“THE MOTEL” i Appiication reference". CAl8()I1283iPAT 1. Fast Food Sen/ice 2. Motei Restaurant-—Waiter sen/ice-—Four Star‘ * * * 3. 250 Twin-bedded Mote! i 4. Restaurants 5. Bars 1 .6. Car Parking ‘. 1. Exhibition Haii \ 8. Banqueting Haii 1 9. Conference Facmties i 10. AA and RAC Radio Rescue ‘ 11. Petroi and Diesei Service r i 12. Smaii Retaii Units»-Shops \ 13. Banking Facilities i 14. Tourist Office i 15. Teiephone . 16. Teiex 17. GPO Post Box | 18. Toiiets i 19. American Express 20. Coach Park 21. Coach Service into Canterbury .-...-1’ .¢4:-K46- ;§;.,,;§£’<-¢. . . ,.. This is th . pmposed byethgggvpgaciigies much mad t ff. rs. ow this will genc~:fr?ate€) do i/Ou reckon L ~7 ‘X