Stock Exchange Income up 11% to £20 million For every £1 of Stock Exchange income 58p came from Equikies R5 ,, (ordinan; incfustriat shares) 39p came from Giit-edged and other Fixed interest WWW securities 5p came from Convertibles 4:‘ ,, Le. Fixed interest stocks convertible into equities A““"'~ 7p came from Overseas shares (mainiy USA equities) Property Income up 19% to £22 miilion For every £1 of Property income Mortgages & Loans interest unchanged at £15 mimon. Short-term Loans Interest on money temporarily invested up 50% to £2% miliion. M 49p came from Offices 16p came from Housing 14p came from Farms 11 p came from Warehouses and Factories 8p came from Shops 2p came from 1 Minerals