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Lam H1: % :11; L::: ~«.:.*u:a:a:‘ '51:-rt: 1La:rL Afiuqt‘ 313- §:’:1_='¢r.33 ‘try nil tram I£IT1:fl1;~=:1, THE Fiuififiums ~-.13-.i§é':J7:T=tEETf;.'§‘T;i“I:_~':_[.« am: ;*§:Es::r:1'E: FEfl?fiWE?. r;nmm'i§.§n.¢ fiE'Ti3;'f‘I.:¢:‘} £-‘0B:iE£r:fi‘:i3 “mi =7!_:he~ ‘ $15353 ins; amsgz y 2,i"H:«i L V é!'€‘ii1{E!I§_‘i'?i’t:~‘;r +3 I.a:it:~.'_ ‘.mfl !E:L'k§‘fi§ETIK Ii |fLiPFE.»1i. r;,;:.l:_j iii‘-T~§i171'.§3 ‘-$’}i?;‘t-EFL‘; mam? I7‘.:fi;,,1?€,E-IE1. List. 4 EL?” 2- ms:-ea, 5:!-. ;Ps'§a:r:a:«*:‘~ f3«;n73. a’-‘sarrre .. .. in ‘Z :'éA;re€£k .E'xr1i.1., - .. mg 142. FIIE,-fs‘!- :';"':?..m.I,zmi:~'3l:»h a , - - .. 11:5 1%. $3.-Fin, §j§fi§“iI.§,:t, _ _ 1 E , ‘ a _ figu- ifi, ;Eii;§l*%!;!!,.!§-‘fliifi Emm- *‘T11":s!:»-.t.& . ., 11? i— TE.!'§E!.:2n41'E= "3*%'Hi.if§; 'ir";n::'2,‘ Fiinmtigmg _ . - V. L H i!'.».. gjfififiiiég", F:;m= Z!-‘am. L-’;Lm.-‘mun: , ., . - . - M -57, -Hfiigibtk“ E':i:I3;:-inf:-1?: ._, _ ., .. ,, Er‘: ‘_ 55% Hr3.=;a—:r»;'§ l'Ii~E|¥:‘-“l!:% F?‘LrT‘£“:.*. atxshargj ; E - , , . $31 935:3. Eifiktna E:"jfl,‘!‘!'I‘1”2-. §?:.z.ri=.a.n: - , ,, , 15:5 ‘fig. Ha:-f-:-éu:I1ea:1 fiafim Emmm .. ,4 : - - 9: ‘I Emh=ri % . - fiifflwlél F'i='r?fi, 5’fJ;n:-'.-5 :33-rfiirsa -; -. W , f%i.':§&.f Silgg \ ,'5E3«.3'§ih= Pm:-Eu:-: :,,«,§g,, glgfi its .1‘-.?:._‘l'.:.EEu1, Eitfileizi ‘E’-azrzfil-3 fisgrsifla 3.11:3 £1.-»-ms;-..r:. E |..'ni.§ Se‘-mi-45 am-M Rwsanm 3.3113 A--» E-i;-EEczit(§rs-:~¥—3eI-2:-sezs:_._ EEALTWELL} aha‘. Elm, 3. fitfimzslyagil.-~C3.ihg3§ I.,;a.s2r.:%l_n,‘a Inn, T‘§.iZ!..i¥‘;., ,.1.-Ssgeiii ta--mI":L. I';LI,..T,,I;‘5i"]2,, ]7'_7“:=..;«:’i;;;,L HHH‘:-rI:_r, ~'l;'."J*5Ei-rzicfn P.:£;:“i£1.*u.3?umE; n4;:ga:‘G;;z3¢&=r?3'ur;:. E 3'1 7‘; E Wifii 1{UI‘l.:-E‘i"'; 3!'.l§_E.mas:r1Fr:%I*-§r:§*=z;:;2z~z'L'::p ‘3.: iiozfir. I Qam : Property : Copyright 1939, The Times The Times, Mar 18,V:193’9 Apartments And Board Residence Category Full Text Article 56 .m wmmwér I‘ var! .35“... /GM t"\l./1\r3‘A'\ i. aqww) L‘ ‘‘ C,~-V._,Tl»vv 1’C"1 1VVV\~4’ ‘V0441 ' 9 */\+v\0\§u~« ’»»\ V\/f(\;‘J\..L/W [AV-RIC .-a«~ vv" ""' ’\N\>(:_ LAN7 [1/1P(Al;;!\['S . wt, gt A» W M- Pw”W~ v'Q“( 4‘ I W1 K“ \‘'\v' 1 L I S _vi“'L‘»< Rautfl: , /. Mm ‘-\*"**~w ' C’ m""""\ \"“u"N1'L M”! (1 LEN /Cull r C ’ d/«L: ' ., W Lwe L, §zd\m«L\ iv’ :3-4 -«It {/ ‘ “#1 v2 £Mv«“‘\L x-i“»'\/5L”"‘$ ‘5"“JL f')«,7«.§S«. 5 /":'V/‘:3 E4 \/’~vU‘W'r EM '*\‘<,~.ff : ikocfi/\X £~~<.> (,D"7" A/L4)‘ *'’Wv 59 ”v-¥1«~«34‘ /- -1 x A A 3 i . I S5,. / \\J;k ‘yvv i\’c,~.Ju.J> 0% (Q i‘/V/N7 5- “it '3 -T4‘ WV» ’ £1 I hf‘l'l"\'//il"|‘FI'\1'r'2I‘ Innrlnn nalnnwnnun I!r\r\n Ill-...l:...£....._.-I.In4 A IINAI-Ir'\;-sa nu‘.-A- Article 86 .. M \ :‘rx€—:, _. ;'z«f"5( k~—' Les§¢s“ : “Lord Gicni:snar's James I. siiver-gilt rusewmtcr cure: and dish. by F. Terry. £618. 90oz.. both cigbamtely chnseti with doipbins. Tudor macs. 5:c,.. was smrchascxi at the Msnrhianess Gtanyzsgham safie in H303 Eur £4,200. and now rel} at 53.300. {Redc¥ifle.}" ‘ ' In another London Daily newspaper, " 2-‘ram Lard Gientazsar cune‘ a James 1'. silver-ziit rose-mater ever and dish.-bit Ff,_Terrr. 1613. which came-out of the 31archianoss:$I¢ni*3=s:h:zzn*s~s:i1e in was for smeo. Yester- daifithe hammer fell at ' And still another Bait? nexvspm:-er about the bidamg for “JE.«_on£- Gientanar‘s beantiiui James I. silrcrgilt I069-‘fifiter ester and dish. by F. Terr)’. 1823. enter and dish were oflered in the Jlarehioncss COI1}'ng'- izanrs me. t\mnt§'-three years 399. they reamed 4.600 ‘ni ¥I . .‘.I)' zmdnwte friend who. with :11} his ‘:~u1'ture and classics. needed to be mid would be :>uzz3cd- I-«st Ausmst 1 said :1. picture for £4,000 to Sabin. in September two pieces or pefit. pom, to Durlacber for 55.000. Those were:ac1u;x_3 gates mfg M031 imrcts—nat dummy names. Why am I able to Simply because I never ad} for the tmae vroportian of silver anti . seli Dearly-all that 3 am.-red. While I was oolicctizng goods in the country on Wédxresday for the August mics 389 lots oz’ Iumitum :m=d.chin:1. were mid. £5 0! the best sold for 51.18:}, and the 364 other loks were an said-—-not bought, 51;, On Thursday. while I was aéain out cpih‘.-ctim; in am 351 lets were actuafly said. fast, I kit the baxutifui count‘:-53' scena and was in my Rastrum am} fid 292 of 1.362 1035 3691313? said hst week. In these depmssing days the scasatsonai achievement of Eurcombs for July is 3:16: lots sold. of which 41 tots of iewcls. furnituré. matures and china rcslizaeci £1909. There are many in my prafcssian who tail: about .-Wsust and September being 3 bad time for auciion $315. In these Mitt:-nm: rm" Am.-...~e tan. 1...‘; 1 ---:-a. . fsaierooms of London ctased t glam autumn. after (me Of 1 that '”bu)'iug-in " menus - run a. 51%!-ul business without making these buying. = yam-s I have been in riccarhll in insist and Sevtembex: tbg the reunininf 5W‘5.4O:’.‘x}so seih The above ngm-cs do: not incl than the tin) ibzm 3015 551’ remixed 59.003. in "The I re:::§:- " All the mere imfiaftflm memory. Them hzwc been 1* tious of either nictnrs or ‘ . : - m of £80 each was re.1cbe:l.§;ftht::kP.aS£ 19 )9”: or you would nmtnhiy have ‘lo my :32 because they éailed sell under the hammer the ma» E. - - - uudermte Hurcamhss Gmften bethnn Rose Water Bush 111.111 Ewen ‘ I have an abiding men flnwzmm August mt x but won 5 same nctnscaisnizm come ’ forward and give me 55.000. so that the mnney can be 3”‘ "'“""“”5* “‘“"°" 5”5""e9°"' I am sure “The Times"! books. 