Above’: Youngsters help old folk at The Close, Bridge, by spending their pocket money at the darts stall at Saturday’s fete. Right: Bridge-Blean Council chair- man, Cllr. Dr. R. A. C. McIntosh, tries his luck at bowling. Bridge fet recruiting To help hos, RECRUITING campaign launched by the Bridge Gr« bury Hospitals at a fete and opci Saturday. The afternoon raised Opening ‘the fete, the chair- man of Bridge—Blean Rural Council, Cllr. Dr. R. A. C. Mc- Intosh. who is also -a vice-pab Iron of The Close, said that the Bridge Group of the Friends collected £220 last year and that ‘money was spent on providing comforts, not onlv at The Close ‘but also at -the Kent and Can- »t‘er‘oury H 0 s p it-a l, Highland Court, and they made a dona- ition .to the new Post-graduate Medical Centre in Canitenbury. “The Group.” he con-‘tixnued, “considers that it now needs to collect somewhere near £300 and would ‘like to see its rpresent membership of 371 rrai-sea ‘to 400. I lmow there have been a ‘lot of new houses :built in Binidge and I am quite sure there ‘are enough people to swell «the -membership 1L0 this ta‘:-get.” The chairman of :the Group, -the Rev. C. Perry, had earlier introduced Cllr. Dr. Mcln-tosh and thanked all those who worked for the Grou.p, especially those who helped organise \the fete. The secretary, Mrs. F. Apps, xpropo-sed a. vote of nthanksi to Cllr. Dr. McIn-tosh. ' Apart f=rom the sideehows and competitions, ‘there was -a minia- ture cinema, Pupils from B-ridge Pr.i-mary School gave a dancing display and Ithe band of (the 5th (Volunteer) Ba't.t‘a‘l.ri*on The Queen's Regimen-t -played dur- ing the «afternoon. Stallholdersz Soft drninks, Mrs. I. Morgan and Mrs. G. Beau- !'J:r*><',-»-qr--n-.a>-«ra-.~» ;...t_«,n..v.~..,.~._.l .._