SOME VILLAGE NOTES XII Ihe Bridge Parish Register 15Z9 ~ 1760 There are over three thousand names recorded in the Bridge Church Register during this period and the deciphering depends very much on the calligraph of the particular Vicar the Elizabethans are the best, the Stuarts the worst, but each period gives some insight into how life was led at that time; the earliest record is to Anne Ryall buried 12th day of September Anno Supra 1579 and the last to the baptisement of the son of Mary and George Kendall (his reputed father) 20th April 1760, Some typical recordings during the Seventeenth Century are as follows:~ 1661 Christpher Carger an aged man buried 13th August, 1663 James Jorden the Clerk of Bridge buried 21st December. 1667 Macobus Kasey, later of Pembroke College Oxford Vicar of Patrixbourne with Bridge died aged 32 years 7 weeks and A days and is buried in ye north chancel of Bridge Chappel. 1668 Died: John Herring a poor householder of Bridge Hill House and Richard Adams a poore servant of John Fowler a Butcher at Bridge. 1669 Joan Briggs a servant maid brought from Canterbury died October 1st. 1672 Samuel Mazbrook, a stranger was buried in woolen (as the affidavit doth appoint) 1681 Sir Arnold Braenes born in Dover in 1602 was buried on 20th November near the tomb of his tWO deceased ladies, 1686 John Taylor of Tower Hill London was killed by a fall from a horse on Barham Downs on March 17th between 3 and u in ye afternoon and was buried behind the pulpit at Bridger During the 18th Century there were often military encampments at Barham Downs. For example in 17#8 there is recorded that John Levingston a private soldier in Major General Jeffereys regiment was accidentally killed by a bread and forage waggon belonging to the camp at Barham Downs going over his body whereby he was crushed to death -11..