Here vouchsafe to all thy servants What they ask of thee to gain, What they gain from thee for ever With the blessed to retain, And hereafter in thy glory Evermore with thee to reign. Laud and honour to the Father, Laud and honour to the Son, Laud and honour to the Spirit, Ever Three, and ever One, Consubstantial, co-eternal, While unending ages run. Tr. I. M. Neale 8 Compilers of hymns A £1 M or one of the alternatives to be found on p. 14 10 Prayers of Thanksgiving and Intercession Minister Let us pray. Heavenly Father, we give you thanks for the wonder of creation, for the gift of human life and for the blessing of human fellowship; for Christ, your living Word, through whom we are taught the perfect way of life and the royalty of service; and for your Spirit, who offers his gifts to us for the common good. All We thank you, Lord. Minister For the blessing of community in our Nation and Commonwealth, and for those who have used your gifts to strengthen and enrich its life. All We thank you, Lord. Minister Today especially we give you thanks for our Sovereign Lady, Queen Elizabeth, is and for her family; for her long and tireless service to our world—wide family of nations; for her profession of faith in you by word and deed; for her example of unselfish devotion and duty; 9