom. '1‘Im Ektzm ui:;~e do Tsfleyrazgd-Pézigord '1?et1n‘I1 to iP-aria £1-am Brusseeky M flatly fiteuéara-Di-akafizmyngham to res; her grateful thanks to all times who 'm:ll;.r sent wtanths ixakann of 5 isyxnpafshy” to 1131- in hm-”g:eeat am-mw. She hopes to acIa:;nowiedge= each we in due warm. _ We law to Emmtmrme the tlmlih 43! {ha Han. Algeman B-nu:-k§ge£1LanLs.y* :3 §'11¥!:qm. ,1IIr_. Algnman Hem’; aurkn was ‘thus third area of rim’ sixth 3.1:! at Kayo, who my; murnigmxci wlgma Vinny at Imiia, and bmkhu max: new mmnptiwa at tho pmant peer. Ea: was .m in '1 EM. uni was Imam? I mcrmbm at the Stock "Exam . Ho ztnrried in.;181!7 Ciwangsawn Imus ._m_1ly, daughxsur or ‘Rana aiIM'm: éilsaxetle ‘ .V at Pwlbanz. ziiquflzuam pfion, and leaves; this far. Efmfinhn Grazgvitln ‘flamm- cne. Em brother. tint; K-rm. Tenmcn Thsxsubnid Bsltiah flénuxni Ab Bizaatta, now becnmtags helm-pmsmxgptafivu. ' at ttfm and of that: month. J31 May "am the South of of aiming: at 1’r£m:efl'iehnhm af~R. ' W W W M:m.*$:¢;"d;*§“”*fi3:W ‘*1 Whtom ‘ ‘.1 f“' 3" “‘ Mamhiong.-sz, find is unzxbl.» :2 iha tngrrrasparzzianca. 2 3 5”} fLia ' . ..~ Lonzirm ?::z:fsceu1$a’.m has wwmgé W ,, inriispoaad .. so :2; to attend , ~ The Earl. of fibshbmnham is an mag , Vfinfgiiogfi §+aIha'vm and Stanton is 52. '39; 8:" oil) is“ cu. m“ ml 1.3»-riy Vfetni-in ?1:va= 15% Ifixnzan fun Paris. Cara. Cdnumsa of E3: "ff . .. " gtaying in Pmaj Wm ran on}, who 15 return to London Axié-3.9 flnuntaas of E35 V - a i.-- V Jflfili Ca. ‘ Ii wifi ratm-:1 to“ an My Aolamnzxlnn early ;_ I‘ Fratma, étituta at tfgeglgfiifial ?.*iet:§1Fa. It LRI8d=fin preside at that dixmar Whit: wiilipmaada than meets): ‘¥’1sm:31::;1tae!3_ S§sndl1urat— has ratunlati ta: Lnnéon from ‘visiting the Daebzsa the V1111‘: Nasrada. (faunas. A The freedom of the» cietynf Se. zindmws as 156 $36 eanferz-ed. u n Actmirui at tiaek Egan Vwestar amyaa on May -1, when 5 arts:-liar honour is to he bestowed upon Sir James Iii; Barrie. wlga-:1 Romilfy‘ reaurnml from Fiumnm3._, Lord; wad Lariat Illingwtartah wffi imtmrx to Lancim: in as fortnight’: fine from tho fiauth 0E Franqn. -_ , ‘ V _ _.;; , Lazard anti Lad Dawson of Fem hava iaft London for ’:2..ria. Lord .'fs*Ia.§;*ar and the ‘Imdy Eiayszresss a lunabeun on. Ekias , 13 at the Mans’:-an House ix: aid of e ftmds of tho Quzzs-.a:x‘s .Hos;:rita..'E :£-or Lady 0asu1at£m,, who underwent an operation yestwbxy morning for 3}}- paadinitis, isrpnziyawiug fsvourabky. Lady Rihblnsdala and Miss Astor have iafi: Londnn for Ysréis. The Dowager Ialéidy Noblo amivad &$ -this Garltoa Eertal {mm Jesmené. Dena House. Nawoastlo-an-Tfynm The Dowager Lady Téntamdan wt”?! remain in $115 Exam}: of F1-amen untiii than and of fix-ia month. Ma.’ai~€¥1:31ara1 timer Hon. Sir‘ Wfiflsm and Kathmizua hams rammed to London from {aha South of fiir Phiiip Burns-Jonas, wim _ ‘: rammed ta Lnfxdtjzn oiwm the Rivm-ax, is confined to hm house by an att:ax_:.k <2? nmxtitis‘ Sir George Yaungur, 31.9., raw £ic'a.I1;y recovered from (elm ufiects 0 the nmueidaub his mat: with at the» House at Commons on '.I.‘.1mrmisjr and 4- France. a Empea to mama work. in. as few days. 3 Page 2 of 3 Article 73 The Times, Tuesday, Feb 07, 1922; pg. 13; Issue 4294?; col C ~ F()R'1‘HCi3MING MARBIAGES. 1 mu, film 13$ » ten“:1nt«£}Qmmafi&er"Panl Biifigeiiihn. flaw (retinal), amend min at the igta Bfigdierfiéeinfiflmthfifimfifgfisfiqm G. B1iifi§§- Ergisfimeggzfigm. s.w., M flith dalightér oi Hr. 2.113. ms. mainwnrt. at -1.5, Belgérwvesqumm 8.‘W., and Wiertnn mace; near Mazifistune. ' ~ - ’ Maren B. J. Ecfiunrmt, D.$.£).. tam Kits Pmicam. The engagement. ‘is acnnnimwrl Brefiret lfajpr Banalfi I. liehiuiian. D.-5.13., Rant! Engineers, may “sun :1: Lin J. J}. axazxinlzen. 3*:i.fB.E., mid 3113. mfiinigen, of mm Iiaenndtage, Iidrriuhnreh. Essex, and Evelyne Fnmcek, tlanghtcsr at the #3. F. Pucker, 0_.B.E., fleampmin. of A1,: saints," Bulk.-am ".z!.1exmi:irin., Egrzfi. and-15:2.-3. 3‘?m‘:laei*. _ Mum W, Tam: ma: Miés N‘. M. Jmmfian. A marriage has been _I.1'_l.'8.E1 K ind wiil sixartlytaige plane in Bangdun, em Majar !‘i"aIte1* Thyme, 90:11 Punjabia; mu sf ihe I-ate Gatitain N; K; _T1iyz1a, 3.1.3:, -of -Team:-34:1 , sail or Mrs. Thyme, mi 1, Ajaxnxglm _ Iiolzse, _e ad :1, W., and Ndréh .hiiBit:m1t, zwnnavést flung {tar at the late Dr. Julmson, at Stokenn-Trent, and at Mrs. Webb- Snhman, ‘wimflzile-dun. Lhsson F. M. Gnmw, 0.3.3., 12:39 was-. Ruz2:.a..w.. ’1‘_he engagement is nnnannead hptween ; 31:13:22‘ F‘. Green, D.E.E.-. M.£.C.E., eldest : son at Mr. and Mm Michaa: 15:. Graze anéa Stefglja, wiflow,u£ Kin and " daughter of Em and the late Mr. Mnsely, E.1!LG., LED. 7 Gazvr;-wee R. V. L-I;.:mr.~s* ms: was ‘:3. Lush. Tile engawement -is annuummfl between Calitnlfi R. ixfian aiartgtn. Oqldstream second‘ sen «pf Mr. and Mrs. 5. S2‘. Martym, uf _ Penxirtlz, firlnmorganshim. and Ngmeya, . Youngest. éaughter of Captain and Mrs. .§.I‘Ec-1:: Lune‘. at 38, Lownéesnstmef, S.‘W.I. Samam B. E. H. Frzmm aixn 3:135 13. (1. Th M , J’.t:.~cx:z~::ia.. ta fie 3im_ age ararnnged batween Gap in » Ti: H. I=‘}i:1d.t and Miss Dorothy (3. Kenkina 1:-'51.} t::kc.:_ plum: at 3?. Jnmes’s Epismpal Cilflmil. Eiiillliurghy an 'Fchrnnr3' 14, at .2 yam. Mn. _A. Bannwnr .}3hu=m:, 31.19,, ,\:~:n _ Maxcmumss Caswxaxmar. 1-‘. marriage 411:3 bran armngeé. and xvii’! » mks place in: Jame. between Mr. Aimed B:*XEd%¥i£1 Bayer, at 12, ‘1Ja;g-I.-.»Eane :ag“.1=r. £4}: East Iajziinattun. sun of .-‘air. W3! _ ta -.=-g Garmrdfs firm, and Erfélfcliiiifl «; ms. ..L. W. L~mn.<.:_.sr¢n Mates ‘-31’. Humm- . - ~ - 7/ I: ‘)7/nq/n'2 http://mfotrac.london.aalearouucom/ntw/1nfnmark/QR:/700/24qaI:2sz4w nnr P 1 f 2 Article 105 age 0 Jmfi finmsuitatian on Licemcing '11 S Digfxasmgxxg j?£5—z%935 /W°'e @~.?°9% __ Article 105 of 485 —— The Times, Friday, May 25, 1923; pg. 14; Issue 43350; Mark col C Sir J. S. Ainsworth. Category: Obituaries GB1’1‘,U,ARY. SIR J. AIRSWflRTH* Eéir Jltzilinp Stirling". Ainmvnnb, I333‘, 222$ K KameraftyGm££;:tl:,,f;unafi«ax¥a.n&, fiiaii yens*%2:- dfiy, agar} ‘:9. Bow am ..’¥‘amzary;3{}, Ififéé, the secguna, mm at Zfhnmas Ainswartiz,-~aa£ Ting I¥‘I9sh., £3t2m.bBr1nI:t£1,; $19 went ta Univemitgr Coiiege Schnnl and than 11% iiiw ETni"mmi€.y C=.3}Irsge,« Landau {Ei..&.;‘, 1E.aI.a.Z$,.}, and 3323.3 at‘ am; timsas aV pmmizuenk imnmaater anti it .mem'be:r 0f the fiayal acamnximian qn hIin&3_ in» 19:12. _ Ea was“ :1 fiimcter of s:;::.:.w.*s?1a_i1;a- *1mve1x' J:;u,‘z_;t. Stack.’ flank, and when ‘it Wm .a:}1a¥gamat¢:imrith_ ‘ arfs Bank haxbwame 3. §§:rm:;tnr_ «at, the Cumbczimzd ané Westmuriané 11:ac.&3.'- bfiard;- $33 was 211353 éhaizman 9% the‘ .€:ieatur .anfl Werizzingmn .3“u_m:tin1_:. Raiiwzxy ’flI3‘£}}$§’l'§}’. Far £1311: ziears ha mnmmanamg the _ arfi V3,. Eaxdéar Regimezxt. in mm 1w‘w:=:§b 332:1 S11+a1'ifi~af_£§Li1rxberJ.aa-6., ml was mt. - am: £91;-;i2nr that eamzvty; and far . 1:I1._13S5\EI:*.. Ainswartix esntaeszmi Ba-mraw, :1‘zxd~ m iilfifi A?£%'§*i§s§1§r£, .33» 11. L:iberai'..* H-3 -wan as remgrkah e 3:30-_t:ory in giaégigvllshire in 1993; mm fiat -5.1;. iflmg ixasering been cmatefl = 5% ?%%3»i';0Ia-at: In i91*f._* .I:E?m‘ei£ier ‘br::ri&:e£,’. we late, Mr, .*I)a.v§£¥ ~ .Aiuswt.:rrti1g .m;:~; 1ormerP5;** "imp West» fiumherlmtfi. in 385:9 ‘ha ‘ martaeé iiiifltgarfit Catherine, ‘dnngixter mi Rflkgfl Rssazfig %ac:;e§ii%,;' she eiiefi i.n.~1£'r18_. ..,fi:s_-cinly s1:3;v1s*1:1,g' mu. who succeeda ‘ta .tI%c: title}, is iszeutaénnnt Tlmmas Ifiinsxvartix, IME1 ‘§*Iu.2%$am, S.R.,, wlw " ’ " 13813 _z1u§ 'I;1a;'.g*13}:& Lad. Eciena an‘ the _pres§&nt V -i.fl.r'f1'¥_>1fi§;Sx ; Sig ;-'¥t::»};1'; V..%§::awprt-.l3’s serrzzxné 3:311, . §§21 Etxvriing, T3l}‘ih~§‘IlIm5a.m,. xvzzzg; lazilie-xi in -»actiszm. Vis1;»I.fiI%. 3*§:£__£*?}t1e1' clatgghtar is flan. wiia oi Viseaum‘; finssemenq and. Ferrard. and 3118' yaangar‘ £§:1’1,{g_?ai£:_ri5 tixeinrirlnw :31? 31:. As. 6. Maria? §::x1 §i§§.$E!;.é Lifa fin.-mm, Whses died at Wrzruxxfls http://infotrac.london.galegroup.com/itw/infomark/955/799/34965384w2/purl=... 22/O3/O3 Article 1 1 1 The Times, Friday, Se col B "FU'fi§ERA.I.S. Imm Ymmtr. ‘me funeral (if we fifth Bevan Vania"; tank fpiaee .33 Sfapleford Ghnrnh. near Meltan Esiuwbray. ynster§Iay._ The service was mm- dtmted by t}1‘¢*givaz: by M113: Aflasenae, the P{}I‘ti_.1* ; guése jgianist, taenzght at 8.36 at 25, Plarku larxe,» lent by Sir ‘Pjhilip Sassoon, .. ,&I._..§*. '_Pi.A3kets t‘:an.~ be ggshtamed, em: appiieatiun, from 25, Park-iazie. The Bake and Dqchess aft Bu¢dieach’s = hmgsa party at Birwhaii, Sgihgk; thiarweek, i te. _.mget Heury, mil Include Mlle. da la. Panouse, the ‘Han. Jpan Branefi, ( lady Jnaxp: gjimmllram, j Baird, Cagtamr _ fitanyforth, Captain 3 Hands, Sir. Phxlxpzgs, Mr. Banner,‘ and Jiir. Howard K914‘. * ‘ L; ggqness and . Maéchioness A“&y‘5 re;£’=:W‘i’ .. ..... its in residanea at 359., fiorth ’ xrticle 33 Page L U' 4 The Times, Feb 12, 1924; pg. 1; Issue 43573; col A Births Category: Births _ Full Text: Copyright 1924,; The Times iffitwm ami Ham’! flflim «mm be mafia 1 16 Wm mm: mam! " iiamams Bank Lm:m.** *!‘a*4-uxwrr Nat: mark! {#6 atsmalsseaw Ear ¥¢«a£4=ise1'«¥ pagan 33 fifimiiwwmr limb} M i £o flu: ,A_éa=’asr££.i:mt3$! 1?flm3%§§ip* mafia liens:-zmwe. mum. 3s%.¢;.'.1. 1%-:k~ 3'—W%« Ewe“ “ , é?H§rz;}¢1ss,’§§uaesg;g._ 14mm-.13-=;., mm. N6 £‘!.ELeEIs'39-3 $3? .&.?§?.§¥'{}f}’;5FflaEL3§.E£¥S‘.‘S 1.3! EIRTHS. .J£fl£RIg;£G’E$:. am¥“I}.£$=t'TH$ faxurhcnfiienfiaai in: mm: and aé:h,'tr$a1¥a»a-knfiua is -EN-f: flfliflflgzi for mm rims car 4 343335.‘ i:mi*E£F..B;‘ $I£1I.E2§I4'.5?G‘S‘ $115‘ was isxivfilimtnl am v.f”t#SP8$+.¥££3% wmim them far 135?; 3!E3fI}1£1’.:£,1! £t_£i1'”I£}.Es5‘ is Z’ii’EL1"£ Sfllfififfiflfi 3§{X'PE-4'63 iii}: 191* Ian and §ZHV1!1'§E5.HILl}i.§fE‘5 maxi! 19$ 33- 4 .Pi§.‘.}»£}£ far udfiiliezuas firse. .3 meme were far fir»: ,, £433 9%“ ’ ntflmtsiia 'utamiazt— may he obhtisgtrzi an a2r~p1'E«~ are-fiéfim in mafia» ta mmlni ificamct neuciatiaus in ‘* math " m¢{~."‘~1fi:M¢mw£am “‘ nmmvuzamesmmfs-. mndm are asimi iifiéifl fa tmsfimse fléxdr Maia. has {fun was :13’ mruims 375‘5zfi¥ll¥3£I3?*s mum firs! in .«maxaumse- M mam '_*-1*he.'I'ims. “ Uflkfia ffiatim; Ewe» _l¢|§‘?3?;£‘¢ _ .a!2.C!.«i. " Tiisi_u"f fiéwk Gfhtfi. 42. Lawmfzm. IFJI. at in tau: Kama sin fimu. ‘$2.1 fifimma‘ ;gi‘.e?mi!in. Ema}. Ba? Smut! ..:tds£w*£is.m:em£ 953% I:I:1s§«}‘1&1Efw AM RM whim»; of this mag.-. _ Fgiffimfiiflé Afmrriaw: in (3332:: raw. mam mm; far R. i,,,,....- -....- , &U‘k‘- . . Sm and ztlfxmzut swim and .‘:2£n'«*c?W for task '*> ye.‘ 3. _<~_ 1 . 3”’ Ta 11“: * " £15112. Ifiétrwal. £5£§s.1§ar¢i§n.¢ W M "M W” — ; einw-is. § 2:. IEEASS-.lL'E‘Ya-Dnihs 113%: §‘e¥>..._ the «rite of gnxiglm. --at zinalxewuk. Shwmueamm-‘rmmwa . WY». A the ‘nth §'=:=s"a.. at ‘Emmi: Emma. ta Lxmxzz. wit»: (:1 mmm mmewa ma. 2 - ts. .i1a!tL£NGT£¥§¥.»~0u_t"m am ream. ‘1m. 3.}. a, Grlmmammmm Emkmone. the mm. at A. 3.3. lfimlimawm E.S.Gu. karat Enigma at :1 éawhtere 33W, J —v-wtln the ms Fem. at ffiaialzmds. Iiuriafg» fénféflfiflmukxl. the wife oi C‘. *3‘. ; V x .. -Hm‘ ‘mm’; mm. W ,filI.I.yE’I'£?»-«(Rn the rm 1%.. =z:.t«‘::kzt V _ ,, . fln;?i2E4é>1‘°~ E K116 W238: *31f_FEAK‘IL*£3 Glam. at Betcha rj Emth awn. at as fiauxéxm. A _ “ j'l§ifiaL‘¥.»-v-(3n. the-8%. I?‘eh.; at BIc~kJ.eIg21.; Seam ‘1§i:l}- g f grm¢W. £6 3€}1.3«i§3RG.:& E.smx.»1.*.12: mm. 311%». Easum--~ ; Alill$»‘53iE!“1_‘&$§\I?2‘£‘i’£.~~~I?)¢:; the 10% mm. at £!n3__§3$a1e‘ta%>» ; we anus: with tr? <:.u-ram" Ywma ¥l..a.axas7::~fi2::?ru.. ,_ EX-l*:1!£’9,?e:I1Z1=3£i¥2l§3fI:1cIi:r;51»-»_I f I3‘!IfiERW.lCK..’-v-(}n the "M11 3?£.'3:r». at 23%. ziawnarzm E Tad. {ha-Wife 13!