J 4 . BI(_3KER_~STETH, L: ' —\SINCE4 1924 =, JAEORMERA RESIDENTIARY j;0ANoN OF -CANTERBURY Samuel Bickersteth, librarian 01 ”cerb.ury’Cathedra] since 1924, a._' chap- agm to King Geor-,>;e V., and a formal; resi- ry. canon.of the Cathedral. dled at 1;91n_e._.1.21d., X; - ue_sday mox-n.1n , ‘ . ed 9_ D1}. Blckeystetlrhad spent‘ some '_1n‘fl1e"serv1ce_, of the Cl1’_urcl1 ‘on em ement _from h1s canonry m Janu- ' r ». '=z'ihi'1’= Mrs} .§iclé_erstet‘H' ‘ -I 5 II‘/HEDRAL L'IBRA_RI_A_N éfit the time ‘‘of their goldén weddihg ' ‘ _, ,-.. -. -— _ - — , \ ._::____:__.__,- .‘*' DI‘.. Bickerstetli was the second; sonof the. late-Dr. E. H. ,Bi_cker_s_teth, Bishop, of Exeter.” He was ordained in_ 1882. and be- c3.me_p1!iYate:cha_-plain to the then- Bishop He -was-= afterwards appointed Vicar tof ]_3elvede_re, Vicar of Lewisham for _14 years and. Vicar of Leeds, where he remains for 11 years.‘ In 1913 he was_ made an hoiioi-ary canon_ of Ripon and in 1916 a. Canon of Canterbury . Cathedral. He wasva Doctor of Divinity and Master of Arts of -St. John’s College,_0xford. 1 Dr.’ .'Bicl:ersteth’s first visit to Canter- bury was in_ 1885 when. as Vicar of Be1ve— _dere' (then in--the Diocese of Canterbury_) he _pr_eached in the Cathedral at the invi- tation of Dean Fai'rar./ He returned to the Cathedral in 1916 on his appointment by King George V. tothe canonry vacant by ‘the death of~Dr. Moore. His appoint- ment as " ciraplain to .-the ‘King ; was from the‘ same date. _He succeeded_ the_ late Dr. A. J. Mason Las Cathedral Librarian in 1924. He resign- ‘iis canonry by.le_ave of'the,.Arch~ blah {End at _an interview at the time of his resignation he said. he felt after threescore years and ten, :1. man, though fit for work on some days was not neces- sarily fit for it every day, as a salaried ofiicial of any institution ought to be, ROUND EMPIRE TWICE With Mrs. Bickersteth the Doctor travelled round the Empire twice .a_s well as .,.... I V’ l\_.._.. seas friendshi s were_ many and -were often renewed at t eir thirteenth-ee_ntury home “Meister Omer_s,” in the .Preclncts, where they hved; until recently; _’ -' Outstanding among the. circumstances of Dr. Bicl:ersteth’s appointments is the fact that three of them were made_ by the Crown through the then prime ministers. ‘ In*189_1_ Lord Salisbury nominated him to the Vicarage of_ Lew1§liam;'n_i 1905 Mr. ‘A. J.pBalfour nominated him Vicar of Leeds! in _success1on to D1'.'T._ W. Gibson and in 1916 Mr. _H_. H. Asquith nominated'hinf| to ‘the R-esidentiary Canonry of Canter- bury Cathedral in which he occupied. th_I eleventh stall. Nomination papers in Ahll ossession_ thus bore the signatures of %ueen ‘,Victo_ria, Klng Edward "VII. and King George.V. _ V In 1931 _Dr. and Mrs._ Bickersteth_ cele-2 braterl, their goldenwedding. Mrs. iB1ck_er- sjitvetl’ a daughter of the late Sir Moms: 1 . S. .» ~ ' Through his travels and wide learning Dr. ’Bickersteth was an interesting speaker on many topics, As‘ a preacher he:was' eloquent and evangelical and " hi! sermons, were greatly ‘enjoyed.- = He leaves five .~:-cns,.-one .of whom is Headmaster of Felsted. another is Wardezi of Hart House, University of Toronto,‘ and another iislecturer in English language :.and literature at Glasgow University. One son, Lieutenant (Acting Captain) S. M. Bicker~ steth of__ the West Yorlcsliii-e Regiment Rifles) was killed in action in ‘July, Martinfs Churgh, Canterbury," today at _2-15. anrl- there will be a Inemorialservioe in .the_ Cathedral on ‘Saturdays at 2 -11.31.‘ hm 1-I-I-1--nu.-u... ._. .' ’- ;____ ,________ _, of”.1tinon,..tlie_RightéRe.v‘.‘Bo:vrd>eai:pentez.—_-. ._ ., - in .theFar East and Egypt. Their over-- The-funeral takes place quietly" at St. '