6:c.: and three imgaartz on one day towards the cm: :2 Another t1'eat_1.on:ln:: I}:a.fl}' "The London an and lit: mm: to an and yesterday. a: ilazandal depression and the :6 Folfcred. it may be regarded , successful one. "31:’. Hurmmh Wlmsc new nighvs dcsed with 3 5 and jeweilcry. The :01: urice. by 31:. Waters for :1 George mm: 3 pair at caddies: white 3 George Iii. circular tezs-set." Three importzint mics are at these Galleries wwards the IS TIME TO INCLUDE AX} SELL. now being struizhi:1.r:1y or ask me 10 co] bi-tore ieliiug. 5'» sale. no c you wish to he advised as It in mu: hquse. why not ask advice and suggest rewcrvcs? visit. 215. for revresentatis-cs I at and round about. Bade. £ Dorchcstcr. Cambfidsc. The Surrey. !\‘artb:«rn~‘pton, Birmiax: Ncwbllry. Wisimedz. Sussex. Inncaster. Pirmoum. Penna: has-soush. Colchtster. Lévenaooi. Hexham. Bournemouth. were Morneth. Ex:-fer. Hun. and 2*: metres early in August.) Lon P1t'::ts¢d to colkzct. what. -are c coliection by icrrics. which Scotland. and XE-‘.1293. Vnixmtitzns for nrabxtc. in: fees. It the property s) an through me the fee vii} he re: Auction Sale every F!"§d33' siivar. Shcflield mate. Poms}: tune. pictures. china. Ilfiti boa! Ptuccls mfe registered post. SALES 05 PEEMISE: §—-——- HUECOMBS GRAFI 23/ 03/03 ..o-—..« 3.4. ‘L Article 44 Page 1 01° 4 The Times, Nov 11, 1931; pg. 17; Issue 45977; col D Deaths Category: Deaths Full Text: Copyright 1931, The Times WILLS AND BEQUESTS ESTATE OF SIR ALEXANDER BICKET Sm -’\i:EXA=‘ Bum»; Roman =. .. 19/O2/O3 Page 2 of 3 Article 86 Tzw /Tn“-"-3 .. ,. ..., - ’ ‘ _.. HURCOMBS -HCFSRAFTON GALLERE: TOP 1:59 0? noVE‘R«S'1‘R1*3B'1‘- Lu 11- bethan Rose Water High and Ewér. A Graduate or Cambzidze University 2nd- :1 mzitumi schoI:1r..uot 2, fartnight 320. said “I reaé and cab? your advertisements every week with pmflb and intemst. but do explain to me what. are ‘baring-in ' Thus. one mrith a very eiemccntzxy oducation musi endeavour to teach some of the nnnr thousands who fiance ant. and others who smn. what :1 sfrait cdfiar dc-scrfbeas. as "curiausiy convincing copy.” Once again. iet. us suppose you sent. :1 fiddle to an auction sale and} reserved it. at £109, :1 chair at £100. china as £199. I diamond ring. silver tcapat. carpet. rug. table. ‘cello. piazza. far mat. lace fl-ounce. sabk: stole. each reserved : at £100. If all !3 lots were baugizt in--i.¢.. fafied to sen-quad an avemrc mice of £36 «man was reached. y YOU would mohabiy have to pay $132 because they failed ’ to self. I faileti to 3211 under the hammer the E!iz:1.~ i I have an abiding and iibemi olfer; but ran‘: some :icb.S::::£snmn came; Iorwm-cl and give me $5.060. so that the money am he . invested to provide a more adequate stipend for the Hiuister of the Oid Kirk. Edinburgh. Lo whom the two warm! vessels beicng 1‘ ' We rad in "The Times" : "Lord Gicnirxnafs James I. siiwr-giit msematcr csrer and dish. by F. Terr)‘. 1618. 9002.. both ciqbomicly chased with dolphins. Tudor roses. &c.. was purchases! at the ltlarchicnefi Coayngimtn 5239 in 19118 fiu-r £4,200. and now £91} at $3.200. (RedcIi1fe.}" ‘ ' In another London Dniiy newspaper. " ‘ram Lord Gientanar came‘ :2. -lama; I. sih'ez.giit. rose-water cu-er -byj‘. 1615. which came-out or the 5!a:chianess_3;fqgi*n;,hgta‘a—s:iIe in was {at 24.200. Yester- ctaxxtze hammer {an at $8.2 ~ And stili another Daily newspaper about the bidding for "L_0rd‘ G'Ientannr‘5 beautiful James I. silver-gilt rose-‘water ever and dish. by 3:‘. Terry. 1613. when um ewer amt dish were uttered in the 1‘-Iarchioness C01'I‘,Vn5:- hanfs mic. twent3'vtI1ree years new. they realized 4.900 313' graduate mend rho. with all his ‘culture and classics. needed to be tow. what '”b1xyiag‘in " means would be :mzz3cd- Last August I and :1. picture for £4,900 to Sabin. in September two pieces or pain. pain; to Dm-Iacber for $5.000. Those m:-reiaciuai 211395 mé actual bus'crs~—na1‘. éxmzmx-' names. 'k\'.‘ny am 1 able go run :1. successful businas without making ‘these bu}"rng- ‘- Simply because I never 31:11 for the trade at dealcm. except» inst 2: sum}! proportion of silver 8-11151 jewels. ami so I. or Ire. seli nenri;--an that is aflereé. Whfic I was ooliccting roads in 117:9 country on Wedzzesday for the August safes 389 lots of tumitum a.mi.chinn were said. 25 of the best sold for 51.189, and the 364 other lots were an sold-—not bought in. On Thtlrsdar. while I was aéain out cpflecting in the country. 351 lots were actmfly sold. and on Friday 321515 I ieft the beautiful eounii-5‘ svenes and was En my Rasfnmx and acid :29r2 iots. nnkims a. total of 2.352 lots actmliy said last. week. In these dcnmssini: gxys u is There are many in my prcfcssion who talk about August and September being 3 had time for auction 831%. In these uflmmna rm .1m.-ma ten. 1...; 2 -.--1-:-. « isms I have been in I’ic¢:azh11 in Atxgllsb and septembefi W; the renlaiaixfz 25.£Cr2"a}so sail: The above figures do not in?! than the two but lots for realized $9.000. in “The ‘Iimi-5" I I’?-*3?‘ "All the were impcfwm saierooms of London cioszd 4 late autumn. after one of 1 mcman‘. There have been 1-‘- time 0: either pictures or 11001 of the past. 1{!‘}'c::r'3 or so I setback." I am sure “The ffi1ne.i" I nude:-rate Hm-eambs Grafton open throughout. August for 1 art, pictures. silver. }e¥fe9|31’¥- books. &c.: and three impart: an one day towards the cmi c Another treat Lontlcux 1}.1i1}' Londtwn an and lite came to an end :'csIerdu3'. m financial depression and the :6 offered. it may be regarded zsucceztstul one. "Er. Bu:-eomb. Wham new night's clcs-ed with 3 5 urn} .iewa11vn'- The 1017 Drive, by Air. ‘Waters {or n Geargc mad as pair oz cadfiies: wzzfle I Geocrge lli. circular tux-set.“ Three smoomins suites are at these 8:139:35 tnmxds the Is ‘I‘L\IE To ISCLUDB .153 SELL. Catalogues now being stmlgiztznruy cr’a.