of the jG1_1id_e- ‘the "Blind Assoc:-' §nt;to Devil's Coop - affe..': j " 1 ‘.ta:ffordshire ‘ bull cs, ma W: A_ an ope 3&9 Atheg -pedigree uiiied the Guide — my for the best in is owned by Mr 5 ‘ED. Arendell— "1 Ghilverton Elm H°11.sham~\. ‘s §hovT ,\ \ St 2 C.riC”.' , nd loth ox ‘ - ~ . In 1ide«do,_., ' the ry branch of, the - Association of Lhepherd’Dogs. . ganisers hope to .. 2 y \ 3‘-dn1,0rethan£20O’ * ’ “' ' * -~ ' 30ciati0l’l- "Baron de Montesquieu (second right) pictured at Bridge after visiting his ~ ' ' ancestors grave on Tuesday with (left to right) villager Mr Alamlaackson, _ Colin Perry, Mrs Perry, Viscountess Molickton of Brenchley, Baronne de Wk ‘ Montesquieu and MrJolm Williamson. ' ’ ’ I V ‘F , ‘ . V _ V 9 ' E‘ °?o32g5§%%*ég':: Baron s we open classes . . h1stor1c -69: ~ obedience ' iudrey Castle‘ the {obedience O 0 mile ‘the others {ed by Mr Joe _ t " in . rnational Recalling links with the jsudge_ who Est ‘on Tuesday was eifirst-show an ran de Monies uieu. who 5:}: travelled from French ufi to -*"‘,xn [home to visit an ancestor’s *— fig,‘ F....,._~ ;‘ ‘grave a.tBridge. ’ s The baron, who lives at I Chateau Labreade, near ‘ Bordeaux, is a direct" descendant of Charles Louis Secondat, Baron de Montesquieu, a French 1 nobleman who settled in Bridge and died there in‘ ‘ y The_.visit,was organised i.\ y by M1LJohn V_V,i_lliamson. of -V Beechmount, ‘Conyngham X lane; Bridge. the village's , E, kg‘ unofficial historian and ' "=;._who*has maintained links MB ,_ with the family. _ 2 _ ; ' After visiting the ve, .Ba'ron and Baronega de it they .§m,~§ner~ ‘Montejsquieu. called at =’mé>ets fiery. Br1dge—~Hi]l House, the 7»_1~5:pmA-§‘t,;the~"m1-iginal family home. and ige:-I. Lefgn-1:; en ha‘.gi1nu_r1ch with Igrfand \ r __ iamson eoe $_mea'§R°€d' re. 'gtoFr_a.nce. _ r A 'J5he —n_obleman; who was in 1749. came 1790, driven » his home lliiy the ‘" " rench Am the Resu§gaapa.i.nei A . (was A appomteda .lie’utena.nt= « — butheretui-nedto ‘ rldg flae;-grand:-* Bmgs .3,» V y