open Day Haiseo I-unos; or Hospital F Saturday was open day at The close. Bridge» When friends. helpers and many others gathered round to help swell the funds of the Bridge group of the League of Friends of Canterbury Hospitals—and find some bargains. The fete was opened by the vice-patron of The Close, Councillor Dr. Robert Mclntosh, chairman of Bridge-B18311 Rural District Council. _ He reminded the VlSi'iOI‘S_ that last year the Bridge Friends raised £220. They wanted more money this year. he said. and also they wanted to increase their membership from 371 to over -100. "Break into next week's housekeeping." he exhorted his audience. He was welcomed by the chairman of the branch. the Rev. Colin Perry, Who D315 tri- bute to the work of the mem- bers of the branch. Mrs. F. E. il!E.ilii§*Il’' :1 Bowling for prizes is not the exclusive preserve of the young people. Apps. branch secretary, thanked Dr. McIntosh for performing the opening ceremony. The display of items bought for The Close by the League was a new idea designed to show visitors just how much work the League does. During the afternoon there was el display of dancing by children from Bridge Primary School and the band of the Queen's A.\'.R. under Band— master E. Clarke also performed. Films were shown during the afternoon using the projector partly paid for by the League. Stallholders: Cakes and pro- riends duce, The Close staff; Hand- made gifts, Mrs. W. Clarke and Mrs. Webb; Fancy goods, Nursel Bryant and helpers; Sweets. Mrs. Apps, Miss Wraight and Mrs. Cherry; Kitchen items. Mrs. Jones and Mrs. Lawrence:' Jackpot. Mr. and Mrs. Mi1ton:' Jumble, Miss Williams and helpers; Bowling. Mr. Morgan and Mr. Pomroy; Treasure hunt. Mr. Smith: Soft drinks. Mrs. Morgan and Mrs. Beaumont: League of; Friends display. Mr. Pratt;. Darts, Christian Urwin: “Guess the weight" cake, Mrs. Wim- pery: “Name the Dolly." Mrs. Ladd; “Guess the number of sweets" jar, The Close staff: raffle. Mr. 1Pratt, Mr. Pomroy and Mr. Turpin; Teas, Mrs. Pratt and helpers. The open day raised £200 for the Bridge group's fund. Here one of the older visitors to The Close, Bridge. tries her hand with a ball. >»~<' ti‘; Bowling for prizes is not the exclusive preserve of the young people. Here one of the older visitors to The close, Bridge, tries her hand with a ball. ntosh at the Open Day at The close. was this group of Brownies from the Amongst the many people listening to Dr. Mcl village, who also had a stall.