~=i: me to col ht-tom selfiug. No sale. no 2 you wish to be zxclvisod as 1: in van: why not ask advice am! su-.::t~st. resm*cs? visit. 21:. for repre-sentsxtivcs I at and round about, Bade. I Dorchcstcr. C.-nvzebridxc. ma Sun-er. Sartlmmpton. Birmiaxt Xcwbflftc‘. W'zs!Jech. Sussex. Lmmster. Pl;-mcuzh. Penna: borough. Colclmster. Léverxaoot. Hexhnm. Bournemouth. Wore Mofnetb. Excter. Hui}. and 2:‘ me.-aces early in August.) Lon Pieztscd to colic-ct. what -are c collection by iorrics. which Scotland. and \\-'a!¢:s. Vnilmfians fur probate. in: fees. I! the nropertr so vu through me the Ice win he re: .-Sucltfrm Safe every I-kiday siivcr. Shcfiield yiatc. Form}: tum. matures. china. wé ban} Parcels mic rczistcrod past. SALES 05 PREBLISE.‘ 3--— HUECQMBS GR.-‘xi-‘T 23/03/m Article 1 The Times, Dec 01, 1920; pg. 23; Issue 42582; col C I The Estate Market. Wesley At Swanage., Ranby Hall, Lmcs. C ategory: Proper'tY Full Text: Copyright 1920, The Times The 1 Es.ta'te1.Mai-léett. WESLEY AT SWANAGE. RANBY HALL. LINCS. The Rev. Dr; J. S. Siman writes from Re. 33,’ Cavendish-_-road, Bi:-kdale, Sotzthaport:-——“ In your Estate Market column I often finei interest- ing descriptions of proyerties possessing historical assoeiaiiona. Last week I noticed that Wesiay CottagB,'.S'w3m_1ge, is ta be sold, its preservation for so long‘: time speaks well for ' the respect of its owner, and for the spirit of. the town. . “On; Oetabber 16, 1.774, John Wes! preached at Salisbury. After the service be ad a can- versangion with a. woman who was carrying a" baby 1:: her arms. Ba fom1t!'t.’m1b she had walked 40 miies -to ask him to come to Sw and ‘preach there. Ear ‘name was Mary Burs. esley aconsented. arrived in the ‘lawn on the 121:5}, and preached £1: a meadow to a. large congregation. He stayed the night in Mrs. Burt's cottage, and left the next day for 7 It is technicaiiy tyne that he ‘fived in Wesley Cottage fur some tlme,’ but the phrase may be easily misunder- stand. -Be was ‘ a. was faring man who tau-tied ‘ given dis- . ft?!‘ 3; nigiifi,’ but his 3 art stay has tmctxan to the glass in the eyes of thus country- xmi Au.1_§rica.” 0 Dr. Simon’: letter must . the desirabiii of sums shght extension of the negofiafisnswhic 1 ht Bifm have lately been an happily earned on between . . _ . __._. ._ .., tin; vendcxj, £3.50!‘ Burt. and the local authm-itv. with 8 View to securing for the town in par- géatuity the privilege of ownership of Wesley 3 . ._. ,,.,,._....—n I in the Midlancfis. a_nd every izzxprovexnenfz, such 5 as cent:-gs}. heatmg, is we of the many resxdential sestages muludecl in the illzzstrateti list of pm- ‘pertaes hlished yesterday in these columns by §%ihessr§.mo}:n. D. ‘Wood’ and: §3Mannt—st.reet). -, xeple :9 W380 yEa.}l,Lincs, 3 for sale by tgqfizm. in conjunction with Messrs. ibiekixgson, B13331}, and 1} (Lamb), an ‘ December 19, at Lincoln. an Charies Bentinek, at a nominal reserve. The trustees of the 18176 seii cmtlying farms, in the Isle of Thames. ahalf ai Lord ’ ‘ _ Lord Canyngham haw mstmcted Messrs. Km ht, Frank, and Rntiey -to at 2,600 acres, of the as estate, near Canterbury, including land § An iizabethan house, withpark o!369acres. 1 Page 1 of 4 13/11/03 _ .. , ,. — 1 —,V P 2 f3 Artlcle T;.x»z4 (C (|(qt:: > age 0 .. . -..u.-v...--.w;, -nu uv4:Juu-gauuu "sun Donald Hughés (Basset-t~road., W.). Tha Duke of Bedford has instructed Messrs. Knight, Frank, and Rutley to dispese of Mor- wellham, Devon, 1,800 acres, with four miles of salmon, peei and trout fishing and the minerais umieriying 2,560 acres. Captain Brassey has decided to sell the Heythrep estate, Oxford. including the residence and 5,400 abres. Im- portant properties also to be ofiered by the Hanover-square firm are :---Lord Braybroolfs Biiliagbear estate, 1,350 acres, near Twyford (in conjunction with Messrs. Martin Nockolds and Sims) ; 2,600 acres of thefiifrons estate, near _C&n€erbur_y, for the trustees of Lord Cenyngham ; Pailak Castle and 3,000 acres, in Renfrewshire, for Miss Fergusson ; the principai portions of Netherby, Cumberland, 11,300 acres. for Sir Richard Graham; Gartsherrie, 2,006 acres, in Lanark ; Mrs. Doughty-‘Wyiie’s Theberton E2211 estate, Suffolk, 700 acres (the proceeds of saie to be expended on a memo:'ial, at 8udd—e1-Baht, to those who fell at Gallipoli) ; Mr. F‘. A. Browns’ Leicestershire properties of 886 acres ; the Balbfair estate, Suthefiandshire. neax-§y 3,000 acres; Edgcott: House, Exford, Somerset, 158 acres; Sheplegh Court. estate, 473 acres, near Tomes ; the Priory estate, Bum- ham Beeches : Mrs. Smith Ctmningham’s Orr!)- iand estate, Kirticudbright, 1,918 acres ; Rune- medgs rifle range, 800 acres, near Staines, with ' a firmg-line of two mites ; Marshalls ‘Vick, St. Aibgns, and smaller residential properties in various parts cf the country. Last, but not least. may be mentiuned the private sale, for Lord fiierard, of the Eastweil Park estate, Kent. It mcluéegthe mansion, with a 1,600«acre park and farms, in 311, 4,000 acres. Croxgzll ~Ea..£I, an Elizabethan manor house. near Lxchfield, for centuries one of the seats of the Curzon family, has been sold by Messrs. I.’a.x-sons, Ciayk, and Bodin (Hanover-square). mils compietmg the realization by this firm of thia Croxali estate e£ 1,238 acres, which has pm.- duoed a_Itog*etI1e:-~ about £55,000. The estate was ofiered :3 September, when the agriculturai por- trxon was said. Mr. Thomas Jenkins. a former M3-170!‘31f_ Burton-on-Trent, has bpught tgije map- a 1-na.._ 19/O2/O3 A RQLL or HONOUR. igacrrztn BY we PM?.3SHIONF.RS mr % L % Mozxnrcmxmss gm am-Iona or messzz cwrxacwao Wfifl "nus £’Af21‘.3HWHO ssxzvse m ‘ms area: Wm 16:4-19125. L ¢*i'%s¥‘?; §§§§%?;§E_§”§§ é1§?:§§‘5 fagéfl. L1‘ ow;.,EmsxuHn Hwil-;R<)Y, ms. _ .z. MM- FRMICIS POMERW; A213‘. 