rW DDlNG.—St. Peter’s Church ‘as the scene of the wedding of 1;‘. :John A_. Stevens_ eldest son ‘of ‘ late Mr. J. Stevens and of »l\'Ii, Stevens, of 6 Bourne View,g and of Miss Dorothy E. Vaughan,‘ youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Vaughan, of 7 Mill Terrace The Rector (Rev. W. H. Gregory) officiated at "the choral "Service, with Mrs. M. Lemar rendering Melody in F (Ruben- stein) and Mendelssohns Wed- zqimg, March. The hymns were .‘: Lead us, Heavenly Father " and .‘.' Love Divine.” Given away by her, father, Miss Vaughan was a charmin bride in a gown of cream 'gured .satin, her em- broidered lace veil being held in place by. an orange blossom headdress. She carried a bouquet (of tulips and lilies. The matron of honour. Mrs. Norman Carbury (sister). and the bridesmaid, Miss Mary~ Stevens (’groom’s sister). wore frocks of rose pink crepe,‘ with rose headdresses, and carried anemones. Mr. C. Stevens (brother) was best man. Following a reception at S1atter’s Restaurant, Canterbury, the‘ couple left for a honeymoon in Monmouthshire, the bride travel- ling in a Harris tweed suit with br‘ "n hat and accessories. Susan D e (godchild) presented the brtue with a silver horseshoe. -‘J,'h;,l5ridegroom served in the esex and Cheshire. Regi- s during the. war. ;-, >-