LISTED BUILDINGS - ALTERATIONS, ADDITIONS AND NEW BUILDING WORKS l. In order to safeguard the character and appearance of buildings listed as being of architectural or historic interest the City Council will:- (i) refuse consent for the demolition of a listed building; unless it can be demonstrated that there is a special overriding justification for demolition; (ii) refuse consent for the alteration, internally or externally, of a listed building if the proposals are considered to be detrimental to the character of that ‘building; (m) in granting consent to alter, internally or externally, a listed building, to impose such conditions as may be necessary to protect the character of that building especially in so far as the retention or reinstatement of traditional features or materials are concerned; (iv) in granting planning pennission near to a listed building, impose such conditions as may be necessary to protect its setting; (v) require applications for planning permission to , change the use of a listed building to be accompanied by full details, of any alterations to the building, in order that the effect on the character of the building can be ascertained. Applicants may also be required, in appropriate cases, to demonstrate that the building cannot reasonably be retained in the use for which it was originally built; (vi) restrict the display of signs and advertisements on a listed building to a level which does not detract from the character of that building. Listed buildings are those which have been identified as being of Special Architectural or Historic Interest by the Secretary of State for the Environment and are protected by law. In considering proposals affecting listed buildings the City Council will seek to ensure such buildings are neither lost nor adversely affected by unsympathetic alterations, additions or new building works. If the City Council has reason to believe that a building may contain an historic structure or feature not readily visible, a building survey may be required prior to grant of listed building consent, planning permission or grant aid, or such a survey may be imposed as a condition on any such approval or offer. I