9. aim. is LEX Kmmxzson, (3.5 ? §:;§},§’v}W, 3: ¥§§%{§§. ‘-§.¥3, ii“? ,. L‘; I‘{\1’I.£1ER,R.l\3. £;“‘:%%%- 3€:ce“§éi ’:M,:s:, L/CU» Hzzmi t1<‘.;a>’i‘"£‘, ?m:::s.. FL13. W ’i;¥I“E§£%ié .§;J€;”i%a;§k%«§§ . Eazawaag §?%«@%y§“§?«:::i}‘>;i, W i%{3&§.£.~?::,. §%m:a, $53. f§§:z‘§“§§£.i;£i f%§£{¥§”Ei. §§‘—.§i‘%i‘S.§'Li$n GAMES LOGfiN,S.G9.3 Nm'H%— SCOTT, 1.09.3 SA‘M¥ DOHERTY, l1~mzs.Fus. GEO. MERCER, mms. Fus. Wm COLVIN, R.sco'rs. Anmzew coLvu~;,c.:2.x=. ¢C~E0.$TEvm~RT, U.$.2€~1’éi;i; R’? i{73¥§»i1’”,A;1‘5«~" ~53” {9 i3¥*'mi ‘i"3;x3”5‘\§:v*(:’aiMz%;:mg, -- ” Spgx §"f:§2_“z $355; i“ W» ’ )c»§{*..,¥. F 2,‘ . i€;}’i'l§13:;3<%s J3f.F1«:<1>Ni“i:$‘ <££:;»is“}({§£‘(f>1Q L } ‘Ea } "'1'." . «SM ,, Eh iM¥§,11« : E{‘1-1§;im<“<:> A ":1: Li S (Q. “ inst; i*:;:.£’r}i§iziz;> x5‘2'r“:$:”:ig§g,":‘*§;%, ‘ " . » BAe;*’H§ Cimfi gig‘: ‘ _;:)i‘i}:m:; . i‘~‘<;» qg; s A mm “ «“;SIje£‘}t&:;?i; ce§.§‘1d:t F}ixMIIW.%1;>~; ~ ’ L ‘ 1 ¢ .2‘ L{£€§nse«ii§ii%{};R K} (“V F $13113 = { Ei ,I3‘t*='.a Kjrf M I12: I‘: I > 3 {OI721I”1 Hz:tr't4’s%& i°"i:£nI':V-2’: AN’. % ‘’ xx hood.» 4 L R at {ms %1;;:}*:>§Ci7<\> % §3(;:«%u£ if 4 » ~ . 5 ka C‘:;:PS{‘ Psi ”<:€:§3;”~ 9) DC“ L5/ci:'s .. Gum fistreet VF::rm. . . ,._ . Ei’£2:2r I“‘:mn.. Qhisleg . , .. l§;1u:5:;:£:§:r::s Fzznga. I-Shialct ~.«. Emma: 3 Ftrrm... _ . . — :. ; ytia::»;:an'.: Ceurt ,;!:‘nr;_u:. Hinuian flare’ Pam}, _ i Yfiliteiack E-‘zzmz, liing;-:t.a;m ii flefilsiigt §}=‘a;r1n. . . Quitting . . Hsnuzhvmd .}_<’:.nm“:. iiazham Z.€«§3a.:1;d1Le»P¢1:§ Farm. gfsfidze ._,Lit;1:,E«e Erma 13:1:-:11,_fi:i:j:;c‘: _ Bmnlf mam .. T::z:::‘e:Ea§r:r”ss'it1.1 it K 1;, 2‘ §"«;'~+ i—"lh§-‘*’-'e3=—*‘Ll_" as dLcss E"*i“““‘aaB1‘%.’:§”‘x’b°m:5m.a*‘% » vrzm *»er.a_:m ‘ 9:: ., ..v+-A4. ; 7 l!i’a4:1:it13:tfifI.. 1{er:u‘h—::r. Em A H‘ and Et:.Rzm3su:uL‘1. } :—»-nu I-’-I. If Di’ Ql Ii It ‘Q #1 -IIIIZI Q!-i On in #4 If If‘ N 33 it In I i . . 3+1 . .~. a q. 353 CS Rich Marsh Lam-‘.1-3. ta Szzsfiém.-, ifaazézizg ;s.z.a.;hie nml _.1.. ~ - Eeidinszs mmi Co rm‘ in 5:5 «cm Drcfiiaztfii? said £2~ri.rnt.e%if;I’. fE;§'£:p:s :17: * "4 I _A 1, Staneahlgildzggs, Lim:=::aIn’ax ,.,i % % ‘Ihuzsdny. 213:1: _3i-ay. at '1L.3fl {film { mt? fin», W.c:.2. A; L..‘C;.* Article 11 Page 1 of 4 The Times, Jun 04, 1919; pg. 21; Issue 42117; C01 G _ The Estate Market. How A City Site Was C|eared., Bargains In Kentish Land. Category: Property Full Text: Copyright 1919, The Times 1 E The 9 Eétate : Market. HOW A CITY SITE WAS CLEAEED. ‘ 1 _BARG‘rAINS‘ 1N KENTISE . J . . it .];£iIq})% 2A 1 ‘ .'.I‘he prgincépai points in our review‘ of the market are the appmaehing 9! free- hoids in the,'an¢i of 1 me in Woqd-sheet, which was cleared by enemy actinn, the fact that 3 large ac;-eage.§n_same of the mast; fertile perks of Kent is earning under the hammer of ‘various firmsat an ea:-Iy date, ancf the sale of a. new-:1 she-e13—breeding farm at Mausey Blagnptaa. - . ~ A very zmportant City sale wiil b'e"1:ald on 3388 35, by Messrs. Edwin Fox, Bnmett, and B3d3&185’: Of in_ Lombard-street and Georgjrgntd, prenazses m t?1e hatter farming part of Wqlxmns Dean-un’s Bank. The present in- gome IE cnnsiderahie, but it is suggestec; that it _ increase upon the of vgnotzs dates from.‘1924 enwards. The fimfs gucfion on Jufy 2, bf a site of 28,908 sqaarsa feet m_Wood~street and Silver-street, re- Is Que of the air minis, far the spienditl block of bu12dmgs_ whiclg formerly covered it was de~ 530983 by mcendxary bombs during one of the most ccstiy attacks the City exparieneéd. The frontage to Wood-street is wail over 100111., ané pracmeally 9:11 freeheld. On -the same date Edm}: Fox, Burnett, and Badgglay wig: sell Coréporataan Ieaseholds in Emzndsditeh. The wttp2// __ rental‘ is £3Gfi, and the gronnti rent. "unis. ‘Beb- . Shorthtmz cattle, for m petual lease, oniy £8 a year. t he-:m_:e thefirmissasuhmit Iflflhouses, ' -m Hachxey, in the late {Selena W. H. Baxter, and, a. week later, premises near Fa_;r- ringdommad, sftogether a vafuable sad ;:romzs- ing eolkeetian ofi investments. Reference may again usefuiiy be made to the extensive site in High Balboa-a, which Messrs. Debanham, Tewaan, and Chinnocks are seiiing on July 1. It is seidam that the opportunity ofbnyinganacreinso cent:-31 3 positiqn is available. The pian pnbiisheé in The Pumas. on several occasions iateiy, shows bag: con- venient the pmperty stands for business in Caveat-garden, Dxford-street, and Shaftesbury‘ avenue. As an adjunct; to such ofices as new line Kings-way, gremisw on the site pomss greai pomiaélities. In nouns! periocis. too, thaws is the advantage of 3 plentiful mppiy of labour in the district. hutjcr the mament the ease with which “ danations” are obtainabie must act be forgotten. However, by the time‘ 3. buyer is ready to begin work there, the may have cleared samewhat. in that and other re- spects. In all its esserztisls the site is as useful ’a fneehoid as man be fazmd in the Wat Central distriet. . Messrs. Troflope announce the safe of No. 49, Cadogan-street, Cadogan-gardens. beiare the suctian. They have Suki the whoie peace} 6! ix-ea-haid grnand rents, recently described in The Times, amutmting to £1,358 a year, and seemed an premises chiefl3'—iz: I-Iighgate and C-laphamz. “ The Marquis nf 2813339393,” 2. ireehoitl mar- ket house with fuli Eicence, in Bow-street and Russell-street, a few. yards fram Covent-garden, has secured an it a net gmund rent, of £148 a year, which vrili be said by Mmsrs. Ei¥§ott.,' Son. anti Btrytan, on June 12, with reversitm to the trade in 37 years. Qther ground rents,» and :1 house in St. Johz:’s-wood. wilt be said an the same oecasxun. . A ‘amass SHEEP-BR.EEDER°S" £39.31. At Cirencester, Messrs. B1-ubon. Knawies. and Company, offerexi the Bfaisey Hampton. estate 01 IE aezes. The Manet Farm, which has been in the oermpatian of Mr. J. T. Hobbs. the “fell- Imown baeeder of Oxferci. Dawn sheep and any years, 787- acres, was s:g:1d’a.t £31,208 ta; M;-. Sydney Bennie, the pur- 19/07/O? xrticle 11 Page 3 °f4 _ ..