(‘A Eighteen Years’ Work During the eighteen years of Conservative Government, / the income of an average family in this country has risen by a hundred pounds per week over and above inflation because of the economic growth which stems from a healthy economy. Britain has pulled out of the recent recession with our economy growing and unemployment falling, in contrast to most of continental Europe where joblessness continues to rnount. The inflation which ravaged Britain in the 19605, '70s and early ’80s has been defeated. This Government has doubled the number of student places, so that one third"e of the rising generation has the chance to go to university, compared to only one in eight in 1979. The number of people treated by the NHS each day has risen by an extra 3,000 compared to three years ago. The number of hip operations performed each day has doubled since 1979. Since Michael Howard became Home Secretary, the Government has taken the kind of tough action on crime for which julian Brazier has been calling, for many years. This includes automatic life sentences for repeat rapists, heavier penalties for other crimes, the confiscation of burglars’ assets and a crackdown on squatting — at last crime is falling. Don’t let Labour ruin it. Last time we had a Labour Government they were elected on promises to improve public services. In fact public spending ran out of control, prices doubled in just five years, and Britain went bankrupt. Labour had to beg for a A loan from the IMP whose conditions included stopping hospital building, cutting nurses’ pay in real terms two years running and halving the capital spending programme on sewers. The result was the Winter of Discontent. (bald it happen again? first look at Lab/Lib Kent Count}; Cm/mcii; in just four years they Irene doubled the Cozmtg,/‘s borrowing, spent all the reserves, slashed services, increased overheads and are new saying they need :1 ten percent increase in fzmdiizgfrom Govermnezzt, compared to first year; just to maintain serelices.tOul* ccnmril tax bms are suffering as rt reszzlt g y e Please dispiay the from‘ cover of this ieaflet as a poster in your window. r