31., STEPHEN HALES (Cont'd) III. To the modern generation he is almost forgotten but there is a fine shrub names after him called HALESIA. J. Williamson ********** THE_§AVE THE CQILDBBN FUNQ Much work is being put into arrangements for the S.C.F. Coffee Morning and Bring and Buy Sale to be held at The Barton, Patrigpgpgge on Tuesday, 7th §@eiem@@r@cl0-30 a,ail:ilileesa- MrS- Young. 28, Conyngham Lane, Bridge, would like to receive nearly- new children's clothing as soon as possible for her stall, which could be a help to all mothers. Can you help her, please? There will be other stalls which will welcome your 'brought' articles - Hand- work of all kinds, Cookery and Bakery, Garden Produce Fancy Goods, etc. And there will be other attractions for both children and their parents. Please help to support the S.C.F. in all the work they are doing in distressed areas of the world. Remember Bengal! E.G. ********** WOM§fiLS,INSTITUTE The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, 20th July l97l, at 7 p.m. in the Village Hall, Bridge. The speaker will be Mr. Sharp on "Bose Growing". Competition - A Specimen Bose. Mrs. F. wimpory, of "High Beech", Patrixbourne Road, Bridge is holding an afternoon Tea Party in her Garden on Thursday, lst July in aid of the Pakistan Refugees. This will be in the form of a "Bring and Buy" sale and open to the village. Do please accept this invitation. ********** (6)