- - .—u Ionmnbalf‘ VIII‘ ‘I-IL £809, in.additio=r:, for: the aim er. Eartweli Farm, 5£}I acres, realized £6690. The Rectory Farm. firiaisey Hampton, 332 acres. rgalized £-1.293., , The total 1-exiizec1,,:;ns}r:ding gems anallér properties, was £48,249. The firm has also sold farms at Tayntan and-elsewhere for £}.5.S§’?G. . . _ FARMS EN TEE WE.-XLD OF “ ’EI1er’s a Franklin in the ¥Til:¥ of Kent hath ‘»bmug}:zt 306 marks of grsid witil 1u‘m,”‘sa:es one in K1'm.g« Henry 137., anti thmzgl: the farms in thegweahi are smalier than inotizer p'az-ts oi the -eannty, the rich aiiuxiai hands, nowbetter culti- vated than they usedto be, aflord 8 good liviag, and are in keen request. Smaii holdings of frem eight ta: 8%? acres, with farms tip to 309 acres and thereaimtfis, are; ecnfing under the hammer of Meats. Winch and Sons during the next [raw weeks, a mast attractive list being puhiisheci by that firm in The Times yesterday. Fruit and mixed farms between Tunbridge Wefls and Eiaidstane await afiers, on Jtme 12 aad 17, through Messrs. Lambert and Symes (Paétiock Wood}. Sewers} Surrey farms were among the items in Messrs. Harrie Stacey ané Son’s an- nouncements in the same imae, along with 2. number of residences in the R-eigate THE EAST “ BGURNES.” Anyone wishing for a pleasant st‘-a¥k, and to see t_;h1-ea or four of_ the nicest East Kent pm» pertzes at present 121 the market, for safe er _ }etting, conlé not do better than fciloxv the pretty rivtéet or “bourna ” fear miles from Canterbury. bcginnifzg at Bishopsbourne, wiacre Honkezj, author oi Ecciesiastieal Polity,” was . ,%%cun1hez1t, to « Patrixb-name, passing :13 large estate nmked for its sporting and Inpw ta be let, on to Littlehourne, where is srmated the beautiful Lee Priory, which BIc.~32=rs.. Haznptan and Sons and Messrs. Worsfbid and Hayward are shunt to self. Arrived there, he can_ go thrgugh Trenley Park estate, of 660 acres. winci: will be sold, at Canterbury on June 28. by Messrs. Worsfold and, Hayward and 311-. Chas. {.F.‘E1ga.r, _cm to the 568 o. 60% aura,‘ 9:22:-A ;§1ng_p%§§s of..tE1e_ QGKEEX Park estate, vrizii-3} . essrs. are. ta er for Major; Pow:-H Catsan, at Canterbury on June 14. Hears. Cobb point out in their annauxiéement in The Témes that the iagtmanzed estate is near “ the mystery 90:: of RJVi:/L ‘ « ' - F’ (DT) 04 December 1978 (Page 16 col c) C 5 ‘¢»l¢~xTéamM H\}m::,“*‘*"’P A _\ 1 N ilxo./*4‘-’\ 1908 Jan-Dec V°i~/«wwm4y ’1‘”L~\ Fu ~'«>~“°l1¢,‘5 €511‘ Conyngham, late Lady—art collection: sale announced (special article, "The Marchioness Conyngham collection") an FLooc¢ 13 April 1908 (Page 3 col f) C°“‘e’“ Conyngham, late Lady—silver plate collection sold 05 May 1908 (Page 10 col f) °""“""" ’\:\~ . T‘\_-NJ Conyngham, late Lady—art collection sold 06 May 1908 (Page 12 C01 b) ‘:°““"“ ,1, Conyngham, late Lady—art collection sold 07 May 1908 (Page 11 C01 a) £°"“"“ 6' ‘km Conyngham, late Lady—art collection sold 11 May 1908 (Page 14 col f) C°”‘e"" :1 “W” 1920 Apr-Jun Conyngham, late Lord—Estates: law case 5'-:3, :1M~(,.,1,,4 25 June 1920 (Page 5 col c) ‘:°”"”‘ ‘V 1938 Jan-Mar Conyngham, late Lord—si1ver plate: sale announced 21 January 1938 (Page 15 cold) °’“‘“‘ Conyngham, late Lord—sold 11 February 1938 (Page 9 col d) ‘”:""“”"“ 1913 Jan-Dec g _ Corfield, Mr. Richard Conyngham—killed in action in Somaliland 13 August 1913 (Page 6 col (1) ‘:‘’’’‘’'°‘‘‘”‘‘ Corfield, Mr. Richard Conyngham—-responsibility for reverse at Dul Madoba: official dispatches quoted (blue-book) 01 October 1913 (Page 5 col e) £°“‘°"“‘ Corfield, Mr. Richard Conyngham—will 27 December 1913 (Page 9 col e) ‘:°”“““ Ne” H56‘ entries starting at i5] Send your suggestions, comments or queries to our Webmaster. Copyright © 2000 Bell & Howell Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved. http2// search 5/4/00 Article 16 Page 1 of 3 The Times, Mar 22, 1921; pg. 18; Issue 42675; col D The Estate Market. A City Ground-Rent., 45,000 Acres Offered Category: Property Full Text: Copyright 1921, The Timec . Article 16 A Uuvawawqzfuzc. vex; wt: uuauuuuawa an: . - 6 I tobbehiet md stlilzy pgrt of Lands?! or the - . su_ u: s, an e o ers:are usua 37 com» A. T. 1 Pkcatgd by eaI_zciitioz::s,. as in an advertise— . . f men% In ‘these colunms on Thursday, that ’ - _ . _ _ g A figs Wm1¥d«be tenent “ must buy part fur- f 454300 ACRES OFFERED; “%i*:::..:‘m fi2°;:::;:::; ‘ To-day at Winchester House the invest ' thus demanded are more than the Iease- : meets *0 be sold by Mews Debenham» 1 hold interest itself would have fetched a * Tevvson, and Chifizficgzks (Cheapside and . few years ago. /V fzggficlifi-C9. §§;i:I7_;1§g3:f$)£§g33:d8_ 3 01f)’ _ Lgfiscbmbe, an Elizabethan mansion near - cured on §xr1(:Jdem‘PF§mises knowiegg ‘ti: 1 chlgmfon ‘Buzzard’ with léfihfienmry Shtxttteworthfilnb, Fye Foot-lane Queen ‘ ;t3§§1 and yuktfif 200 gems’ is-for sale’ Victorianstreet, and "a freehoid of nearly 1394 ;f:§;&&19t§7 B —1-flvett {arm}? from ' oh . Th ~ ‘L ' ‘ > §i‘§Z“§n°’7.?eL“o: 1°§3“o::. mififiioiiiésii "M2: Wed"-““‘?Fm* M33 3°’ 3* Swansea» 48ft. 6in., and. the lease has 53 feam to 0 tart 1?} - N and Rnfley ofier run’, the rental being estimated at £350 goo acres .