‘ .1. ’§=*. ‘¥firmm~n:~1i~‘:é-5: mu Lu-«I-.ou //inf-'n+.—-an lnnr-Inn nalnnr-nun rrxrn/ihlu/inFnrn:I"l(/R14/Q4“;/7Q1nq6nqW7/nlll‘|=_.. ticle 117 The Times, Saturday, Mar 15, 1924; pg‘. 13; Issue 43601; col B The Duke of York attend the Basra! E Celanial ‘Instituta annpal _Efli1fi1"9f ,D3~iY dinner at.’ the Rate} ?mtnna on Fr1day, May 23. ‘E _ T _ M‘. A. Greek Einsster in Paris. lags arrivaeé at the Carltun E34181- Tim Duka oi’ ‘I5 tu*§13F~ Marnhicgaes __ V3 131115 ‘E0 3, mm 933, T131115 . ; 3 Ti’.-E AI:fllB'3‘r'- streefz, ‘W. The Earl nfi Albamarle was pr 32$ by abvsemza {mm Lundm} frfim men = the funeral at Guiana! Shzpleyg whq , under his zzemrmand in Santh Airmen. . The Earl of Balfiaur and the Han. Mrs. {flwarsi Lasceellaa hav heft: Landau fa: gcflflflflfi. ‘ paafs steamship Narkunda. ‘ ‘ Tha Earl and Cuuntem oi Sapdmnh have left Hinahingbz-nuke, Himizxngdgn, 3 far Italy, and wiil be away until May 1. The Earl and Countess uf = and Laciy Mariarie Stapfard have . - retumad in Courtown Heme, Garey. Ira». 7 ,land, from London. The E331 and Ceuntam cf Miflteton - gave: a. dinner party 1.3.3?» night at thair muse in Partiand-plane. The Earl and Countess of Grmard left 3- Landau 133:‘. V ‘ ht for fiastia Furbes, f where they win until the and of the : mtzmth. V The C‘onn$esa of Malmesbury has . nbliged to alter the date at tha fiance { whieh she had anasirlged for her (iaughter frnm May $0 to Friday, May 23. . Lord Btirgh has arrived at the Eydel . Park Rate} from Pangbuume. A _ Lord Gientanar has gone abroad fer ahout three weeks. All cnrrespqnflauna 1' T ahnuld be forwarded ta the saeretary, { Belle-isIe,. An; Han... Aiastair Napier, have ieft Thim- -stana Castle. Selltirkahira, fm: Btmrna-= _mnuth far some wearks. - , , .Lord and 1Lady Airedale returnecl yaatsrriay ta their house in Cadogan-= aquare fmm the Cdntinent. The Eliowager Lady F01-has has arrived. in Landau {ram Edinburgh. Lady Sempiil is staying at the Grand i 1 I F The Earl ami Cmmtess of Mahclesfielfl and Vimatunt Hambleden left Imxdnrn ' % gsterday ior in the F. and 0. ‘ . Lard and Lady Ilfapier and I . aceampaniaa. by that youngest son, the Page 2 of 3 Posthouse sa1oN Po‘ thB:Ese ! £1 fig To book at any other Posthouse in the UK or Ireiand, or any Forte Hotel worldwide piease call 0345 40 40 40. To book at any other Posthouse in the UK or Ireland, _ otel woridwrde please call 0345 40 40-4 PH/8425N/1098 “'3. PHIMZSN/1098 z §2'if3> «;,wt«.as-»-£€ figwamus ‘§;_f?fi* 2;’ 4--\>-as To book at any other Posthouse in the UK or Ireiand, or any Forte Hotel worldwide please e§.371*t. ‘ * . T§§ook at a y other Posthouse In the UK or lreiand, or any Forte Hotei worldwide please call 0345 40 PH/8425M/1098 PH/84Z5N/1098 call 0345 40 40 40. V. N¢*§ ‘E’ ’ 9;jUég:,Igj «:21 mm £$«z4§é“-§s»“"#£Mwz¢4fl.:"’€4€-,‘, :&3»<§“" §§~" ;;:€-" %' *“§”? §’~*"‘%""“"" :3‘? 5; 1. , 4‘ if WW ‘ ‘§3.§;.i‘g’;:3w ,3 wé {:—5‘*°""*»Ma*e.:*s,/;~;ie«»@» %§x%,;% ‘*7 ggflwfi «i~.§g 1» '1 "35’; w;,§‘w 9%»: ‘iv awwm éjfkgg Mai“ éiée Q? e.;.g=¢.A;.<’%.,.h@;, 34. 13% J 3' .5 .% "> L5,. ‘fiW.n4i3?g*—'*»e”&5.~,.:§~, we ‘ ~ - ‘ %w.mé%;~mt‘ §‘;wsm“& £5; L ‘Li Eé»% M v ZLW3 —r~zm~K 5» K2“ 5:; R5 gj .2 .a§;3é;£_e: N NE; éaywww 6 J-4‘5‘V\:" ‘Va « WC? - 3% 3.3% °xx§7E»..Aiv-.»1‘ ”’‘‘° 7 /\ , a"%*~‘§' g F’ 1,, a %»«M».. .‘.‘:~. 3”“ M5“ 1%“ v~ giwfiwx ! %w~3w5b. ~?‘.‘?w?i&_£,“!f+»~ m J , “ wt ‘ r§‘;»w!»wE9x *5‘ £5 ‘ ‘B; __,.,.. 5 *7; §%t>s 4 A gig” 55% %Wg>§z;»» %..r:m mm. 4% My 3».€anco «3;,;,¢}§»~ § %;~:”§§’t;§Mgm_ “f?*’2°_§~ 1’? £4‘ §§z2gamm “3;fi_gg «»=mfi%. vi. 9. *‘3"'-/'5» . f «,2; 'g%k‘fi‘_£ WW5“, gggw. gmgbg; M . iemae mi. 16. at %%w#M 3% 33 fi5“°‘ a f..s§»-§.4:"f2* ifivégm mg: L ‘ _ .! \’\ .-fl ;)’]i!&"""‘§’x“(-“V luw 11* $3 F 395‘? T m, Mszuk my ‘ ‘ M 3:5“; %§.¢? 53;. _ 5“i£m§m§£*- §m:—eg~» «F aw N “-4 *3 mwifixa 33-3‘ 7’ grim «aw» ‘va 2 as,“ a £3’§$%»&: :l:~%)"“~} mi’ :%»§7m %»M;s~m¥*2; W. [i§’are%;;z7.,m 3 $9 *5‘? % M ‘i7¢r*'{E%.__%A¢%.£,g”$ {Tm 4t“i"»”%~ev~%- _”_tM_fli,._,.,gmms»«‘m~ i9%gig~«~£"t"W.o’%’ ‘éjl 5:” 11,. é. l¢.t‘z23 §§ §'f_g;,,.,_,,__ $1,» V Qimfiw-}«r§&w$’”£\»*~ ?«~.-.»;wh.=.., ?§% +£'L“¥m££;3 “£3”; a % ?k-1%»? §'€V :f«”‘2m M ‘ ~ %§ag§.s® ‘glimifi aw %s.%’3§” ‘m¢4’”"?w” ~15: —tB%a:«§§». 3% w». >3,» q a&=u~§‘;«,WW;z,,,_i{§‘N, {era 5 at am. ms» Wfi” V 3‘§£»7s":§ fig-‘V rig 5F..:;1,;q “ *:1*§y‘%‘*f%m;*:: “F W A A e< ma. v ‘ o» L V’ ; $4 5:2: 2 Eswzvgmi, 3‘NW> ; W V" i %' ‘kw ~ p,.—,_ ‘<2, K‘ 58 , /'3‘ 3‘£‘m €f§$,s";4:~?¢4*‘”*v§i:-s'§3-»«a Vasg ‘'3 €‘€««Lr¢£. 3.,.Z;.@,- . Mr’ 3.» ** ‘Z 3? K 3; av I V §i“**‘’t~r1Qi&:’?? ‘*1 341?‘ ‘R , 3 zzm’ flap»,-5*’ n.;;_,,«g, sag. “.57.... V? § .§ :%;*$”w'i172»é“ gfifitgfi fig § fifiwfi M §3%@;§g,;~%.} fifigggx M %§L. 2&3. W3 \ ‘gffgmfi iixwwu-« vx In ‘_ §La.:fiwa;~»fi§.m»a~§.‘ §‘3a%.ve%,,*a-‘“®*»’*‘3“"j‘_§ ’§£ua“5’~a5’°"’“‘ §§».\.aa»*§W‘-‘W §%;.%*“%; fizw ‘%'wWw., Tow ’ Z53,-x, E émaa. fiéazfijmrfg’ \,,.;m.,,fl . gm “:2, as Jv ‘ RE W ,{$.€»31.'e% .3" ?m v>va9wsé3mdF”“ (M Q Article 118 hH'n-//infnfrar lnnrlnn nalpnrmln rnm/ifw/infnmnr'l(/Q'3‘?/700/?4Q6'§'2RA\AI7/nu|rI= TKL Tswn ‘ALL;-‘2_ 1].; 573 W95 C Haw oB1TfiARY. wl six: HUGH EdGALMQNT SQ§.aDI.I‘§R AND .9. £?1Wti}.l"3?‘I§‘18.I1, 3.. sportsman, 3. ha'rég&- want, an Grangeman, &.Il iii the -IJIQE’-3‘ airfllztat, _has passed awa.;y,it1 Maipr~ taezxciaal Sir Hugh _McCaim=::s:at, whgma mmther gage, He was om qt many eminrezxiz memirera at 3. fagznily which, ’mig:ra:£'ing fmm Seavtland early in the -Iflth eentary, carried ta Nfirthexn Imlanti the East Ehfiratftfitifitiefi 431? its race,*whi1e‘it acquired them the: best that were 11af.ive= to an tmctanquerabla people.‘ Thus, the Maflalmflnta shame equally in galifim. in W31‘; in syart, and in landlnrdasxa in its best fafrn, and in ali Sir Hugh kept high fzhe family‘ ‘traditions. \ — 362:: on Febmary 9, 1345,. ha was zthe eldesz son of James Mcfiaimnnt, at Abber ;innds am! Bream, Co. Antirim. on his mothefs ’sifla the late Rabert Martin, at Row, Gamay, Ion "knnmvxz as “ Baiiylxoaly“ from the title at is iamous sang, was his uncle, and tire: later Miss Viszlef: Niarfin (“‘M~arti:1.I{o;‘s”), the friend‘ nn& -ealiaboratar 9: 155388 {EIiOI2e' Eomervfille. was his aunt. By the laiemaggnt IN3-the of «Emu and Christ vGI11m:h, Hugh Mcflnimcmt into the 9th Lancers at we age 11-5 2:}. Five years Eater he was in the field as an volunteer unrler Wnisele‘ in the Red . River Expeéitiun, in which thfl be is of Ltmia Riel pram}; zgamewhm. item tmublesanie titan é.ifl‘i.c-ultiag of tineir tarmin. ’iic£‘.nImon;t. dad sue}: goufi serving at Fort Garry that on bin: was mnfemd the timawiwnotired diatinssu ‘Lion of carrying hum {ha -lags. Anailmr three ‘years and he was best e “flit &aa:;1e1:"’ again, this time in Ashanti, 've*h.ere, as A.1J.{‘§. tn the 'c:::mm.a;1£Iaar. ha, w.itr;:a-asea Amaams, Kumasi. and all the atagw at that risky little Imgmrial anterpriae. Thaw .1ming £¢:;>r_n time my Vftzzilmét wars of am: mm available, m 137*: fisicflalmqnt got .hi1'n%Iff njapaintada Military agttaciaé ta ‘mm: Embassy at Gonatantinuple, thaerehy wntxivin. 7 to"ut:::ompany the 'I‘u::kis32., i _ $1 a" imst the Rtzgsizxm. $1-;e« sxtgc mm storming o liars was has chief 653- ‘ Army fate the tie tzerixanee, aml his mwzmis :1 Emeflnl from the Turks anti :1 hrevet majority from our awn service.._ _ L " Rcjoming iimmefliataly his cit! chaeft, isicflaimmnt; mww awomyaniaéi Woiseley. agm as mg A_‘E'i.fl-. in ffvnma Imfi nacxt tn tieath, afthe» age cf "19, is axmuunced (my Page 2 of 3 7')/{T2/H? Article 119 Page 1 Of 2 JISC Consultation. on Licencing I Z?"85——I 985 iiiiiili —— Article 119 of485 —— rilfiii 17' The Times, Saturday, May 03, 1924; pg. 15; Issue Mark 43642; col C Births Category: Births _ GHEISTENING-; The christening of £116 in! flarqtiseim and Mamhionaets _ tool: place jywtaarday if: ;_,..,._ ,_ ,, y am. Canon A‘ omcia .' . . ‘ names Fredefick Wiiliam Henry Fra:§s' we:-.-efivmtothe chihi, who wo1.-aax3obeo£- . 3!; and S. M, :E the 4 “met were Lady if . . . . , Ghmfipian .33 flmpiémar; 1%? Helen Mwammnnt {for whom, the laonu Mrs. Ganéy :-, .. . Q; -the new '-at Ma:-ohicnm, .15-‘1-aJ:z fighmmbam agcit _ 3 V 32331.. _ reason.’ .a:a:cen'ga:g; :~Jk¢—-u Atlinegntgte Jyi ..........._................_ -... 77- § Full Text: Copyright 1924, The Times Article CS252909219 View other articles linked to these subjects: View Linked Documents . View articles startinq in same paqe . Articles in same cateqorv Print, e-mail, and other retrieval opfions htto://infotrac.Iondon.aa|ecirouo.com/itw/infomark/955/799/3496S384w2/Durl=... 22/03/03 Page 2 of 4 Article 6 . 5 %W\ fifié 1% 3 ‘E z f< 5% am 1&5 M;..;:.%: g “=2 “ gmwr’ raw i& ://80-web7.infotrac.ga|egr«... O6/12/03 http Page 3 of 4 Article 6 an R V wfid-m*fl::sIs‘3?1, a ‘,s§'?§§“""‘;;.a Q - V W~ / 41$? hftp ://80-web7.infotrac.ga|egr«... O6/12/O3 Article 139 The Times, Thursday, Oct 22, 1925; pg. 14; Issue 44099; col C WILLS AND BEQUESTS. A samclmonfis FORTUNE. Lmuwzsmmmmmn Lama Izommw, VJ)" ‘ED. {late an Nnrbhfimigaxh Iaml F1?Si13*E3’E«. ’.['.F.}, of Summerroxis, R *3? » mmham. Nonhumberhymi. saxmmx-.. ‘Ia.ta1§- chairman «sit the: Hesxlaam Bampany. far aavaeml ream 45153: Ifiortinxmhab land. Familiers (".!3.F.}» who died on Jlay 15. aged 5:7, 312:1; unsettled. pwpwty of the gram valua at £X9¢,{1t}I, with 116% pezsonaity £127,499. He left :~---- '‘ £wBtofiiaB:ft3ahand!?'maal:11Bih1aSoai;a£I; we to sardenenfiiehsréflmdmnmflzuglththkauvimv am-. xénmm Emu-:n»-'9, 31.3., .3-'.1=., tr!‘ Lypiattvtemace, weiiaenhnm, as former Jmiga of the Madras Hi Cuurt. afterward: P.ro— _9 at Urientai ' at @.m 1 mptain oi! the Dxrorfli Un‘-iggrssity mm: c in 1851. who died an July 17, aged 85, unsetsleé prep ‘ y in Grant mitain at the gin: value _ £33,332, ‘with net: pmtmnlt? Tim Kan‘. Mrs. Cazwrmtce ‘Ems. Eummm Bamzw. 0:! W"a-nvttan Hall, Ashham-nu, Berbyshizva, and at Elnyzas, Beau mwan. Ga. Eeuth, who tired on July .2. sized 68. widmnr not the Hon. Henry Luz-“baa: I£.1.L.., £LP., danghtm at the late W. Wilt. ' \‘ H : v 2 _ in . 13 Irish Fran State of e gross value; of £94.?9?, with next pet- fgalty in Bid valued at £88,851. She :1fi1se:w:zdmbe_(%1x::sxmhu":uxta;gu1ngm :ndhomekmaer.’Amrmia2n%hhia:; uwmnu _rnEt1:_:n1hai1iif."‘£3eomeHeu11cuuk: anasvuwtuesa tanaaclxludnoraarnntlgxeinfilnsherhnuaeiuwur and caak.hx:tin¢1ud1n:hu~d:a.n3!wm..&rthnrDuvis.mdhe: 3529921“?-iilxhtosrherflzlxtlthuainhuaerricsatisaar an». Emmy Emma, of Liemewuw am! ; Cm Market. Luuth. lama. §mi1am*= 1 whp died on December 8, 1933, aged 61; Iefh estate: aw valuesd fm: pmhute at £27,333 ifiitgfis. with net. peraonailtar £11,618. Ha iilitellnuesfihififsfilllhxiainaervitze. Othar iatswh wilis inclucia the following --~ csumnocx. maenm steenhen. J1’. cm. as-an ' H‘ 0 Hausa. Tetianhail. Stafit. ctnknnn at 3.1fiws.Gruddne§Brm~.IJmne¢.homun:an- ‘A .. .-. .. .. .,. 1:10.197 P551353?» H?» E * Cfiriatnnlmr. 11.1}. {H}. at Em-an Fair. 1. wan-Sewn: withawfxie pncfiwmfimmflnmdmkaand santhuflast ‘Wu1w£&hir.s {net Dfilsanslti ran: 1.