A celebratory Conference THE RECORDS OF THE NATION To mark the 150th Anniversary of the Public Record Office and the Centenary of the British Record Society Monday 8 - Wednesday 10 August 1988 INNER TEMPLE, LONDON EC4 RESERVATION FEE A reservation fee of £25 is payable by each delegate. The closing date is 1 May ‘988. This non-returnable sum will be deducted from the final payment due in JUIl€ 1988. PROVISIONAL PROGRAMME The total fee of £99 includes the cost of all lectures, coffee, lunch and tea on each day of the Conference, plus the Reception at the Public Record Office in Chancery Lane on 9 August, and an Evening’s Entertainment at the Inner Temple on the same day. VAT will be charged where appropriate. BOAT TRIP TO THE PUBLIC RECORD OFFICE AT KEW, 8 AUGUST _ The cost of this will be £7.50 per person and includes a Buffet Supper on the return journey. This sum will be payable with the final fees in June 1988. BANQUET, 10 AUGUST The Banquet will be held in the Parliament Chamber of the Inner Temple. Dress will be informal. The cost will be £29.50 per person and is payable with the final fees in June 1988. BOOKSTALLS There will be bookstalls during the Conference. BRITISH RAIL CONFERENCE SPECIAL DELEGATE FARES Special British Rail concessionary fares will be available for delegates staying Jvernight. Details of how to apply for these will be sent with the final payment form in May 1988. CAR PARKING There is no car parking available at the Inner Temple. ACCOMMODATION Delegates wishing to stay overnight in London should contact Derek Williams at Accommodation Services, London Tourist Board, 26 Grosvenor Gardens, London SWlW ODU as soon as possible. He can be reached by telephone: 01-730-3450. FINAL PROGRAMME AND FINAL PAYMENT FORM These will be sent out in May 1988, and payment will be due in June.