°'m;’§‘§'§; Ef‘:‘f Ca-‘¢‘°fi Estate’ 3. year. The executors of the late ‘Mr. A b ‘t 492} gs-age rm mu Howard Moriey are the vendors. Over 5 mam acres of the Fmrhght estate’ 2,00%: of frontage to Staticn-road and 3? 1’ 433 aG,f§3°‘3 ‘he G*"s’”’“° °3*“*° other roads in ‘Chasm make the aeven . 159.753,: WI-3'1 °,Z?e:,Th1u9rSdéy’ March 31’ acres suitable for immediate deveiopment, Shaft . b - ’ e”8{d'Sf'reet* may the three rats; comprise the o1d-— -98 mmmnue’ mm P°“35*S1°'L The fashianed Cheat: House and grozinds 10 : fgetggf 9‘ the 13858 °f -Iioisfid-street cottages. and two detached houses {5ak— 1 0 °’ .°°S5. *0? ‘ha Westminster City field and Messrs. hforgan 5 cm?’ which was t° have been beg‘; the Baines and Clark (Sutton), are ' 53$‘-§1,35'r’*3s Men pestponedrto APH123. faint! ’ with Messrs. Debenham, Tewson $31 byf5’°°° ‘W93 are at present for and ghimmks in the sale. ’ r 1 9 {.11 "W6 Knfisht» Fran‘: and Rut-— Four Town ' houses with ' vacant ’ 83; 4 G068 estates mange Eggtweu Park Pfifiessitm are to be ofiereci in the City ' 313533’ acres’-f°rL°rd’ Gerard? cmimo on Aprii 27, by Mesmi. Robinson, ‘ y,’:¢,m,§§’°sf ,‘.°””’§, 333°“ fishing. near Ewiiiiams, and Burnands (mountnstreet). . Grant . ’ 0;) min ‘ B ‘ B‘, M°'°Phe’5°n The hotzsw are in Belgrave-square, Cado- estate ’(}\'.f f 5 4 irafiey S HEMPOP gfiaxvsquam, Enx2i‘sIzz1c>1'tf3-£‘8l’*:1»<3,¢s ta be let, iumished, for the summer. , ' ~ -413 York, early next month, Messrs. Iggflls and Webb {Leeds} wiil offer the Okery gstate, Bxsigopdnle, near Ayrs- 33T*h_ Stfifmll. 3- Sportmg, resic¥entia.1., and fumiiig 1?1‘0Pe}'ty of 4,100 acres. There are _5§‘°°§mS “Ems over a. large area. in a'3<‘13f10n.'and trout and grayling fishing. 31%.” £0‘ ¢°tm‘~’1'3! houses, ~ciase to Dcrkm ‘and Leatilerllead, are plentifui °‘1 3319 ‘I131: Ashurst estate of 1,130 acres. Whifith Messrs. Wad-xix: and Watkin (R8-$818} are to sell loeaiiy on May 19. 0935655 and I>0l1ltry.farrns and 85 acres Gf latch and beech, eiose to Heacfiey For £§,S:‘i{3 2: freehold‘ of 208 acres near I Heath. are to be fmznrf arnnna the Ents. http :// 3 Y ‘-More renently, when Easter mancauvms 4Downs King John assembled 60,069 men. Page 1 of 4 if the ‘estate 1s not said as a. whole. Lord Hot§1field’s forthcnming sage Of 1,330 acres of the Rainham estate. In 57 lots, at Rochester, on June 14, by Messrs. Knight, Frank and Rszttkey (Hanover- square), embraces farms, hriekfieids, and other’ property on both sides of the main‘ rcsad from Chntham to Sittinghmzme. Cherries, piums, pears, and? apples all dc mi: in this part cf Kent, and in the neigixbauring vifiage of Teynham Richard Harrys, fruiterer to Kenn? V11, arevived cherry-growing in Engisnd. The cherry trees intmduceti-by the Normans had up: thriven, but Ba:-rys planted 205 acres Ln Teynham, and imparted the secret‘. of their suceesafai culture to the people oi ‘Kent. That land is said to be now knawn a's “ New Gardens.” sti}i noted for cherry orchards. In a..gooc¥ year chem-zes and hard fruit in the Eainham and Teynham area yield from £20 to £30 an Details oi the results in . certain parishes were given in the Kent-:3-.3}; Estate: Journal, er loves! register ‘of Messrs. ‘ iinight, Frank and Rutiey, ferlaprii last. The ireeixoid cf 3 xveiti-managed cherry orchard often resiizes over £200 an acre. Outlying portions of Loni Conyngha1n’s Bi£mns es_ta.te, neazj Canterbury, about 2.!$E}0 acres. to be sold there on May 26., by Messrs. Knight, Frank, and Rutkey, in ii‘? Eats, He in two main groups. one near the D<3vcr—‘£.ondon road and the other be- tween Stourmouth, apparently so-eailed becaasc it is mikes from the mouth of the Stem. and. Reculver. The fact that the land is in the centre «sf '3 pl-even ems}- bearing area has but 3 remote interest fcir purchases‘-3. as the minerals below 4£)€}ft. are reserved by the vendors. Roman I)att§es were waged on the Kingston portion of Biirons. At Baa.-ham to meet the threatened invasion by King Philip of France ; Simon de Montfort massed troops there ; _ Cavaliers gathered there ; find it was a camp of the soldiers wing abrcad to fight undaer ‘Weiiington. werc_«.the__ru_le, it was ti1e.regu§ar practice -{ctr the Volun’ceers- to have. what was calkrd a‘ “sham fig?! ” 0“ 319 d°“’fi5 :dm-wing the march’ from Canterbury te- Dover. me detached hits of land tow_srds' R-ecutver are appraached hr? 33178 Bridge. on. the Canterbury-R-amssmte road. ta, whigia, Bax-ham fiiludes in "‘ _1ngoidsby' Legen_d_s..” ,. , , But the main point. about the.;;>ropert%es -its-day is not histories} or literary, it is; K the good hops and mm, ant} the sheep and 1 cattle that can be raised there. the sport-3; ing" and the woods, «and. ii! P314291, fhei fruit-grewing capabilities ei thc_.various'I11/O3 lots. Article 21 Page 1 01‘ 3 The Times, May 19, 1921; pg. 8; Issue 42724; col D The Estate Market. Wolsey's First Church., Welsh Castles. Category: Property Full Text: Copyright 1921, The Times The {Estate Market. WOLSEY’S FIRST CHURCH. WELSH CASTLES. »se:?, to be 12% furnished. with shooting over’ _ Cm-ding! _W§33sey, when 3 yo man, lzveci at Lxmzngton House, 3. Somerset property_ iliustrateci in The Tfaanas of Tues- d3F. #125 firs!:._prg:.ier‘mem: was to the £115 cumbency of Ltmmgton, presented to him; 537‘ 318 Efiiarquess of Dorset. Limingtcmx House, for say: by Dzfczssrs. Rawlence and. Square)? (Sahsbury and Westminster} as; She:-huamea next mcrxth. cm behalf of Major F. B. Wxngffteld Digby, has Gzefififfl in_ winch are vaaltuzg and stone pillars, whiah ? W916 P=§“~‘8*1*1?81_?13” part. of the crypt of monastic hngidrnzs. There are 13 acres of land, and, Ii3ie’K1tt Hill House, an aid-; fashioned resxdenee. near Si1erborn-ei 33359?» file pmirvertsr