i I OUILINE PLANNING APPLICATION CA/94/0481/KIH Objections Kent Structure Plan Policy ENVl T e proposed development is contrary to Policy ENVl which states that the countryside will be protected for its own sake, and development will not be permitted unless there is an overriding need which outweighs the requirement to protect the countryside. In my/our opinion there is no clear justification to make an exception to this policy in this case. Policy ENV2 The proposed development is contrary to Policy ENV2 which would not normally allow development which would loose valuable landscape features and of an unspoilt quality free from urban intrusion and the need does not outweigh these countryside considerations. In my/our opinion there is no clear justification to make an exception to this policy in this case. Policy ENV3 The proposed development is contrary to policy ENV3 where the local planning authority will provide long term protection and priority to the conservation and enhancement of natural beauty including landscape over other planning considerations in the area of the North Downs. In my/our opinion there is no clear justification to make an exception to this policy in this case. Policy T6 The proposal conflicts with policy T6 where facilities and services at appropriate locations on primary routes will normally be permitted, provided that any conflict with environment policies is outweighed by a demonstrated need for the facility. Policy RS1 The proposed development conflicts with policy RS1 which states that all development in the open countryside should have particular regard to countryside conservation and preserve the character of the countryside. Policy s4 ' [he proposed development conflicts with policy S4 which states long term protection will be afforded to areas and sites of strategic importance for nature conservation and landscape. (For those not familiar with it, the Kent Structure Plan sets out Kent County Councils broad strategy for land use and new development. It lays down the policy framework for the district councils local plans and development control and indicates the scale and general location of future development, until the year 2001).