Bekesbourne Tithe Commutation 26 September 1840 Thomas James Tatham Area subject to tithes: 1,115 acres, 1 rood, 39 perches. 720 acres, 3 roods, 8 perches cultivated as arable land 89 acres, 0 roods, 8 perches cultivated as hoplands 226 acres, 3 roods, 25 perches cultivated as meadow or pasture 64 acres, 0 roods, 7 perches cultivated as woodland 14 acres, 2 roods, 31 perches cultivated as common or waste land Glebelands: 33 acres, 1 rood, 22 perches. The Archbishop of Canterbury is “Appropriator” of the great tithes arising from all the lands. George Gipps of Howletts holds a lease of the said tithes under the said Archbishop for 20 years renewable. The Vicar is entitled to all the small tithes. Award: The annual sum of 285 pounds, 3 shillings to be paid to George Gipps instead of all the great tithes arising from all of the land except the glebe and the annual sum of £1 19/ 8/0 also by way of ordinary rent charge to be paid to the Vicar for all the small tithes other than the tithes of hops arising from all lands (except the glebe). + 14/— per acre on hop lands: 9/- per acre to George Gipps 2/- per acre to the Vicar Stephen Elgar of Wingham Valuer Of the total of 484pounds, 2 shillings and 7 pence: To the Vicar do for glebe at 2/- per acre do for extraordinary charge on hops at 14/- To the Appropriator and his lessee for glebe at 9/- an acre ....... .. of great tithes of glebe lands .......... .. of small tithes |\) DJ \D I I O’\ I\) 00 I I O0 O0 3 285-0-0 14-2-3 184-17-4 299- 5-3 484- 2-7 Landowner Cowper Rt Hon G A do Conyngham, Marchioness of Occupier himself Thomas Cooper Garner, Mrs John Gardner, William Herself No on plan 110 Name and description Part of Fishpool Wood State of cultivation Wood Part of St Lawrence field ara & hops Ely Cottage Paternoster slip Wondon wood Paternoster hill wood Furze down cottage Duff pits Patrixbourne rough field Part of do, Hoad wood The Waste The rough downs Part of do. Road meadow The nine acres Hill Cottage The Hill farmhouse The great field Flowery Bowery field The chalk hole Part of great field The 7 acres Wappings Wappinge shaw Hop garden field The upper field The upper hop garden Wanstalls meadow Homestead home meadow garden Rabbit warren cottage & garden wood wood wood cottage & garden arable arable pasture wood pasture arable arable arable arable cottage house & premises arable arable wood hops arable arable wood hops arable hops pasture homestead and.. pasture garden Statute measure arp 11 2234 101 3 81 -8 l\) U'l—‘®(aOO\l\l-hOU'|-bOO(O 5/- 3/6 9/3/0 9/2/0 0/O/6 Payable Payable to to Vicar Appropriator 12/- 28/8/0 36/ 1 6/0 George Gipps Esq. Vallence Rev Wm. Garner Mrs John Himself Himself & others Gardner William & others Gardner Mrs Austen 103 108 109 19 1 21 1 22 56 57 57a 59 61 62 87a 88 1 19 48 49 50 47 51 54 55 58 83 86 82 80 89 114 115 116 117 Patrixb'ne Vicarage Gdn garden Lower warren meadow Warren meadow The enclosure Garrington plantation Chalk pit wood Part of Howletts Park Howletts garden cottage & garden The School house Garrington shaw Mudhill cottage do Mudhill cottage Mudhill cottage Mudhole part of Howletts Glebe (4.0.0) (14.3.29) Howletts farm bldgs Howletts hop garden part of Howletts park Howletts mead Hollybush Cottage Purchase Parsonage meadow Cobham court orchard Home meadow Cobham Court The Garden pasture arable plantation plantation pasture garden wood wood garden wood Cott & gdn Cott & gdn pasture arable pasture premises Hops & arable pasture pasture Cottage arable pasture orchard pasture garden OOOOOOUA-‘40>OJl\J 0/17/0 1/0 5/1/0 16/6/0 5/0 14/2/0 Geo Gipps & others Robert Gardner William Gardner The Hon & Rev Wm Eden George Austen Gausby John Gausby Miss Godden William Gardner Austen & William Kelson William Lawrence John Stephen Barton Himself