and enjoy the Kent countryside This new recreation walking route will give you the opportunity of enjoying a valley walk through the Kent Downs with striking V1€WS. The route is of interest for its natural history, archaeological, historical _ I t _ and architectural ii i i features. The walk CANTERBURY Pamxbou passes through a diverse landscape of downland, woodlands, orchards, parkland and farmland. Bishopsbourne The route is suitable for family groups and casual walkers as well as the seasoned rambler. In addition to the linear Walk are six circular walks of varying lengths. The whole Walk or sections of it can be undertaken using public transport, so avoiding the need to retrace your steps. The route is well signposted and Waymarked. Follow the Elham Valley Way signs. The full-colour guidebook contains: ' the whole route split into convenient sections ° Ordnance Survey maps for each .» .‘ Kingston ' background information on the Kent Downs, geology, natural history, Winterboumes, ancient Woodlands, orchards, archaeology, history and the Elham Valley Railway ' descriptive text about the area and features passed en route ' details of public transport, useful organisations and accommodation DC ' interestin laces to visit and count side o en s aces ‘ridge on OI‘ 11621‘ tl'lC I‘OL1'C€ ' other walking opportunities in the area The publication is priced at £2.45 (post free). All income received from sales goes directly back to help ,. improve opportunities for countryside access and Barham recreation in Kent. So why not enjoy a great time in the fresh air and go for a walk? If you would like a copy of ‘Elham Valley Way’, fill in the forrn and send it to the address below: Please send me copy/ copies of ‘Elham Valley Way’ at £2.45 each (post free) Elham Name ..................................................................................... .. Address 1 n ii» Lyminge ............................................................................................ .. section to a scale of 3 /2 to 1 mile ~ t ' alternative access points and opportunities for shorter circular Walks ' route information and Sandling advice on planning a walk HYTHE ° specially commissioned ~ watercolour illustrations and photographs Etchinghm ............................................................................................... .. Postcode .................................................. .. Peene I enclose a cheque/ postal order for N ewington , » ,4 payable to Kent County Council Signature ................................... .. Date ................. .. To: Access and Recreation Ofiicer, Kent County Council, Planning Department, Springfield, Maidstone, Kent ME14 2LX