enjoyed Slmday ofiered circuit. g ode] Engineering attention was a B ’C1§(1)ncwell. ‘ ' iety secretary successful ’ L Ilgines tpull in crowds HUNDREDS of children - rides on model five and the young-at-heart — engines at Fordwich, on ey were organised by the Canterbury and District Society, whose 40 members, and guests from Ramsgate and Romney Marsh societies, miniature locomotives for rides on a 7 There was also a disp statitinary traction y modelling enthusiasts. - i one coal-fired railway engine that attracted much ' ritannia class loco, called Oliver lay of agricultural engines and engines, which were admired by Chris Davey, said: “It was a very day and everyone enjoyed themselves — Barrie Brasier with his vbuil-—‘t and North‘ Yorkshire vistors and society members. And except for an early . partly Jsliower, most of the aftemoon was fine.” Steam Cultivation Company traction engine