RESULT OF CENSUS OF VEHICLES PASSING THROUGH BRIDGE The typical weekday, mid-day Thursday to mid-day Friday (24h to 25th August). Total number of vehicles of all types: 16,494 Total number of lorries of all types: 1,699 Total number of TIR and heavy goods 708 T.I,R. flow equals one every 50 seconds/24 hours of the day Average traffic flow equals one vehicle every 532 seconds/ 24 hours of the days Since the 'Bridge By-Pass Campaign' census of 1964 traffic flows have increased by 246% and heavy goods traffic by 344%° At the Public Meeting held at the County Hotel, the KCC stated that the road should carry a maximum of 9,000 p.c.u,s° (the counter strips placed over a road to indicate the number of axles). This period showed 20,502 p c.u.s. The most recent Ministry census figures available are those of 2 years ago when it is stated that the road was carrying 18,250 p.c.u s The new figures show a 25% increase in those 2 years. Mid day Friday 25th to Mid-day Saturday 26th° Total number of vehicles of all types 18,194 Equivalent number of p c u.s: 22,368 This shows a 38% increase on the Ministry figures of 2 years ago and an overloading of 248.5% on the K,C=C maximum of 9,000 p,c u,s The busiest period recorded was between the hours of 5.00 pm and 6,00 p.m on Sunday 27th when 1,739 vehicles passed through the village.