~ s . oi "HA~WKI:NSj. ~ j e "5f.“riiNi:RAi Ar BRIDGE. to . _..g. - .’_The funeral of, the late Mr. George Ar- cher Hawkins ‘took place at St. .Peter’s 'Church Bridge on Saturday.‘ The service, -vu?hi‘(:h was fully choral, was conducted bv the Rev. H. Knight, with Miss M, Nun}; ‘at the organ. The following were the chief mo‘urners»:——-The widow, son and daughter, ,Mr. “J. Hawkins, Mr. Ernest Hawkins, Mr. Hawlcins, Mr. F. Hawkins, Mr. E. Haw- kins, Mrs. E. Weeks (sister), Mr. ‘R-. Hall -.(b,roth.er-in-law>,. Mrs. Adamson .(sist'er-in- law). Mr. E. K1ngsnorth,(Ke_vst'reet), M)‘. ‘and Mrs.»-Smith \.Tunbridge Wells) and Mrs. .NeWington (,\'v?adlii_ii‘st). Other mourners and friends following were Mr. P. Honney, ‘~Mi'. E. Jefire)’, Mr. W. McDougalI, Mr. W. H. \\"a.§, Mr. ?V. Stockwell, Messrs, H_ G. Price, senior_ and junior, , Mr. HI. '1‘. Price V11‘. S. G1ll)€l‘t,_ .‘.-Ir. W. Teriyr, Mr. B._}. rds, Mr. P. Richards, Mr. F. Hog. ben, ‘sir. C. West. Captain Maslin, Mr. A. Castle, M1‘. _W._Decent, Mi‘. H. K. Blun. dell—,_'Mr. L. “illiamsand Mr. Eric Wilt- Ashiref Others present were Mr. Spencer Mount. Mr. W. Miller,-’ l\.'l1‘. J. Wilson‘, Mr. :C. Wills, Mr. E. Pope, Canon Ashton-4 _Gwatkin_. Mrs. H. Knight, 1\Irs.- E. Money, Mr. and Mrs. '1‘. W. Charlton. Hi‘. G. _Stone-,- Mr. F. Underwood (representing the ‘committee of :tlie Boys’ Club) and Mr. S. Wagliorn (representing the Red’. Lion Inn Sick Benefit. Club). As a. tokcn_..of respect all business premises in the village were closed during the funeral. . ‘ ‘ .’_Floral tribntes were i‘euei_ved- from the following:-—His sorrow_'ing- wife and child— ren; brothers’ and sisters; Grace, John, «Rene and Jacki Ernest, Rose’ and faniiljv: Ethel‘; all‘at Woodside: Mr. and Mrs. Hol- _man; Doris angl Frank: members of the Canterbur_V.Equ1table‘s; members of the Red Lion ’I11n'S!Ck Benefit Club; committee and members of the Briclge Boys’ Club; Bridge ‘I’-‘.-irls’ Friendly Societv; Colonel and the Hon. .Mi's. Milo G. Talbot; Canon anrl _\Ii‘s. Ashton-G1_va‘ckm; Mr5- Evelyn C. Money: Mi‘. and Mrs. P. D. .Ho1_1ne_Y.: Eric and Gladys; M1‘. C. ‘Wills and sisters; Captain and Mrs. Maslin and little Geor- gie; Mrs’. Bari-on and Irene‘: Muriel Hook- hain-: "‘. and Mrs. .E. T. Jefi‘i'e_V': Mr. and M1_ V-Vines; Mr. and Mrs. J, A, ’I'as’se'I'i*: ’L_VI'1SS Lilla Tassel}; Mr. and Mrs. H. '1‘. Price; Mrs. Stone. Jack and Philip: Mr. and Mrs. Siddersz‘ Mrs. Alexander and family; Mr. and Mrs. A. Castle'and ¢bn_vs:' Mr. and ;\;T1;s. W. D.'Tei‘i',v: Mrs. Bailey. Master Bailey and Mrs._ Allen: Mr. and ‘airs. Underwood g~nd_fanu1.v; Mr. and Mrs. I-Trigben and family-_: Mr. and~'Mrs. ‘B. W. F}rlw2_u'ds and faniily: Mr. and Mrs. C. West’; Mr. and ‘.‘.'Ir.=. P00l£‘.Y:‘ ‘Tr-: an(l~Mrs. Green: Mr. and .\Irs. P. Rir-lmrrls: \1_1—_ ~9i1'