:2/( s v: ---v v . ._,__ """W""""“”W"‘V"|~l V lbDVl\l\I\vldI‘lVU,Un‘~q - §I'IIIl\l&- "1?QOIBALL.—Bfidge =Boxs_‘ were: at -hAom,e}'io the’ Wesleyan, Sathoo-1' Bpys; on saturqay .m9_i-r_1— ing in ‘a Camerbury School’: ~Lea_.gue‘~ga.m§:, Va.>nd.x'\_‘on.-by two goals tx:-"nil. irbewgbcil _s'C(>i'éj"s" \'x-'ere J. Bishop and R; "I'ay3or. _, " ~-' FI~_RE.~fIhe-'-1<‘i.re ~B1*igade 1ms_‘ca.;:1_ed ~14) The Paddock. B‘is‘hop.<_bourr_1e, on Satumgy, and a.‘bed1joon1.was‘ fe-utm1.a.1ig1gt. . , "I»):,e,g-fix-’§>_ was confined to that room, and soon-’e3‘?.inguxish‘ed. by Chief‘ Omcex-'C'. WW5 and hjs“men.‘- The ' house,,wh.ich is tena'n.ted' by M1‘. De (ziaameroy. who is away from bhomepwa: in chz'nf'ge-_of3'a. caretaker, who ‘was some: bed>;.c_1oth'es am-ourd an oil sto_ve. _ The dra'iu_g?t}.t. from, a_n. open. windmv a.p-parenxtily '-blew .-1.11e'c.Iotlnés on 1o~ the stove." The house is:.11ie'.;prope'¢:ty of true Hon. /Mrs. M. /135311..’ - . , V g ._ j ' f1"HIE LATE MR. HERBERT BLU_N'1_‘.--At. Pat- 1tixb_om-ne me funeral todk 'p'1:$cef-on; saturddy of Herbert. Blunt, who w:1s‘for 34 vyiaars stewaurd of ‘the _B-ifr_:_)ns E_sta_l_e, owned_'by _th‘e Marquis of Co_nyng11am,«'a.n(l wl1og_di¢d—att‘er . a‘ tm;mzigmt"s~ >iI»I-x'1es\s.-,.f1'o1_n= pneumonia‘ ‘onpthe 1)i‘€Y'i(:)ll_S -v\§e(jnesd_ay.._ . The ‘ofi‘1.c’tatIn'g.;c)erg‘-y we_I~e: the Revs. H. Knigh.t‘(B"ri‘d‘ge"a.nd 'Patrix- 'b£_)1l1"D-8)," andy C: 1-‘. .Hodges.'. (ospringe) -.-'1'J_.1e cm was "aug-menxted mg Bridge-_-Ghdir, and Mr‘.-\ 3/. Mount,,tattthe ongaga, mayea_‘.‘o,:-Reign ’_in tx1_e.Lord',”' 'wh.iIe_' “O Gqd.1our’help_in_3ages the..-Resurrection,M01-n&xig,”\ and the 23pd._I>sa1m»'«svere,s;:mg..,. _:'Ihe" g;-ave. w’*lfi‘(';h is at the corner v 61" the ~Cony‘nghé.m —V.a'u1t..‘h‘ad been hined . with ..iy',y.‘,dafiod1ls:,~»‘v-io1et,s‘ ’a.n«.". 1-ilsies by the head §aI:dene1~.rof, Bit;-.036 .(l\ifr. Kett). The 1noufne1'»$‘\ "wed-e: .M‘rs. ..-mum (\v'ido\\')_ Misp Bl-imnt (si's1.e1:),, ‘Col6n’,el’~Blv'.mt (bromer), C0f10Ilel shéepshapks» (nephe__w’)', _M1-5. Sheepshanrks, ’M1-s. Fair (sister-in-law), ‘Colonel I-‘air, Colonel Gogarty (brotfiner-in-la,w),.1\dra. Ken}:-ick (cousin), Mrs. Sjh.i_ffn‘er and M-1'. Blem_:owe., Among those present. we:-e:~ CoI’on‘£.l 1._he' and M!‘_s.; Milo Tahhot, Mrs. Ftranuk .1’en.n."..Mrs_. 11..-Knqgm. Dz‘. Moot-eyhead, 1\I-rs’.'RonasId '1‘.'~w_1Ison, Messrs. J. B. Wusou,‘ WV. ;C‘<>I~1.hup,~‘ ‘R.’ Wye, ‘I3. B1_ak-evwaaqhexr, Ohartham J. W. Roblgxscin. W.i‘I_.gbam, T. s. CoIerh:i_n__ Ash, 1w. 1-‘: o;_~aw- ford, H. M-csunt. B‘yIr’orn-Kelcey. W. -]-1-2 _Co_|uft.. T. L. Qt-1«larcl,. R. .F1-ie‘nd, F; ,Spa.nton;"_ .. West, 1.he"Revs. S. C. Wired; and R. U. P-.)1t;:. 1ai_\_d. the f,0‘}oWir.~g rtena_n.t, faxmers-._Messrs. W. Mi.- Jér, S. W. Moun.t.vE. -W. Baker,(R». I‘-ockenjy. G. Settezl-field, C-. Stone, W. Terry, GuyA.Pet.1e;f. \V._Ho1ne&,'B. Ji>n_es, and C. Houands. The Fire Brigade, o;f_w11ioh;‘Ge-jeasé'd was at ,org_e time a S€G011d.’QlfiCeI‘, »was represented by Umet Omcer 0. Wills. Seconglsofiiter S. ‘GH- ben, and three fi=re_:rn'en, Cannon and P.C. "~v1nou1' were also presenm. ‘Floral ‘afi- buf.-_ eye sém, by ,the ‘\\‘id¢>,\*_»-§”_‘.\-Ilsa’ Burma;-s a.ni_1\r1. ~.\{..vB~urners: Bifron's- C_»arden:' Stan‘; Anna, Béaztlice and Emel; Edward -an:l‘G-race; Arthur: Te'nan.ts of the Bifmns Esta.t_e; -Mr..a.nd ' B-irclhett; Betti and,I,\‘ellie; fifenanatssoi M rs. B-lanche; M1 .39» A1111- Bridge; Averm, Dan-iels: _ mgzon; Mrs. J. Rona1d"a.nd Pam-‘xc.‘x‘a;'— Mrs. Ed\v'm.and Bry-ron—Ke|cey; Mrs. Cobb" .Msrs. >P0tts'. Mrs. H‘ H. Molmt; -—1\f.l‘.3C.§ Dim.-kin; Mvatron ‘and Nurse; Bridge Fire-.B«r'i‘gade;.‘Mr., Mrs.’ av.“-d Miss Wy‘e;' G; Setteffleld Mid !;«1i\1.i_.1y; Mr A. Marchant and fan1i«1y’;;)»I1:S;~Fra.n{§ Penn :>.nd- Nancy; Mrs. Evelyn M<':m‘ey;" . Apps-;. Mr; E. w. Baker:.Co|~o_ne1 t.he‘_}io'ii'. _a.i}_g:1 ms. Talbot; E. Cade'_and sans _(M:_u'-ga't_e).; w. H. Court. and the firn1;‘I-1ri1pI_;>_;:ees-Grit Bin-o'njs;_ Dowager Mam-hio-mess Conyng,-1h‘an1; 'E.u_'e_n_a'nd Betty; Mrs; Kexwick; Staff of me. Ospringe Par‘so.nage:1‘Elsie‘; Arthur H.‘.Fiel_d; '.\fr§.J and Mr. W.. Ohaprnani Major and !¢I»rs_.\G_bé_(lon- Home-, Mr., Mrs. and Miss Bensted; .\!.r..".a'nd Mxts. J. H. Johnson; M1'.’and_Mrs_. Cregd- Mr. A. H. w-n-mn.g, Mars." and H.'J. I-‘awcett. G91. apd 1\‘II\:. J. 0. Fair; V'ica‘.r of Osprmgg "Mr. and’M«rs. He.rdma»n-Porter and tam-ily; ‘Major E. Faunce de Laune; Mr. .\I.rs. L. H. F1'n.n-: Mr. and §£.rs_.*Ruc‘,k;~,~M’r. Jeflery Corbett; Mr.- and M115. L6\vto_n“ Capt. and Mrs. George Ware-.' -Mrs. and Miss '_ Wmnen of - 0s‘p-rin‘-ge: C. W’h>i-ting a1_1d_1S.~‘-A. Pepper: Bzekesbo-urn-e Foo1.ba.I«1,C1-u'1_i;. Betgf and Gerald: A1-Unux-~ F. Sa.m\'elI';' Mrs.,'AIgar Lenshars-. Miss Beatrice and Miss Grace"I.eus\- hats‘-.. Lieut.-Colonel and Mrs’. W. .k._Juppf- _ , -run AXXUA1’. PARIQH 1n.-1.