‘! In Dana 7 fif 3 What constitutes a settlement Qommentagy —-Section 2 go m m e n ta ry .... __—:l/ii:/.Ls_2 Section 1 of the Settled Land Act 1925 PART I GENERAL PRELIMINARY PROVISIONS Settlements and Settled Land 1. —— (1) Any deed, will, agreement for a settlement or other agreement, Act of Parliament, or other instrument, or any number of instruments, whether made or passed before or after, or partly before and partly after, the commencement of this Act, under or by virtue of which instrument or instruments any land, after the commencement of this Act, stands for the time being -- (i) limited in trust for any persons by way of succession; or (ii) limited in trust for any person in possession -- (a) for an entailed interest whether or not capable of being barred or defeated;) (b) for an estate in fee simple or for a term of years absolute subject to an executory limitation, gift, or disposition over on failure of his issue or in any other event; (c) for a base or determinable fee [(other than a fee which is a fee simple absolute by virtue of section 7 of the Law of Property Act 1925)] or any corresponding interest in leasehold land; (cl) being an infant, for an estate in fee simple or for a terms of years absolute; or (iii) limited in trust for any person for an estate in fee simple or for a term of years absolute contingently on the happening of any event; or (iv) [Repealed] (v) charged, whether voluntarily or in consideration of marriage or by way of family arrangement, and whether immediately or after an interval, with the payment of any rentcharge for the life of any person, or any less period, or any capital, annual, or periodical sums for the portions, advancement, maintenance, or otherwise for the benefit of any persons, with or without any term of years for securing or raising the same; creates of is for the purposes of this Act a settlement and is in this Act referred to as a settlement, or as the settlement, as the case requires; Provided that, where land is the subject of a compound settlement, references in this Act to the settlement shall be construed as meaning such compound settlement, unless the context otherwise requires. (2) Where an infant is beneficially entitled to land for an estate in fee simple or for a term of years absolute and by reason of an intestacy or otherwise there is no instrument under which the interest of the infant arises or is acquired, a settlement shall be deemed to have been made by the intestate, or by the person whose interest the infant has acquired. (3) An infant shall be deemed to be entitled in possession notwithstanding any subsisting right of dower (not assigned by metes and bounds) affecting the land, and such a right of dower shall be deemed to be an interest comprised in the subject of the settlement and coming to the dowress uner or by virtue of the settlement. Where the dower has been assigned by metes and bounds, the letters of administration of probate granted in respect of the estate of the husband of the dowress shall be deemed a settlement made by the husband. (4) An estate or interest not disposed of by a settlement and remaining in or reverting to the settlor, or any person deriving title under him, is for the purposes of this Act an estate or interest comprised in the subject of the settlement and coming to the settler or such person fif’-fit? Site search Discussion Want to talk law? Try my discussion board Glossary Confused by legal jargon? Look it up! IT law More hassle for web pubiishers — l\/lore... can you buy nobility’? - More... Contract law terms - what a mess - lViore.., Legal system - Common sense and the Eaw:- the C1 crash helmet saga V The problem with precedent - More... Home ©1994-2003 Kevin Boone Section index K~Zone home Kevin's English law glossary: Settled Last m°d‘“ed= Dec 03 Land Act settlement Under the Settled Land Act (1925) (SLA), any attempt to create successive interests in land resulted in the creation of a settlement trust governed by the provisions of that Act. An SLA settlement also resulted by operation of law when property was conveyed to an infant. This remained the case until TOLATA came into force in 1997, although existing 1925—sty|e settlements continue to be governed by the 1925 rules. The prototypical SLA settlement was created by the execution of two documents: a vesting deed, that conveyed the title to the land to the tenant for iife, and a trust instrument that defined the operation of the trust and the powers of the trustees. The tenant for life usually occupied the land and held the legal title on behalf of the anticipated successors. This arrangement represents a rather unusual trust — the legal title is not held by the trustees, but by a person who is, in effect, one of the beneficiaries. Of course, there is nothing to stop the trustees and beneficiaries of a trust being the same people: almost all domestic property that is jointly owned will declare the owners to hold on trust for each other. What is odd about the SLA settlement is that there are ‘trustees of the settlement’ who have the fiduciary obligations of trustees, but in general do not hold the legal title. This arrangement makes sense when you consider that most settlements would be created by Will: for example: ‘ ‘My house in East Dogpatch I leave to my wife for life, then to our children absolutely". The tenant for life - the wife in this case — acquires legal title by inheritance; no vesting deed would be necessary in this case. In addition, identifying the life tenant as the legal owner makes it easier for the estate to be sold, if necessary. A prospective purchaser can negotiate freely with the life tenant, who generally happens to be in occupation. In an SLA settlement, the tenant for life has wide powers. These powers include a power to sell the land, and to grant leases (with certain limitations). These powers are not unlimited, however, and some management decisions could not be made by the tenant for life except with the agreement of the trustees. In addition, the tenant for life can not accept the purchase money of a sale. For overreaching to apply, the money must be paid to the trustees of the settlement, despite the fact that they hold no interest in the property. The trustees excercise general supervisory duties over the trust, and these will be important if the life tenant abuses his powers. Although the life tenant is not a trustee, he or she is obliged to deal with the land in such a way as to protect the interests of all the beneficiaries. The SLA settlement is a complicated legal device, and expensive to administer. For example, the settlement does not automatically come to an end even when the last person with an interest comes into possession. It requires the execution of a deed by the trustees to free the new owner from the trust. Moreover, whenever a tenant for life died, the legal title would not pass automatically to the next person entitled, but required further deeds. It was therefore unfortunate that an SLA settlement was deemed to be created in many circumstances where a trust was declared over land, against the intentions of the settler and the interests of the beneficiaries, and could even be created accidentally. As a result, there arose the equitable device of the ‘trust for sate’, a piece of sleight-of-hand which avoided the SLA. TOLATA abolishes both trusts for sale and SLA settlements, and replaces them with one unified trust of iand. rinses imlentsts tzsrsisén under or by virtue of the settlement. (5) Where -- (a) a settlement creates an entailed interest which is incapable of being barred or defeated, or a base or determinable fee, whether or not the reversion or right of reverter is in the Crown, or any corresponding interest in leasehold land; or (b) the subject of a settlement is an entailed interest, or a base or determinable fee, whether or not the reversion or right of reverter is in the Crown, or any corresponding interest in leasehold land; the reversion or right of reverter upon the cesser of the interest so created or settled shall be deemed to be an interest comprised in the subject of the settlement, and limited by the settlement. (6) Subsections (4) and (5) do not bind the Crown. (7) This section does not apply to land held upon trust for sale. Table of Contents rticle 145 The Times, Thursday, Mar 11, 1926; pg. 17; Issue 44217; col B BIECKIIIGHAM 3?.ALAf.1.Ej, 19. "\7ica~Adm$ra1 Eir Liimfil Haas . §Comp- trdller and Treasurer tea the mag sf Wales} aufi Sir Lima! Eiarlo (1-;‘a1-mananti tn His Ma§e3tsy’s Gfica tiii Works anti Pubiia Building) had the hormur at being me-.eived by The ti-his marning. ST. JA3.E$'S PALAGE; masses: 1!}. The Prime of Wakes. atiaendad by Lieutenant W. D.. 0. present-at: the of the Ixxstitutxan of Givi1Eaaginears..3?hiehw?a.sheid atthe Efifitsituaion. Great — * _:.n: Tim King will leave Vietoria at 19.40 I marning far Chatham, where he wil! visit the heaxlqnarters oi ‘the Cary: of Rays]. Engineers. . His .Bfiaje’sty return - in 'BuI:k;ingha,m Palgce in timaitarnocm. Th Marque.ss~:niii Marchism m in resicienee at 391,. ‘ _ _ they will remain until that heganning of May. 1 The Dnwager Marghian 2 ieft Loud-o.n. on Tuesday far " Fie1d~Maz-shal Earl Haig left Iaanflun hast: -evening far Scotland. Ctmwral the Bar} of C‘?§mvaan and the ffmxntess of ffavazi have mtumwd ten 22, Great £;'umbe_:-land-pfam from I21vernass- shire. _ The Earl and Cuuntass {.3-E Ellesmere will 11-aid xx 1-eceeption far Canfiersratiave pears and members of Parliament at Bridge- . water House, St. James’:s_, on Friday, June 25, to meet the Prime Miinistér’. Among meant. a.:rri.va§s't at the: First fwenue Hem}, Have, ‘am the Earl of fimeaater and Lord and Lady Saviie. Lord Queenboreugh ‘has retumad in 39, Be':keiev—saunw.=. frnm Am:-suing. Pace 2 OT 5 Page 2 of 3 Article 146 BI.§€3l£Ii*I€3IEIAM PALACE, APRKL 6. Gamers} Sir Gland Jaeab had the honour at being received. by The King this mam» ing, upun re1inquis11ing his appaintment i as kneral flffieer Gammanding-ix:-Chief, . Narthern Cfommand, I:1d§s.,_ and upan his appuimmtent $3 Military Secretary, India fifflce. » 1 1 Their Majesties, sttan.ded by the Lady Efiiizabeth I-Ieakéth-Pfichard swzi Maggy? . Reginald Seytnmzr, visited the Rays} Botanic, Gtardana, Kew, this afberneom ; The Prinnaamgi {Vismunttem Lam miles) and the Visaaunt Lasseelles dined with The King and Queen this evening. Tha Duka anti Duahesa of Ywk arriveii afi 17. Bru1:«on~s1:1~‘aat yestarday .&£tez' hhair visit, tn tsha East! and Cauntess vi Sm,-a.£h« é mum at SE. Pa:a¥.’5, 'W5'1iiarahury. _ ‘ The Italian Amiaamdar anfl the B¢.Iarchesa- deflfiv Tn:-ratta mmrnad ta London yersterday after spending aha 1s*a-awanfi with Mrs. Arthur James 31:» Cuban H333, Rugby. - V The: Archmahap sf C‘a.titm-bury is 733 ‘g i,x:m:1a;r, L Q Susan Dmehess uf Saixmrset, who has 3 z=;z»e-nt; Easter with the Earl anfi {}ou’:1te:5—;=:» g :1? Mrrhzrry at (399931 W4::<>d Gate, retzzrnrzrl. ; j.'i*a-$1(."l“d£l3? tn 35, i.§wsvex:o1'~sq1Iare. 1 ‘Wm Afgimn }%i=ini;ster will hanlii st. :$‘{‘€~‘{};}§»i{JH. 3%; the Legamiozz an Friday. §A;:.z-11 16, 92:. the a:::eaesi.mx nf the; §u11r1ivez*3ary of ma Indapentkaneo of 5’ .:.%;fgha¢nia$«an. ' fir. Anm11i—-3 Bayesdfluerra, C‘ha2*gé ’aI'Afia;i:*es of I61 :5‘-aivadnr, who has been E iii with influenza, has new racevewd. and lvrifi rmstaztze his dmzies ta-dean Mme. filieyesfluerrs also remverad {rem ; iI1£iuen:w» ; Ai'bert;i‘:a Mamellioness oi Blazidiard szviii iretum tu I08, Park-atreah an t§a.:£;ur1ia.y- 2 : iron: Buwuod. wham she; has Iwmn annnri- i I Q - ' ' /Qt“;/7QQ/'-?4QF§'§'2RA\AI7/nu|r|— 7'7/n7 n httDI//|nfOtl’aC.|OndOn.C1a|eClrouD.Com/Ifw/mfnmark Article 19 Page 1 Of 1 ' The Times, Jun 17, 1926; pg. 19; Issue 44300; col B Sir Francis Lambart Category: Obituaries Full Text: Copyright 1926, The Times 3 » "0" ~ SEE 33:6 * .35: mantis Lambart. wha am been ts: gha (wag :32 31:. yamek mm mm hmring _fi11WEf9;fl=Et§ gather in afima ‘yesiim £3? 4% Elm -Cif ‘W. « ~»- Wilfiam hart: was mm mm at. Mr. Heath. 3 32%; 5;? 0 E13’ 1!“! E W flat. . ,, A f 1- 1:. .2 —4:»a:zg~*!r sun. "3.