»% Spotlight on Lib/Lab at Kent County Council: The KCC now owes a massive £470 million. It costs more than £1 14,000 every day of the week just to pay the interest. KCC’s own accountants, Price Waterhouse Ltd, said: “KCC must cut its overheads in 1996.”. In 1996 a table from the Department of Education showed that KCC passes on less money to its schools than any other County Council - the rest goes on bureaucracy. Conservatives, or help deliver material, please send this slip to the address below or call 765332 l Canterbury Conservative Association, 9 Hawks Lane, Canterbury CT! ZNU Please send me Membership details E] I would like to help deliver literaturecl 3Name: . e 1 7 W, t ‘ Address? s-_ -__ at More 1 ii If you would like information on joining your local \ dge & District (‘jog dtor: Gillian Pembrook mun--. At the January meeting of the Policy Committee, Labour Councillors urged the City Council to move the Coach Park from Kingsmead out to the South Canterbury site near Bridge. Not only would this be an environmental disaster for residents at Bridge with about 18,000 coaches a year passing through, but it would also cost council tax payers in the District millions of pounds we can ill afford. Yllr David Pentin believes that the Coach Park should be more centrally based within walking distance of the centre, without a shuttle service being required. The green wedge between Canterbury and Bridge must be preserved. We don’t want the Coach Park where it blights peoples lives! Printed and published by Phil Chambers, 9 Hawks Lane, Canterbury CT1 2NU.