is in 9. gaod hunting? zcentre. Limingtaz} House has a. miniature? park, along ene side af which winds the iiivezf Yep. Anqther house with manastic remazas Ls Mottzsfunt Abbey, near Rom- 1,5BQ acres, and neariy txva miieg of fish- mg 19 t!1e_Te-st. Mcttisfoxzt Abbey was; Eiescixgiged In The Times as March 29 F: I U _ Weish and barrier casties. both in the North §.n& the South, are being divested of then‘ contents. flex: Manday, at Chester, Gwydzrr Game 2:13: be submitted by Messrs. Vifard, Prize, and Co. (Sm;-. homggh}, sad pr: Tuesday, Wednesday, £00.), and, an Thu 32,344 acres o£ The’ ‘the same day, as Han and Thursday the 15th century and other furniture will he sold at the Castle. The contents. of Liangibby Castie, MEon., ml! be said on June 6 and during the fa}- Zowing fortnight, by Bfessrs. Biscoe and Stanton (New-square and Harrow), by order of the trustees of the late Dr. F. -Rutherfoard Hm-ris. Some of the principal items in the catalogue were 'e'.';umera1:-ext? in an announcement in The Times yester- day 533. 13). The china is aoteworthy, ix» aiming sets of ck! Swansea. There is another Welsh sale of a castle. in name only, Bough:-nod, Radnar, In the Wye Val- Xcy. to be heki by Eaiessrs. George '1'mi}c’pe and Sons {ficIount~st.met}.in Lamina next. Wednesday. Twe miles of saimon fishing var-iii pass with the 79 acres. To-day The Lodge. Elm-mw-on-the-Hill, and ether preperties w}?! be cffercti by Messrs. W31-izzg and Giilnw, Limited (Ox- f0r<§—5t!'eet}. Esicxt Tfuesday, at Haywa.-tds Heath, Messrs. Iinifit, Fran}: and Rmficy afier Kxmdred Acres Farm, Wiveisfield z‘ 311 can- junctiun with ?oi£-ssrs. Bannismr and Canterhtzry, _V Estate. and, square, Canons. iicigware. for Sir Arthur Du Cros, Bannei Head, Kendal. anti Westwood Cofiege, Raznsgata. S‘w5-uzeombe, Oxfordshirzv, 2.780 acres, wiil be oflercd, at Henley-on» Thaznes, on May 27, Illxzstrateé partzcu‘ Iars at the outlying portions of the Paws- hzy estate. whicah xvii! be sfiered, at Daventry, by Messrs. Knight, Frank and Rufiey. on June 10 ; and of Heésar, . B<:£1_rne_>_E:}d. are ready.;w7/m.r:= 10/0’) /0? 240 MISCELLANEA. to bee payd at or before y° feast of y“ anuntiation of ower Lady next cominge ; for y‘’ trew payment whcrof I do, by-these pre- sents, bynd mee, myn heyrs, executors, and assingnes. In wit- ness wherof, I have sett to my hand, the third days of Decem- ber, in y“ xxviijm yere of y“ reynge of our Sovereyne Lady Ely- sabeth, by y“ grace of God, etc., a“ 1585. by mee, ANT. WINarELLD1«:. III. BIONDI T0 Sm Room TWYSDEN. “ ILLUSTRISSIMO SIGNORE, “ Non he risposto alle cortesi Lettere di V. S. scrittemi sotto Ii 9 di Marzo, né ringraciatola del favore de libri, perche des- signava farle alla ricevuta loro, ma. non essendomi stati resi ancora benche mi si dia. speranza. ch’ io sia. per averli dimani, non ho voluto iudugiar pill parendomi sacrilegio che le lettere di mia. Nipote capitino 5. Peckham senza le mie. Le bacio le mani dunque del favore fattomi, uno de frutti dell’ ingenita. sua cortesia meco. M’ Valcker mi promise la settimana passata di scrivere 5. Estwel perche gli si mandassen questi libri. Devro capitar questa. notté, ma non so quel che ne sari}. Qui siamo allegri tutti nella sun. elezione al Parlament, con tanta. ripu- tazione ed onore. L’ aspettareme 5. servirla. di presenza senza. aver obbligo In‘: it V. S. ne 5. Madama. Tuysden, ma alla. sola. provinzia di Kent, che contra lor voglia li manda é. Londre. Vengano presto, mentre con ogni affetto mia. moglie ed io baciamo ad amendue le mani. Di Londre, Ii 29 Marzo, 1641. Di V. S. I1l““‘ “ Umilissimo servidore, “ G10. FRANC. BIONDI. SupcrscrrIptio'n——“To my much respected friend, Sir Roger Twysden, Knight Baronet, Peckham.” . ;“*'*'°~9~c'=‘;)_;*~C2«r1v:.\.. y @512 flflviisitatiun fif dfinxnttg nf Efient, . TAKEN m" THE YEAR 1619 ‘ BY JOHN PHILIPOTT, ROUGE DRAGON, Deputy and Assistant to William Camden, Clarencieua: King-of‘-Arms. [From a copy in the lmndwritin of Sir Edward Daring now preserved in the . Surrenden Lg»:-ary, with additions, etc.] VOL. I Z‘k\’ 170 W“) I t_.f;\f?l\;'.ERS {:3 CA MBREDGE Database Name: Cambridge University Library & Dependent Libraries Search Request: Keyword Relevance Search = visitation + county + kent Search Results: Displaying 1 of 10000 entries 0 The visitation of the County of Kent / taken in the year 1619 Relevance Main Author: Title: Other Entries: Pubfished: Description: Notes: Subject(s): Format: Location: Classmark: Number of Items: Status: by John... I I I I I PhiliDOt. John, 1589?-1645. The visitation of the County of Kent/ taken in the year 1619 by John Philipott, Rouge dragon, deputy and assistant to William Camden, Clarencieux King-of-Arms. Archeoloqia cantiana. [London : Printed by John Edward Taylor, 1863- 1876] 136 p. : illus., geneal. tables. ; (5 hand-written notes in pocket) Repr. from Archaeologia Cantiana. Visitations, Heraldic--England--Kent. Kent (England)--Genealogy. Book UL: Order in Rare Books Room (Not borrowable) Ba.20.38 No information available i’-l".B.‘E 1rmIv1wr1::n::st arr E33? ij, 1%6.E’9;, $333.”-flrfi am, an paxaguisar fie gm-rd‘ % = €3am;%a-——t}rz. at mmfl wrzg’ 43 jukmm», afizgns-awards, $3,!’ iflfljffifa Jéhmm Kummé. Ekfihflfmfi v£—‘n;::‘va~ iffl-Efidgf§:*%’E:J£annu E333 Jafifiia &rs&a1iwien%1:e. a 3 r ' 1 1 Afimaum miéfia xsxzw Ii33g1‘§£?x4§TJua§1-iE 2; Tfiémma Eargmma Bamaaa Zfiimififiii ‘Li7€::iE»" Tm» Eksauntrif 'i’”hanJc-gig minia» Efagmr. may. G;iI;‘nE‘1ia.1*i‘m5EE,. -*§1zriz’1.a.. %. ~ E ; 3nha’m1%,l%‘1.