Expenditure 1978-79 - Strpends for 11 700 clergy Nearly at! clergy new reeetve a monthly pay cheque from the Cemmtsssoners though fees and Easter effermgs are shit renewed cixrect But there IS a chase partnership between the Commusssoners, OHOGQSBS and mdwidual church members ever elergy pay For exampte of the £36 mnlhen paid out by the Commsstoners, whtie £26%m1I1:eh came from Income on the Comrmssloners’ own assets the remammg £9; mtflron mamky came from dioceses and panshes from lay gavmg As Central Stapends Authonty the Com mrssloners, after eiose consuttatnon vwth dtoceses recommended the followmg Stipend Ievels from tst Apr1i1*979 , ors and Vacars Nattcnal Minimum £3 300 (average £3,661) NEt‘llOfl8.i Scale E2 400 - £3 000 (average £2,877) But even with the reat mcreases that these tevels reeresent clergy stopends stnti need to catch up tost ground as the graph shows £4500 $14000 £3500 £3ClI0 £2500 £2000 fifi The effect of pnce mflataon on clergy SllP8l"ld5 1970-79 Dechne tn purchasmg power SIHCQ 1970 incumbents average stipend 1970 1978 1979 com