§gtka~ of §Iavnn,. the tam. Eilfmeif and .a;£~g;ma,§«gmndsm were mm:-— %§W1‘:+*‘:mambe;x~s £92: lfilfmggan hetwaan £123 .1 ‘mar 1§fi1.gs1udflt£:-e‘.a,et at vzrm-m. «€32 Ema; 1W$j~.ia::.§a:e.;:1y majbr- may iaunm wgsggxag, firth. Eatmlian, flw Iatimair‘ wa§ Etsxte’ is) met Lieatmaxant, um} e¢_:amxe:::i|;m'1- with-thav Viww 1‘e£e§ti_$nurI:.~ wth his nppaizziameut ms Ea ‘ -u£“_Ea“1in£aan4. who; was Vimrny 11:; I353» »Hga»,waa.Ghamb_e:r£z:in it; fign fink; at Haslbmfingls, Viagra? mm law it: ,1 man; ‘{§anfl&mamiu~Wai£;t:g tn Em at - W343» Viugeygsgg in I~§£=§r~i¥ ; "and Gum ' ;fiiaamhzr.Iun:.w fi;xe,E;z.;r1 as an egg, xiiaamy fmtn 13% in 390:3. Ra yams .. .7, 3:] Simrifi’ at W. fiimix ‘in “iw-Irwns ’m_ada_:‘{3.‘ .-1:3,. ‘B: 29453. W -amfi» was czmtaaci :1 has;-¢;z,::2;e_t,_.1n. 1911;. *B§r1F?mnaE:a* .mm'::ie&" in 19-11, Ba‘:-ham Ea§u3aia,' " uiaughta} cf «Mane; imam Moan-« 33»m3mm;+1‘1. €912‘ Itlali‘, Mania, and azfgater 51; 18315238‘? Iifiiflifi-Bmhasm1x,' fims mxvivea him witiz am awn, Qliver barn in 1.3131 what .s:1«me«ék tn $ha.bam11atn3i.. ‘xwa ax. 3iia§é“s?sfé1‘§‘£i‘i”‘f§§ ”§§a”%:§§?id” ?§ fiimmm $ hm" wage nmmés at mm? A ” " http://80-web7.infotrac.ga|egroup.com.chain.kent.ac.uk/itw/infomark/538/364/... 20/12/03 .rtic|e 28 A , V ‘H I’) Pageémj (nww/9 fig L157 (?‘iL:’AT% _. V». “ rum Estate Mm}. LORI) QARRINQTONS COMING SALES.- A. ABBEY. Lani -{Ea A;. H ‘is“a;};;aut‘ta safi E11,, a. statesly seat at. Wye _ with mre1~_209, -sates. yaneliing and éemratéans by then fiafiam bmthm adorn meagbianéreums. From ‘the hause, 566 feet aigbviei saw. 1.ava1,. there are viawa af W‘1§1&scv2: .ju:. 5+ is, Hsyghenclem and Aware. fiantatiuns on tha estate, ~anic1 ths rsusa stands in garaiens nam- worthy fer mass, harbaaeaus box.-daam, ma “‘ jinrmai *’ emzlasures. Tha ‘?‘3l'3;g=% and aufibuiiding stami in H. 2 ' and them am aleetagie iight, azsantral ing, 8£1'}.d,V“ main ’.” sewfiaas. bard 13395- r'mgto:1.‘s fieeisian ta (E39059 93:2 1'.'$To.k 53, ?rint:e’$~gate/W33-‘mmnunead a. few days ago. Messrs. J. Carter Junas and Sons tfiufiulhz-street, Mafi} am his I They hava also far sale Binfield Ewse i and 34 near Amofi, and am to ’s’ 1315 Chm-Iyhinton Rafi, two miies fmm Qamhrldga, ear ta: put forward 933. 12$ p (h = . This isa. madam hfluse in 4:0 wanes lafibe Lard have far saie an aka :3 . _ s at praperby, they af which be israeedj fmm the 6’ 1th It i=3 .Ah¥he' ‘, 2. frelgtald cf 12 acres, mar and zwamer Eegweli Basy; 'I‘ha hmzsa uceupiaas tbs sites of the» monasbe . of Ecijaurga. am1—fl1e manor was held 5? a chxeftain, Egbert, in the year 670; Lika Mather’ K311’;-is'h residmee, Saitwmszi Caiéfile, name Eartha, Mixmter Abbeay mmrds are closely haunt! up with the; story of a. murder, for the Abbey intcs being as an ant» uf enpiatiun for t,he'a1a,ying (if twa V wibie rivais i'<.>:.- tiza “ tizumie ” at Kent. ‘he: story is set mat with plenty of imagnative datwml in,H£wted’s uld. “ Hi;-s- fiery of Kent." It is interesting to quute £1? sggiowing nemaric fmm the 1mz.~t;i{:u1ars 0-‘. . :-~—- After 3. 1:51:53 cri some twelve hgnflmfl. yam wan. -2:-‘inn-, 1:3-aim :_~m~.+ qmzu. :,..a:....m. .. taxman-trans.-zu‘an-. I.:.:.... ll:...£-.l-..—\.. I.-...-.AAn 11-\lr\IIIIal\IIIfl\ nnnn /H-nu/in'Fnr\-var-|//QC):/757E/'2':1 ’)n.):Q\AlA/hlIP|— ArticIer36 Page 1 of 3 The Times, Aug 04, 1928; pg. 20; Issue 44963; col G The Estate Market. Lord Carringtori's Coming Sales.,AA Thanet Abbey. T Category: Property Full Text: Copyright 1928, The Times T ‘I r r L H “ F%g*%‘* Be?’ 3 man manm *G’}.‘ON"‘S egg’; “E W ma: : S r H mia H‘ % 3:3 _ ? ' V‘ Kamiah meifiamgghgaflmmrag . ' ' x H :€3a;§t:1a,nearE§zthsa,'3z§ms§ar:‘.=’ iraamfl. A. .- Awfi QM‘? ‘FF ’“’“‘~3*’* “f 3' 1 LQ¥fi&c- is,a,mu_§m mg . V mm*dez°.,£ar12¥;e§§ghBey:utp r r v ' 5‘ ‘i”gW._.“_ " . aumbaf ax;::ahan$§;ar‘t;zhe aiagungfaé a ’ an‘ V > % fimi is fiztgts *G%;;1?‘£.5 fsf . frmfigfafiér. ‘ . J.F_.» T. fig «$3159.?-fiaiigiégim qafizs-gm % iavai,bh ~ 1 ' K.--‘E . f \ _ Qf.Wmam£ & 1&3 mmmfk item: him partxnnims gm‘ A sqma_i:we!=ms A wfar we fisit epat feafingg uf esigfingizr mi H Hes. ‘Em’ gm mg emraegasbircmfflam :1: Wfrbufitimgs‘ * mm in anwsiiw a'm§§iad«a§ 3* *mm‘h§ “ma azzé them e1aca.»m.ii§at, central 5-mu Y “W 3§"‘”§’. ."é"“§‘13§3eg’ ff. ‘_°_‘ "7? V 7. iigigx .. am ‘sea-vxem. Ear»- gm gig fififia .3 ifmg 3‘ - H.’ I my hswasm was Binfiaidi gm : “W 31 :g1’;a:”m°” AL‘ % ~ mm n:aa.rA:s¢G*b, an-3 {gr}. » -$.55 lat G.” a A an a-:::':e.;‘.eM¢yut£ogwe V’ : ‘m $£¥enT-gs? m:%79 éf flgémav whjsigamfifiam A V mm Lorri ¢39,13,,1@3_mrTes3 .m:,mEaE.% . SW» W wt. -‘em § _ T y _ ‘r of T fitizhey was made k ea hgg 1* ’‘“‘Mm3*?fi?~_5'~§b¢Y, Wham mega Eistary of 'rms 3 " nflrgvfl‘ egg the a£ rehsarvatiarns in a. ‘ ’ ‘W ‘ ‘“ "“"’”"‘“ (iE‘§+‘” mama in trace: 13:23 the euaiimefi thamaneatiezjr ‘. 1 wmffk he sees; in ma j a mi 8%.. " bimng’ "the" “* Azxgiesffi‘ The ' an an _3’.«:s-eghaym yianr, is a. wait ~ 1}mi0r£i0ne&'htfiIéing {mi ‘33; ‘with _ war.-ad stung and : wixztinws, figs dfibflmy is in wit»}1‘wk1a*t: was eeiémfiy 3,1: am asiminisfimfiva centre af The :1 mania: ulna 3GEORG N S . E fl<_':ili_}a_n«d7' Pm1§.¢1 spa,e¢;fhdhn°aB1: :_‘:éntit;:§tfl;ifih=‘ of 1Ba§s:WI;etmt+méd~ (haw. fis’:fi91§wfl Park»g?2nue)- "#316 « §$.£i!§m'i1¥.gt6ném&¢1;} 1 15119 :Eigh~:treei;.* fifilith vi Ho11z%tx§1:1?sark.A&~mrh of hielfiuw”-road; “that abagia af iwsag gang 9? ‘reddeziees at A in aishjdr ways as t=a~S! have; su1i,igaeb‘o£ 3. 1:116 Piajs,izra§P9,ge.3o;’£ The" 9."z’;t'neéx ‘ C The histaxic. pi “the spot ‘- 'and its qgxiatudahkjnnve 9. 'a:.m'gi:1t t;part~a ‘qlé KensitIgt6£:n— of hwses, 36* 81£md7?3’* % - M81¢iHsF~E-1~B~&«s the work (lane byxthe 33$ j €011-i. stguméan ami Kmg a:¢'e‘j1:eha.agentsy,. ct they afiea In ‘this satuenmgnta, nvfinch is namod I1eheE'£eI'-plaaa. Plans. gmctuzéea,-.arid'a il53.'1113:§.e des::z*ipt-km; free ifmm have: been grepwhd. , ‘ In addition tea the usual a1_;tien~ to (“aha $9 pron!‘ -party--, is :11 hnefl with 3 substww which. “ has baa-n ‘iargely usati to munupwoof the‘ walls uf - fismilnr b:1i1dings..” The of £3 mzident, and the famsura will be vanvmd b. many residents in the Grammy type of tacked ¢,>r’te1'r£m43 Inzatweg Wham ‘ 11131530,” cf dnabtfui q ua1it.y- and ia- vasgxably distxxrbang, and game wands whzah are mt at all malodicms, are apt. to pgnetrate house to As the desarigiti-ea pamphivats may be had; an app1ica.t.iun'to Mam-3. King and there is no need to get into and ii: ’ 4 is enaugh tn say that for suoh 'prt:rm't»im the terms are moderate 1523 of Thanat: free’ » Id, pmpe1't§r_ fur sale at next: Saturday by Ebrieams. Geozrge ‘Wehb. and Co. {Sitvtri!lg- ’ > “ '. ’ at th31at;e'Marques:é 1.3m-sstaes. is the aneientz 7flhn.;-séa-a Evil’; 19 aanmmn nan‘- ._.._ I /:_c.;....... :.......I....,. .....n.......-. .... ..-..... /:4-.../:..4:n.-.-...I,/-.>nI: /-1'):/’2::1 ')n')I:Q.../I /mu-I._ ’)’2Ifl’2/H? Article 31 http://infotrac.london.qaIec|rouo.com/itw/infomark/395/7?5/3517n7I:Rw4/nnrI= f.FE:e Tam (AA,.W ( /537*”) T The Estate ~Market. Aievel, in the cantxa csf the: Qunrn, and ' Spri.-nfield, 35 acrm, at Oakharn, another ' hnuse and neafly three szzrrounded HUNTING BOXES. A-“*I'-'----~u+eauuu-in THE KENT COAST... 0019113! A. M. B. Gaga would probably can.m'cim* sq-ufiar of abaut. £12,600 for kmntin -box, Sludge Hall, Meitan ‘Mowbra , 126 acres. Viaws of Chanxwocad arm 11233,: had from the lxousm which stands abave sea handy far meats of the Cottmczre and F‘arme?’s. A large was recently spent; in impmving the hzmaa. The agiants are: Messrs. John _D. Wood, and (Mm1nt.- .; street}. Stablmg for more 2Q horses, 1 fgr aara, and quarters far the Staff, just beyond the Tbeatltifnl Ma nor, £60 am-es, near Famham; and mgfing WW g rm} "cc " tn .81’ 4 14:2 antes, our. from Zflorkin , is ofiamd by Mwsrs. Iaefts and Warner Mounfwstraet]. The is near the golf mums at Betachworth. % An “ upset ” price: of £3,500 is for Nashleigh House, Chesham. to he ofiered Tb’ Mama. Knights, anti Rutley, at. .r1ovar«squara on Saptember 20. The 3!. hmfe ‘ lfang road frantages. Ruberslaxv, Vxrgmia Water, a. medesm by‘ the Wentwcrth golf ceiarse, is far 33.36 by 11 , Frank: and Rufilay. Partmulars of fie Prior , a heuse and; 34 acres at Bo€f1:ni.n, are ready. The atictxnn W111 be held lacally 0:: Se: tambe: 8- far executars. . Hausa, Elytha, a. rm» denmfin an‘ ‘of gasdsan. win he sold locally on August 24 hi Mr. Akfred J. Burrows (liiessrs. Knig is, Frank and Eatley}. It is a large house, high on the- h1}i behind the bmwary and past 695%, math appreaches fmrn Maitxheuae-hill and Hlllsida-atmet. Altheugh the illustrated pqrticzfiars do -not my 30, Hill Hausa V might be suecessfuliy aciapted to the E cf sozne cuuperativs hali-day organization. 3 ‘Shara is ampie imam. an the gmund ‘now mummy L as a. I'.:1. ... 5... ........_ Page 2 of 3 7'2/n’2/nu xrticle 35 LL.-. II:.-L'-:..__- I-...J.... ......l............. ..A.-.IN-...I:.-pf-‘rs.-v\—\»-I//')f'\|I/_I’7C/3E1')f'\’)|:Qu1/I/r\|Ir|— pjo _;«:ov.:.';.~«N, ' TR? ,9 ‘95§..L7’§ , .' “:5 . Vi Liz. V. NEUMANNS _DIARIES. s<3c1E'1“.2'“A OENTURY‘ AGO. as WK ‘ ;E,d.it;«ad E2 GHA1~wm:.en.; Twu via (Phiiip Allan, 4%. net.) . mziiipp W311 Netmann, a:zatr*ia;n» fiipk» mafibisb-, sq-‘aim of dams and in&efa.figah£e fiiner-anti, kept 9. _dim;’y, extraatfi fram. jwhieh ham: 'a1rmd.y appaaa;-ecl in The: Times, for agpariod which just» camera the tmnsitinn fwm tha Napaiennia to the Victorian azga. Hekept it becausa he was he met, genamlly as dinner, a.rzditsesditiz1g - _ _ resanted a prob1e:m.v”svI.‘zic;h. Ohanaeilur as solved taestftxl. efieiam: n The axtzractss which he has transiatefi ram the vboge1:her- by sumtenaries, prmnt; 3, definite ' piemre of the small but world. V an which the writaar thoraughly at hfimfi He was ervidenfily ag ”a1eve;c- mm ; amci iahcxmu. : y“ efimpetenia at his ‘mark. 39 carrieé. 1'; rough some daiiaata tia- Were I neat propveriy» ap reciatad. It i$ certainly stranga that giewaminh, who: kfgew him. well and enjnyezi society, 61d ant make: a better far and was over 65 when he settaied éawn with the daughter of an Ex: fish duke far wife. Judging from the tisary, haw» erver, ‘fieunmnn kept: f his aetivzties in watertight campaaztments, anal though he: regnlgriy news the events uf day, eshcmmg ability in truth’ from tumour, he naver bemrays a. canfidenca. * The graaizar part of his sex-vice Wfifi Pemed. i:1,En.g1a,n.d. He came 12:: Landau .&f$ar tha likpoleonie wars, and his poaiticm in English saciety was ailmaciy assured when the aim-ies open in 1319. His lung pe:rif service in Landau, intewru ted anly 39;; visits in the Cantinerlt anti y a. gnimion to Brazilm-ha erassed the wean 1:; a. British warship’ anti seven of the eraw died an the vaysga-——ca;ma to an and tififi ‘Fifi-'4fl'!:1"1‘Ifl 7R?“ T.n"F,nn ‘hrs 1vnir.n1wnmr3l v a. mathediisali man when fdund life gtmd and % to renal! its savafir from day to day. It is a. racord of tha persans }S'1-eneh oxiginal and has neatly : ti.ons,_ commercial and gaiiii. , _, and % was inclined to think that his aawiaas » l’oasib}y his fiiscretion was datlbtefi, for ‘ Neumamx had is Ilfghiy susceptible heart - Page 4 U1 3 ’7’2/(Y2/{Y2 Vs The Times, Tuesday, Oct 22, 1929; pg. 18; Issue Mark 45340; col C Lady Treowen Category: Obituaries LADY ‘TREQWEN ,1fl_<3¥' Trfiflweiawife of Loré Trwwen. 101% Iaeutenant aai Mamnonthslfire. fiieé in London on Sunriay. She was éfiibsrfina. Agnes Mary. ‘ifiufltter {bf {ha first »-..