— “ 3 >11. 5, -V--a-—-¢ \...v.__...,,._.__._ ,_‘, __ CHURCH ~ on TO" BE RESTORED £1300 APPEALED FOR There will s’hoi't'ly» he issueg an appeal for £1,800‘for the restoration of_ t. Mary’s Chui'ch,—Patrixbourne. This little Norman Church, built in‘the latter part of _the 12th century, has a wide reputation for its south door, one of the finest examples of Norman —dooi:ways..t.cLbe ' _ 1J.I1—tl'1.._.§»,£ld, for its east end both of which are in im- mediate danger of collapse. Their preserv- ation is of national as well as 1oca.'1_mterest. The Vicar, the Rev. Hubert Kmfiht, has consulted Mr. W. .A. Fors th. F._ .I.B.A., who reports that it is abso ute'ly necessary in order to preserve the church, to support and strengthen the south door, underpin the walls where necessary, creating a. dry area round the walls in order to safeguard the existence of the church in the future ‘and to repair stone work round the wi.ndows._ Already £300_has been raised and among other work which it is hoped to carry out is the removal of a number of ugly mural tablets, the reopening of a former window in the north aisle, and the installation‘ of an efficient heating system, * The Parochial hurch Council of the united parishes of ‘Bridge and_Patrixbourne are responsible for two ancient churches and, berng faced with the necessity of,find- ing so ‘large an amount, are making an appeal to the diocese and-to a, wide circle of those interested in the preservation of old churches. — ‘ ‘ _The appeal has the appltovalzof the Arch- bishop of Canterbury_ who Wr1tes—- “The parish have .done_ their utmost and I hope that many who care for the preservation of our_o1d_ amid beautiful churches will come to their aid. ” The a peal-is also supported cf-fby the~Kent~Archaeo ogica-1‘ Society. {L I . -- »'~I-4*-M-ea c-2.0 .-3-'u—.(<-rg mm‘: 1-v~>\-'rn' "D I m I *1 (D CD ‘ .4»....n_im .- - Jan _.... H...‘ w. ||:-1-aIIHmL_r.--H». I 3 Ii,‘ [h°:ITF§in~QaL:cof.s§§I£i?$KL9!!!1.e_ChJ-ll‘.$Es.