;. .:~— BRIDGE Thursday for many ridge during Church. Canterbury, wedding held a large The funeral at St. Maurilyzin. widow. Mr. and Mrs. L. and daughter-in-law). Cowell (daughters), Mr. wood‘ (son-1n—law and Jarrett, Mr. R. Jarrett. M Mr. G. Brasicr Prico. Mrs. (nieces). Wr devoted Wife; Les, Grace and Geoffrey; Mrs. Medhurst, and Harry; Mr. and Mrs. Dunk; Hawkins: Mrs, Mr, and Mrs. Wills; Mr. and Mrs". terbury; Mr. Halter. 4.- ‘mt? ' The Death ‘occurred at Vine Cottage on, of Mi‘. George Cowell (83),. who years was in business‘ at Bridge, as .a coal. merchant. Except for a short eriod, his wife and he have resided at the whole of their married v life. "They were married at All Saints‘ on November 20. 1882. and on the occasion of their golden family gathering. Mr. Cowell was a native of Bethersden. Peter's Church on Monday was conducted by ‘the Rev. H. The chief mourners were the G. Cowell (son Mrs. Jarrett. Miss and Mrs. S. Lock- daughter). Miss r. E. Cowell and (grandchildren), Mrs. L. Chambers and Mrs. Cowell eziths were sent by: and Teddy; Edie; Dorothy; Elsie and Sid; Reg.. Kath ’ Dolly, George; Raymond and Beryl; Eliza; Bess and All at Blean; E n; Hettio and Family; ‘Winnie: Fred; Emily and All; Blanche and Mrs. Sidders; Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Leycester BMoney; Mrs. A. Hawkins; Mrs. Maslin and Family; Mrs. Lockwood. Can- va*a*»‘a‘:s’*“- _ ' tuueral of .y Chapman ; W. Edwards; Mr, will His = -an-mnyhh C. 1. 1 '1’ ’a1§?:.§F. Hospital, If[u1ton,.. ' - .. "I, -yslziroviously *.3““""""““"' i §’s‘°~.‘§.f§?T. iisifdouvle 'vnenm5w- .‘ A. F‘ T113 D .. i 1 or oi‘ mftefnw ‘“'F.*°“°*‘*°‘.‘ tunera . 9. N yjoccurred at Pmmsys . l ’ A 29, took p1a¢e..-13-11 wifi:1‘i‘¥1§“:Z‘3‘i1u‘:'1;hJ:f5’::?;rV:%r'“dn°3¢“7 flftgrnoon’ id manx..iiiil5i1i35 "‘,'.‘§i°“5*°f s:arrs°V:'.o;£];§, “ceased. -='.Wi,lB 19 ‘Y 1' a 3 v 9,. . p .':_- A. A. ’Fu ??..”§.‘°§uI¥1?° x°733§‘§‘?»t£§dB1é’i:esb'1‘ : funornl‘1o‘ok ‘p3a((l'.e_r?n‘v1i3§’0l‘:\1;)f.t1i€;-late M] ‘I tam} ()ro(§11::)f%beSOl‘1 ’ot‘ ll former Rector < * annoy '-. _ _. ‘§a"l".l.‘ Kinestfn ‘;“““f§' nliiiigi E331 kI)?s:t:i< Inr~pec_'_o1- .0 l . f Mr and Mr C"“n°‘i" "ha marrmge 0‘ 1'8-78 and the Wmx1e.\' CW0“ "°°k place m s ago Mr came 1'0 Bridge abmw 30 your till 1111 . . daughter of 8 Croft W-"5' the “Ides? (1 ‘Farm Thel A Mr. -1- W004.» °f V‘ ‘T”?“"’13 Croft (wl: ylvmti‘ 'twigoiithlgificalf;.Y9°:c§"3°) and Mr ie 111. . “ ..l A.A\Ul 9. I. t Hawking now residing in India. T1 as or a ‘ , . . . Mary's. Kinfish” . - , . .. . .. , . . . _ . . ‘ 1 “ - 1!1l‘£‘l‘ll1(’llft00k-P1a'(P’9‘tgt i« V , duct; fro?" .§':J‘:1’?fi‘.‘ ‘;H:,:f'fweE§1§g°;gPa§.¥g‘;f;;) X-H‘ Aadlfigi uncle and aunt; Mrs. Ia, owell, aunt; near. Em-lmm. e‘:[_"t“i%:;i;°1‘:élg‘.»'£“s1,%k, chi. A f¢»,1-Vlltfrsfi Lelster §Iz:11ivki1}i‘s1 »w1{o resideqg. av? _ -rCgX§llm;:§pusAi.niflMI1;.e:: ItrséwX&e1§‘?£'ql§!$& Bltglvllre. -|“_;h_»8‘ w_ Wood (5§9t§E-_) in} Let us an: in ii 9.. '1, _in1(_ormeiit no .“. — ,. ' '. ‘ .~ -’ _‘ ‘ ' , 3, ‘ brother. 139 place at St M-Wss Ki-Isa on Jan the ash ‘ l3%'§én‘i§§in“hI-39f “i‘fes§£S“$ ]?§§§°nn1‘§§¥s 3?? M“ W°°d‘ LI“. Ahwgift (sisters-inlm" I§‘5m’:g" gmi “l'e{"’I‘;'l“ b"!“.‘3f “on uiftfd é “"55 kiiles 1‘. (Mir, ol1te1' aiid -.VV9 - 1§i1)ou.iza1I;. §3{°“1«“n:. is fig;-ieitrl) Other mourners «mov. . '1.’ 1e.one:mou’r'e~swW1‘i ‘ z , ~_.,__‘ J /' ‘.'~ vrs..‘1‘“ ' - "’ o w. -. f'fiM€‘w" v$°%" (“ism and Mr. lvoa-1; Mr. riilégbei-31°y’n° hi lgen1tI°si£B" 1%‘ :-1'e§l111f1' I Mr. sidney Iiulke» Mrs‘ H‘ L’ §?§n2;1B1'fi¢36- Q h‘-}.§.1l‘." fl b’;-id ~- Committee and~members‘.,l Miss Nunn; MW . Vi 'Brazie1-- Mr. m Fm’ncis- Mrs. .1l{frrir. ffolonel and Mm toys’ ‘only afi°’o1d i.'rienda white Ilowe 1 Miss W- N‘*‘’‘’‘‘‘ G°"”§f- H Maslin an N01311: M13 0- Wi B and Mrs. Havzen-. iss ' § -.. ’ all ‘ P101 -11 ‘ Mrs. Wye; M13 ‘”‘d ‘S’. " ‘ -M1 . . , . : _ - mu friends and fa ow mem13.9!’3 9' 1 v - 1Geo1ge Maslm, Nmm, Mrs. Cowell, Miss L. Phiipot. B. has and 1151-1-0.-,« Ilm-t; (,‘.1ab- ..Arth.ur and Mrs. * *..[1-,; Smith; Betty am 1 M G - . .Neove, Geor is Brazier, Mr. hurl Mrs. ," (;m"m-1,19. Tom'— and Gear’ Ovonden; ‘from 159ml. Mm. Gower; Mr. gnu. T‘? " 4 ye. r. and rs. . Muslin and Miss] 5 ,. f,-39m1:1.n_U_1;.:M1._ an Mm ,1.edBis1u,p;,.{.= A'nd'el.HoI’,, um Misses Sperhng; 1\({.asM._ S’é‘fi1at1]3‘nl3zT’a33.‘1r,(* %.ll1.§eu.11\i[