-= on ‘v . - fiiéfie of Hm second Eziarq ' é was married ta Lard. Trwweu‘ ienant. IV“? Hfifbert-3 in 1873. ‘Ifieir cmly’ nan. Maior film I{«:{naumbIe'E1i&yr Herbert. was kiflefl in 3§‘i"1°*:1£gEié%&hF;l§ in Nfivemhéé; 1913.5 Thai: fr. -orensMary_raula,' smar- Iflg in Waiter Reich. format}? Liberal member far I’emhmkesh2m. Article 50 s, Friday, Oct 25, 1929; pg. 17; Issue 45343; *2 of 3 REQUIEM mass Lam: Tnmww A requimn far Lady Treuwau W83 heir}. ,- at the Ghurohof the m Gancaptiun. ‘Fm-m-atreet. ‘yesterday marning. Father Woodlack. Faiths: Iharvna. am! Fafihlar Gal-= cheater amciatmi-,, 3216 among them garment. W+E®$I"“" . A ‘ . v the m°"“’ fig 3°“. ¢Iifln’thrfl§;r&1§fiu§a or gram." 3!! i1mfifimai1aVau¥mu.'mt:J§E°§: i’ nu-ma.‘ am‘ l‘\?io13I3ut:¢hs«h 'm of Hon. ; ; Pennant. and fi*':*‘;$%=mm*m- ' ‘a. . - firs - i. V .' m ' ‘ . .3x!:s.GW was .41. Wailaslmrfln. .331‘. Aimnms 3*. Hr. 9-11tI}ln.3a:nh6Iz.)[fs.;.3ZI:ilefitlIl.I£iaa::!uLaC!Iera. U:mmn.1B:mI.. Kristal!‘-&IamI?E1E&Drnmmand.3fln .Ind.Misa . £1‘ E“; fimfiwmmmm 3'3; Article 4 Page 1 of 2 The Times, Jan 29, 1931; pg. 4; Issue 45733; coi B High Court Of Justice Chancery Division, Repairs And Maintenance Of Slane Castle: Income—Tax, Re Conyngham: Conyngham v. Cameron Category: Law Full Text: Copyright 1931, The Times CEGLTRT 0}? cmmmay fi3i1?‘3.‘S;iI{}35i_ _1m;=A::R$ AND MMNTENANQE OF , §_ £i'::r2.v.=te,>i'::=i tzutefii £i£211izF:1:~ iuwtnwtaa {ram fits § .§ $3.503 nu ma gfifitziid that its was snail: an; 3 i*"'“!.L‘i*»5 ‘£8£|:"!.i"T"-313%!‘-¥.5r as xvruzi referrer! to in ‘Ruins 39 i ; at um 11}: Seimtinie Ituieai to the Irmome Tux : m._,_.a.v_..a..-....u-mm. ,4. $LmE €‘&£TI”£‘ ‘ mimmfiflfix ;:h_:'::}§:f;:ar} 29 3 the Al yeai £2 at. t 13:: ‘r -... . ? .; .“"~_"'n.,3-““9." . ii-fl35.'£.3-:32? I am €02:-*¥2=~GrI.aai;.; w§»‘?fl~£%*swr vi » 12% i"£‘I£e am zciemided eaafimimi i 535355393‘ i not imissg fr}: Itimseiiit. of Iazséy 3 {Ei2§aa~::.33n.. Dmvsax} ;§:‘,‘f‘ fig: WW he 11:22:? 420; . - am an aippfiie.-,-‘ET 3.9» ‘ Page 2 of 3 umnim. Mr, Paul mmmt. Mr. mm! M Ronersm, him. T. I fleas. hit. and Mrs. 3 ._ ' T and lady Grccn‘ Sgt Wgmrr Gr:a;w:a$.1_-9 32:’ Mnlm ivriattinsusn. Waodufitntqn, Lad? glgd Euwcn, M rat. .:b¢r::@ . flu: He: 3. E. Dummmt, Hr. .Ja7me:s whiaamaa. as Hiram L. Mtxtph. y. 3 Mr. and Mrs. Afthw: 1 M1‘. Wt! Mrs. Macnski Tom Cullen, Mg; R and Kim. £33.. H. is fitaan. and him? 3131:. The hnmzymoon utland. MR. Jame BE! '£“iw marriage 1. ¥*et£r's, Eaten Squ B23303, £3313’ sum‘ Cilfiffiwagd, of 16 House, Lzchfieifi, 1 ; cidest daughzer cat’ at‘ 3}), Eaten 3:31;; ufimazecl, assisted '1 “e bride, what 1 way: a. own aft .1 train of the be-uquut at icmgifix John Taxman: am green velvet lmic organza, warn the aticradsegi by two ii: am_d Mass Jean 1.: brsdesmaidswthc 3 1-iqxi. Nam: Pears Muss gnu uilmr, Vmtana Fu fer. ‘I swan organza with aged fiffiflfi ahtm. tinted $1353 icaves vbeuquczzs at mix: hfiryi bmcmixcs, the Roger Norgh was Mrs. Qmitcr afi 1§ri<3u'a£S_t‘r¢et,_1 left: later far their span: travelling ab .3 dress of gram sf] 3. great: hat. A: church were :--— Lmra ma Lady Cu 3 and the I-Ken. M13. . Raymand Qui1tc1 Vivian. M33, Sagthcrla Enstac: Fm: Miiicz, : Qumran. tit: Misscs t Mrs. Rex fistrason, €34: ‘ A. C. H, .D1~umznc4«m1 and Mrs. Fr-zfizrick 1 Cuunlcsa 9;‘ Harris Mgrchiieaess Townsm Emabcah Tcwzzshmd. Lad‘ Sinciair. Lady‘ I n:I"¢’ls7'N>5i ‘.‘s'ns- I ud. she; gjayefi an ‘.impon‘a1:xt part in the sumess thatswas ta be his._ As t§1e wife of the iiowmar and Commzlndizr-m-Chlef or‘; Victoria: fwm 18,89 10 189;, and frat“ 11: W02 of the firs: {iuver::o:c~(iencra£ and Cfirru::ander~§n-{Chief Gf ' the‘ 98W}? ffifmfid Commonwealth of Austraiin, shefpmvedfier» seii to be possessed of tlntdignxty, tact, and charm of persattality which made Vhex: isiealiy _fitte_d_ to make hex‘ piazza by her husbandkside In i:_1fss great. amass.’ ln. remgnitiun at“ his . semges Lard {iape-mun was created Marqugss of !,.m!i£hgow1n Octtaber, 1902. " - A ~ ' ‘jibe late. duwager Mm-chinness ‘had four _::Inidrcn, gwo sung and mo daug=h1e3rs, Her _ elder son 15 the presem: Vieem-y of Imiia ;- the }'0I1fl‘ger's_on., Captain !..ord Charles “Hope, 2 Afannerriy m The Life Guards, is thc_w¢l1- . known law‘! Waszis player and golfer ; the cider : daugluer died." in infancy; and the younger ; giaughger, now Lady Mary Herbfirt, a Lad)» -, afivwgxting to the ‘Duchess af .Kent, was ; mafned last. July to Lord i:Ierber§,_‘eladest son _ sf {he Earl cf ‘Pgmiziroke ‘.-Nluntgbhibry, and _ an gquerry ta the Duke of Kent. The Duke ' of Kent’ was best. man- Thc cer:mgny_tnok ? . piace in \7‘é’es_.tn'1i:1g;ter Abbey, 3116 .Qi3~‘:Efn Mag 1 525:’: a wedémg g1ft *‘ to dmt'Mam i gsfth best _w1's'_hes__§‘1-gig: Mary 3,.” Th; jatg;-. tide 114 The Times, Monday, Apr 19, 1937; pg. 16; Issue - 47662; col C LORD LONDESBORGUGH 1 SOLDIER AND SPORTSMAN The Earl of Lend-esbomugh, W116 11321 been lying ill with pneumonia in :1 Lfm.-' _ den nursing home, dig-ti on Satfurctay -murning at the -age of 412. His death -unexpected as there had been reassuring reperts of his canditian. ‘ The Right I-ion. Hugo: Wiliiam Cecil, fmgrih . ‘ Bari of Londesboraugiaa, Viscount Raimalafitg at Raincliife, in the Nam; fiiding emmty of York, and Bamn '.1.undesboréu§1, of Landfi- ‘fiamugia, was born {in Navcmber 13, I394. The fantily nistained the sumame of Destis-on from the first gear, Lord A} secuad son of the first Martin mm nhanget! his name in: .. Deniscm on succeeding so the great property of his uncle, Mr. Joseph Deniscm, (sf Denbies, Surrey. Lora! Albert Dr.-nisnn was raised to the peerage. Ezmzm Lavndesbcerough in 135%. His son, the secqnri peer, obtained the eat-E» ‘dam, and me’ vxscaunty in 188?. 01: {he dcatlz of the f::surti1' earl, the ‘¢af%d4:m1 and viscollnty“ =~b«r.sc:.Ine extinct-,6 as since £926, what} the late peer succeeded his bruther, a cousin, Captain ‘Ernest Wiiiiam Denisxgn, F-*N.. bum in iS‘?6, has been heir presumptive to the bamny xmiy, his ' father having been Rear-;AdmiraI’:hc Han. Albert Denisan, sccrgmi 51321: of the firs: ¥aat'l‘n, and skier their _marriage 1ltey__cantinued as \rtiCIe 1 13 The Times, Wednesday, Apr 14, 1937; pg. 4; Issue 47658; col A 2 of 3 Law Notices, April 14 . LAW NOTICES, Arm, 1 Cnurt turf Apyeal CGURT I ‘{3I..ESSE§t and RGMER. E...&3.... and LU);- M£)flRE. 1.}.--«Ax z£i.3€¥:—~.~\::1>s:a§.—-‘ll: the Wurignmg: s Comnnpsntiau Acxs.——«W‘ilIia:us v. Oalaiaic Nasrumuan Lxfl. fliadtsatl (141: Riymifi V. Eudlflg (W!-‘Sh minmr} £15}: flnxwmi v. 0. 13. i£t31n1:cs_and Ltd. {fitui} £17}: fliscxmau an Cmantsmnnfl-imdstonci £13}. YCGURT II ESCQTE”. .¥.J., SWIFT and ._FJ;1\I"!..x'i.‘£'. 11.}-.~—_-—.At ;i¥.3i::e-AnneaE.«~Frem _Cnm1t3- _ Comm.- Cums st, Bums»: Qwiljesdtril (at. _11d._} (13%: Aircraft Pta- uuczs. Ltd. in Ham: £.Ma§'ur's and any of [man Court: (14); S}; _ T- giiogvi {H33 :‘.H§1irl.m at. Tariar Bnatbms IL alfol‘-fit) {I5}. ‘ ' _ ' Chaucer?‘ Dwisien EGURT HI ¥F,A.R.'\VEL1.. 1.3."-—-At 1§).343:-.RL-mi't12:d ' C!mmi:e:rs).«-—llc Cnmmxtmm I Hm heiqmt 12:-_-lN_CDLm.T. . . . Dnwmfs Estat: {Pufihc Trnsxce st. Samara} { 6?! ; tn Estate {Piummu *2. Garden} {H}; tr: Hmuavrs ‘Emma (Leach. v.."I.cac!1} {I8}: I: I-iiifs ‘Wit! Trusts (Hill av. Curtis}{1§}. . CGUKT Y (BEENETE. L}.-—At m..3£3:-—-Wines: Em. 1.«+!(a;n1zvc:! tivmnuiacwrinfl). i.u:l.. xv. §:en:tol§am=§'= {Landau}. LEIL int. and {1}}: re Whanens gtcgxsaautegt Br.-sim Nu. 800.31% am: It: Pavznrs am: Dcsutrxs AL-ts. 190‘?-I932 Km cnrqc an with No. 13) int. 11¢). Nu; butane I:--.--itc,B:uIcY -tknniev 1:. Bailay} £15}: Home 1%. Kim’. {I5}. COURT IV KCROSSMAN, 1;}.--Ax.‘ 19.38:--\‘hfit:!.,s:m; List, P311. 1I.-Poznznski v. Landau Fiitn Prodmztfsms, Lad. (:11. ha.) (5). V A Lfligfl ¢!{:£NCEI.!.O!t’S COURT {8IMDNDS. J.“}.—— M. 10.36 :--_-.hi-mien (by arderl.-—Naei v. Txust and Agency Co. of A‘ns1t_aiaz1!:t..A Ltd... and ms. (at. £131.). Hon-Witness List.--Kg: Hart’; wilt‘ Trusts Wow-tics‘ v. ¥arsnns3 £33: :1: Tumor’: W1?! ’l"rzm’.-z‘(}fi1:m V. firunr} (i9}:_ re finish’: Wit; (Tamar v- Bonner} (1 1'}: re Bnrfs Eamm: Iflabmnd v. Hahxoodi (123. At 2:-—IN COURT {as Chau;nb¢xs)*--Chamber Summa.mL——~M.%S':‘ER HULL!)- \Vzu’.--Re. flmkcax Swim: £s:au:{i1|:a‘l:a v. Dmka}. ‘King’s Bench Divisicn LORD CHJEF ,R}5I'ICE’S Cfiflk? {53I_‘VES10?:»JAL cutslmr .m«1£ LORD CH3‘!-IF 111.15-191-iR.LEY$_ and SINGLHGN». JJ.}.-flit fl}.3¥):~—- Ex nartc l\ik1 1i.3il:=--Middlrz Ea 1.135. At i2;—-R. H. R: 2.3‘B:-mlkisxzujizzm, Ltd. fil-TI-‘¥r'T.s’f B‘l7!‘*IZ!"‘i.FF-‘RR Article 85 V Page 1 of 3 JIIZSC fiensuitation on Licencing 22%;; —— Article85 of 222 —— F“ The Times, Wednesday, Jun 10, 1936; pg. 5; Issue Mark 47397; col B Law Notices, June 10 Category: Law 17 The Times Wedne , d , J . . Mark 47415; col C S ay U‘ 01' 1936: P9- 4, Issue Law Notices, Jul 1 Category: Law Y Court of Appeal Article 85 htto://infotrac.|ondon.c|alecIrouo. ‘Law NGTICES, JUNE 19 - _Cm1rt at Appaaéi CQURT‘ I! (GREEK, GREE{.~2E. mus SCOTT‘ 1.31.}.-—~AL §£&.343;—An9v:a.Is.$—_-Frum aim Ifiinffi Stag}: fifvisiaa: (Finai and Mm» Trial Li$t)..--Ashby. ‘Warm: é ami £:o...1.td. v. Simmmas (fix. .m!.} {1}}: Van "fitm- binska 1:; iiivzzimefl (4); 'H::,tmi2z2um xx Gram: (93; Rate v.S:1nm!..lU}.A ._ . _A j _ nt“_v0«UR'T I {SLWSER and RGMY:.fi._L,3.f.. and EVE. ..L;}.-.-«A1 lG.Sfir;m-afihma-m1..—~Fmm the man’: Bcuczh Divi« sign-{Rim} and .3‘-haw ‘i‘Iia1yLis:},mLnn:;ian Counw Frecw new sad Lwschoid Prcaertias. Lw. an ficrkciey francs}; and lnvwmunt Ltd. (pt. M.) £6); Saatmt v. éaciz Easar. Ltd. {8}. , _ ' _ ~ 1 Bivifilfifl LEQURY‘-¥£’.! {CLfiLUS0x= ,. J.’}.--s-AL !O.3fl:~-‘kkfixncss fan 11'.»-—Re Hardin}: {Smith 1*. Harclir-5:} (aL“hd.. 5 v . . i3‘£}U¥{‘f Ii (I.’£}XMOURE.. 1.1,--.:-,s.: ii3.3£3%:~w-—Wi_mess Lisa. Part _1I,mmcc1:ic mat, a»£gz:eam_.I_' Industries. 1.1.11. v. Lisscn. ~I..t£. '{pL.hd.3. « » _ _ ‘ *Z:C}iI~¥{’i‘ W. LL“. I.1r:~«-«S.t ii? ‘“ ‘ mzss) =§.i5::--itw:';f Cam:mn);.m‘?,.w _. H . _. 4% CGURTY 1%, A4 3 .}.~—~ t ,:a.3£} . .1. Em": I.—-~{‘1lm:r V. Dirzkux (pt. hd.} £3. Mattiuen 1:. Andrews (41. s . . L933 C’HM~TCBLLO.E.’S CCJURT {£:F.0SSéMAN. J.) —--m 1(t..3G:—-—wimcss 13:2. !’ar=1 II.-«Duff an west int. m.}.£2:.3. A_ * K.ir:g’s Bench Divisxoa LGRI) {.'§i%I}£FV JUSTICE‘; COURT (‘PI-{E 1.03.!) CEHEF JI.}5"I‘[(3E._.}.--¢IL1 29.39:--S1t5¢cia1 }anr.—£anm»n ‘V. Capmn am!" (fit. h¢£.}~(i322_}. _ CGURT VII £H(Z!R‘.Rl.DCiE. 3...J.--95: 10.50:-=-IN {IOUR'l‘» (2%; {Sham Pmcczinrc Summenscs «*1» i::n2rs).-‘£~‘c'cv.~ . 51326 Apnlichtiom. IN COURT.--Mm.’-bcfarc 1%.-Sf}:-— ‘:‘*wn«3ury.--»0tdinar¥ List.-.—-Lewomski xx Aidcrnwn (253%). CGURT I=(Sw11='r._1=).-ma: 39.3%}:-aNan~Jurics.-M Ncw -fl?*rc.¢.<:dur:3.--xor21:s. _v. Ecaudaamp and am. (:31. Itct.)~ mm}; -«QSh::a \n__}2a.'£cm:: and {n4£1. é (‘:0 Ig’I‘- 1V T QTALBGQ‘. .J.}.~»~:-M. xIm3i*:——£?¢'rmmon £tm:;»—~5unns¢n v.. Pmze.(m.. ha.) {I55£).. . iigzgtgégsmgank Lam. and am. 1:. Vfcgza Aaun. (gt, Acovnr iv {i':H.4.RLE$..« 3...).-11»: but 15,4. ;.....T %‘€ea~5'utics.-2v=i;¢.lia}* "kg fijainman a:rd{§'a§.i£e {B?:c¥:BIi.} {list}: . eckse 5'. i!‘-assuns 1'32, . . ( 1.}. . . ' C<}tJR:1*"II (HUM£*H5{‘£Y$_. 1.).-5.: ‘1o,3n;_was:.on. K62;-. and .C9.. (pt- 21:3,} (i65fi};' arias.»--Ymgzng v. Tcnwisck V. Pearce (I137): -Simc tr. Bzmsimw £1360). QQUET III‘ {GBI)DM11)-,—, J.}.e—AL m.30:—»C::nmme;~ Summn-nsm.——m:cn.dcd by coun$¢1.-(mas, Page and C0,. LE1. v. Gen. Bate am! Cc.‘ Not aiwndw; by cciinscl.-—‘-Rowland Marwouds 5.3. Ca. vex macs: 3:3,. &c.. Genera! Inset. £29. Gamma:-mint List.-—Qu'ig1cy 1:: Hamphrt‘.¥S._ 11¢. and mat. {$13. ad.) (2%. J {§0¥J¥§;‘I.‘ ig-C k(LA‘s‘|s%§NCE, L}.-—At l€}.3§;--1I’\”'on- m::»:s.-—- an :11: 1-‘. . and am. ‘I. . -‘ °°c*§i§§I=r’”%s§f”?}3~:a (3) M 3 “SW = . l CGURT {:13 Chambers).