‘ap:r3m3:?Jr$r3:i ESE: sat; a. i'{::s"b3‘fimy Ima. E 31.1%» is; \ fie‘ “ , auaEEEfim1::1s] aux:-gm mum §a::s;ir. ia pfilaagdta IF"aj£€§§:~« Cfmaflw da ,...WamL dzaxiie E,§k.:fl]_im ggamg IKr§1;‘%i&.,iE. Imldem. J?sn§1«‘§a Q2;-rigg. “fig;-.t3n. T‘ I 3 F Bi£rhev§‘ii’lt£.fi‘ Hat 1% flxzzjrz. Jana. .:5a,:ma;.. mug, "“ “ -* §Ei§3Zfi$ Vfirim J2fi:.a::Im,. .252 V.ISITA'1‘1.0N or THE COUNTY‘ or K1«:N'r.7 §1§ztrgra.h.c. BRIDGE ILEGlS’l‘Elt. Isacke Bargar was baptised the 1'3 dayo of June, tmno supra. Afterwards Deane of Canterbury/.] The words wit llll brackets are in more modern lmndwriting. PATRIXBOURNE IlEGIS'l.'ER.. Ano. 1604-. The fowerth (lay of October, were maryed Mr. John Boyes, Clark, and Mrs. Augell Burger, virgine. Anne. 1004-. The 27th day of (February, were mar- ryed‘Thomns Lukine and Katherine Bargar. I ' .Ann.l6‘.27. Thomas Rayment, Dr. in Divinity,and Mrs, Jone Bargrave, virgin, were married the ‘.26 of March, 1627. Johannes Bargrave 5 Alicia Kenna:-d; | of F orclwich, 1584.] Itobertus Bargrave = Joanna, filia J ohis (19 Bridge. Gilbert, de Sandwich. ' [Ob. Dec. 1598: will proved 1600. Hasted’ [Remarried John Lukyn, Anna, uxor Alicia, uxor Rob. N uylor. Rob‘ ’.[‘urney. 5 Collections,: Addit. Mss., Nol-5520.] Ingle, uxor ' '.l‘homas Johis Boys, Bargrave, Deeani Can- -Thcologia - tuariensis. ' V Ministerius. [Of Sturr , co. Kent. Rich’dus Johannes = Jana, filia Bargrave. Bargrave, et collcr. ‘ dcB’grave, Egidij in p’chia Crouchc, do do Pu.trix- London. borne, ar. l I I I Robertus, Johannes. Joanna, ‘wt. 19 an. - 1 Jana, Sara, et' . I -I‘ " Robtus lsacus fil. G, duxit Deeanus viduam Cantuariae, . . . Wood.‘ duxit Eliza, filiam J ohis . Daring. .___._.__;__. I Thomas, primogenitus filius Isaci Bargrave. Anna, ob. Virgo. between two laurel branches proper. . ’ The following arms were granted by Camden, i of Patricksborne, in Kent :—Or, on a pale gal melled gold, on a chief azure three bezants. Crest: on a mount ve I 5 Georgina, duxit Dor- cam, filiam Johis Mar- tine. I I Anna. YISITATION or THE COUNTY or KEN’J‘,~ 253 n r ‘iK1IumIIhn2.II.* Thomas Wombwell, 2: = Joanna, filia familia ejus nominis ' Will. Swann, do apnd Wombwell, in ’ North Flcetc. co. Ebornceneis, vcnit - apud Cantium. ‘. Johannes Wombwell, de = .~ . . filia Hugonis Wombwell Hall, in B1'eYll‘«. (10 Clmring. p’chia (le North Fleete. ' 211-. I | . . » [Johanna Wombwell, Thomas Wombwell, fil. = Ehzabetha, fiha Ashdon, 20 H. VII. Daring et heeres J ohis. de Chidingstone; MS] alibi Ashton. 1 Margareta, filia = Willms Wombwell, = 2 Elizabetha, filia Tho. J ohis Lovelace, de Wombwell. . Jaclwon, Lle Windsorc, (le Kingsdowne. uxor 2da. [p’ fil. Pikering : ' , Dering MS.] Tli0.Wombwell, = Margareta, filia et Ffrancisca, Baldwinus (luxit de Wombwell _ . cohaarcs Will’i Hatton, nupt. Rodolpho Benetam, fi1iam_ Hull, ei p’ma do Grraveaend, ex ' Saltun. [Vel ' Tho. Tendring, conjuge. [Ob. Joanna, filia et co- , Salters: ' do co. Essex. 10 Jnlij, 1619: _ lmredi Willimi Walworth. Dermg MS.] , Dering MS.] >_,; ' ' __,______, ,_,_a , . SampsonVVombwcll, = Katharina, filia Baldwinij Bromley I de Wombwell, ar. et unica hacr. Hie Baldwinns fuit filius Stephani Bromley, co. Cestrise. I . Thomas Wombwell, Benctta, Maria. fil. et l1mr., set. 8 ' ob. s. p. annorum. Note.——Arms: Quarterly of four; one, Wombwell; two, Hutton; three, Walworth ; four, Bromlev; quarterly per fess indented gules and or. Arms confirmed to William Wombwell, of Northflect, gent., by Robert Cooke, Clarenceux, 10th September, 1574». ' * See note, p. 30. Article 125 Page 1 of 4 The Times, Jun 21, 1919; pg. 4; Issue 42132; col D Probate, Divorce, And Admiralty Division. Lady Conyngham's Suit For Restitution., Conyngham v. Conyngham. Category: Law Full Text: Copyright 1919, The Times 1 PROBAITE. swam,’ AND mvlsxoar. U11‘ FOR 1ON. 9 COKYXGRAM v. GO1\"£’lQ'C~1E.A&I. (Before 1153. Scenes Gonnmas. Bessie Alice ifarchioness .; wb,os° ' Irfai-rlenvname was Tobin, was decree of . restflmtion at conjugal rights Fzederiek Wifiiam Burton, the Marques i Mr. La Baa sppeamd for the petitioner ; and 1!:-. E.-e Bret-on, EI.G., Mr. W. O. Willis; and Mr. Taibob = Ponaonhy for the respondenfi. The suit was nnflefxznxied. ’ The petitioner said that she was married to the! ¥~‘5PN-Kienfr. -who was then Lord Frederick Conyngham, f on Dfovamher 23, 1914. at Sf). George's, Hanover- 99;t3fi!‘e- They lived together at the Metxiea Hotel, Paris, and at other places. There was no issue. It Isnnary. 1923, the respondenfi left her, and he and she had not lived together since. She hat! receive.-ii a. letter from him slated. December 22, 1918, in which he said that he would not live with her again, and that he Was living with someone eise. The latter W83 3—- Du:.3emr.—I In-In zaueind your letter and telegram. which gfigbtgsnégpgggm ss » befiyou hm.-amen’: any hm bun mg punaibieformeevergulivetithyuuausln. I “await r=Ig:;1ou‘.Hf:irnz no:§1i'aon:.a.ndnoth1a€til2 mv:ddrw:snxouz$'§unkzi’£”$e§$e.—»i*'°?aé‘:?w‘?° ’w’ m E99 Jfimuary 4 lost she mate the following letter ’* Iieastzml v Wwmmnmmnmw mm at was each %:-c°§:g.;;°:.- ask ==::;-“%=““..;-«,.,~=.-.= ::;%:%%:s,.z~=;'Zm===°~”’*”:§ Isnail ' ' - . ~‘ Byrnomcsn ?— l?x:?:ot§x”uB:1nh in kw‘ lam“ Inxegly she had meivea a. zest-.e=_2ram the re- spondent tiaizefl ffanzzar-y 18, 1919, as follows :-—- Dear I¥ettf.—I mezivad mu: reti?-rated’ He§:°°§‘t§K n'senfl L353: been outomahhxonrhssiatnneoutux. thank:-on gs: finIIa1s!}1}gu¢‘iifenn'aca.ixces I am fig: in;paSib}a tan" a futm-e.-razxanr. ' mu 7‘ ° amflmt She then. flies}. tiliis petition. 3‘i_3. {Hence Consnxnan pronounced a decree of gestxtutixon of can.§_nga:! rights. with “cats. to be obeyed In 14: days after sex.-vxce 1n Eizglami. sazicstcrs.—2r .‘£\?':I1i:zmS .; Gflhompmm tux-gesaml Cg Messrs. O2/O3/03