... .,, TRADES & shops (continued) Mr. Roger to build the wooden sheds for the garage in 1929. This would not have been allowed to-day. One of the two farm cottages in Union Road near the High Street was the home of Mr. F. Down who ran a cycle repair service from there. He later transferred to the High Street in 1922 and on his retirement it became a general store run by Mr. & Mrs. Lewis who had their shop demolished in 1972 by a T.l.R. lorry. when the shop was finally rebuilt after four years it opened up again in 1978 under the name of "Jutea" which sells all office equipment. Next door to Jutea there used to be a chemist shop. First, Mr. Baron then Mr. Stockwell and then Mr. Clarke. when he died the shop closed down and later opened up as a ladies’ hairdresser which it still is to—day. The millage was without a chemist for several years but fortunately Mrs. Goodman now runs a chemist shop from inside the Post Office. It was from this Post Office that Field Marshal Lord Kitchener sent his first despatches at the beginning of the First world war. Just around the corner from the Post Office, two of the roads, Oering Road and Dering Close were named after Colonel firing who raised the Duke of York's own regiment in 1794. Dering Road was known locally as Betsy Hill, which the older residents still use, thereMr. G. Prickett had an off-licence, a photo of which is shown opposite. Mr. Bridgland the builder lived there also and the large wooden hut wherein he made coffins, because he was the undertaker too, is still there, although rather dilapidated now. Next to the River Nailbourne is a delightful cottage called Ann's House. It was a tea shop during the war years 1914-1918 and for a short time afterwards it was a dairy. Then Mr. wood opened up as a fish shop. This was burnt down around 1929. It was such a bitterly cold day that icicles formed as soon as the hoses were turned on. After the shop was rebuilt, Mr. Price opened up as a teashop once more, and it was named Ann's Pantry. Mr. Price ran a family grocer shop where Gold's Delicatessen store is now and Ann's Pantry was bought by the Shotts and became a private residence. The pictures opposite show the burntout fish shop with the famous lime trees outside and the stream running by the side of the house. (continued)