-—~.Ncw Procasciurrt: Summengxg and hnniicaaiuns in ncxiuzarss alimtcd m ];f;ns;(:,}§ mu H§i.33ER.Y. 3.:-ll‘-I C()l.J’F§‘{1---?‘~.~"4;:;: bcfom 11..l5:-»»- §*lo11~JurI:.-5:.-—Ncw Prac¢du_rc_.--fro rm :'ng[;fig§1¢’;~;}‘....... gym 1:. Cgcsgild £13332: fifiziiig 1'. {1?845}, For t:a!'il¥E«""‘ F J13 ‘- . E.“-;~ cm 1'. ' ic" Ids . .‘ { 1:58;}. New Prx;§cd“u:c.mL¢s1it:gx*..Amhrusc $3 23:: 655}. . . . f2i§{1Mi?-I.A.L APPEAL EQURT ‘ 7 EA . ::.}:-_A: £9.36;-~«Non~!urim=-AIlibo§g§r.' ““é;§§,“§fiés’£¥.‘%“é*a’?.%§-E'*;¥f£%;fé?a%3§> ; JU'DGE).-~x’§L 19.3‘i3:~«I'€x:sn-Iuric:s.»~iV5a‘E'¥) {EH £1129}; ‘V2333 1?. _T|3l:: Héméc‘ Ppwyand Investment (303: ms. n’.ms>.. . Jumrs Swcialliutars summnqcd. for xiv: Lard C1:sie£.JI2s£iTcc"s Cfcmrt (cuhm* tlmn Lhasa an we mrwxcard case) not attgnd _1.gnt_f_l tmmfififiw. ~. com/itw/infomark/108/536/35 127890w4/Durl =. ._ Page 2 of 3 73/03/01 Article 87 LAW NOTICES» ULY 1 . {surf at Appeai CUU1-H“ IITRE MASTER OF ‘IKE ‘£01.13. RCJIMEB and G‘rRE£Pé‘E,_ L.JI.J.—-fi.t 30.30:-mfiinm-&ls.mFrom x1_1c changer? , Eglvxazan (Elna: List}.-—-ll»: Tamra”: Wu}! Trusts (Ehsmc: Sflzuxi: Ltd. 1?. Tzsrntr} (N. ha.» Earns: (Sam: 1:. fiazmzit tut. hm} £13}. (TIRE MASTER , GI? THE RGELS. SLIESSER. and RGMEE. L..F;ID.-- 1,"ms1ve3;i.—-Ftcm the Kins‘: Baum Dimisian {Final and I*i’¢vII Tris! I.$xt).-—§ntcr-nxtiqnai Tnmce for than Praise» lien 0: Baum:-a-ldets Jucticngmzllschafz 1:. ma Icing ff}, (":0 . 12‘ II (GREEK. SLESER and SIE:‘D’FI‘. 1..:_I.F_.)_..e«--« an 19.30 :-—.-A'_ ii.---Fmm tin: King’: Baum: Dmsson (Final am}. . cw 'I”ri'a1 list}.-tirabcnfieii V. E 9 HQ A iMcyI0‘iIfiIz,_I..t;1. {fin NR3‘ ff?) (fififififil. GREENE; and LJL u"""""., ' . B * N B flmsiau (Film) .n§”r’?.~§§».- 'l‘fi§?B£i£).E—S9k.g§sf 1.132%“ 1:. flavixisant-1 Qapcr Salts, Ltd. (1:93. Chancery Bivisiaan CDURT I {EVE 3.):-«At 10.39%-*1N CQHET {am Clxamtzcrs).--Isiss-rt: \»Vn.:.1m1~r'.»-‘:1: Hawics-'2 Settle» mm: and re Infant $ccL1»:me.nm Am. 1855 (iiawffiv V. Wixl. _15I4_s5'rEn CHaNI.'ti.Sl..-MR: Warbunon aw rt: :_ Infant Scifinmcnts Act, 1855. Practr;-durt S3-3.!I.1.fl’.lt!£l$.”‘* J Ems tr. Eiik _ GOURT 1'11: (t:LA.USO1*%'.w}.).-mat 1a,se;.-wimm r Vijst. Pan II.-sfinrmn and Grcisga-3; Ltd! v. lambs (cm. 2:6.) {:7}. A £::1=LJMtNA.L AEYPEAL COURT (LUXMDGRE, 3.3.“ At m.3:::-:s.vs:nm List. Par: I1.—Aste:uc3>'-Gan. vr. Eccicsfiastixgal Comma. fur Englaud £131.. 15:1,): léachinc. — Linda: Sam, Ltd. v._ kfiavlcs, , _ _ EUURT IV {FAR.W2EL’£, J..}.--—-A: 10.30;-N:m- Swmcss 1.[St,;.--Rt: Cunmmhamk Will ‘Trusts Mg “ Came;-nu); arc Conymham ifirmwxt 3 ’ - Sczlxiilcr {schiicp war. Scbificr) {33}: rc \ .1 I 1“m!mi‘mcr flank 1.14. 1; {‘;ar1ish) (343; H: Vet: .Emr'iin"s mzlaration ‘Rust; {'I"1'I¢:' ‘E. Van: Jcriu) 412$} czuumf V mauwsrr. 3.}:-«~51: m..3u£-~w'im:ss Par: I.-»~I“.:u.-{urns i.'.“:im tr. Cim Pearis. Ltd. {BL 9'3 R . . (9). . I.(3‘ED CHA1\'CEI.'£.OIR.‘$ ~CflU.RT {CR{)$S'5¢'IA'N'. 3' ’f.—-with 36.30:»--Wimcss List. ‘flan £I.--ilmsitet st. ‘-Jicstun-suncr-Mare 1I.33.{I.'._ (in. M3 {L47}. King"s ;Ber1ch mvision COURT {as Chamh¢rs).~=-~Ncw Prnccduxc. Summnnsm and Anpziczziens. Hi Ct:}E‘J;'fi'1‘._—-No: heime. 10.45 :-Nan- J1.-1l.'1€:S.--3‘*_§_¢‘£.ln"‘ Pmrtndurc.-—~‘§e’il£o¢k x-. Head (.1930): xiv! 1-’. Pauli {l9%2-J; Andctséan xi. Nimrisrm (13291: Sears 1:. é fianéersmx (14:54). COURT 3, {3‘5’s’II='I‘. 1.3.“--At 10.30:»-Sxn':c;i;t .funr.~———- iismtsfcxttl V. lgoyal Inset, (Ia... Ltd. (at. ha.) (1.1’;<'4h _CDUR‘f_ II {1iilAI'~lSO1*¢, .I.}.~——.%t 1&.3(§:-m{.'§r:ammcrcia1 §fS:;;*i:‘J'inP|isthk¢ am! Same G.m.b.h. 1:. Ailxxan Brim. CQURT ‘IV WALKOT. J.).—:'st 111.33:-—-Cammon Jars‘.-——.¥am::3x: 1;. L. P. '1‘. mm (1935). V , COURT ‘(I {FlNLAY. J.).--At 1.0.3:}:-~}*Zc:n~h:rics.-— To be ru:¢::z1a:wd..-—-«Cane: an-:5 ant, V. itasiiu Pichzrazs. ‘ (2124): Ilusuidb as. Same (2125:. Far H'cariax.-- A ‘Kim! 1:. Harper (I3§4}* < {ZCWRT HI. {SI:it.3LE7£“DN. JJ.-+At 39.30:-»--3I~%‘ CQURI‘ {as fiihamficrs).-—-New ‘Praccsilurc Summanszs 1334. -‘L131:-fimtions in mtiuus a!§o1;::d_ ta hizmeif and HILBERY. 3. 11¢ C{)U11T.—«2Sha-t befcra 10:50 :»-~N=u«n- Jnries.--;\“¢;w Proc¢du:c.+—{Z+:tcuit1 V. Niehous and am. (t3t.Ahd.) (mm: Ctmmpicm. v. Chilzctt (236%). % /CBHRT II ({"iREAV}:“.3«LDR.1}. I.}.‘—-At 1{3.3.0‘:~—- isfnn-Izxrixm.-~;Btn-Towers am am: v. my and am. (gm. hm} {i-E16}: liar? Pmducliirms. Ltd. xx. Lmdm film Pwductions, Ltd. (1363). Jurars Srmeial Iumrs summuncd mt King's Bench Camrt. 1 (fiihm than moss: in the pan-hears: case} need not mans! until ta-mamaw-. _ Gcnmtran Jumrx summancd. for King‘: Branch. Court W mans: attend in that ffimxrt. at 15.15. Prnhnhs, 7n?-vnrnn um’! Aflmh-nlfv Ti§¥‘§£i!'iI'| Page 2 of 3 hrfn://infnfrac.Iondon.aa|eamun.cnm/i’rw/infnmark/1()8/E36/3517789(')w4/nur|=__, 72/mm? xrticle 89 . - . 4; I e The Times, Wednesday, Jul 15: 1936' pg 55” Law Notices, July 15 Court of Appeal 3 (U Q _| 6 3- U I- .. O l\ U1 2}‘ 3 |\ (U m:a!.~w E-‘mm the Chancery Divisian fI~"ina1 List}.-—‘K. *.\-’.VC:.a.’b»= “c§§M Q1“ :g'(é§t1-lfié. K“ ziR§%.'3% E'£ii.rm' énfivk UR. ._ . . . —_...an .. ;1°_.:r.-mm 16.30 :~—-A.pn¢a1..f—1—:Frs::n the King‘: Bench Disrie ,s.Iv:5;;1 {Final and New '1‘riai”List)_.-m~.‘5ymes V. E-sscx Eivxzrs mm »mms<_:maé.:m=5:~. . j»3:i-W"; _n€N-cg" CGURT 1; ISLBSEER. 1.3.. Ikffixfl KINNON and Gflflfifififiy 33.}.°'"-5X‘! 351.30!-"-'* Am3cais.-,-(Rt: 211:: W’or¥:mcn‘§ Compcnsatimzl &cts).--: Bryan 1*. >Uflam‘§ {fllflkmwclli {rm M.) (6); Mifilixs 1'. ' Ha:;1!c;$s ffixokvcaon.-Trent}. Lui. (Nm'cas§e»umcr-Lyme) ‘ £7}; ”'IVi1i'.'L1a:: v. Ebhw Vain Smr:l. Iimn and Gm! £30., Ltd. ffrcéeaaré (8): Bamcn v. 3:11-net: zné Knigm {a firm} {Rcdhin} {9}; Knight v. Samc £11;-dhfll) (lo); Chaitcery Dix‘-isiaxa CGURT 11$ {CI.A{¥50_N.. 3.‘)---A1 19.30:-«W-iznnss List Part. II.—--»Su1'rid£!¢:’s Fntcnts. Ltd. v. Trina-Feibcnh, ind‘ mt. ha.) (31 '}9 CR‘i‘ME1*?AL APPEAL ¥3OI}"RT {L'£}X3§:’IO{}¥{’E, 1.3;” At .112):--.‘W’it1'1¢$s Lust Part. H.—--Mathias: Made: Szfics, Ltd, V. Davies {stat 11:11. _ cmm'r_ Iv {FARWEE.,L.. 3.}.—~At Witness Last.-—+.Rc Carnznrwn Harbour mum ca ” Ii ;.i.—m t.o..3u;--ngvisnm ms: gglg II.-—-Amircac v. ficlfndgc anti {E-..,. Ltd. {rm ha.) §..?:J1u)- “$136;-\.’!~%€:_EI.-'E.(:r‘£t'S mun? (caossmx, .' +4.’? 3: 1.1-——At. _ .--In Cam2rfi.‘—Rct:-fined Mzmcc,--‘etc: Czastcr, an infant. anti re {Ira-sic: v. Crasm‘ rim he mm- xtanxzd). _l?~T C{}Ui{.'¥‘.——w'im;:5s List Pan. l1.—4*3reo:ge Marie and Son, Ltd. v. Mayor, &r:.. of Wcuimzk {'13}. King's Bench fiivisfion Lffifii) CHIEF ]U3'I'Ii€2E' COIJRT Hf. " . CHIEF ..1'USTI{3E).——At 134.1% (T E iokn V. Rc;fl:um’.s_Tran£"mrt. had. {:33}. Ccrusw V11: (%mRR:n$.£. ,J‘.}.-wt-M 1!B.3£!;——§N QGURT gas‘ Cnambc:rs}w—3~?cw' Proccdurfir Summunscs and 3. iscaucms. IN COURT.-:—‘N:::: befom 13.45:-- Non-I13. .es,--bibw ?x'omdurc-.--_Burnham 1:. Rage: WVDWH 311* mm’) £2956}; Imam: am: Wire V. Marta " 1:.1u..2~;r . an31§§r&§:ffif§r}' calm!‘ B s 10,3i3:-12omm:::cEa‘I Z.ist.w\:‘[i;’m.(H. "kiwi? and 2‘ .. an era xx. ., _-, -- dated)‘ _tp:.. 1153;} «am °" ‘ M (°°“"°“ (503517 1': {'E‘A‘£.B1(;)T, 33.»-At )1{}.3(}:—-~Camman W5’-"33fi1II ant. iv‘. I "( -.116.‘ (211 * CQURZT 111' ($n~I:3L§r*f‘3s' in 3.}.--At Ggmn:-«IN g?zU§T 1€33'.Ch€|111b¢?3)¢**Nfl%' Procedure Sumrnariscs ;. ‘» 3392"-zatmns in acjzions nliotzcxi : himself .41 HELBERY, 3. IN CGUKT.~—’Hat isafqrg 10.45:-+}~fgot;}:— IU17s*.-«New Pr.occd.urc.~—y~Rocha« and "Mic v. Exiuir ana am. (at. 11¢.) £1914}. Ordinary I.i.5t'.~‘*—,OI{§I,'-t‘ xiv. Rule v I *:l It/Jo ' -, ‘*:r33*铧%‘1‘£'?§§E§é‘A‘€?r%2§‘.§; ’ —-«A1 10,332mNomfuric5,--{:%;g:2£;;a%ig§:E-n2$4%:eg:ud§:§ ant. v. Efifmers and a 2‘. , T .' .--F - Seim isms)’ and $9135.. nI.:d.I§?;1i§F 3”“ {Mama " Jurers Sncciai Jurors sxzgsmnncd {or the Lord Chief 1a$tfs*::“5 Court must. attend in that Court at 10.15. Co:nmcm__}urors summoned for King’: Bcnch, {mun W Emtm than those in the part heard case), ‘nectj ma: attend unfit to-marrow. Prabatc and Divers: Iurors.-$cc below. Raiiway Rates Tribunal Cinzrt COURT “A" GUDGES’ OUA.I)RAI‘~:IG!.E} (M;-.1 dent). Ms. HERBERT BREJCE ‘mo:.ms.‘ K.€:. {mm H. PARKE.-‘.3, and Mr. 303:: pram 1;-«A: 01: mm ' Heatiziir,-~AnéniEc3'Lions fr-5 Acmnd rmqmiél 3 Fm an 32nn...A’ Com/ifw/infnmnrlz/1 nR/:12:/’2I:1 '>'7Qon.../1 /nu ...|_ 1.0.30 ;-—Non» V :.»--'$_w:scia1 Jury.-:-«<’3m2gtl A Page 2 of 3 '3') If‘|") In’? Article 92 httn://infotrac.Iondon.c1alec|mun.com/ifw/infnmark/1OR/R26/RR177RC)nw4/mu-I: ‘The Times, Wednesday, Jul 22, 1936; pg. 4; Issue ‘A 47433; col C \ Law Notices, July 22 1 Category: Law l V. hiimincii; Lara rmmt, -am. "at 1; ma. 1:. navia (pt. 1: } cauara {THE Lens 031 F :us*r:1.c:£» fm1:a nonmxn. 3J;}.»-sA: 1%§.fi3{b:--—Ex pain: Mo;ic{nx.~;- ’ Cmwn l’al:!¢I?a--II.1 the 21:31:31 (1! Beck. ms: am‘. (44.3: In iqmri App.!ic.::§cm;s. fiat :1~ioa1-11213’.-—-N::w I’m¢1':dur:.»-liiiis ‘F-. Iiaflanzi and - Mscrmhn (15%). LAW NOTICES, JULY 22 _,,_,;_ it ' . .. Hausa of Lbrds !.Vf:.— .’ .~--». 2 V-F.i*'.L'. v.AWt 33:3‘ 43 ?°F.%§”§§s§:?§f§z:c$n-3?/gnaw “aSt§i‘nn.tt:11g Cc. Efiachdaic}, Ltd. v. maximums; Macienaan and Edintmtsh 5%. tfcrwmr. Court fif APFWI COUR1I'If{'I“EiE.1h§A£'I'ER. F.T1-IE, RGLLS. RQMER lmzl QEREEHE, L.33.}.—At _1 .36:-;Am::*.‘al.-— mm the caamm Dfviaion (Hunt 3.151%.»--‘smish Cezanne. Lacs. 2:. *f§.:eta:,-E: 5113;: (‘.20-mu... mi {3} 5.);-—_A: 1{)_;3i}:mA1$9ciIs.»~From tn»: Klzilzi Ranch iJfln’iSIC*I¥ (Final 1114 Haw Trial L t'.l.»-I--Synzc.-x V. Essex; ltivcrs {._'Ia.t<:hmc.nt guard int. ». .3 (‘£63. -cnmztsk. $§.ES3Ej.li. and SCGTT. L;iI.}.-—-Nut hetorc. 2:-£e ilgggaifiz Ants, 19.25-«$5 ttiom xv, the Niinism 9% Hulth} Chancery fiivlfiun _{ZG£}R'.E‘ "Iii {CLAUSQN2 L}.--—At 119.33%--\'u'imms viz ma C§{IM1NAL_AY£‘EAL GU31‘ ILUXEIOQREJ. 1.).-— kt $9.39:-swnmcssé Lise: rt I1.—-«Machim.-. Made Sala. _ _ _ d.. . gzcatmfr xiv 1- ,,AR\l’Ei.L, I.}.—~At 1B.3§:--I'~Inn- wsmgs .Lis:,.-—1t,e.- mm’; Wiii Trusts (Barmw v. ’ lfigatimzi {EM}: re. Bibby‘: Wiil Tums (Bibby v_. ?2‘iOf- : Pafimcr) (61); re» Bihby_51:ui¢m:m '1' . runs (Nazi: _?r€winc:!:} Bank ‘ ahncr) {G3}; rc --151‘; at It Tnasu . Cainctoén); : » mxan V‘. fit in 1(!s.L‘.{):-Jwiitxcss List ‘ R21‘ ‘'9’ - . , , . 1'31’: I32.--Axidrczc ‘L’. Sflfiridgé mid C0,. .L‘tfi. cm. 116.) I50}. LQRD xCHfis.NCELLOR‘S C0133? ECROSSMAN. }'_.).-«A: 1G.3fl:—--IN COURT (as Cl:ambcrsj}.~—Peh,s1'En WIL:.—Mm.—-Re mas: most 1:. Han} int.‘ um). IN CGU%'iZ—-At 2:»~wit:aw~: List Hr: I=I,—Gc€“-'3: Lease mi‘! Son. Ltd. v. Mayor, &c.. 0: Nkfcnloclc (pt. !:.é.} -(£3). KiI;g’s Benet: Bivisiun LORD CHIEF Jl‘.3S‘I‘IC:E‘.’$ CGURT {DIWSVIGNAL Grand the matter at ’Frt.n1;s (62), CQU311‘ V11 {H0it.11I!Z‘&G'E.. 3.3.‘--A1 Ifi.1l,§:v--IN‘ COURT {IS ChamhcrS}.--l*Igw ?ravcedutc Silmmfimfifi COURT.-~Nut more £9.43:-- W - Ltd. 11* , i 3” ucséywéounr 1: m1z.a.N$o:~?.. 1.).---A: t&.3{i:w-Itcmxucrciazl $!JmmDflS€.$.‘"J‘stt€$!i3«$t§ by Coamcl. . -wflabdcil Engineering Cm, Lid. V. J yuan and Phlfiim, Ltd. 1*I;oLat:.m:~:icd by co¢;1nseI=.-"-«'I'.V umawn %!1d-£30.; Ltgl. Y. ion, Rhndcs mt? Sm: Ltd. Em berm: 1(!..45:--m Commcrciat List.--ifnitzcs fiaams flvhblcsaie), ma. tr. Lemma and nut; (mt. izdiibtfilsti). , EDUR? HE (3185 ETGN. I.}.—At I{}.30:-IH CGURT Chamh~nrs}.—-flew Prcrcxecfure summonses ma . pilcntians in aetfiuna ailmutd to himsttf and H,£I..£E Y. 1. IN CUUR.T.--~Nm. bcforc I1:-»—1\Em::- Juries.-—-New d.,ur:...e---'If<3 be mcnaioncd.--lintiisia 5'. Elana: and ;mr.:_ Scfzatbcriz V. Vsame. fwnsoiirfatcd) 3120353}. For H«2ar:n:.—-§~‘urbcs v. Hunt‘ (2006). A COHRT VI (PGRTER, 37.1.»-A-At 1(},3fl-:——$m'.R:iaI 3‘-Witt. —--W. T. fiaraaut and Sun: *1. Ra-mm: Maxim: and Co. Gammon: Eri;t’mi’& fimurc lZZomn., Ltd. v. Jucxandc: {taunt n:‘ ;Ga.mv:-zs.ma.n. '1.) {CI-;~IAII»¥B£RS 3U‘Df3E}.