himself & others James Godden himself Philpot & others Himself & another Himself & others 118 120 127 128 128a 138 140 141 149 142 143 41 99 100 101 78 79 96 97 1 06 1 02 1 04 105 107 The long meadow the great field The 4 acres Cobham Ct garden Plantation Adisham great field The 6 acre The 15 acres Part of Adisham downs Adisham Mill Mill field Gausby's hop garden The Homestead Orchard The Garden Godden's house home meadow Godden's house Cott in Bb Street Cott in Bb Street Cottage in Bb Street pasture 18 3 24 arable 36 0 1 1 arable 4 0 4 hops 9 1 29 plantation 1 32 arable 33 1 4 arable 6 2 1 arable 15 0 8 arable 20 1 38 171 0 10 Mill 2 14 arable 3 1 7 3 3 21 hops 4 2 32 house & premises 1 14 orchard & pasture 1 2 0 garden 1 38 7 O 4 house & garden 1 31 pasture 1 0 28 1 2 16 O 0 30 1 12 11 house & garden 2 3 16 13 35 3 27 19/O/0 4/0 1/10/0 10/0 2/0 3/0 1/0 10/0 49/10/0 10/0 2/ 1 4/0 Oxenden Sir Henry Sladden Thomas Harvey Capt John & Henry themselves Johnstone Capt J B Peckham Richard, Esq himself Gardner Robert Gardner William Gardner Mrs Austin 146 147 148 150 151 152 153 154 155 157 156 20 21 23 27 32 33 34 37 89a 60 68 64 1 1 1 123 126 129 132 133 1 34 135 137 139 Mill field Part of Adisham downs The 30 acres Great field The 11 acres The ‘upper field aAdisham field Part of Woodlands do Part of Hoden Park Part of lleden farm Paternoster bottom Paternoster Hill cottage Gravel Pit wood The great field The upper field Hill Farm close The 14 acres The long field The shaw Hoad field Homestead Down arable arable down arable arable wood wood arable arable & hops Cottage & garden wood arable arable arable arable arable wood arable Pt of Parsonage meadow pasture The hop garden Beaksb road field Beaksb Hill cottage Cobham Ct pasture The 6 acres The Chalk Pit farm Chalkpit field The upper field Corner field The 16 acres Shepherds Close field The 11 acres Dog Kennel field hops arable & hops cott & garden pasture homestead arable arable arable arable arable arable down 14 0 4 2 0 2 30 0 20 66 1 26 11 1 23 14 1 12 12 3 7 151 2 14 11 2 36 7 0 22 18 3 18 1 34 7 0 13 9 0 36 1 25 11 2 31 23 1 15 12 2 15 5 0 7 14 0 28 16 0 37 1 3 20 8 1 30 103 0 4 3 4 7 3 35 12 0 21 2 19 18 1 18 6 0 11 1 0 39 17 2 23 15 2 39 21 2 29 16 0 20 14 0 10 11 1 19 24 3 21 10/13/0 3/ 1 0/0 1/0 11/0 31/4/0 1/15/0 Cheshyre Mrs Catherine Halford Richard & Farley John executors of Mrs Slains Sondes Rt Hon Lord White Mrs Ann 124 125 Gardner Robert 90 91 Humphreys John 22 Godden 12 Collard Henry 9 10 Sayer Mrs Harriet 24 24a 24b 25 52 52 Gardner William 42 43 44 45 69 70 71 75 76 Herself 63 65 66 The play ground Chalkpit house The Palace The Palace mead The Hode Saint Pauls field Homepiss Homepiss shaw The great field House pasture Conduit madow Conduit wood The hop garden field The hop garden The nine acres The shawe Shawe meadow Bbourne Hill shawe The 4 acres The hop garden The upper hop garden The orchard The homestead B'bourne Hill house The garden Oast field pasture school & garden House & premises pasture House & garden ara & pasture hops wood arable pasture pasture wood arable hops arable wood pasture wood arable hops hops orchard house & garden House & premises garden arable 100 20 185 3 27 1223 16/3/0 4/ 2/0 15/0 2/6 1/6 3/ 8/0 6/ 0/0 10/0 48/ 1 5/0 13/0 13/0 21/0/0 1 5/4/0 2/2/0 Eden Hn & Rev Wm Allen Rev 87 Vicarage 2 29 Vicarial glebe 1 13 Churchyard 3 0 1 1 29 Archbishop George Gipps Esq. 98 Garden in B'b Street 2 10 Rectorial glebe 28 Glebe field 1 0 13 45a Bb Hill shawe wood 1 0 0 55a Pt of Hovvletts park pasture 4 0 0 73a piece in 73 arable 3 0 32 77 The orchard orchard & pasture 1 0 21 81 Parsonage House & premises 1 2 26 112 Church field arable 4 0 12 130 The 14 acres 14 2 24 131 The chalk hole wood 17 31 1 35 3/2/8 14/2/02 3 Roads 1 3 1 23 Water 1 3 8 1114 2 37