«-At 18.3f?:-Nam-Juria.-—S::avw v. Marlon _Eregin:r£_t:1 £30., Ltd. (11:11); Litmzn and wife-; v. Jlrrars §1:oecin1_Iux:ors summancé far Kinsfs hcnch. Court V121 tmmi no; awmd unxi: to-mnrruw. , . Cmumou 1:11-tam suiumbnedr for Kinfs Baruch Cmm. IV mm neat attend until m-momma. V {H ‘GREEK mt 5{:€3t'I"i". L.II..,I*u.1d; I-.1V'!‘:§.,.§ Page 2 of 3 7?/fl?/{Y2 Article 100 I-L..:_.- _ I l:._.c-x_.-_ - The Times, Friday, Oct 30, 1936; pg. 4; Issue 47519; col B |-_-.|_._ _-I--r 77 . (Ga.-:ta:_: v. Canyuaham). ‘ ' COURT V IBERMEYI‘. 3.).-—-At Ifi.3i3:--N.fo:ioas.—— Laxv NOTICES, % OCTOBER 30 Irianse ofLords .s.:‘ 1.§..-T-1}:--Ellisun av. carves: and llifitfiflfi}. Jlldlflfil Comzmttee cf the Pmry Cmmcil .FIlta$'l' D1V1SION.—-at ii).-30.;--!.v;:§z3i.v-!i*!ac1ca§' V. Trcadxveti gamut ancthcr. £312. ma. l'c111anu.—--iieclc am adders V.‘ Smlnmn. - sscomn 121v1'*.s1_r::::~I.—_-.=u 1u,3e:-——Annca!-—-T!n:= liarzgsztm l’3.£h§l131a. Mhhabad 1:. Zaflusammat Bhgswau Fvzhaand mum: and mmmmtzd xppmi tcoasaladami} in. Court of Appeal CQURY I (THE EJEASTER, OF THE ROIJ3. R0_1£iE_% am: swam. _I...JJ.}.~—~A.t gu.3u:=-wanxrpeak--Fr0!=u, mt Ctancezy Eivisian (Fina: I.1stIt.«-»£‘_,'€rr;:u3ration oi Lucr- nogi 9:. Lancaster Gaunt! Council (:1. mi.) (16): re 'wLmbs:'s ‘Wm (w.::1:em:m V. Chapman) (14). CQSRT ii LGREER. SL£$SER... agnct SCDT1‘. 1..,’E5_.)§.+—+- Ax 1fl.39:—~Appen!s,-Exam the 3.12:2‘: zczgch Diwsmn — {Sinai tad. new "twink l.is£).--The C-aammlssiutms fur attaining the {mice of Lord High at ‘I113: Unit-cc: liinzenxu 1:. 11m Guam oi the 1*-1-._-.:e:=. 19.-392-;“" Page 2 of 3 tide 147 Z'l':eCTimes, Friday, Dec 17, 1937; pg. 4; Issue 47870; 0 Law NéEiEi£S.ADECEB5$ER 17 Judieia! Cammiitee at‘ the Frhy Councfi 7 Flltsrl V £}N.--"IL": 1{§.3u:-Anvcu.-’I‘m-. ‘Kim: Y. ‘iaibm aflgtlitt-111143 snuthur nwulggdgasoiidaxndii. _.sECCtND HIE-’¥5I‘r.‘.|N_'-.«-—‘A£_ 10.303 A flit .--T_hc lmsminl Tobacco Companarat‘ In:1ia,.].:mi‘in1 v. Mnitaxca . Iamatsxddln at Hzlnumamii Jnbhxzlnam. Cant! of .00‘-’il'1' It (GEEK. and $0017. _L._)L). -«A: 311.30.:-~:!npeal:--F:‘0n: the Vadgmnmlur flxvfiion » (Fhzai List.) (wighmr Hamictl Asscgsalsi.-.lle' The Stxaunz, 2936. form 343 (tum at am ta: 3:. Srranm xv. aw-nus at :9. sauna) (at. his.) (13. c&*%%%‘f& %%%‘%§#“‘.4.m° ‘§”“’§°“;-’.‘;;?a.Frn‘; ;,..-' .':'_::rm:a.«—-‘ram_ ' ext! Division {Fism Lm).--m: ‘White Star hue. }'..td.. andnve commutes 1!.-c:.;1929 .. . . . Chancery Difisian . CQEIRT I! KUXMOGRE. )2).-At !i};3l1:»—-Maxims Etta CLAGSDN. L3.»-(;h¥R..‘ IUSIECE LUXMDQRETT “ . ghiégtf-mtn‘.P %)tJRT (as Chambr.:1:a).«-Rn Gkmr. zinc. 7 ea] 3. . — mm: In "§§'.anwaLL. 1.‘),-.--fikt 1e.an:-wiums 1-is: 1'2:-: I.-——-lamwshtmx Y Snrmt (111: lid.) (45%. A: 1&2:-—I~Ion- ctziiucd Adinumed ; Sum- nm::,--- ' ‘ Re: it --It I _ . 1.):-8.1 1n;.3{$:-~§Ima-‘flifimess 1:51.--Re Scans Sctflmncm. {Pawn Trusme v._ Scan) ttzrfl: :2 Gig»: (Clan: v, KidI1}'(1M3. A; 3:--In Cfittlcfii.-‘kfiflllfilld -Liaticr.--Evian-lviuuuss 1.321.-—Rs: nnulmn. dcc, tmnndm V; Emmett}. CDUET W (CRGSSMAN, £3.-—-A‘: "$53.30:---Mn1iOl5. Not befm-«c. f.::»—-L’.‘>¥ £8011‘ {Ia ¢h_nm1sr:ts).--Ilse. Mani»: tfiirfi V. Maple}. hksn-witness 'LJ5l..---Re Short, dec. : (Rain: *2. - ' Ennitablx; Life Assurance Sa_¢ie:y}m fat. ad.) mu); in Camp’: Wfli Truss: {Caatfifld xv. (at. am.) (1211:: 11: Telfozd. Gee. {Sanderson v. Lamniozmk} 1:11}; 7 . . LURE .CH.ANCEI.I.0lVS C0131? {$IInfl’JNDfi.. 3.). --At 1t}.;in:--For Iu‘dS8mmt.—-‘Nitncsu Lat. Pm. ‘LI.-3.2: Ramadan-: Ptomnic: mm1m:3:)..L:d.,- an_d_‘ re Comnaxuics _:$c:. 19.29 (63). For in-.annx.~——bEon—Wtmm ' -- -‘oura‘.W-flIT da.;.€..- ‘I29: Lcmzsfif sfiaxka 1133:?“ (Mun ‘E Wm”) { ) King‘? Bench Divisim: £0111) CHIEF‘ zasrxcs-.s ccuwr (nw1s:0Na‘L ; COURT} (‘H-IE LGRD CHIEF .}¥.’-IS‘I'ICE, DH FARCQ, and POKER. 11.}.-455 1B.30:—-_-£3: pan: Mminns.-~—« Cfiiwn _ imam--fling Edward VII Welsh Naziun Mammal Amocinxrioa v. sum-ti: East Giamuraan A1-ca Aatsessmcnt committee and cars. {I39}. ; COIJRT ‘VIII CHAWKE. L).--_A: 19.30:-aspaclai ;|’uur:-—-To tn: flltnfidnad.--',Mia1"K$ am v. co-opcrnm-e Paws. £td._. twat tar. 141359), For Hea.rint.—-Nun-Suzy;--— Bilmy V. 15!-war. «kc. czar of Landnn {E whceicr Jr. ‘Cu... §£§3§%33r£— tartar} (am may nrocwcimwv only) (In. nu.) COURT Ill.“ €G013DA&B. IL).--A't ‘i6.3fl;;#-Corn-» m¢=!¢§Ii Summnmcs.-mtwdfld; by Carina.-—~i-Irsgcman Ha:-315.6; Cc. v. Eatk Court. 1.111.: 3. Rmanca. Sam. * 1%}, V. }’ackinz Horus: Products: Eric Goo. Mmrcrs v. E. Kuawlw. No: zttcgdca by Cuunsci.-—Wc6:l!a &__Ua. v. P. & O- swam Alvavsaatgan Co. ; cmngnoux Bras... Ltd. v. I-Iurtins. Ltd. ; Gun. Kmgakm v. Lamas iimrarius. Nu: hefnn: £1:-acinmrncméal I.m.--Irvin 3: Iaimzwn {Susan Akin}. Lug. and am". I’... Unilever. Lid. (pt. mi.) (32273. CQURT it IATKIRSQH. 1.):--M 111.3-|l:——«€JnIe: xiv Ruiz 8.t—.--Grout V. B. 6: C. L. Ltd... and ms. {$7813}; hfendcnhail. Ltd. *5’. 3:1-nit: amt int. (3942): Naxtcd wt. Fonda: (33033. CGURT; I {GnEAV£$—I.@R1I.. I.).—--At 111.36:-11»! CGURT (as Ch4'1m;b¢f§)u&"““?;¢5\* Procedure Summons:-5 ami__ Aumicatiuns (an action: afiaucd to hiznsetf and FIQLAY. 13.-—-lb‘-I Cfifliiifi--.Nm 13.-zfufls ‘I1:-—-—I~1cm- Iursa.-Nm 1*ro::cdt:txe.--_-But. Staci Elfin: Ltd. 1!. Franklin 3: Cm, Ltd. (pt. 11:11.‘! (3.219): _Fmns::;v., Knight 632?). Clrder xiv Ruiz 3.\.—!~Im:cflndm*s Q1935}. Ltd. v. Wiabnm £3335}; Lamina ark Wmcm C01mn€sTn15t,1.td. *«.tI,:=§.tz.§.7:9§§2» .rr'l‘!i'l!vI-at ‘IX. 8. -In -in 3flI.>D 4-an--u..— Article 95 Page 1 of 2 JISC Consuitation on Licencing TH TIM S _Am;:hfxr:2 J $385 Anicie@ a9o% —— ArticIe95 of222 —-— ii?) 7 The Times, Wednesday, Jul 29, 1936; pg. 14; Issue Mark 47439; col E Captain The Hon Henry Denison Category: Obituaries CAPTAIN THE HON.“ HENRY DENISQN Capiaig. the I-104:1. Henry: IIh:=.'ni$on,_ lam Royal I:it}r‘se Artlllery, third son. of the = first Lard Londasborozzgh, died at 4j»7‘,Pa1-I; Stffiflh W«. '31‘! Thursday at the age of 36, 1: Bern am Gcteher 28, 1349, Henry Ciilarleg Qemson w_a5 the eldest sun of the second mar. rmge of his Eather. His mother was Ufgulg Lucy Grace, clam: daughter of Rear-»Aémi’ra1 the Hon. Charles Bridgaman, secnmgg gm gf the fiarst Earl (1%? Bradford. apmfn mm-Sm, was aim an hasaomry }ifi‘i.i1i€.T33Il’£ nf mg R0353‘ NW3’ —/‘-fiflifify '\’01tzat€ars.§ A . . in 138? ‘he: married Seat '3 ’ _ A- mi‘ Mr‘ James hlexarfierr Gutggisé, ogéégfgjir and widow of !s*I'ajc}r w"§§, .3 . giouah. Sgné Re-ginwxgt... Tlgegrerfi A'%‘;§;“”‘ me vm-amage. Captain Egflward . V main :3; 1 \_ ' y-,5 .'19i3»¢. The iatég Captai: 3S:§':.{I§1it}w§§¢: member cf the _R.ayaI’ Yacht Squagi;-01»; gag zgggfstggkitlze Turf, the Carlton, and the ——j-w ~ -wsfl Full Text: Copyright 1936, The Times Article CS237580029 View other articles linked to these subjects: http://infotrac.iondon.qaleqrouD.com/itw/infomark/108/536/35127890w4/nurI=... 73/03/03 xrticle 136 The Times, Friday, Oct 29, 1937;, pg. 10; Issue 47828; col C 4 _'l;.i¥1a all her husimnds . =med»im:.re person 1: would be possible to meet. Her: description 05 Genre IVS last n'1is- E is equally ll B00123 of the Week CESS LIEVEN’S LETTERS GEORGE IV AT HOME THE 1‘RIv.m“s LETTERS OF’ Pamcsss LIEVEH T0 Palm:-; METTERNICH. Eéiifed V by Psrxax QUENNELL. John Murray. I85. “ Princess Lieven woulci have been. re- . markabie in as}; age on accnunt 9f the facility with which she gave her mind to the understandingv of high paiiiics and the slirewd generosity with which she _gave her heart to cmly the mast emment politicians. in the nineteenth sentury her : fame was prariigous. These letters, which curve: the years f1-am 18213 in 1826, am all : xvzittezx ta Mettemich jvhen slag was in lime with harp. They gwe as ‘mad and as. deia_iled a. picture af Gearge IV"s Court and 9f Eugiish saciety during his ‘reign i as we mlssess. She wrnte 10 Metiernmh with an crutspokeaness which beirays her ‘ real feclings bu: which few English 'peap!e ' would have cared at dared ta emgalay. Of ; Queen Vic.t0ria‘s pareats she wrote :-- No one in ‘England will mourn the Duke. He was false, hard, ané greedy. His sa-called T goad qualities were only far show, His wifc tress, Lady blistering: "‘. 0:. an Idea. in her head; net 3 word to say for herself ; mihing l but 3 ihaad ‘ta accept pearls and diamands T with, and an cnermaus bale-any in W23: tlrz.cm'_ an." We can hardly fail to feel E grateful to the Princess for rescuing from ‘ 4o:i:v'II?i£3n the Duke of Wel!ingt Spnmpnt. 1744, pmprietar at :31: Chelsea perceiam factory. __ . _ . Full Text: Copyright 1938, The Times Article CS253l7842l View other articles linked to these subjects: View Linked Documents . View articles startinqin same paqe . Articles in same cateciorv hH'n'//in‘Fni'r-ar Innrinn r1-alarm-nun Rama /H-...l:..£........._l-I-1 nn /|--an lfi F 4 n w n an Full T _ marsmazsm: Wlill ,,.,.z.:.:.m...m..:. Christie, Manson Category: Property _ ext: Copyright 1938; The Times . .........,..m... ,.._,.., CHRISTEE if-.E$3"i§ ;l‘Ia§£kRfi mazza-ca “mg &3E$.«£.n|L!?{’ NGRFHLK iiflflfifi, :9»: vmmw M ’ ‘ HE'S GRAEE 1333 IEUKE 02*‘ HQREQLX. lC.{?.. wfiich will he Sflifl by ..\i.§!E?‘¥‘£i’3:?‘?! ms, film: rmmm» DN ft=i(}§*€I}s!.‘l:'; F-§3fiRUMIY "7, 133-3, fimzi lfwa fialicwim Ham ~07; 1.322% :1 mm Kfififiiflfi Twngmnwq. Wcdnmfiizaz F msf’5t.3§ am. anti $.54) 31.23“ M0? an S» m : Lifia mm. 1' V eemm¢.m§$Z“m¢ 15%: mt ;§§"§a?§”s§"$i;s me cmamm. -an -A-;aa.n.Inn D:-4‘ *'l“- -lb ‘».’*':“f‘!¥I$LLi' awn Hvrxca TUNE w; :.:.1. ki0I'..i;i1 rsmxqwmavsgngs av §n1Jt;'1jlfE}8‘ IE? fififlisfi‘ R,£}GM$. ‘=3; K!."REE’17,. S1’. §A.ME$’5, S.Vc’.I¢ C{}?~1§aiE§fi€CI.“IG awn am A? 4:s2~z'3 m:s...t;rc:x: mfimazv. _ TEHIHAL iii‘? fixififififififii. 'E’3§«¥.»IIGKA¥u§E:: €¥}B.I5TIA£T. ¥‘§€5t.‘Z’i?'.LD1*T?E3'{)I‘-I. £13‘? TKE FEEMISEE .9153? 'N€3R§°7U£J§. HGHSE; 5'1’. JA£rIfE§’.'3 Sflfifikfi, S£W.1.. M‘-EB UEJEIZTS Q? ABET l7Zim(:'i‘IEi"i¢"A.sE.. .3!f’\I“l§{§ff17§iIVuCEE~?’E‘i§£?;Y W£'}{JI)%“§?_¢I}RZ[§Z V , .. "MAI+iGG)'&N‘iT 130023 RflUSEi§OEL'E& The Times, Feb 01, 1938; pg. 25; Issue 47907; C0‘ D & Woods Jsnffifflfl 35:89 EURNE$Hlfil'.§S we ttzmmwrs as amt ma. rulmfiiux Inimam ms mum . . ~ 1” ,. - ' 2 as? *rI~:£3;m «mgr aa.mm,““:;:, mm grams}; 51?. 31.&‘%SeI;%’S muxm s..w;a. ‘aw fiiimwfif, _1;=as§n.:mw ms. FENE Efi£}1...lS}£ SELVER, he ~ - .n¢“H*E5 G»1m£:E’mx-2 nvum x:w‘NmW‘MJ¥;.. §;(.é.. m%im1 rm mmrmm i'.7¢J¥'»:. H-‘ Ezixfi §?§amfl;mrmmMn,.Ma -Mu%;sms§%g§;fw, ma: 0!“ fihstaarsaz Knmgm 3 i. W, 2 the firagscay fa’? M1133 kmfa 1433!? K.E§NI,‘4 av mmma, f=m:EL!d ca: 2 fl~;23.;?a°:TJ:1nb!$!;E£1‘an::Il:&:»¢k.s.i simusm g Imam » 2; rsiégflgrjém. I71? and aim. am; ' or 6 . _ I. . _' . ‘wk V !r.%jli§w cigcsusaz ifli‘ rl smmsm W‘"‘§::%§~P§?“’f§«§‘§a‘é'*ri%' W-gr’ am-an ’:a§'wainA . W‘ kt. <':s1~4'“t7,Hl.2‘.lI:3fi."-:3’. .FEB'!fiEa|sJ.Y :7. T553 C{3LLE€I7fH3§‘.‘i§ QF FUKNITUKEI ?flR§:§i.R{‘_xI¥§.‘3 EH9‘ h«§"’ :'M_..,r. .‘sa;,.;. . d'“ §u&”W§§r2?_wc§§:wf mm” mm “’°§‘;_?‘;a§';’§,?§ Fara-r4n« '91 mm film. nza,.n.'.~...mt ....‘.ar r7 -av gar pcmiamia mm singl§nst:§ supmrfinx Samar mm} saw»: 92' resaasetahztxrarruare Ric L Article 152 lal-=4-n - I /in-FA!---u- The Times, Friday, Feb 11, 1938; pg. 9; Issue 47916; col D IHEEALE ROOM THE DUKE 0? 'NGRFOI.K’S 1 SILVER '{‘o;a dajrfs tatal cf »£5.5flfl for aid Eagiish silver, the property af the Duke of Norfaik mntributed £2,356 at Cl'1:‘istie’s moms yesterday. The Duim of N9rfo!k‘s cnllection inciutied man: than 1413 candle».- siicks af variu as periods. and three of ihem pmd uced the chief prices in. the sale. . There‘ was keen hiflding for a Queen Anne - set of six with octagonal sicms. Tim high, by Benjamin Pyne. which mad: £311 H715. 5:1.‘ at 665. an 92. (Cricktcnh A set of four similar but Smailcr Gnés. .5313. high, by the Sam: maker, realized £198 133. 641., at 965. an 9:. (S... I. PI1iHips}*, and tin: same purchasers gave £232 95. 5d, (825. an 02.‘: for 3. George, I sat" at‘ four by Ambrose Stavenson. Aafiioiher sat. at four by this maker mafia £325 185. 64-.!., at 1 an 02.. (\"i.’ilEst:n}. A set of tight camllcsficizs by Edward Feiifrzc. (1133? made £153 23. Kid“ as 283. an ax. {Meals}. and :1 massive set <33‘. fnur table: czmd‘l<:—- 1 sticks and three candeiabra by Nathan Smizh {I308 and £311}, a pair of candewara by the: same {I863 and E809}, and another by S-mizh Tate and Ca. made ta cth £575 {De rs.-,ux}._ LOR I The dispeysaigf i he Nérfoik -sfiver was pre- cede ~ «V ts._tit: pmpcrty cf the late Ira white}! praiiuted a iota! of k._’!,6_ we co ectaan znclqdzé a Sarge number of dmper giatcs and meat dishes, winch in saite of xi“:-3.-sr we.-sght said particuiafly weli. $€"8*E2'¥I¢€¥.}' cimaigir dinner piatcs by Samuel Couriauid U751} made £131 W5. 4:1,, at 35.. ‘lid. an oz. ifiiwml. and 13 others, by various makers, went ‘far £126 185. 9d.. :3; ‘is. ad. 33; az, (Piugg). Seven oval meat dishes by Peter Archambo and Pcxcr Meure fell to Mr. Heale at £126 ms. 6d,, at Nils. an 03., and the same pgrrghasexj gave £123 155. $95. an oz.) far seven stmtiar dashes. V A Charles H gtlgain cyfindricai 1.ankz1rd and ¢Gvcr«{i6E3} §liEl'![ far £121 ms. 9d. (I655. an’ 92.} (Lumicfi. and a iarge sitvcr inkstand modclied as the Round Tnwer of Windsor Castle by Hamlet. hi‘ mafia far the firs: Marques onsmblc of Wiruisur Casile f 830, mix: {up £I5i} {I-Bram). at Full Text: Copyright 1938, The Times I.-...-..-I.-.n n.-.I..,.......... ......... I:4....I:...£............I-I-Inn lI"')E Int--1 '1-1nnn...A I......l, "2of3 '\'\ /l'\"§ Il'\'\ 1" The Times, Thursday, May 26, 1938; pg. 18; Issue Mark 48004; col C Obituary Category: Obituaries ifgfinmanécr ihe ’I~§r:m. Denisarn RE; {rm-26),. .143; at '€¥’:§hury Efiflfi, Hove’ yeste-rday, at tim age of 3?. Bfirfl cm Ikiarciz i 135$, in: was tam fm:rii1 son ef the fi_1'*:§£ L+:}r& Landcgimzruaugh and L’?-C*331;d 353:1 turf hgs fa1h.cr’s aesmnd marriage, 357* 133% he Lmrrm: Eveiyn !\«ia:,:dr;,= fia.z:g§‘cE<:-r Q? ma £311.: Mr. E. F. W¢:h$tcr., ané had may } S933 and one dazaghsmn I-IE5 mend sax: was . 8 kiiieé in assign in 19:3,; V xrticle 170 The Times, Saturday, Nov 12, 1938; pg. 11; Issue 48150; col F - BIG‘ Am? §AI}E1N AMSTERDAM MENSING -CBLLECTIQN TO 35 BRGKEN ‘UP FRBM {}Ui1,CClff.RE3PDNflENT AMSTERDAM, Nov. 11 ‘W. M. Mansiifg, who far over SD years _ coaductad filfi a=rt.sa1::s.of Fraderik Muller and Co. in Amsterdam and did mom ihaa anyone to make, this éity ta. Eurczpearx. ‘art market. is being brakcn up. Some {if the mere =pr¢ciu::s piciures are being retained by iiis family; but.mo‘re. than 106 g are being ofiered far sale by ancifinn by Mr. M‘s.ezns1'ng_‘s *-own firm (of which his V mu is am»; the head} next Tuesday. The gataiague inciudcs ‘them magnificent “ Pcrrtrart. of Maartfin Lumen," painted by . Rembrandt in January; 1633,, whesa he was 1 25, one of his E ' It has been in a‘ DB eolléctmns in Lonon, and has been exhibited af, Burlington House three times, the last being at Winter Exhibititm nf butch Art in 1929. ’ Second only its this in fame is Ema Stceafs 3arge- painiing of “ Amen? and CiE:0;3atm,” fqr the c:¢nzra§_ figure of which his-sister was 1115 model. This painting was 315:: exhibited“ .31 the Rayal Academy ‘Exhibiting af flinch Ari, having _pI'¢ViGusly,, bt:1wct:E1' 1331 and 1878... been in (hr; hands of a number of English coflecmrs- . A smalé study by Jerome Reach of Th: Dm:tai's_!i5zcning tp .lc‘sus_ in the Tcmrfic ’" 1334»: ail the rich calcsmmg and scns_i1i‘ve ¢3E{)fi‘£$S10if‘I of this artisti: bcsuknown works, but none uni the accentricity at imagination of most of them. It wnu1d'3_PD¢aI‘— to he the right-hand portion- of the mjiginal p-insure representing “ Ci1ris:t~in xthe‘ Mi_(15t"of"'£he Doctors,” of which lhere are early copies in the Lmxvm and the Jnhnsan Cailecticn in Phiiadeiphia. last Brueghel fie Veiarirx is reprcscnteé by fan: Eandmapcs, ‘(Beanies Coques by :1 sgflfiptgrtrait ,fn'1jn_rcrly in the Bischofisheim caflectzon anglhy a. family gortrait, Jan .van Search by" we ianiiscapcs‘, and fiiric Hats Usmthnr of Frans)‘ by a we}!-known oval, 5‘ Game1rof:'I7r5cki—:rack.” There is a. small Teniers “' Intérior ~of an Inn," :3. Tcrimrch. *‘ Pnrrtrait of :1 \G:.:nt§cman',f’ awn fine panurfimit: vicws by Aer: van den‘ Ncv“:1*.,_ant1 :1 stmarkahiu X‘ urn:-A J: in-us’-navn:a—. 13-3-as----uh-——-— 3 f‘ ‘Bamism inf Chris: "" by ihc sixteenih-cpgtnry Tfic: art cuiiéctian cf the late: Mr- fignimn - 2of3 The Times, Dec 27, 1938; pg. 1; Issue 48187; col A ' - . in BEAT!-IS (cosstinzied) HlGHs%.’#£.-0n flee. 2%. 1933. at ‘Ya: Haunt. Snrreaz. Sm Cmuuxs iintmsn. vFumraE.- mm-aw. Mmawial su-vi-at. 3.30 am-1.. Thursday, Dan. 29. an 1h: Chapfi of the Savoy. Strand. §¥lLl.S.«-watt Dflt. 24, £933. :2. 2. Gamma Tmuc. iicnsinston. Mam Tm: 3:2. Roar. sum: ‘Wags: H!x;u6. M1. 3.1.9,. bi:1m-ed husaanzluf Mary Gage Hifts. ‘mad ‘:1 scan. Requiem Mass at the Cfinmelm. chum. {march Sm.-2:. Itgmfruttnu. an :1 attack. on 17lI|£f5‘5i1§*« fiw. 29. mma: at Kgnsal Gaza Cgullafic cemttcry. mum to 3.. Pain: Gardens ':!‘crra=ce. FLLP. me. 23.. I933. at yradcuham R-actors. Riga‘: Wwambe. amt gnu; snaiarms mm» anrng. cctwitgrs lttxnirm-tmn Fmtta Ktamss. !t..N. ($226.3. i*:'i::a1..a:s::n1?~t. maquicm. 1u.£.5a.m. ifitmeutat 11 11.3» za-mnnuw -twednudav). awyons: mishiux an amt: newer: 31:35:: 32:16 inmad tn Bucks Clem? Chtritr. RIJJIST.--tam 23. 193& Hm. Hum, RI» R.3.A.. awn! '56. Ftmtsmi-. 2 .n-.m..- KS3-E1513‘ (Tuudafi. at Exsenhridza. ' _ ' _ as-ai1£s.»»¢u»ne¢. 35. 1938. may Jam Inns, of $04. Afizxnaara Roaut. Hamel .!!_emnsaw£_ (Eat: at hfciriiiwasi; Scnisaa Tluzrsdnslf. 1l.l.3~‘6. St. lbifll‘}“£. Ileana! Hammad‘ Etrcmazim Instr Galaxy: Gmm Na flamers; .I{3N£.S.——0n Dec. 23. 1938.. at "‘ F$’§I!£§!t?." Malvcm, Tm. Rex’. C2:-m J1. Jams. ymngéaz szzm arugc ’Iaw:: wiziiara Inna. qr Abb-2:142: H313. Wogmstusam. Ftmcm! Malt‘-mm €i:1u1etcx3* wdnnrmw Lwudacsdzyj :1; 12,39, ifisswers to 1119 ccI'uctt¥%5'. xrrwaoamm mg. 3-1. $938., at :13. 5:. ‘fifimtmcts ‘iwad. Swqfgrd. Lines... Puma» max: Krrwmn. Cam. m;x2n1¢r.- R.3~1.. wry dcnflsr :Imr¢d hlzsbmmi of Eve itlsss-and and :..x-fig: son of Mr. and Mrs. Waker xsmcga. uf imswn. Lina. Cmnatfiun at Nntrinnham tn-mom)»: (Wcdn:sd:1«—'J. Na . liN0'.£'1'.-on :15. 19:3. suflfiiaiz-'. if Iiwomlunms. Bgacaa ‘ilill. Funk. Emmmu Paxton, widow oi Srmvrrox {IMIKV Kzsmrr. Ncweamannan-Tyuc. am: Furmrat. chazmanus Snatch; -Sana-day. D¢:x.*:.31.a'£2.30fi.m. V RECIPE-on 1933. at Hershasn. Erma: E£¥'2»\I=E‘f..’.i£.. tscxsmss wins at LEWIS tau-scam-«r Km:-2*. [..ad'~iC2I.&T£R.-—0n her. 26, 1933, ‘at fizzy. {taunts Wsxcklma. Am-‘E 'i.a.!~‘i¢:a.s‘t£l. of Fan William. firztlinsim. etdxsi daunhm of the inn: Canon lama: Lnncgmer. Fnmtrat xuvmormw twcdnmiaurl. axxirxfiaza Enaijsmzrm Clmrch 1:3 mm: I‘.I!Is:s':. 24. !*)3-& 2; ltowanzrechm. Sgiimaeaim, R%.:nf‘m“w$l;ir<:. 'Bi.Afi.CH§"§hta!!5E‘ITE. hcxm-mi *if= will. 3. igzrsman amt “ma aausmer at flu: inn: Jillm-‘=5 firm Fmrzastcr. Fnnml xurivz;-me. M 3156 MK'£llI3ll««--13a nrcz. 22. E33. asmfdzzrty. rat %\*m'si:’ac.Tuns:a:2. 1.v:.a.ems.,A_ Anemia. widow at Bxwmm \VM‘.fli MA£Ah.?n1£*I.. MJ). in-CAI.MOIfiT.-an Ba. 34. W38. §il13(¥fi‘.tl|§‘. at Mount. James. Cieaunsty hlilkenny. am: May Bu-nu Hears. wire of Mam: Mac “ ~ daughter of the roman Mm’ ' scat. Fuamut gtriizate. an-d:t;r_ nan} an fijwnigngg _-chumh. f.'¢i2i1§¥ .Iulken:.m _ av;-msm\:_on Dan. 2%. 3-933. 3115. blast}-us} Lanna. Cniaigdm. Gaxjvsrs mzsna, husband ¢rJmz«r M. Mnnmx. amt third man at the Ian: E22:-aryl W. Hanson. Cremation pa“-me. No #.am:ts.«nlca:sc. ‘IKE ..u.;.w......._x. . 4 . . . - > V - ' aaarhfl :tIaie"sh..—ka-Irma-us Efl.¥‘*v'."|v¢‘5‘3‘l‘-*5’: 33‘ i_‘ ham‘ ‘-‘fix 1 ._¢ ; ,;~?}-I‘ L 311- WWIQVI I&..A- UEJC51 J laA3“2'?\IC5V# ufia «NM uw«\««\ \N»» w . )4 T" The Times, Monday, Jul 310, 1939; pg: 3121;WI3ssue Mark 48353; col C Frances Lady Conyngham Category: Obituaries FRARNIQES LAEY Franscas Matcthimiw “in Dufiira Km Saturfiay. Ref re 11 * £‘:¥jj¥13.%”I‘§a.g’& an that fnurth Marquess in 2882', 51%;: W33 Han. Fmnws : I _ .i“‘&iI fiseleigiz-da ’!v§n¥&3u*1$, eidast . daugfiter GE the ffansrfih Lani Vcntfx‘. Sha had. two was arm five daaghters arm was Eat‘: a wfdtaw in 38157, wkmn her eiéar 301:: sugcecdéed as fifgh marqumss. Ha fiiaé unmamicd in F913, and hay mrnnd 39:1; am. sixth arsd,’ prawn: . marquess, sac; - ~ ‘ famiiy 11-ostmsm in 159°? 1.23% W “gnarricil smzcmdly -Mags; 3’. EL. . . , .011, 1311:. rwetainesé her fiiifi by ::aurm$y.. By hm‘ secané marriage shit had issue {we was and a. éaughiar. 11:1: Lftimerai izfili take piswa at 31:-xne flharch, Caumty Megth, £a~m«::arr::w.', at 23$ pm. Article 183 °=“° 7 01’ 3 The Times, Thursday, Jul 13, 1939; pg. 19; Issue 48356; col A 4 »FUNERALS Doxswafia Law; Ct1:~n=:«::*;m.21x 1 " 1 43%‘ the Ijowager Marchigaess . __ U 003: yiavce on Tatsday at Shane 42 , 1 . Meath. The tfitlffifi wasfiernc to the ahursh on at {am can and was .fuiEa.uw=d §y iargg nurpber caf esmie workers, The huraal ’lD£}§i place iii the churchyigrd. The semcc wags camgiuctcd $35132 Hev.,i.‘“3. Fry. assisted in, the Re'v._\Si, (Io:-11:5 Harvey. A ‘ bigmbcrs n the famsijy and Gihfiffi prszsenl :nck1ded:—- Thc Pstmxqxztss and In-iarsrhiumrss Cmymihzm-‘Ir, Sir Edward‘ and -Lid? munch: Saynsauzg Ladgy He:-scy ’B:1§tsi:,, Lord and Lid? I-lsalm Patrick, Captain Cztnctan. Mr. R. Camgram Mr. and Mrsz. T. F. Mcfiaazmr. Lard V§':1!r_y. {card 51. flgndréus. Mr. 1.. F. Mnswgmh, Lfafigt McCaEmam.. Mr. Vtctur Mstatmmt. Sir slimy mm-:an_ Lady Lamban. Sir Francis and Lady awake, 1,9“: I}m;sa:1$'. 1.34156 A.t!-Humnw, Guiana! 311% Mrs. Cu;-22L M330: hiuzgzhafismfard. Mrs. North-Bamfnrfi. Licutcawaut. Cuiéarml ffixrnsnds. D13: 41:: Stacpmzslaz. ; _§‘I’tt: B-sshtm of fiieath. C-nntairt H. R. Gsbmsmc, Csmzain gm-.£ Mrs. 412.. F. tvazicins. Cafitain E. T. yian, fanlafn Stan! ' lkialzhcvrs. Cmazain L Im-dam. .§..f<':£1tiE1!ai1l-« Qfifflfifi A. ._ Bmuim. Captain and Mrs, C. G, L, Cimam W. E‘ I... 1-Sexcsies, Cnniaiq .1. an flufiins, Mason" And 51:3. Bugry. Chum: H. flarlmsl. the Rm-.. _l-L ii-Iuntcr. {Ingram .1:mc~;sEofl‘c:n Camzin Cedfiing. mu: Cnmmmntiatm H. :2}. Binxzln, Mr._H¢«;m.- 11 Jamgggn_ ?g'_Iljv~._R., D. Jamusan. Mr. C’; H. Nrcnaisnn, fir. B. E. ?*1xzh¢ri1cn.. hit. and Mrs. Pallock. sir. Niaii Baird. I‘-In anti Mrs. Dwain: Wan. 32!:-. 1. G1 ¥.‘lc:!(;c:.-my. flu; 32:12 3., W. Hansen. Mnzuui Mm. Mexandcr Thom, Mn. 6. Law;y.. Mr. Avmur Ekialimws. M1,. 1. 3. Wash, Mr, A, ff. ‘Munmomflry. Zhir, 3. ?. Lzamaznnt. Mr. .11., H. Wififésrdt‘. Mr. C. I~L,Er:ss:aca Mr. E, C. fihiricy. Mr, 1)., Hniiinw. Mr:-L I-ioltsrsncr. Mr. R.‘ W. 8. fimaze, _;?cIf'i. Aim: ‘Henry, kit. H. 3. liirwaa. lklifié Pmrfi, 2~~‘II&*s Deinmns: Pcard. Mr. Francis L. Pilkingtnn, M;-,' J, 1., Waislzc; Hr. Jahnfllugrrnzg Mr. :3. Lafiam Mr. 1. Hana. Mr. flarnr Bczasicy. Mn N}. ::3'ncm~,,~. 3.5:, 3. 5, “i-*:mun,; Mr. C. Huhbcny. Mrs. It. 5. Iienlscx, Mr. 3 '+\}¢5C¢£‘.1-flat‘. Mr. H. C. kuummc». Mr. F. .1=,»c§,,!m,,, gr: W. firamr. Mr. R. Sicily. Mr, .9, 3... kn. nagzgnilnizw. Mm. Edwnm é‘h1¢&{¢rir:a1 Mr, ilaaswun, Mg, M. Q, Crinirrn. Mr. 1:... c. Crininn. Mr. ‘William 3-“mim Mn W. E, "Rome. and Mr. Charis: ca‘-123'.‘ enmi